Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a...

Bởi smilingthroughitall

75.4K 1.4K 342

(Unedited and started in 2010, beware of plot holes, terrible grammar and other misfortunes) Grace Tailor sho... Xem Thêm

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a Grudge.
Parker Stevens; Chapter One
Parker Stevens; Chapter Two
Parker Stevens; Chapter three
Parker Stevens; Chapter Four
Parker Stevens; Chapter Five
Parker Stevens; Chapter Six
Parker Stevens; Chapter Seven
Parker Stevens; Chapter Eight
Parker Stevens; Chapter Nine
Parker Stevens; Chapter Ten
Parker Stevens; Chapter Eleven
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twelve
Parker Stevens; Chapter Thirteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Fifteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Sixteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Seventeen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Eighteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Nineteen
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-One
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Two
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Three
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Four
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Five
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Six
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Seven
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Eight
Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Nine *****FINAL CHAPTER*****

Parker Stevens; Chapter Fourteen

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Bởi smilingthroughitall

dedicated to xoStardust because she comments and votes on every chapter religiously and actually gives some feedback. It's awesome to have such an amazing & popular writer actually liking your work^-^

this is the turning point in the story and I cannot wait to write the rest of this story. You don't even know how much fun this is too write:P it's actually quite addicting to write...I could write it everyday:3 hopefully I can considering it's almost my summer:D just thursday, when my last exam is, then I'm done! No updates after this until the weekend.

Also, you don't find out Grace's plan until a little later, sorry!

You oughta know - Alanis Morissette

it's a break-up song, but it's the best angry break-up song EVER. It just is the mood that Grace is in for this chapter. it's also kinda dirty, and it swears so if you're younger..don't listen to it lol.

ps, sorry that I talk too much:$


How could you make your own family take the blame? I thought to myself as I stared straight ahead. The stiff wooden bench across from the secretary’s desk was hardly comfortable. My back was starting to hurt from sitting in it for so long.

Parker had gone in with Teagan a little over an hour ago. Bri was still here, her hand rubbing circles into my back. I guess she was trying to comfort me, but I was way past the comforting stage.

My head was trying to form the most evil way to get back at Parker. He was trying to ruin me? How dare he try to ruin me!

My jaw clenched.

Maybe any other girl would have been bawling her eyes out by now, assuring herself that her life was over. Surely I would have been the same before I met Parker.

But here I was.

Empty. I was entirely empty inside. If I had any emotion left to give, it was only anger. My hands itched to place themselves around Parker’s neck and squeeze.

Murderous thoughts? Gosh, that’s a little too much.

Don’t get mad, Grace, get even. My head reminded me.

One month, and I’ve become stronger than I’ve been in my life, emotionally. I wasn’t going to cry anymore. I wasn’t going to be that girl who gave up without a fight. Parker just wanted this fight to be done and over with, but oh no.

Parker Stevens has obviously never messed with an angry, pissed off female before.

                “Briana.” I said through my clenched teeth and jaw. Her hand pulled back at my angry tone. I stood up and brushed myself off, before standing stiff and straight.

                Grace Tailor was not going to break.

                An emotional rock. That’s what I needed to be.

                No one ever get’s in.

                My heart is officially on lockdown.

                I turned and looked down at Briana. Her eyes flashed with worry and pity. That’s exactly what I didn’t need. Pity. Like I wanted to be pitied.

                “Grace, are you okay?” Briana asked me, standing up as well.

                Am I okay? Does it look like I’m okay?

                I nodded curtly before walking towards the door.

                Innocent little Grace I was no more.

                I stopped at the doorway and looked over my shoulder to look at Briana.

                “I’m done, Bri. I’ll see you Monday.” I said with a fake smile plastered on my lips. Hopefully you won’t recognize me by then.

                Walking out of that office, I knew what I was leaving behind. It wasn’t easy, but I knew it had to be done.

                I was leaving behind the pathetic little Grace that couldn’t even get a guy. The Grace that blushed too much. The easily embarrassed Grace. The Grace that helped everyone with their problems and left her own to the dogs.

                Who I was going to become?

                Parker Stevens worst nightmare, that’s what.

                As I walked through the empty hallways to my locker, I picked up the papers that littered the ground and walked over to the nearest blue recycling bin, not even bothering to read them. My secrets, spilled. It was almost like it didn’t bother me as much anymore. Now that I knew what I had to do, it almost didn’t matter. This was the old Grace. The old Grace’s secrets, her moments, her crush, not this new Grace.

                It was hard to do, leave everything you’ve known and change yourself, and it was harder to change yourself for the worse.

                The revenge was tough to accomplish, even harder if other people knew your plan. This is why I had to make the decision to carry out on my own from now on. Bri was the best friend a girl could ask for, but there were some things a girl had to do on her own without any interruptions. This was one of them.

                The papers stared at me menacingly from my hand. Instantly I began angrily ripping them to shreds. I felt one of the papers slice at my hand and give me a small paper cut, but at this point I could care less.

                Once the papers had been ripped to unrecognizable shreds, I opened my hands and let the tiny shredded secrets to float down into the recycling bin below me.

                Once they had all left my hands, I felt an inner satisfaction as I began walking down the hallway, swinging my hips in defiance.

                Monday morning, Parker wasn’t going to know what hit him. And I didn’t mean that literally this time.

                Saturday, and both of my parents were out at some charity event.

                As I pulled open my drawers, I blasted Alanis Morissette in a true 90’s kid fashion. My clothes were strewn everywhere around the room, and thank god no one was home or I would’ve been killed.

                I was tearing through them, trying to find the skirts I was sure I had. I couldn’t find any.

                So I was off to the mall.

                My mom had left me her credit card when I told her that I needed to go out and get some clothes. And that I did. My family wasn’t rich, definitely not that, but we were well off. My mom let me go on a shopping spree every 6 months. This makes me sound a little spoiled but I never spent as much as she offered to spend. Plus, I was never that big into clothes. I used to be a big book person, spending all her time with her nose in some new teen romance.

                So as I entered the mall, I had one goal in mind.

                I headed into the stores that sold more; well let’s just say ‘sluttier’ clothing than what little innocent Grace was used too.

                Skirts, tight jeans and lacy tops were on my list. A whole new wardrobe was needed for this task.

                I wasn’t turning into a slut; trust me, that wasn’t the plan. I was just going to show those boys what kind of bitch I could be.

                Once I had bought enough clothes, I headed over to the shoe stores. I picked some high heeled boots, since it was still winter, along with some jewelled heels. Heels looked like good weapons. Stomping on people’s feet would be fun.

                I barely noted what everything was that I was buying. It was all a blur. My mind was still foggy. It was like I was living in an empty shell. I was separating myself from reality.

                I snapped at the cashier when she asked me if I wanted a bag.

                “Do I look poor to you? Of course I want a bag. It’s not like I can’t afford 5 cents.” I snapped at her, clacking my gum to the top of my mouth rudely. Might as well get some practice in there.

                She cowered back slightly at my tone. Considering how short I was and how I had never really been a bitch before, I was pretty intimidating apparently. That was good to know.

                After I ripped the bag from her hands, I stomped out the store with a sway to my hips. It was actually fun, being a bitch. I wondered why I hadn’t thought of this before. I just couldn’t let the persona take over me entirely. Old Grace was just going on a vacation for quite awhile.

                After I had finished my shopping spree, I spotted a hair salon. It looked pretty fancy, but considering the early hour of the morning, it was only 9, no one happened to be in there. The salon was a bright blue with the modern swirls of bright orange on the walls. There was a glass half wall separating the secretary from the actual hair salon part.

                I walked in and saw if I needed to make an appointment. She looked happy that she even had a customer.

                “No, we’re all free. Is there something you wanted specifically done?” She spoke while twisting her dark blonde hair into a bun on the top of her head. She looked at me with a pleasant smile while awaiting my answer.

                “Cut and colour.” I said, with my nails tapping against the glass desk. They clicked evenly as she got up and held her finger up, specifying ‘one moment’, before disappearing behind the glass half wall.

                As I waited, I thought about exactly what I was doing. Anyone else would believe that I was crazy, and I had a hard time believing that I wasn’t. But I would like to see them go through what I went through yesterday. It was going to take a lot for everyone to forget that. That is exactly why I was doing this. Everyone thought I was an insecure little teen, with a rep of being innocent.

                The secretary walked back from the wall, her black high heels clacking against the marble floor.

                “Jack can see you. Unless you want to see Lucy? She’ll be here in about twenty minutes.” She said with a hand gesture towards the actual salon.

                “Jack is fine.” I said quickly. I couldn’t wait much longer.

                “Okay, follow me.” She said with another smile. Gosh, this girl was all smiles. I did as I was told and followed her behind the glass wall. The man, who I’m guessing was Jack, was wearing a pink button up shirt with a white skinny tie, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up past his elbows. He was wearing black hipster frames along that matched his short black hair. He stuck out his hand.

                “I’m Jack. Welcome to Salon Matrix.” He said with a smile. I could tell almost in two seconds that he was gay. His eyes didn’t once flash down to give me a once over. Instead his hand reached for my hair to examine it.

                “I’m Grace.” I replied as he walked around me, looking at my hair. I was feeling slightly weird that he was doing it but he stopped after a moment so I didn’t ask.

                “So what can I do for you today Grace?” He asked as he walked me over to the salon chair. I sat down in it and put my hand on my chin.

                “I want to dye my hair black. And I want a trim. Plus bangs. Just the front ones to my eyebrows.” I said with a nod of finality. He smiled and nodded.

                “Surprisingly I was thinking the same thing. Let’s get started. Shall we?” He asked me with his one eyebrow raised.

                Let’s shall.

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