The Legend's Legend

Por SecretlyAlexHamilton

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A Timelady named The Legend and her best friend The Doctor reunite for the first time after the time war. Thi... Más

A Call From A Friend
Wisdom Teeth and Ice Cream
Afraid of The Darkness
The Dream
The Legend's Prophecy
Vivian's Return
The Ceremonial Burning and Good-Bye Letters
Catching Up With Legey
A fight for memories
Fangirls and shippers Feat. Shippy Dalek and Shippy Master
The mystery girl
Meeting Ginny and Jenette (Part 2 of Let's Go On A Road Trip)
Ask (Part 3 of Let's Go On A Road Trip)
Hey It's Christmas!! (Part 4 of Let's Go On A Road Trip)
Sad/Bad News Folks
Every Story Comes To An End

The Christmas Invasion

245 5 6
Por SecretlyAlexHamilton

I had been kicked out on my birthday. My mother never said why. We were on a vacation that my family planned for my birthday. My mom knew I like England, so, as my birthday present, she decided we would take a vacation to Whales.

I had been ecstatic. I always wanted to go to where my favorite show was filmed. We got there a week in advance. The first week was fun. Then, she yelled at me, I don't know what for. She told me to 'get out! Get the hell out of here, you monster!' Who was she calling a monster?

So a few weeks later it was Christmas. I sat by myself at a bus stop. People rushed by not giving a crap.

I looked down at the old fog watch I had, it was old, and had weird symbols on it. They looked like some kind of words, I could have sworn I had seen them before. Then I noticed that I never opened it before. I placed my finger on the button that opened it. I pressed.

Light filled my vision, it was golden and bright. That, however, was not the most amazing thing about it. Nope, it was the memories that came with it.

I was the second born twin. On the planet I was on the second born in a pair of twins was bad luck, most of the time the infants were called "The Damned of Gallifrey". My parents were the royalty of Gallifrey. You may have thought that from the outside I would just be a snobby princess like my sister, Vivianose. I was different, when I was eight and looked into the time vortex, I got a power, I could control every element in the universe, including compound elements. This made me a bit antisocial, no wait I always was, nevermind. The only friend I ever had was a Time Lord by the name of The Doctor.

Then came the war. These things called daleks (they looked like pepper pots with a whisk and a plunger stuck on). However, no matter how funny their looks, they were the opposite. They wanted to kill all time lords and ladies. Bad news for me seeing as I was a time lady.

After that nothing, I know that there are more memories, but, they seem fuzzy.

After that I blacked out on the pavement.

I was instantly greeted by a makeshift santa brass band's horrid music. The first thought that came to mind was 'when will they shut the flapjack up!'. The seccond was "When am I?" I did a little investigating and found that I was at Christmas, 2005.

Suddenly my wish (about the brass band) was granted. Then I realized that it would have been better if they had continued that horrid music. Turns out, the brass instruments were flamethrowers! My inner time lady kicked in and I jumped into action. I saw that the Santas had singled two people out of the crowd, a girl and a boy.

Before the Santa could shoot them I ran over and no knocked the trumpet out of his hand.

When I did the mask came off to reveal a robot under. I flicked my finger and all the inner workings came undone. The random metal fell to the ground.

"Excuse me," the girl said "are you an alien by any chance?"

I looked the girl in the eye, she seemed trustworthy.

"Yes" I responded.

"Do you mind if I ask what kind?" She questioned further.

"Time lady" I said.

Suddenly the boy spoke up, " what do you mean time lady?" They looked confused. I sighed, oh, right, they were humans, and knew nothing of...

"By any chance did you know The Doctor?" The girl said cutting off my thoughts. My hearts stopped, the Doctor survived?! He was my best friend on Gallifrey!

" The Doctor?" I asked. The girl's face suddenly looked like she had let someone down. "He was my best friend! Do you know him!? Is he alive?!" I couldn't keep my excitement at bay. The girl smiled."wait I never got your name?"

"I'm Rose Tyler, and this is Mickey Smith." Rose said. I shook their hands.

"Kodashay, more commonly known as The Legend" I informed. Rose looked behind me at where the other robot Santas were.

"Ummm, Shay?" She said, "the Santas are gone!" I looked behind me, sure enough they were gone.

"They'll be back," I stated. I knew this because I had heard about them, they were pilot fish. I decided to change the subject. "So how's Doc been lately?" Rose looked at me sadly.

"He changed his face, now I don't know who he is! I thought I knew him! Then he goes changing his face like that! I-it hurts!" She Burst out. "You regenerate, do I still know him?"

"Hey, don't worry, I know him, he will always, always, pull through in the end." I smiled at the end to show her that I was being serious. She smiled lightly.

"How long have you known him?" She asked.

"I met him when I was 8."

"I've known him for the past year. So where is your companion, if you have one."

"No I don't have one, but, I was adopted by a family."

"Where are they?"

"They kicked me out and left me here to go back to America."

"That's horrible! What kind of family would do that!?"

"The kind that got the idea in their heads that I was a monster."

"What your not a monster! Say would you like to spend Christmas with us? We would be delighted to have you! It's the least I can do, you did save my life after all!"

I smiled, I would LOVE to spend Christmas with The Doctor and Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith!

"I would love to."

As we were on the cab to Rose's mom's flat I got caught up on the Doctor's travels. It sounded like the man had been busy!

We walked into the flat as Rose's mum, Jackie, opened the door. Rose had phoned ahead to warn her about my coming.

"And you must be Shay! Lovely to meet you!" Jackie happily greeted.

"You must be Jackie. Lovely flat." I smiled as I said, they really did have a nice flat.

"Rose said you were abandoned! Are you hungry?" She stated. She took the rucksack purse I had been living out of and placed it on a hat rack near the door. "Come lets get some food in ya!"

We walked through the hall to a living room when Rose spotted the Christmas tree in their living room.

"Mum," she started "where did you get the tree?"

"I thought you bought it!" Jackie answered.

I turned my back on the tree for a second and I felt something push me from behind. I fell forwards and hit my head on a table. The hit was hard enough to knock me out.

I woke on a TARDIS alone, except for a guy whom I realized was The Doctor. I realized that this must be the Doctor's TARDIS. I was with him on the day he stole her. I smiled fondly at the memory.

"Hello old friend." I said to her. She hummed happily in response.

Suddenly The Doctor woke.

"Who are you?!" He said looking at me.

"I'm The Legend, long time no see." I responded. He looked at me like I was a ghost. We suddenly heard laughter, alien laughter. I got up and went to the doors. Doc got up to and stood behind me. We walked out.

We were in a spaceship,a sycoraxz (don't judge me I can't spell that) spaceship. Rose was addressing them. They all turned towards us and looked at us like we had something on our faces.

"Did you miss me?" The doctor said. "Mickey! Hello! Harriet Jones! Nice to see ya," he turned to Rose, "Tea! A good cuppa tea was all I needed! Now Rose, be honest, how do I look?"

"Umm, different." She responded.

"Good different or bad different?"

"Just different."

"Am I... Ginger?"

"No you're just sort of ... brown."

"Awe, I wanted to be ginger, I've never been ginger! And you Rose Tyler! Fat lot of good you were! You gave up on me! Ewww, that rude! Is that the sort of man I am now? Rude, rude and not ginger ."

Harriet spoke up. " I'm sorry who is this?"

"I'm the doctor." Doc said.

"He's the doctor" Rose repeated.

"But what happened to my doctor! Or is it a title that's just passed on?"

"I'm him, I'm literally him. Same man new face. Well new everything."

"But you can't be." She seemed distrusting.

"Harriet Jones, we got trapped on Downing Street and one thing that scared you wasn't aliens, wasn't that war, it was the thought of you mother being all on her own."

"Oh my god"

"Did you win the election?"

"Landslide majority!"

"If I might interrupt." The leader of the sycorax said. The doctor turned to him.

"Oh, yes, sorry big fella."

"Who exactly are you?" He said. I stood silently by the TARDIS. The sycorax looked over at me. "And you?"

"Well, that's the question!" The doctor piped up.

"I demand to know who you two are!!" The sycorax yelled.

"I don't know!" The doctor yelled back mimicking his tone. "You see I'm the doctor, but beyond that I don't know, I literally do not know who, I am it's all untested. Am I funny, am I sarcastic? Sexy?" As he said that he winked at Rose. "Right handed, left handed? A gambler, a fighter, a coward, a traitor, a liar, a nervous wreck? I mean judging by the evidence I've certainly got a gob. And how am I gonna react when I see this." He pointed at a big, red, threatening, button. "A great big threatening button." Great minds think alike they do. "A great big threatening button that must not be pressed under any circumstances. Am I right?" He walked up to the button. "Let me guess it's some sorta control matrix. Hold on what's feeding it? What have we got here?" He put his hand in the thing under the button. "Blood?" He licked it and I nearly gagged, Ew! "Yeah definitely blood, human blood, a+ with just a dash of iron" I did not want to know how he knew that, "but that means," I cut him off.

"Blood control! Haven't seen that for a while! Your controlling all the a+! But that leaves us with a bit of a problem." I started to walk up to the button too. Doc cut me off.

"Because I don't know who I am, I don't know when to stop. So if I see a great big threatening button which should never ever be pressed, then I just want to do this!" He looked up at me and we both slammed our hands down on the button.

"NO!" Was all we heard throughout the room.

"You killed them!" A man in the back yelled.

"What do you think?" I said to the sycorax. "Are they dead?"

"We allow them to live." He replied.

"Allow?!" Me and the doctor said at the same time. "You had no choice! That is the thing about blood control is it is a bit of voodoo" I said by myself. The doctor cut me off. "Scares the pants off you, but that as far as it goes. It's like hypnosis, you can hypnotize someone to walk like a chicken, or sing like Elvis but you can't hypnotize them to death! Survival instincts are too strong."

"Blood control is but one form of conquest, I can take this world by force!" The sikorax said.

"Well yeah you could yeah," I said. "You could do that of course you could but why? Look at these people!" The doc cut me off, again.

"These human beings consider their potential. The day they arrive on the planet and blinking step Into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do then, no, hold on, sorry that's the lion king! But, the point still stands! Leave them alone!" He rambled on.

"Or what?" The sycorax snotted.

"Or we will fight you!" I piped up seeing the doc reach for one of the others swords. I took a sword too. "We challenge you!"

They all started to laugh.

"What are you afraid to lose to a girl!" I said. "The the rules of combat still apply?" The sikorax took out his own sword and beckoned another one to take out his own.

"You stand as this world's champions."

"Thank you" doc said."I have no idea who I am but you just summed me up."

"So you accept my challenge?" I asked "or are you just a coward! To afraid to fight a girl and a man who looks as if he just rolled out of bed!" We (including the sycorax) held up our swords and then we got down on one knee.

"For the planet." The sycorax said,

"For the planet." We repeated we stood facing the sycorax. I decided to go easy on the sycorax the guy picked, I had had 500 years of swordplay lessons on gallifrey, what else better did I have to do? We started to fight. I immediately had the upper hand. I noticed doc had fallen down and the sycorax prepared to hit him, I quickly deflected his swipe while doc got up. The other one tried to hit me while I had my back turned. I turned around and I hit the sycorax in the head with the flat side of the sword knocking him out easily. I turned to face the sycorax again.

"You can't fight me for I am the doctor's to fight."

"That's not the rules I played by."

Suddenly doc took his opponent back from me with a simple thanks.

Doc and his opponent went outside. As doc passed me he yelled "how could you be done that early?"

"Oh you know 500 years of swordplay lessons" I responded. We followed them outside.

I got pushed to the end of the crowd so when I got there the doc was on the ground and the sikorax was cutting his hand off.

"You cut my hand off." Doc said in disbelief.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh!" The sycorax yelled. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd.

"Don't be so sure of yourself yet!" I yelled " I can tell you doc, your lucky, you are still within the fifteen hours of your regeneration cycle."

"What does that mean!" The sycorax yelled.

"That means I can do this!" Doc said as he grew his hand back.

"Witchcraft!" The sycorax said.

"You think that witchcraft?" I whispered to myself.

"No, time lord." Doc corrected. I picked up my sword and yelled to doc, he caught it and continued the fight. "The best thing, this new hand, it's a fightin' hand!" He said in a horrible Texan accent. Doc had him on the ground and looked like he was about to kill him and win.

"I win" he declared.

"Then kill me." The sycorax said.

"I will spare your life if you take my command, leave this planet and never come back, what do you say?"


"Swear on the blood of your species!"

"I swear!"

"Well then, thanks for that! Cheers!"

"Bravo!" Rose yelled. She went and gave the doctor back his robe.

"Yeah! Not bad for a man in if Jim jams! Although what have I got in here?" He pulled out a orange. "That friend of your mother's he does like his snacks! But doesn't that just sum up Christmas! You get all those presents and at the very end you always get that bad one eh?" The sycorax got up and charged at doc. Doc threw his orange at a button that opened the floor under the sycorax, he fell to his death. "I am also a man of no second chances." We walked into the TARDIS. Before we walked in the doc turned around, " by the ancient rules of combat, I forbid you to scavenge here and when you go back to the stars, when you tell others about this planet, you tell them of its riches, when you talk of the earth, you tell them this, don't even try to take them for yourselves, because earth is protected!" We were all beamed back onto the street.

"Wait, wait!" Doc said we watched them leave. Mickey and Rose started to rejoice. Doc and the prime minister talked. Jackie came running up. Her and Rose hugged. They all talked as I got a call from my mum, I decided to ignore it for I was busy. Me and doc hugged Jackie, that counts as busy, right?

Suddenly a light shot the ship!

"That was murder!" I said.

"That was defense." The prime minister countered.

"They were leaving!"doc said.

"You said it yourself they would go back to the stars and tell about earth, I'm sorry but your not here all the time, two people were murdered! They died right in front of me! While you were sleeping! I have to defend us!"

"Britain's golden age," I spat.

"It comes with a price!" She countered.

"Hey, doc, you know what you should have said? Run. The human race is coming for them." I spat.

"Those are the people I represent! I did it on their behalf!" She said.

"I can stop you!" I said.

"What does that make you, another threat! You didn't even tell them your name!"

"The names Legend, and as many have found out, don't challenge me! I could take down your government with three silly little words."

"You are remarkable, but no one is capable of that."

"Yeah try me." With that I walked over to the man by her side, "she looks sick." I whispered. I walked away. With the rest of the group.

"What did you say?" Doc asked.

"She looks sick." I answered.


"I know."

"LEGEND!" The prime minister called after me, " what did you say! Legend!" I never turned back.

Later on while doc was getting new clothes my mum called again, this time I answered.

"Hello?" I said

"Why did you ignore my first call!"

"I was busy."

"With what?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I would believe anything"

"I doubt it."

"Well I called to say merry Christmas."

"We both know that is a lie."

"Yes, well I called to tell you to never try to come back, we know what you are, an alien a time lord monster!" At this point doc walked up to me in his new outfit he spun and smiled at me.

" what do you think?" He asked.

"Looks lovely." He seemed satisfied and walked away to go see the rest of the gang.

"Who are you talking to?" My mum questioned.

"An old friend."

"You're in London how can you have old friends there?"

"Long story."

"I have time."

"Well I don't, good bye and merry Christmas." With that I hung up. I walked back into the flat to see the rest happily eating.

"Sorry, my mum called" I said.

"What did she say?" Rose asked.

"When I walked by I heard what strangely sounded like "time lord monster"?" Doc said.

"Yeah that and merry Christmas." I responded. I laughed at the end, so this is my life now.

"Mothers aren't supposed to do that!" Jackie gasped.

"the sad thing is I've gotten used to it."

Eventually we got off the topic of me and on to other Christmas activities. A few minutes later Harriet jones came on the Telly. They were talking about a Health scare.

"Wow I didn't think that would actually work.well I did warn her not to mess with me, now she knows." I said.

At that time Jackie came in telling us to look outside. It was snowing, the ash of that spaceship. It also had a bit of a meteorite shower.

"Wow look at that, it's beautiful!" Rose said.

"Yeah that's the spacecraft, it breaking up in the atmosphere." Doc said.

"Okay not so beautiful." Rose.

"This is a brand new planet earth, no denying the existence of aliens now! Everyone saw it!"


"And what about you, what are you gonna do next?" Rose.

"Well, back to the TARDIS same old life." Doc.

"On your own?" Rose.

"Don't you wanna come?" Doc.

"Well, yeah!" Rose.

"Do you though?" Doc.

"Yeah!" Rose.

"I just thought cause I changed," doc.

"Yeah I thought cause you changed, you might not want me anymore." Rose.

"Oh I'd love you to come!"doc.

"Okay!" Rose.

"What about you Legend? Wanna come to?" Doc said turning to me.

"I'd be a fool to say no." I responded. He smiled.

"You're never gonna stay are you?" Mickey piped up.

"There's just so much out there! So much to see, so much I got to." Rose responded.

"Yeah," Mickey said.

"I think you're mad, all three of ya!" Jackie said."it's like you go Looking for trouble!"

"Trouble is In between!" Doc said. "It's all waiting out there Jackie! And it's brand new to me! All those planets and creatures and sun sets I haven't seen yet, not with these eyes! And it is gonna be fantastic!" He held out his hand to Rose.

"Your hand still gives me the creeps." She said awkwardly.

I smiled and waved good by. Jackie handed me my bag and coat.

"Thanks." I said to her.

"Anytime" she said.

"So where are we gonna go first?" I asked doc.

"Umm, that way, no, that way, yeah, the other way, yeah, that way." He said.

"That way." Rose said.

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