Inazuma Eleven Is My Life...

By firetornados

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Isabelle is just an Inazuma Eleven-obsessed geek until one day her life changes forever and now, not only is... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

851 28 24
By firetornados


"This is your room." I tell Isabelle as I open the door to room #19. 

"Thanks." She tells me. 

"It's our pleasure." I tell her. I smile really big at her. She sure is pretty, like really pretty.

Uh oh. I think I'm staring. 

"Hey, so do you play? Soccer, I mean." I ask her.

"No not really. I basically suck at every sport ever invented." She tells me with a crooked smile.

"Oh, come on! You watched soccer and now you're part of the Inazuma family. You've got to at least know how to dribble!"

A thoughtful look crosses her face as if she was remembering something that had happened earlier, then she flinches.

"Nope, no dribbling for me." She tells me. "I'll just land on my face. Again and again and again..." She adds sheepishly.

"Okay then, after dinner why don't you come train with me? I could teach you." I tell her. 

I hope she says yes SO bad.

Her expression brightens "Totally! I'd love to learn from the legendary Mark Evans!" 

I smile "Okay, let's do this!" I say and we high-five.

Then Silvia appears in the doorway.

"Hi guys, it's time for dinner." She tells us. We then head downstairs to the cafeteria.

Isabelle sits at the table with the other girls, who are faster to invite her than me or any of the others on the team.

I sit down at my usual table with Axel, Jude, Shawn, Xavier, Nathan, and Austin.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit down to eat.

Jude smirks. "Did you have a good time with Isabelle." He asks.

A sour look crosses everyone at the tables's face except for Austin and Jude.

Then I realize that I'm not the only one going after Isabelle. Most of the team is, too.

"Yeah, actually I did." I say. They glare at me. "Oh come on guys! I only showed her to her room, nothing else." I say. I conveniently leave out the part about us training later.

"Yeah guys, cut him some slack." Hurley says as he walks past. 

Austin looks around the table. "Axel, since when are you interested in girls, anyway?" Austin asks. I'm not sure if I heard Austin right, but I think that there's a tone of jealousy in his voice. 

"Wait, Axel. You can't like her!" Nathan tells him.

"Why not?"He asks.

"Because girls can't help but fall for you! Isn't it obvious?" Jude tells him.

"No, they don't." He answers calmly.

"Dude, this morning a girl followed us around town and then asked you to marry her. Just, sayin'." Shawn tells him.

"Then I guess Isabelle will just have to be mine." He tells us. 

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Xavier tells him. They look at each other long and hard and then Xavier stands up. 

"AXEL BLAZE!" We hear a girl's voice scream from the open skylight above our heads. 

"Uh oh... Not again!" I say. Then a girl in some ninja getup swooshes down from the skylight and lands on our table.

Everyone stares. 

"No, not another one!" Nathan sighs.

The girl rips off her ninja mask to reveal her fair skin and large brown eyes. She shakes her head to loosen up her long, lilac curls. She's cute in a creepy stalker way.

I don't know her and neither do any of the other people in this room, but she sure does look like she knows Axel.

"Axel! My name is Miriam Skye and I'm your #1 fan!" She exclaims.

Axel doesn't even looked surprised this time. He just waits for her to finish the sentence that every single girl like her asks him.

"Axel Blaze, I know that you don't know me, but you could get to know me! Maybe over an ice cream? You don't know this now, but I am the girl of your dreams! You feel it too, don't you? Our connection?" She tells him.

"I'm sorry, uh, Miriam... It's just that I don't feel this so called 'connection' and I don't think I ever will. I'm sorry, but it would be unfair of me to go out for ice cream with you and then never speak to you again. I mean, you are a beautiful girl, but you deserve someone else. Not me, sorry." He says. 

A tear rolls down her cheek. It's the same thing every time. 

"BUT AXEL, I LOVE YOU!" She says, while Jude, Nathan and I mouth it with her.

"No, you don't love me. You love who you think I am, who I am in the papers on the screens. That's not me. I'm sorry." He tells her. 

She bursts out crying as a cord lifts her back up onto the roof and through the skylight.

Axel sighs. 

"You don't give a shit, do you?" Xavier asks. He's never seen a girl do this to Axel. This was the first time.

As the word shit comes out of Xavier's mouth, Austin winces. He's not a big fan of swearing.

"Don't say that." Axel says. "It never would have worked out."

"Axel's right." Austin agrees and looks at Axel who gives him a nod of approval.

Then I hear her words. "And I thought that I was obsessed..." Isabelle says, under her breath.

I hope that I'm the only person who heard that. Is she in love with Axel too? It can't be. I guess I'll just have to change her mind.

"Hey, Mark, you look happy." Xavier states. 

"He's almost always in a good mood." Nathan answers for me. 

"That's what makes him such a good captain." Jude adds.

Axel, Austin, and Shawn nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Xavier agrees. 


Someone knocks on my door. It's probably Mark, time to go practice with him. I can't believe it. I get to meet my idols and now I have to embarrass myself in front of them. Just, great. But I can't pass up the opportunity to be trained by the Mark Evans! So I did say yes.

This whole embarrassing myself thing is the least of my problems though, I mean apparently Axel has girls proposing to him every five minutes and how am I supposed to get back to the real world? 

Even though I really wouldn't mind living here for the rest of my life. 

I walk to the door and open it. Silvia had lent me a tracksuit to practice in. Luckily, she had one that was a bit too long for her so it does fit me.

I zip up the the teal jacket and open the door.

It is Mark.

"Hey, Mark." I smile.

He smiles "Hey, Isabelle. Ready to practice?" I nod even though I wanna scream no.

We head down and he shows me a simple dribbling drill. I try it and miraculously I do it more than perfectly. So we move on to passing. That too I do better than Mark. Then he tries to steal the ball from me, but I'm too fast. He tries to block my shots, but fails.

"You don't suck at soccer! You're better than everyone on the team!" He tells me. 

"You're exaggerating." I tell him, but on the inside I am wondering how I suddenly got so good at soccer. 

"No, seriously!" He tells me. I blush.

"Okay, try and score on me again. Give me your best shot!" He tells me. 

I nod. Then something very unexpected happens. I run up to the ball and kick it into the air. The sky darkens and clouds form as if we are in the middle of a thunderstorm. Lightning carries the ball up and I jump up too, my feet are resting on lightning. Lightning and thunder crash and hit the ground and millions on soccer balls hit the ground with the lightning and then disappear into thin air. I jump up even higher, flip around and kick the ball.

Mark doesn't even have time to use any of his killer moves. The ball flies through the net leaving a hole smoking through the net. 

I drop to the ground, landing perfectly.

"What. Was. That?" I ask. I am shocked. How did I do that? I'm dreaming aren't I? This whole bracelet thing is probably a dream. If it is, I don't want to wake up.

"OH MY GOD! THAT WAS THE STRONGEST KILLER MOVE I HAVE EVER SEEN! I SWEAR, I MEAN IT!" Mark tells me. He looks super excited. "How did you do that?" He asks.

"I don't know! I didn't know that I had that in me. I didn't even know that I was good at soccer!" I tell him. "Up to this moment I have always sucked at soccer." I confess.

"Well, you don't suck anymore! You are so freaking strong! Literally, you are one of the best players I have ever seen play! And I have barely seen you play!" He tells me. 

Then we hear clapping. Willy, Coach Travis, and Coach Hillman appear from behind the bleachers. 

"I think I'll call that move the 'Inazuma Might'." Willy tells me. 

"Sounds good." I nod.

"I agree with Mark." Coach Travis tells me. "You are a very strong player from what I have seen in these past few minutes and that killer move... it is unlike any move I have ever seen and on a scale of one to ten its a twenty." He adds.

I blush. 

"He means it. Coach Travis wouldn't say that just to make you feel good. He doesn't do that kind of stuff." Coach Hillman tells me. Coach Travis nods.

"Would you be interested in joining the team! Like as a player?" Mark asks. He has a hopeful look in his eye.

"Mark, if she did join the team, I'd only allow her to play on one condition." Coach Hillman tells him.

"What condition?" Mark asks.

"She can only play if we really need her." Coach Travis says for Coach Hillman.

"Okay." Mark agrees. "So, would you consider joining?!" Mark asks.

I smile. This is basically my dream come true. This has to be a dream. I pinch myself. Nope, no dream.

"Yes! I would love to be on the team!" I tell Mark. 

"Oh, just another condition. The rest of the team can't know about this and her killer move until we actually send her out onto the field. If other teams found out about her power, she could be in danger. She might be the most powerful player ever." Coach Travis adds.

Mark and I nod.

"Yeah, she's better than Alius Academy." Willy remarks.

The coaches and Willy leave.

Then I hug Mark. "Thanks for letting me be on the team! This is literally my dream come true! I can't believe that 24 hours ago I was just some fan and now I am part of the team, like as a player and as the prophecy!" I tell him. 

He hugs me back. "Oh it's our pleasure." He tells me.

Then we let go and continue practicing.   

When I reach my room, Mark and I part ways. 

On my bed are two bundles of clothing. The first is a uniform. 

It says #19 on the back of the shirt with my last name in bold letters "Fulmen".

The other bundle is a pair of pajamas. I slip them on and move the uniform into my practically empty closet. 

I switch off the light and climb into bed. How do I get back to the real world? 

Okay, let's think. To get here I touched the bracelet and said "Inazuma Eleven forever" so maybe that's what I have to do to get back.

I slip my hand under the covers and grab the bracelet that rests on my other arm.

"Inazuma Eleven forever." I whisper.

There's a bright flash and then I find myself at my lunch table again. Surrounded by my real world friends.

>Real World<

"You're obsessed." My friend Veronica tells me, rolling her eyes. 

No time has passed. This is exactly the moment after I had said "Inazuma Eleven forever!"

"Oh, believe me, I know." I tell my friends, smiling. I'm going to keep this bracelet thing my own little secret. 

"Someone's happy." My friend Helena notices.

"Oh, it must be the bracelet. I bet it has magic powers." I tell them.

"In your dreams." My friend Katie tells me. I laugh. The bell rings. Lunch is over.

"Hey, Isabelle, wanna come play soccer with us?" A kid in my tennis class named Hugo asks.

It is really early, but I am already waiting for tennis to start. Normally I would say no, but I am SO bored so I don't care if I embarrass myself.

"Okay, sure." I say and walk over to all the other boys in my tennis class.

We get into position and start. 

I run to the ball and steal it. I dodge the other team and make it to the goal. I kick the ball up into the air and then I jump up too. I kick it and it flies into the goal with a swoosh. I land gracefully, even though I am the least graceful person I know.

"Wow." A kid named Sebastian tells me. "You are REALLY good." He continues.

"And you say you suck at soccer." Hugo tells me. 

"What is it that is making me so good at soccer? Could it be this bracelet?" I think to myself while trying to fall asleep.

I reach for the bracelet. It's just a bracelet, yet it's so much more. SO much more.

"Inazuma Eleven forever." I whisper.

Then time stops. Everything stops and drains of color, except for me. The world is black and white. The furniture and then my bedroom all together- disappear. It's just me on a white background. 

>Inazuma Eleven World<

Then I appear in my room in the Inazuma Japan Dorm.

Light comes through my window. I guess time does pass when I leave this world. I guess I can only leave at night then.

I look at the clock that rests on my bedside table. It's 8:01 a.m. 

I get up, put on my uniform, brush my hair and teeth and head downstairs for breakfast. 

As I walk down the hall, I notice that the door to Mark's room is open.

"Come on Mark, you can't sleep forever!" Jude exclaims.

"Yeah, Mark. Wake up." Axel adds.

I walk in. "What's going on here?" I ask. 

"Mark won't get up." Axel answers, turning to me and smiling. 

My heart melts. He is SO hot, but if I asked him out I would probably end up like that girl from dinner yesterday.

"Why don't you try tickling him?" I ask. 

Jude nods and tries. 

"MOM! Please! Five more minutes!" Mark exclaims, still not getting up.

"MOM?" Jude looks annoyed. "Oh, you asked for it!" He runs out of the room.

"What was that about?" I ask Axel. 

"Jude really hates being called mom." He answers, a smirk on his face. 

Then Jude walks in, a bucket full of ice water in his arms.

"Mark, I give you three seconds to wake up." Jude says, an evil smirk plastered on his face. 

"One... two... three!" Jude - with Axel's help - lifts the water bucket up and dumps it onto Mark's head. 

"Agh!" Mark's head comes up from under the covers. "What was that for!?" He asks his friends. Then he sees me and blushes real hard. 

"This happens every morning, don't worry." Axel winks at me. I blush and Axel smirks.

"Are you ready to get up captain?" Jude asks Mark.

"Yes, mom." Mark answers, smiling.

Jude glares at his and playfully shoves him out of bed. "I guess you're going to be late for breakfast." He tells Mark as he walks out of the room.

Axel and I help Mark up. "I'm gonna go change..." Mark tells us and heads to the bathroom.

Then I hear a buzz. Axel pulls his phone out of his uniform pocket.

He looks at the caller ID and then presses the "Deny Call" button. His expression hardens.

"Who was it?" I ask, even though I already know who it was.

"No one."

"Your father? Am I right?"

His eyes widen. "How do you-"

"You forgot that I know all about your personal lives. And I know that your father is trying to ship you off to Germany." I tell him matter-of-factly. I smirk. "Don't worry, I won't let it happen." I tell him.

He smiles and we head down to breakfast together.

It's my dream come true.


Jude sits down at the table.

"Where are the other two?" Nathan asks.

"I dunno. I left them alone with Isabelle. But Mark was soaking wet." Jude smiles evilly.

"So you've decided to back off?" Xavier asks.

"Yeah, she probably doesn't like me as much as she'll like you guys." Jude answers.

"Yeah, it's a lost cause with Xavier and Axel both going after her." Shawn agrees.

I blush. Axel can't like Isabelle. He just can't. He's never liked any girls so what's so different about Isabelle. Sure, she's pretty, but so are a ton of other girls. 

"Who says Axel likes Isabelle?" I ask, maybe a bit too jealously. I hope nobody's suspicious.

"He did. Yesterday. Or at least he hinted it." Nathan answers. 

"Why do you like her too?" Jude asks smirking.

"No!" I say defensively.

They raise their eyebrows. I roll my eyes.

I don't like Isabelle. Not one bit. She is taking MY Axel. If anything I dislike her.

Then Axel walks in. With Isabelle. And Mark. 

I want to glare at Isabelle, but I don't. 

"Hey, guys. Is it okay if Isabelle sits with us today?" Mark asks.

I can tell that there's some tension between Mark and Axel.

"Definitely!" Xavier says. "Here, you can sit next to me." He adds.

"Actually, she was going to sit next to me." Axel says. 

"Can I sit in the middle?" She asks. I swear I can see her blushing. Could she like Axel back? Or maybe Xavier? 

I want to scream "ISABELLE GET AWAY FROM MY AXEL!" But I don't. I can't stop Axel from liking Isabelle. But I can make Axel like me more. Besides, he could be using her to make me jealous, but I doubt it.

It's so hard to tell if Axel likes me. He keeps sending me mixed signals. 

"So who's your favorite?" Jude asks.

"Oh, um, like player of Inazuma Japan?" She asks as she takes the seat between Axel and Xavier.

"Yeah. You can tell us, we aren't competitive." Jude tells her. We usually aren't competitive, but since it's Isabelle telling us who her favorite is, everyone is going to care. Ugh. I almost hate her.

"Oh, well I love all of you, but my favorite has got to be Axel." She tells us. 

I look up from my breakfast and glare at her. She did NOT just say that. 

Axel's mouth curls up into a smile.

"But I also really like Austin and Xavier." She adds.

Wait, did she just say my  name? I can feel my eyes widen. Xavier smiles. 

She smiles at us. "I hope you guys don't hate me if I didn't say your name." She tells us.

"I could never hate you." Mark says and then covers his mouth. Maybe that comment made the captain's feelings for Isabelle a little too obvious.

I then realize that the whole table is nodding except for me.

Isabelle smiles.

I can't handle this.

"I'm sorry, but I think I'm finished." I tell the others. My tray is still full, but I stand up and walk to my room.

Isabelle can't just appear out of nowhere, have everyone on the team fall in love with her, go after my Axel, try to get on my good side, and basically become Ms. Popularity.

It doesn't work that way.


"Guys, did Austin seem a little moody to you, or is it just me?" Xavier asks.

"Yeah, he's usually super cheerful and this morning he was kinda gloomy." Mark agrees.

It's true. Ever since yesterday when Isabelle got here, Austin has seemed a little moody.

"Did I say something?" Isabelle asks.

"No, no. It's not you." Nathan assures her.

"I'm gonna go check on him." I tell the others and stand up. I am Austin's closest friend on the team, afterall.

I walk out of the cafeteria and head to Austin's room.

I knock on the door. He doesn't answer, so I open the door. 

Austin in no where to be seen.

I walk down the hall. Austin is definitely in a bad mood if he ran off to somewhere other than his room. I check the bathrooms. He's not there either.

I come to a closet at the end of the hall and open it. Inside, I find Austin sitting on the floor along with some cleaning supplies, he's staring at the ceiling. 

He looks at me. "Oh, it's you Axel." He says as he wipes his eyes and his nose. Has he been crying?

"Are you okay?" I ask him. 

"Yeah, don't worry about me." He tells me. His tone of voice then changes "Why don't you go back and have breakfast with Isabelle and talk to Isabelle and play soccer with Isabelle and just replace me with Isabelle?" he adds.

Now I see what's going on.

"Look, Austin... What happened the other day-"

"Look, Axel, I'm fine. Just, leave. I need some time alone." He tells me.

"Austin I'm sorry I lead you on, it's just-"

"Stop." He tells me. He stands up and leaves. "Please, just leave me alone."

Austin has never acted this way around me. Or anyone, for that matter.

I must have really hurt him...

That was chapter two! Did you enjoy? I hope so! I feel like Austin is SO adorable, but he's not some little kid. I'm trying to portray that in this (and the next) chapter and  a bit throughout the book! 

Who could have guessed that Isabelle is an AWESOME soccer player?! When she wears the bracelet, I mean... :/ ;)

Ooh! What do you think happened between Austin and Axel? And what do you think will happen between Austin and Isabelle? I mean Isabelle really likes him, but he kinda hates her. Do I sense a fight in one of the next chapters? I dunno? Tell me what you guys think!

Also, who do you think is the perfect guy for Isabelle?

I loveeeeeee all of my readers! You guys are the! Please keep reading! I love you alllllllllll to the alius academy galaxy and back!

Please like, share, add, follow, read etc. and never give up until the final whistle! <3

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