The Capitol Games

By amzzz18

105K 4.3K 4K

~ a Hunger Games fanfiction ~ In Mockingjay, the victors decided to hold one last Hunger Games using only Cap... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Thank you!

Chapter Twelve

3.5K 162 152
By amzzz18


The short minute we have to get our bearings as we rise up into the Games does not seem long enough. My brain does not seem to be able to comprehend the fact that I am inside the arena, instead of just watching it on my TV screen. Now I can understand what is going through the tributes' minds as I watch them wait like ducks for their deaths. Now it seems real. It isn't just a movie, a form of entertainment, any more. This is real.

This is real. The voice of Ceasar Flickerman, counting down the last minute of my life before all hell breaks loose, is real.

"Fifty-seven. Fifty-six. Fifty-five."

I use the short amount of time to get my bearings. I am in a concrete clearing in what looks like the middle of a city. I can see the Cornucopia in front of me, about fifty metres away, a pointed horn spilling weapons and supplies. All of the other tributes are dotted around it in a circle. I spot both Grace and Harry on my right, and Charlie on my left. Grace sees me, and gives me a quick wave. I can't see Bryony though; I suppose she must be on the other side of the Cornucopia.

"Forty-two. Forty-one. Forty."

If I look behind all of the pedestals, I can see a sprawling city unlike any I've seen before. Every hundred metres or so, the buildings change - from tiny wooden shacks to towering skyscrapers. It's like it has been split into slices, like a pizza. I quickly count how many there are - twelve. Twelve pizza slices, each one a different city.

"Thirty-five. Thirty-four. Thirty-three."

I don't have much time. I need to decide what to do when Ceasar's voice reaches zero, and the gong goes. If I don't move, my time in the Games could be over before it has even begun.

Yesterday, Grace, the boys and I decided to meet in the direction the back of the Cornucopia points to. At the moment, I am looking at the side of the Cornucopia. If I run to the left, I can follow the point at the back of it.

"Twenty. Nineteen. Eighteen."

Anxiously, I catch Grace's eye and nod towards the point of the Cornucopia. She nods, understanding. I see her looking to her right, an area that is blocked from my vision by the Cornucopia. I suppose she is trying to say something to Bryony.

"Twelve. Eleven. Ten."

I notice a khaki backpack about ten paces in front of me, and decide to run for it as soon as the gong goes. I brace myself and wait.

"Three. Two. One."

The gong sounds, pushing all of the tributes, including me, headfirst into the Games. I race forwards, stooping low to grab the backpack, racing a couple of other tributes and beating them there. As soon as I reach it, I turn around and head towards the city nearest the point of the Cornucopia. I can hear heavy breathing and loud footsteps behind me - someone is following.

As I run, I open the backpack and search inside. I find a dagger, and without pausing to think about what I'm doing, I fling it at the tribute behind me, who I can see from the back of his shirt is from Team Five. It hits his heart and he falls to the ground; I carry on running, not daring to look around again and see the damage I caused.

There are no cannons in the initial bloodbath, so I have no idea how many people have died yet. I can only guess.

But I can't let myself think about that now - I need to focus on my own life, and trying to keep it.

I keep sprinting forwards and soon find myself in a run-down part of the city. It is full of deserted shacks (they are more like piles of decaying wood really) littered around, making it harder for me to sprint. I glance behind me. There is no one in sight. Knowing it is a risk, I decide to slow down to a jog, weaving in and out of the buildings. The last thing I need right now is a twisted ankle.

As I slow, I begin to notice more about my surroundings. The whole place smells. It smells of death, of rotting wood and flesh. I want to choke, but I know I can't, so I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and try to get as far away from the Cornucopia as I possibly can.

I lose track of time. The city seems endless, and I can't help feeling lost and claustrophobic. Even when my lungs are yelling for air and my heart feels like a sharp knife inside me, I keep going.

At some point I hear the cannons, signalling the bloodbath is over. I count them - eight. As much as I try not to, my mind keeps going back to the fact that one of them could be Grace or Bryony. No. Don't think about that, Celestia. Just don't think.

Eventually, I have to stop - I am too tired, and my legs are crying out for rest. I choose a building that hopefully won't fall down of top of me, and collapse inside it.

I know that I can't sleep until Grace or one of the twins find me. We need to set up a watch in case one of the other tributes - or Bryony - finds us. Usually on the first night of the Games the Careers go tribute hunting, and I don't want to become another one of their victims. The idea of Bryony having to murder me, her best friend, makes me want to throw up.

It's almost impossible to keep my eyes open, though. The sky slowly darkens, and I watch the sun as it descends below the horizon, looking through a hole in the wall that I guess was once meant to hold a window. Now there is a forest of fungus growing around its rim.

Soon it is dark, the sky completely empty. I wouldn't be surprised if the Gamemakers had decided to make tonight moonless on purpose. Adrenaline and fear become the only things keeping me from dropping fast asleep. I wait anxiously for the new anthem to play (Katniss Everdeen had decided to scrap the old one), praying that I won't recognise the faces that will soon light up the sky.

I'm almost asleep by the time it finally does. The anthem is quite short, and takes about ten seconds. After that, the faces flash up, in order of their Team.

It starts with the beautiful girl from Team One - I remember her interview, and it's hard to believe that flamboyant, charismatic girl will never smile again. A wave of hatred for these Games washes over me.

The next face I recognise: it is the boy from five that had chased me away from the Cornucopia. The full blow of what I'd done hits me at last: I killed him. I killed an innocent boy that had just wanted a shot at life. A tear streaks down my face as I think about the boy's family and friends grieving back home. I might even know some of them.

I try to console myself with the thought that this means Bryony is still safe, for now at least.

I glance back up into the sky. There is the boy from Team Six - but not Grace! I let out a sigh of relief; both of my allies are still alive and still breathing. I don't look at any more faces. I can't bear to see them, to see the smiling faces of people now lying dead, their eyes glassy and lifeless.

I have to do something to distract myself from the terrible thoughts. I decide to spend my time looking through the backpack I picked up. I place the contents in front of me and try to imagine what use I could have for them.

There is another dagger. This one is obvious - it will be my main weapon. Also it's not quite a throwing knife, I'm sure I can still use it well. It's a stroke of luck, really. It might be my only one.

A small bottle of water. I take a small swig, but it's important I ration this. If I don't find water soon it could be the only thing keeping me alive.

Two cereal bars. As soon as I see these my stomach starts growling; I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast, and only now is my hunger starting to emerge. I gulp one down greedily, saving the other for later, although my stomach protests otherwise.

A tiny roll of bandages. Remembering a tribute a couple of years ago who bled to death, I have no doubt that although they look insignificant now, they will be extremely useful if anyone gets hurt. Grace, the healing expert, will be very happy to see those.

A large, thick stick. I can't think what use this could be for, but maybe Grace could use it as a weapon. It looks heavy - it would probably knock someone out if used with force. Or I could shape it, maybe make it into an arrow. Although that would be pointless if I didn't have a bow.

The last thing is the most puzzling - it's a thin, metal square, about the size of a slice of bread. It looks useless, but I keep it anyway. I'm sure someone will find use for it, if only to use as a plate for our food - if we can find some.

After packing everything away again, except the dagger, I have nothing else to do, so my mind once again wanders, worrying.

Where is Grace? I hope she is ok. She should be here soon.

I wonder what Bryony is doing. Will the Careers have found out our plan yet? Please, no. Not Bryony.

What about Joe? I don't really care about him, but I don't want him to die. I don't want anyone, not even Violet, to die. Especially not at the hands of the Games.

My thoughts drift back to the tribute I murdered. My first kill. I bet he had a family back home in the Capitol. Maybe friends; maybe a girlfriend. All of whom are probably crying now, sobbing, their worlds shattered. I had shattered them.

All of a sudden, I hear the crunch of someone stepping on something nearby. My eyelids flash open. I hadn't even realised they had closed.

My heart starts going crazy, beating faster than it ever has before. I'm sure my attacker must be able to hear it. I grab the dagger from its place next to me, and stand, ready to throw it. I must not make a sound. My life could depend on it.

A figure emerges, shrouded in shadow. I can see it is a girl, but anything more is indistinguishable from the darkness surrounding her. As she steps closer, my heart races faster.

She calls out my name. So she has seen me. There is no hiding now. I lift my dagger higher, and bring my arm back to throw. I've almost let go when I realise I recognise the voice.

It's Grace.

Author's note: Ah, the Games have begun! I'm excited, but I'm also not - I don't want to have to write any killing scenes. At the same time that I don't want Bryony, Grace or Celestia to die, I don't want them to kill anyone either, but they can't all survive, can they? :/

What did you think of this chapter? Do you like the arena? Any thoughts on what it could be?

Thanks for reading; please vote/comment if you think my story is worthy!

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