There Is Hope (Austin Carlile...

By werestep1

30.4K 520 88

It's been three years since something trgaic happened in Krissy's life lets just say she lost a lot, but she... More

There Is Hope (Austin Carlile Fanfic)
Bacon Pancakes
Perfect Date? Close Enough.
Instagramming This Shit
It's Been Three Years!
Repeating Apologizes
Bar Fights and Realizations
Spring Fever
Blow Horns and Sexual Things (The End)

Lord of the Rings

2.6K 59 27
By werestep1

“Wake up Krissy Cat!!!”  I heard Lucie and Alan yell as they jumped on my bed; it was way too early for this like when I looked over at my clock and it was noon. Noon, oh my fucking god,

“Why” I moaned,

“You have a date with Mr.Carlile” Lucie said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“I know: I groaned, it took me a while to actually register what she said. I jumped out of bed pushing Alan and Lucie off, and grabbing my phone. Austin texted me three times telling me he would be here around 3 he wanted to show me around a little bit because Lucie never got the time too.

“I don’t know what to wear!” I screamed as I ran into my closet; Lucie laughed,

“Here you can borrow some of mine clothes” She laughed, I stole basically a whole outfit I had no summer clothes it was horrible.

“Are you nervous?” Alan asked sitting down on Lucie’s bed as I looked at myself in the mirror a billion times.

“Very, I mean I just met Austin and I know he is a really good guy; but like I’m not use to going out with guys I just met without Lucie around it’s been a while” I sighed as I kept looking at myself in the mirror.

“Austin is a great guy, give him a chance at least Krissy. It’s been three years”

“Will you stop reminding me how long it’s been?” I yelled, I didn’t mean to yell but I did.

“Okay, I’m just saying. It’s time to open up again.” He sighed and then left the room. I mean I guess he’s right, it has been a long time since the last time I was on a date.

“Krissy! My love! You Tattooed Prince is here!” I heard Lucie yell from down stairs I was still in her room looking in the mirror as Alan helped me with my hair. He has seen Lucie and I help each other enough times to know what he is actually doing.

“Hello” he said as I came down the stairs, I must have been staring because he looked at me really confused.

“Is something wrong?” He asked,

“You look a lot like Mitch Lucker” I sighed,

“I know, I get that a lot” He smiled at me, seriously he had an amazing smile sometimes I thought I could just die it was amazing.

“Well you too kids have fun! Me and my baby have work to do for the show tonight, our friends from You Me At Six are stopping by tonight you guys better be there!” Lucie said as she pushed us out the door.

“So where are we going?” I asked, he smiled as he draped his arm on my shoulder.

“I thought we would do to the park for a little while and then go get some dinner before the show. What do you say?” He smiled at me again, god this guy sure smiles a lot I wonder if his face ever hurts after a while.

“Well I don’t see why not” I laughed.

The park wasn’t too far from Lucie’s house; it took us at least 20 minutes. It was nice, Austin was a pretty funny guy; he told me all about the band it sounded like he really enjoyed what he was doing. I am glad; I always dreamed of being in a band but I never really thought I would be able to because I mean come on I have absolutely no talent. Once we got to the park I seriously thought Austin was going to die, I was so scared.

“Swings! Oh my god, come on!” He yelled as he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the swings.

“Well get on, I’ll push!” He giggled; I shrugged my shoulders and got on.  I smiled, I felt like a little kid again with him pushing me but it was pretty funny I mean a tall tattooed guy like Austin being extremely sweet and just amazing, it’s pretty attractive if you ask me. Soon he got on the swing next to me and we had one of those ‘who-could-swing-higher’ contests like the little kids we were deep down inside.  I never imagined having such a good time like I am right now; I could honestly say I haven’t been this happy in forever.  After a while, as the sun started to go down; we stopped swinging and we were just enjoying the sunset.

“So you have known Lucie for a while?” He asked,

“Yeah I mean we have been friends since high school, we lost touch after a while but after that ‘thing’ happened we got close again” I sighed,

“I couldn’t imagine how it must have felt losing him” He sighed; I could see the pain in his eyes as he talked to me.

“I can’t even imagine it. I miss him, everyday” I started to tear up a little bit. We were on the topic of the ‘what-happened-three-years-ago’ the one thing that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

“Will you tell me what happened?” he asked, I looked at him; I mean I just met him I can’t just tell him everything on the second day of knowing him.

“One day” I sighed, he nodded his head and grabbed my hand. I could feel my cheeks burn up, it was such a simply comforting gesture but it made my heart race, my stomach do flips and my face feel like it’s on fire.

“Come on lets go get dinner” He smiled, as we both hopped off the swing. We made our way to a small little place fairly close to the park; we had like an hour left before we had to go meet Alan and Lucie at the venue.

“Don’t you get noticed a lot?” I asked, looking over my menu at him. I was fairly surprised that no one came up and asked for a picture with him yet.

“I grew up here so everyone basically knows me” he said, shrugging his shoulders.  Dinner was nice, I mean we didn’t talk very much but we were jumpy. I haven’t seen Josh in ages and neither has Austin, so we just couldn’t wait to get to the venue plus Vic was going to be there with Mike and apparently Mike had a new girlfriend, so I was kind excited to meet her.

“Do you know who Mike’s girlfriend is?” I asked,

“Actually yeah, I met her a few times. When you see them together it’s just too funny she’s shorter than him” I giggled, I always thought it was pretty funny when one person in the relationship is shorter than the other.

“I can’t wait to see the show! Vic is going to be there too!”

“Is he?” he asked,

“Yeah, I texted him this morning asking if he was, Vic is one of my closest friends; you have to hang out with me and him, you would just have the best time” I laughed remembering back to some good times Vic and I had.

“Yeah I don’t see why not” He said, it was weird. Austin seemed almost jealous of Vic?

“Krissy Cat!” I heard Alan yell as he attacked me with a hug.

“Hi Alan” I laughed,

“Did you treat my boyfriend well?” He asked as we pulled away.

“Of course she did” Austin said putting his arm around me.

“Krissy over here!” I saw Vic in the corner of the room, I got way too excited. I basically ran from Austin and gave Vic the biggest hug. I felt kind of bad; I mean I didn’t even say anything I kind of just ran.

“How was your date?” Vic asked, I looked him in the eyes before answering his question just the look he gave me made me so confused; he looked almost hurt.

“It was awesome! We went to the park and to dinner” I said quickly I could tell he really didn’t want to know he was just being an amazing friend.

“Good I’m glad” he smiled at me and kissed the top of my head, he did that a lot it was sweet of him.

“So who’s Mikey’s new girlfriend?” I asked, more excited than I should have been.

“You have to meet her! She’s awesome!” He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to one of the rooms, once we walked in I saw Austin again. He looked at me and Vic, and saw us holding hands; I saw his eyes go from joy to just pure sadness. I made my heart ache, I don’t know why I mean I just met the guy!

“Hey Austin!” Vic said giving him a hug. God is everyone so damn fucking huggable here.

“You must be Krissy!” I heard a small voice say in front of me. She looked beautiful, she had long brown hair, and tattoos everywhere just like everyone else.

“Yeah, and you are?”

“Sierra” She smiled, does everyone have an amazing smile to I mean jeez.

“It’s nice to meet you!” She gave me a hug before Mike showed up by her side.

I couldn’t help but notice Austin kept looking at me from time to time, I also forgot I was still holding Vic’s hand. I felt pretty bad, so I let go of Vic’s hand he didn’t seem to notice but I knew Austin did because his eyes lit up when I started to walk over to him.


“Why hi there, oh short one” He said as he did a small bow.

“I am not that short, oh freakishly tall one!” I laughed as I poked his belly.

“So you and Vic dating?” He sort of mumbled, I could tell her wasn’t happy. It was weird I mean everything is pretty weird ever since I moved in with Lucinda.

“No, we are just really great friends” I sighed; I could feel his arm go around my waist. My heart started to pound pretty fast I thought it was going to jump right out of my chest, I felt this safe and warm feeling when he put his arm around me.

“Awesome, because I would like to take you out on another date soon” He smiled devilishly, I might be getting into more than I can handle but I was okay with it.

“God that was fucking amazing!” I screamed in the car, on our way home. The show was absolutely amazing, and now the after party was at Lucinda’s house, her house was big enough for everyone, I mean come on she is a big shot venue owner.

“Are you ready for a Star Wars marathon?” Austin yelled once we got into the house.

“Hell no! Harry fucking Potter!” Mike argued, I almost didn’t notice Sierra by his side; she was really short I thought I was going to burst out laughing.

“Don’t start last time we had this argument we ended up watching Disney movies all fucking night” Lucie laughed

“Then what are we watching?” Austin pouted as he fell on the couch next to me, putting his arm behind me.

“Lord of The Rings, motherfuckers”

“Of course we are!” Vic laughed sitting next to me and putting his arm also behind me. I am in the most awkward situation ever. I saw Austin glare over at Vic, who just stared at Austin in the corner of his eye. You could just feel the tension in the room, it was pretty intense.

We were on the second Lord of the Rings movie where almost everyone was sleeping; I was leaning on Austin, because Vic and Jamie looked rather comfy together. I swear if my phone wasn’t dead I would have been taking so many pictures for all those fangirls out there.

“Um..This might be a little awkward but um, would you cuddle with me?” I asked Austin, I was rather really tired.

“Of course” He smiled, as he put his arm around me and I curled up to him. He was seriously the most comfortable person in the world, not to mention he was mega warm. 

“You miss him don’t you?” He asked,

“You remind me of him so much” I sighed, cuddling closer to him. I felt safe in his arms, I haven’t felt like this in so long.

“I’m sorry” He said as he kissed the top of my head,

“It’s okay,” I sighed, he squeezed my shoulder before leaning his head on mine.

“I promise, no matter what I’ll be here for you. You’re too pretty to hurt this bad, no matter what” That must have been the sweetest thing I have ever heard, it made me start to cry.

“It was my birthday; we were just coming back from dinner at my parents’ house. It had to be around midnight, he was driving. I didn’t even hear the truck blaring its horn, we were laughing and listening to music, and having a great time when the next thing I knew I am waking up in the hospital. The first thing they tell me was that my husband died, but he died because he wouldn’t let them help him unless I was helped first, if he would have never said anything he would still be here” I told him everything about that night three years ago, I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

“We were had just gotten married too, we just bought a new house, and we had a kid coming on the way but after the accident they were able to save me but not my baby. I lost him and my only child” He hugged me close to his body, I could fell his breath shorten like he was crying too.

“There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about that night, I miss him terribly, but I have convinced myself that he would’ve wanted me to move on that’s why I came down here to life with Lucie” I clung onto his shirt as I cried, he held me close and didn’t let go. The best part about this moment was that he didn’t say anything, he didn’t say he knew how it feels nothing, he just held me and understood that he can’t feel what I feel because it didn’t happen to him, but he can hold me and cry with me because that is the best he can do. 

I know, I know so much fluff!!! But i am getting to the good parts I promise!


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