Can't Catch Me!

By CompulsiveWriter

767K 6.3K 1K

I ran. Where was Joel? Why wasn’t he here? I could hear someone behind me. He was getting closer. I had to r... More

Chapter 1 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 2 - Distractions
Chapter 3 - Lost
Chapter 5 - Guests of Lord Quinn
Chapter 6 - New Plan
Chapter 7 - Arrival
Chapter 8 - Plan A
Chapter 9 - The Taken
Chapter 10 - The Supply Closet
Chapter 11 - Birthday and Other Gifts
Chapter 12 - The Cavalry
Chapter 13 - YES!
Chapter 14 - Torture and Other Pastimes
Chapter 15 - Cry Wolf
Chapter 16 - Promises
Chapter 17 - Playtime's Over
Chapter 18 - Frost Bite or Monster Bite, Your Choice...
Chapter 19 - Essence Drunk
Chapter 20 - No Matter the Cost
Chapter 21 - He Will Come Back
Chapter 22 - 48 Hours
Chapter 23 - Nice Try
Chapter 24 - Phase Two
Chapter 25 - Resolutions, Revelations and Resignations
Chapter 26 - Boat in a Storm
Chapter 27 - Tug of War
Chapter 28 - Pawns
Chapter 29 - Deal
Chapter 30 - The Primary Dimensioneer
Chapter 31 - As Hard As Diamonds
Chapter 32 - Just a Quick Look
Chapter 33 - Plan is Still a Four Letter Word
Chapter 34 - Decision Made
Chapter 35 - A Veil of Black
Chapter 36 - The Key
Chapter 37 - Negotiation Table
Chapter 38 - Won't Catch Me!
Can't Catch Me! Epilogue (Bonus Chapter!)
Won't Catch Me! Teaser

Chapter 4 - The Quest

20.1K 173 32
By CompulsiveWriter

NZ Music - I Choose You - Stan Walker

Chapter 4 - The Quest

I was still shaking when we landed in the next dimension.  Luckily I was also still in Joel’s arms.  There was no way I could have pulled off a landing in the state I was.

Joel lowered me to the ground gently and then straightened up.  I gathered, from the depth of his frown, we still weren’t where he wanted us to be.

“You OK?”

I heard his words but I wasn’t sure I could confidently reply.  And the last thing I need was for him to see me in this state.  He was overprotective enough without seeing me a breakdown into a shaking and trembling mess.  No, that would only confirm his fears. 

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

“I’m fine,” I verbal said the words that I had been chanting in my head.

When no reply came, I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with concern. 

“I’m fine Joel, just a splattering of monster drool.” I cringed at the globules of sticky stuff all over my skin.  Whatever that monster was it had a huge gleek problem.   I physically wiped myself down only to find that I had just smeared the stuff around.   Great.  I am fine, I am fine, I am...

“Where are we?” I looked around at the landscape around us, farmlands.  The cows were chewing their cud and looking at me with big doughy brown eyes.  Well that was good.  I made a huge generalisation that I hoped was true, complacent cows equalled no monsters. 

I turned back to Joel realising that he hadn’t answered.  He was looking away his shoulders still taut. 

Ahhh, that’s right, we were still lost and Joel would be still blaming himself.  I signed and rubbed my face with the balls of my hands.  Joel had to get over these feeling of doubt.  I knew he was suffering from the revelations of D-zero but he was still in denial.  He needed to talk to me about what he was feeling.  But given he was male, I wasn’t going to hold my breath for that to happen. 

“Have you been to this dimension before?” I tried to change the subject.

“There are hundreds of dimensions Cissy.  I haven’t been to them all.  There are other dimensioneers you know.”

“Really?  Friends of yours?”

“I have never had much time for friends,” he looked uncomfortable.  

“Then I will count myself lucky then,” I smiled at him.  “Come on I need to wash.  I can smell myself which is never a good sign.”

“There is a line of trees over there. That implies a stream.”  He said dryly pointing.

“Will you scrub my back for me?” I smiled and ran my fingers up his back.

“Yeah, because that wouldn’t distract me, right?” He huffed as he turned and caught my hand. 

His face was frowning but I laughed at him, grabbing his other hand and pulling myself up close.

“But there’s this blob of monster spit right between my shoulder blades and I just can’t reach it,” I said in my most helpless voice, “Ohh what am I going to do?”

He rolled his eyes and groaned.

“Come on boyfriend, I promise I won’t distract you while you protect me from these ninja cows.”

“Ninja cows?  You need some sleep.”

I smiled suggestively, “I thought that was what we were talking about!”

He shook his head and snorted a little.  “Come on, before the kung-fu cows start attacking.”

We didn’t have to walk far.  I sat on the rocks and started to wash the saliva off my skin and clothes.  Thankfully the sun was high in the sky and there was a warm breeze.  As I spread my shirt over a flat warm rock to dry I looked up to find Joel’s eyes on me. 

“Strip,” I demanded as I put my hand out for his dirty clothes.

He pulled his shirt off but left his jeans on.  Seeing my raised brow he shrugged, “They are ruined anyway.”  He looked at the rips in the bottom of them and frowned.

We washed ourselves in silence.  Joel’s eyes turned to me watching me as I scrubbed my arms and cursed myself for not packing some soap.  Silently he moved over and gently began to rub my back. 

“I miss you,” I mumbled as I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch.

“What do you mean?” he asked quickly and stopped rubbing.

“I don’t know, you aren’t yourself lately, you seem so distant.   I miss you.”

“I know Cissy,” he said so quietly but with so much pain in his voice.  “I can’t Cissy... I just can’t.  Just let me get you to somewhere safe.”

“Joel, where are you taking me?  You obviously have somewhere where you thought we should be. Where are you taking me?”

“I need to leave you somewhere safe, somewhere where they can’t find you.”

“Leave me!  What exactly do you mean by ‘leave me’?”

“I have to do this alone Cissy.”

“No!  No Joel.  No you don’t.”

“Yes I do!  I can’t risk you again Cissy.  I won’t let them take you away from me too!”

“No Joel.  We are in this together.”

“No! Don’t you understand Cissy?  I almost lost you!  I can’t lose you!  Not you too.”

“No Joel, don’t do this, no,” I stood there with tears running down my face. 

Joel stood up and took a step away from me.

“Look Joel, I won’t let you do this.  We need to be together.”

“No,” he said firmly and turned from me.

I stood looking at his back with tears streaming down my face.  Who was this?  I understood his pain but I never expected him to shut me out.   I never expected him to leave me.  I though he knew me.  I thought he loved me.  Obviously I was wrong.

“Where are you planning on leaving me?” I asked numbly.

“D150 with Gavin.”

“Gavin?  You are going to leave me with Gavin?”

“He promised me he would look after you if...”

“You had this arranged?”

“It wasn’t like that.”

“Great.  Fine Joel.” I grabbed my damp shirt off the rock and yanked it on.

He didn’t answer me he just looked away. 

With damp, stained and ripped clothing, and wet hair I looked bedraggled as I stomped away leaving him behind me.

“Where are you going Cissy?”

“What do you care?”

“Of course I care.  That is why I am doing this!”

“No you are doing this because I am inconvenient.  You are doing this because I remind you of her.  Because she betrayed you.”  I stopped and looked at his face.  “Joel I didn’t mean that.”

 “Yes you did.  This has nothing to do with that.”

“Doesn’t it?  Are you sure Joel?”

He just turned away and pulled on his shirt and continued walking along the road.

“We are both hungry and tired.  We should find a town,” his voice drifted back to me as I tried to catch up with him.

He stopped suddenly on the crest of the hill and I almost ran into him.  He didn’t look at me but looked off in the distance.  I followed his gaze and found that he was looking at a small township that looked like a fortress. High timber walls surround the small collection of buildings and in the centre was a large ornate hall.  Many flags flew.  A troop of men on horses were thundering out of the central gate onto the road heading in our direction.

Joel swore. 

“I am assuming that this reality never got over the dark ages?”  I turned to him, “Do we run?”

“I think it is a little late for that,” he said as the riders started to reign in the horses as they approached. 

“Strangers to this land, what is your purpose here?” asked the man in the centre of the troop.  His armour had a crest painted on it and his clothes were of better quality than the other men.

“We are travellers,” Joel spoke confidently addressing only the one who asked.   “We are hungry and tired and only wish for your hospitality.”

The men in on the horses were all looking at me and muttering to each other while Joel spoke.   There was something in their eyes and their horses snorted and flinched nervously. 

I stepped in behind Joel cautiously. 

The leader’s eyes watched me carefully. “Is there something wrong with your companion?  Is it a woman or a man?”  He sneered as his eyes dropped to my jeans. 

I bit my tongue.  This arrogant man may have just insulted me but I caught the look Joel gave me.  I kept my mouth firmly shut.

“Please excuse our attire.  We have travellers from a far and we were robbed on the road.  The thieves took our possessions.  What we walk in is all we have.  My companion is a woman who has been forced to wear this or walk naked.”

The man on the horse laughed as did the others, “Then I excuse her appearance.  You walk on my lands, I am Lord Quinn and I would be honoured to have you join me as my guests.”  He smiled down at me, “It would be wise for the Lady to ride with me.  My subjects might not be as understanding as I am.”

He extended his hand down and offered it to me.  I didn’t look at Joel, I was still too angry with him,  I placed my hand his and was instantly hoisted upwards to sit side saddle in front of Lord Quinn.  I was surprised by his strength but before I could react we were cantering towards the township.

“Do not trouble yourself my staff will restore your honour.   What is your name?”

I looked into his face and for the first time noticed his appearance.  His eyes were emerald green and his hair was jet black.  It was long, thick and curly and dangled in his eyes in a way which made me itch to sweep it away.   His eyes came to mine and his smile made them sparkle.

“Francis, my Lord,” I managed to say and I even remembered to use the manners of the era.

“Well Francis, you have created quite a stir amongst my guard.   My men have never before seen such beauty so blatantly displayed.  It is lucky that fate had me on my horse today or they may have mistaken you for a lady of lesser virtue.”


He glanced down at my lap and his brow arched attractively, “The women of my realm do not display their wares so openly.” I noticed his hands tightening on the reigns.  “Having you dressed in this manner is difficult for the most noble of men.”

I looked up into his eyes and found them alive with desire and fixed on me.  I turned away from him as I blushed.  The horse didn’t slow down and we swept through the gates.  He wrapped an arm around me obscuring my waist and pulling me into his chest as the houses surrounded us.  I could feel his breath in my hair as he kicked the horse to go faster.

At the steps of the hall he pulled the horse to a sudden stop and swung himself to the ground with me in his arms.  I was too shocked to know what to do.  He carried me to the rooms at the rear while yelling instructions at those around us.   I had no idea what was going on or what I was expected to do.

An elderly lady appeared just as he gently lowered me to my feet.

“Ohh my!” she exclaimed.

“Mother, Lady Francis is in need of rescue.  She will be presented to me this eve.” Then he turned and left the room.

She looked me up and down and shook her head while mumbling, “This eve?  My son asks for a miracle.”  Then she started issuing orders.  The ladies in their long skirts ran around us and undressed me without any words.  Shocked I stood there naked and attempting to hide myself.

“What strange garments you wear,” she looked at my bra curiously as she fingered the elastic. 

“Please my lady, I must keep those.  They are part of the national ceremonial dress of my lands,” I improvised.  Hell, there was no way I was going to jump to the next dimension without a bra on!

She looked at me dubiously but gave me back my underwear. 

After that nothing more was said.  The three women ran around me.  I was scrubbed, scraped, poked, prodded, pulled, and pushed until they were finally satisfied by my appearance.  It reminded me of the treatment I received in D152 except instead of ending up looking like a skank I ended up looking like a lady.  My hair was curled and pinned into an elaborate design interwoven with flowers and ribbons.  The corset was laced very tight and gave me not only a tiny waist but made my bust look significant.  Then the dress was a dark green and made of heavy fabric with delicate embroidery and lace at the neckline and the wrists.  It was beautiful. 

His mother stood back and examined me.  A small smile formed on her lips.

“Well, Lady Francis that is an improvement.  It is time for you to be presented.”


“You must be formally presented to the Lord,” she looked at me curiously, “Is that not the practice in the Kingdom you are from?”

“I come from somewhere very, very far from here.  Our customs are very different.”

“So I see.  I will school you in our ways,” then she took my arm and as we walked she quickly gave me a lesson of what was expected from me as I was presented and for the rest of the evening.

We were at the main doors of the halls when she stopped.

“Stand tall and don’t speak unless spoken to,” she smiled at me then hurried away leaving me standing before the huge oak doors.

“Great, just great,” I muttered to myself as tried to remember all the instructions.

“Cissy? Is that you?”

I turned as he came out of the shadows

“Don’t laugh,” I seethed. 

“I am not laughing, you look beautiful,” Joel whispered.

“No, I look stupid,” I hissed through my clenched teeth, “And it is Lady Francis.”

This was a hell of a lot of trouble to go to for some food and a safe bed.

Before he could say anything else the doors in front of us opened and the occupants of the hall all turned to look at us.  Running lengthwise were long trestle tables and at the far end was a risen platform with a long table on it.  In the middle of that sat Lord Quinn.

As we walked down between the tables the eyes of the hall followed us.  Still very angry and hurt I refused to look at Joel .  When we reached the high table I curtseyed.

I recognised the man who came to stand next to us as one of the guard.  He smiled at me then turned to the Lord, “Lord Quinn, may I present Joel and Lady Francis of Barbieland”

“Barbieland?” I whispered to Joel as I glanced at him.

He just shrugged slightly and smiled apologetically.  My eyes travelled over him.  He wore a deep blue tunic with a low slung belt that seemed to emphasise his broad shoulders and highlight his blue eyes.  He looked very handsome.  I quickly turned away and tried to concentrate on something else.  He didn’t want me.  So there was no point feeling that way.

“I would be honoured if you would join me at my table,” Lord Quinn’s eyes shone as he indicated to the vacant chairs next to him.  “It would please me greatly if your sister sat next to me, Joel of Barbieland.”

Sister?  Sister?  My eyes narrowed as I turned to stare at Joel.  He just grimaced and looked away.  Fine.  If that was the way he wanted to play it.  Fine.

Lord Quinn’s eyes didn’t leave me as I sat fuming at Joel.  The people on the other tables went back to talking amongst themselves. 

“So Lady Francis, tell me about Barbieland?”

I looked up surprised into those beautiful emerald eyes.  He smiled at me and I had to blink several times. “Barbieland?  Ohh yes, of course, there is .... um, lots of pink.”

“What lady Francis means is that our national bird has pink plumes,” Joel quickly added as the Lord looked confused at me.

“And what brings you so far from your home?”

“We are on a Quest,” I smiled thinking that was appropriate. 

“What do you seek?”

“Our Kingdom is being threatened by the evil company lead by the tyrant Lord Blair.  We must find the fabled book of the U God to unleash its power and free our people.”

Joel coughed choking on his drink.

“Seven of us set off from Rivendale, only two are left, My Lord,” I almost broke out humming the Lord of the Rings fellowship of the ring tune.

Lord Quinn’s eyes widened, “And they sent a Lady on such a dangerous quest?”

“It is said that only pure of heart who would never betray the man she loves can touch the book of U God,” Damn, shouldn’t have said that last bit but ... never mind. 

I took another deep drink and felt my head swim slightly.  Ahh, this was not non-alcoholic beverage then.  I put the cup down and decided that in future I should sip not glup.

“The man you love?  You have a betrothed?” he sounded disappointed.

“Yes,” Joel answered immediately.

“No.” I said almost simultaneously, “I did but Ken had a change of heart.”

“Ken did not have a change of heart, Lady Francis,” Joel said clearly annoyed.  “He just wanted to protect you.”

“He broke your engagement how does that protect you?” Lord Quinn looked surprised, “What a coward.  Had I been there Lady Francis I would have taught this fool some manners.”

I turned and cocked an eyebrow at Joel who was clearly angry.

“He had his reasons...” he started to say but was interrupted by Lord Quinn.

“There are no adequate reasons to break one’s word, especially when that word involves such a beautiful young Ladies heart.  Lady Francis let me assure you that I will do everything in my power to aid you on your Quest in the hope that you will return to allow me to be the one to repair this slight on your character.  Will you allow me the chance to win your heart?”

Joel groaned softly and I noticed his jaw tensing.

“Thank you Lord Quinn, your words bring me great comfort and I am flattered by your offer.  But I cannot think that way.  Even though he has abandoned me I would not betray him.”

“Ohh please,” Joel muttered under his breath as the meal was placed before us.  “I didn’t abandon you.”

Lord Quinn looked at me with sad eyes, “I hope you will reconsider my offer Lady Francis.  You would make me a good bride and a fine wife.”

“I am sorry Lord Quinn but I would only marry a man I genuinely loved.”

Joel’s head dropped. 

“Well then you will fall in love with me,” he announced and smiled at my look of confusion. 

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