Virgin Mary

By harrystylesgirl98

33.2K 402 32

This is not my story, i'm just absolutely obsessed with this story. I think others would really enjoy this st... More

Virgin Mary
Mother Teresa
Kiss Of Judas
David and Bathsheba
Pure Virgin
Date With The Devil
Heaven To Hell
Testament Of Love
One Shots
Fools Anger
Best Man
Character Rolls
Deleted Chapter
Deleted Chapter 2

Holy Matrimony

2K 25 0
By harrystylesgirl98

Harry woke me up around ten. We had both gotten around seven hours of sleep and he had cereal and toast, peanut butter packets, blackberry yogurt and peach slices, apples and bananas, two juice pouches and a bottle of water waiting for me on the side table.

“What’s all this?” I asked lazily and he kissed me on the nose.

“Complimentary breakfast, couldn’t give it up.” He winked handing me the tray it was all on and slouching under the covers to join me.

That’s how we spent our morning .We laid in bed until one in the afternoon, cuddling and talking about the past few days while stealing kisses from one another. At one point I had given him another hand job, to which he had encouraged me and spoken about how much I had improved. It send a proud ripple through my veins. “We should probably turn our phones on then?” He asked and I cursed inwardly, completely forgetting my charger in our haste.

He, of course, had a perfectly nice black iPhone meanwhile I had a chunky silver block of a phone, which, yeah, the battery was dead.

“Fuck.” He cursed staring back at me and showing me the phone. My eyes scanned over the most recent bunch of messages, all of which were from Anne. “I’m just going to call her in the loo.” I nodded my head and then he was off in the bathroom.

I could hear his voice rising and licked out the contents of a peanut butter packet. Glancing at the side clock I noted that we still had a generous amount of time before we had to be at the wedding, meaning I should probably shower now.

Dragging myself out of bed and admiring the way Harry’s massive shirt still hung down on me, I waltzed over to the door. I could make out little snippets of the conversation – mum calm down, mum honestly, this was her choice, she deserves a vacation, I don’t give a fuck, alright, I love her, yes mum, okay, okay, okay, yeah, love you too.

I jolted back from the door and then he swung it open just as I had flopped back onto the bed. He was still dressed in tight black boxer briefs and a baggy white under shirt. I was trying to look casual but I’m sure I looked the opposite.

Love, love, love, I love her

I couldn’t stop the little giggle and burst of a smile when he glanced at me. “What’s got you all happy missy?” He asked eyeing me with fake suspicion.

“I’m really happy that we met.” I said through a massive smile. It was starting to hurt my cheeks.

“Me too.” He smiled back and knelt down in front of me on the side of the bed. “Hey, can I ask you something babe?” He cradled both of my hands in his and I waited for the words to fall from his perfectly plump lips. Surely he was going to ask me if I loved him. “What’s going to happen when you get back? I mean, your mum is going to have a fucking field day.”

My smile immediately dropped and I reared back on the bed a bit. I needed a tad bit of distance from him now that he hadn’t asked the question I had suspected. “Um…” I said hesitantly glancing down at our hands that were still intertwined. “Well, I’m moving out when I go to uni…” I said awkwardly.

I had never thought of how we’d make this work in the future, I just pictured it working. I hadn’t taken into account of his university – hell, I didn’t even know where he was going.

“What?” He asked springing upwards and effectively dropping my hands. “What – where – when – what?” He asked confused, running his hand through his hair and looking much more distraught than I would have predicted from my little announcement. He looked completely bewildered. “Fuck! Fuck! How come I haven’t asked you this yet?”

“Harry, calm down.” I got off the bed and followed him as he paced around the room. “Harry seriously, it’s alright.” I said reaching out for his arm, but instead he pulled it away from me.

“No!” It was the first time he had ever yelled at me. I flinched as if he had physically hit me. The single word held so much vehemence I feared I had done something to upset him, but it seemed more like an internal issue.

“It’s not alright, it’s not.” He said adamantly. His hair shook as he turned back to look at me before sighing and flopping onto the bed. “I just, I don’t want to be away from you s’all.” He said burying his face in his arms and muffling his words a tad.

I straddled Harry’s bum and laid my upper body on his back to try to comfort him. I stroked his hair away from his ear and pressed a kiss against it. “We haven’t even spoken about where we’re going, the farthest away we could be is three hours.” I said in an attempt to cover him. He lifted his head half an inch and blew out a hot puff of air. I gave him another soft kiss, this time on his rosy cheek. “Harry, come on, talk to me.”

He rolled over, nearly knocking me over in the process. He held onto my forearms and bit his bottom lips hard enough to leave white imprints. His eyes were slightly red rimmed and his cheeks were flushed pink. He sniffed and avoided my eyes, looking towards the bathroom, before glancing at my hands on his chest.

“I don’t want to lose you.” It came out earnestly and it knocked the breath out of me.

His green eyes met mine, and they were glossy and truthful. I leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips. Feeling his hands spread up to my shoulders and down my back to rest on my lower spine. I smiled against his lips, feeling myself overcome with emotions for him.

He tugged me back into him, kissing me hard enough to really make me feel just how much he meant it. His tongue licked into my mouth, holding me captive in his arms as the room spun around us. His hands came back around until he was rolling me onto my side. He cuddled into my body, hooking my left leg around his right and pressing our fronts together.

My fingers pressed into his scalp, lightly scratching with my nails and he made a high keening sound as if wanting more. One hand stayed firmly on my back under my body and the other was drifting further and further up the front of my shirt between us.

“Harry, wait-” I said halting his movements. He immediately pulled back, even going so far as putting a little distance between us.

“Sorry.” He said wide eyed and clearly surprised.

“No, no, I just um, I’m going to Manchester, University, I’m living there too.” I said as calmly as I could manage, heart fluttering nervously in my chest with the anticipation of where he was going. I knew it was somewhere close, because he was able to drive home on Friday nights.

“You serious?” He asked lighting up like a Christmas tree. I nodded slowly and he pulled me in for a loud, celebratory, open mouthed kiss. “I go to Salford.”

“Really?” I asked and he nodded his head as he kissed me passionately.

“Fuck, yes, yes, yes.” He repeated kissing down my neck. 15 minutes, I could deal with being 15 minutes away from him. Granted, I would rather have him at Manchester, but Salford was close enough.

His lips made a loud smacking nose on my collarbone and I giggled and flopped about as he rolled us around and nuzzled my collarbones. I felt so free and in love. I couldn’t wait to go to the wedding tonight and show him off to my brother.

“Shall we take a shower?” He asked lifting his head from under the shirt I was wearing. He had been nipping at my stomach leaving, what I assumed, to be what he called love bites. I nodded with a gaping mouth, unable to speak with how much I wanted him. “Mmm, okay.” He said removing himself from me and picking me up bridal style in his arms.

He set up the shower, letting it steam around him before drawing back the curtain and undressing himself. He glanced at me as he pulled down his boxers and I watched him bend over and step out of the foot holes. He caught my eye and winked, causing me to flush deep scarlet.

“C’mon babe, let me see your beautiful body.” He said gesturing to my pajama clothed body.

“You go in first.” I instructed reaching for the hem of my shirt. He gave me a raised eyebrow look and ran his thumb over his bottom lip, looking at me hungrily. He seemed to hesitate and I rolled my eyes embarrassedly. “Harry,” I said snapping his eyes from my legs back up to my eyes, “go in first.” I said shooing him into the shower.

“Mmm, I’ll be waiting babe.” His eyes dropped lower once again, but it was no longer to me. It was to his thickening member. He wrapped a hand around his base and I watched with wide, surprised eyes as he drew it to the head of his cock, stroking in one firm upward motion.

With a heavy pant from my lips, he dropped me another wink and entered the shower, leaving the curtain half way open, but disappearing from my sight nonetheless. I gave myself a glance in the mirror, noting how it was quickly fogging in the steamy air. I stripped down and ran a hand down my smooth stomach before stepping in the shower to join him.

His back was facing me, head being doused by the powerful shower head. I shut the curtain behind me and cleared my throat. But still, he didn’t acknowledge me as he ran his hand through his hair, combing it from his face.

I stepped towards him, curling my arms around his middle and pressing my dry body against his wet back, effectively dampening my front. He dropped his hands to my forearms, running his finger tips up and down my arm. Causing the hair to stand on end and goose bumps to form on my skin, he sighed satisfied.

I kissed the top of his spine and he let out a pant of my name with the phrase we had admitted attached to the end of it. “Let me get wet.” I murmured reaching up for the shower head.

He turned swiftly, pressing me into the tiled side of the shower stall and smirking. His fingertips brushed at my womanhood swiftly before he ducked his head and nipped my earlobe, muttering a filthy, “I love it when you’re wet” before sucking on my earlobe once again. I shivered from his words and the tingle down my spine was noticeable.

It was one of the first times that I had noted how experienced he was. I mean, he was experienced, there was no doubt about it. But, but I couldn’t help but let my insecurities out. He stroked two fingers against my folds as he nipped at my neck. I rolled my hips towards him and he let out a small chuckle. It dawned on me then, how he knew exactly how to turn me on and exactly when to do it.

Meanwhile, I was stuck trying to figure out how to move against him, what felt good for the both of us. I wanted to move my hips, wiggle closer to him, but was that the right thing to do? I tried to relax, but my shoulders stayed high, back too rigid as I thought about how I could never measure up to his standards. I thought about how I had no experience and how awful our first time together was.

I felt his lips disconnect from my skin, numbly aware of what was happening around me. “Baby? Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” It was the first time he had used an intimate pet name like sweetheart, and I wanted to feel warmth from it, but I only felt worry. “Talk to me, what’s wrong?”

“I just, I don’t know.” I said feeling my cheeks flush from embarrassment. I ducked my head away from him and stood under the streams of hot water. It was slightly hotter than I would have liked, but it was a welcome burn.

It would surely flush away my thoughts of Harry and other girls sharing moments that we did. I knew I was special to Harry, but surely, I could never compare to all of the girls he had had before. And surely, those girls weren’t frigid virgins like me. Surely, the knew what to do with their hips, and their hands, and their lips, and their hair.

I sniffled feeling my eyes stinging with humiliation. His fingers folded into my hips and I jumped at the touch. It disappear just as quick as it had happened, Harry withdrawing his presence, but reaching around me to turn off the water supply.

“What’s wrong?” He asked again and I shook my head, wiping the water out of my eyes with the back of my hand. “Hey, c’mon love, be honest with me.” He said holding to my hand as we listened to the drip of the remaining water.

“I just, I really, I know, I know, that you’ve been with other girls, I didn’t, I haven’t thought you weren’t, I just, I’m not them, and-” tears streaked my cheeks from my sudden outburst and he folded me in his arms as I shut my eyes tightly.

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s this all about?” He asked calmly holding me firmer to him.

“I just, Harry, I’m not, and I,” I sputtered incoherently and he shushed me lovingly until my breathing was somewhat normal and I could feel the pulse of his heartbeat against my back.

“Talk to me when you’re ready.” He instructed and I nodded as I pinched my eyelids closed with all the power I could sum up. I took a few deep breathes, already embarrassed by what I wanted to ask. I clenched and unclenched my fists, calming down before I had to ask him.

I opened my eyes and was met with little red spots dotting the blue tile I was staring at. “Am I good? Like when we do stuff together? In bed, is it, am I okay?” I hesitated wary for his answer.

“What?” He asked furrowing his brows before nodding and quickly reassuring me. “Yes, of course, I think you’re great.” He said stroking up and down one of my arms.

I took a step away from him, not believing him entirely. “Don’t pity me.” I murmured shyly, ashamed by his comfort.

“I’m not – that’s not what I’m trying to do.” He said stepping forwards and into my space. It wasn’t frightening, or territorial, just wary, concerned. “Obviously, you don’t have any experience, so yeah, sometimes it’s a bit awkward. But that doesn’t take away from how I feel about you, or about us, understand?” I nodded, still avoiding his eye contact and he lifted my chin to meet his eyes. “It’s a learning thing. My first times, they were awkward and uncomfortable, but we grew to learn what we both liked. I have to learn what you like, and it’s difficult sometimes, because it’s so new for you.” He gave me a swift kiss on the lips, just a brush of his against mine. I felt the bitter bile of jealousy rise in my throat at the mention of other girls.

“If you’re worried about me, clearly, I’m enjoying it. I can barely control myself around you, I want to show you off everywhere, make people jealous because, I’m the only boy that gets to be with you, touch you, taste you – which I love. I love you, and I don’t want you to feel insecure.” His eyebrows rose as if asking me if I understood what he was asking. But, I couldn’t get past his subtle dropping of the L-bomb.

He surpassed my silence and continued to do the talking. “So we’ll learn together, because I love you and you’re worth it for me. As long as you’re comfortable, I want to be with you, okay?”

I stayed silent and this time he didn’t continue to speak. He ran his hand halfway down my wet hair before stopping when it got too knotted for him to continue. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and wrapped his arms around me and I leaned into him. I allowed him to support my body weight as he turned the water back on and washed my hair with the hotel shampoo. He followed it with conditioner and combed it gently out of my hair.

He let me lean into him, with my arms wrapped around his middle as he cleaned his own hair. He rubbed the bar of soap along my body, lathering it enough to leave little foams of bubbles.

Throughout our innocent shower escapade I hadn’t spoken a word. I felt young, vulnerable, and confused. Yes, Harry had admitted his love for me and I felt a burst of warmth whenever I thought about it. But there was also a part of me, a nasty, black glob of anger that thought about how Harry had shared his first experiences with another girl. And he had probably told her that he loved her then too.

Harry was quiet. Only murmuring single-syllables of instructions – lift, up, move, open. I followed wordlessly and we both seemed to be whirring with thoughts of our own. He shut the water off for the second time and opened the curtain just a sliver.

The room was steamy, but there was still a rush of cold air as he reached for something. I admired his bum, but then an ugly thought reared it’s way into my mind – other girls have seen his bum too, many, many times.

He turned back around and handed me a white fluffy towel. When I didn’t respond, he opened the towel and wrapped it around my body. I didn’t lift my eyes from the shower floor and he sighed my name loud enough for me to snap my head up at him.

“I didn’t mean to make it awkward or anything. I didn’t mean to say it then. I had this big, romantic gesture all planned out and I kind of just shot it to hell. But I do love you, I have for a while.” He admitted quietly. His cheeks were red and his eyes looked unreadable.

“Okay.” I whispered and it was the only response I could think of.

“Fuck it.” He muttered under his breath before turning around and stalking out of the bathroom. He had swiped a towel off the carrier and in the process knocked the rest of the face and hand towels on the floor. I sighed as I picked them up and half heartedly folded them.

Staring at the shut bathroom door I ran my hands over my face. I just wanted to be with him, but now I introduced a new issue in our relationship which added pressure on both of our parts. It added pressure on him to comfort me, and it added performance pressure on my part.

But I didn’t want to go out and face him yet. I was embarrassed of my break down, and my act of ignorance, so I did the cowardly thing to do and turned on the hotel blow dryer. I dried my hair, combing through it to make my hair soft and smooth and straight.

When I had calmed myself down from two crying fits, my eyes were sore and my nose was rubbed raw. I rewrapped my body in the towel and took a deep breath before going out in the room to face Harry. He was lying on his back in black skinny jeans and a button up white dress shirt. His hair was messy sprawled on the pillow and his hands rested on his stomach. His eyes were glued to the television that was playing an episode of Skins.

I leaned against the doorframe watching for a few heartbeats until I felt too ignored. “Babe?” I never used pet names. I think this was the first time in the history of knowing him that I had called him anything other than his name. He turned to face me, wary eyes raking up and down my body. “What time is it?” I clutched the towel to my dry body in an attempt to focus his eyes.

His hands lifted and I realized that his phone was underneath his clasped fingers. “Half two.” he murmured monotonously turning back to the screen in front of him.

“Kay.” The word came out a whimper as I fought the tears down. I was so emotional, too emotional. I didn’t know what to do with my emotions half the time.

“Shit, baby, wait.” Harry said, voice obviously strained. “Wait, just come here.” I walked over warily, still clutching the towel tight to my frame. “I meant what I said when I told you I love you, and now I’m acting like a dick, and I’m really sorry that.” He scooted over on the bed and I sat in his lap, thankfully still holding the towel tightly. “But I love you, and no other girl matters, but you, and I’ve never felt so strongly for someone and thinking about losing you, or making you feel inadequate, just worries me.” He confessed.

I mulled over his words adding my own input. “You don’t make me feel inadequate, I make myself feel that way. You just, you know exactly what to do all the time, and I don’t know how to move. I don’t know what to do half the time and I don’t want you to have to put up with me.”

“Hey,” his voice was sharp, but his face was soft, “I don’t put up with you. I love you, I want to be with you, I want to touch you, kiss you, hold you, look at you. I don’t care about anyone else. Not what they say, do, feel, think, as long as I’m with you and you’ll have me, I’m happy, okay?” I nodded and nuzzled into his neck, hearing the reality of his words.

“Yeah, yeah, okay.” I said feeling his palm stroke up and down my back soothingly. I raised my head so I could look at him. I kissed at the hinge of his jaw and swept my teeth and the tip of my tongue along it until I couldn’t reach it anymore. “I love you Harry.”

He turned and smiled widely at me. “D’ya mean that?” He asked and I nodded my head feeling confident in the words I had just spoken. He kissed me hard on the lips and I reciprocated the kiss with as much love as I could show. “Mmm, love you so much baby.” He breathed dropping the towel open and gazing at my body.

I squealed and flipped on the bed, effectively covering my front from him. “Love this view too.” He murmured lightly tapping my bum. I squealed his name in warning and heard his loud chuckle. “I’m just kidding babe! Now get dressed, we have a wedding to go to!” He cheered loudly with over exaggerated enthusiasm.

I rolled my eyes and readjusted my towel, instructing him to hide in the bathroom while I changed into a dress that he had brought stating, “it was Gemma’s but my mum keeps it in her closet. Keeps saying she’ll wear it when she goes to the pub. The thought alone makes me want to throw up.”

It was a little short, hit just past half way down my thigh, and was much shorter than I was used to wearing. He comforted me though, telling me just how sexy he though I looked.

I left my hair in the straightened form and adjusted the dress in the mirror. Harry came up behind me with a stick of eyeliner in his left hand. “You want some?” He asked offering it to me. I giggled and shook my head as he hip checked me out of the way. I hip checked him back and he waggled the eyeliner in my face.

“You’re gonna make me poke an eye out.” I giggled as he pulled on his eyelids, stretching them to get precise lines around his eyes. “This is a French themed wedding… I highly doubt if the French men wear guyliner.” I teased pecking a short kiss to his lips so he understood that I was joking.

“And I doubt if they have this many tattoos and piercings as well.” He said grabbing me by my back and tugging me up against his body. I was anticipating a kiss, but he didn’t give it to me. Instead he stared into my eyes and it caught me off guard. The way the harsh kohl framed his green iris’. “Now let me do my hair, it’s flat.”

“You’re awfully high maintenance.” I teased as he pulled out some styling gel and pushed his hair backwards. I pinched his cheeks and poked his dimple causing him to growl at me.

We laughed and kissed and he made me twirl around for him – oh yeah, you look a lot better than Gemma – to which I told him I better. And then we were driving to the venue and I was texting Logan off his phone. He responded quickly, giving me directions to his waiting room and asking me to meet him.

“I’m nervous.” I confided to Harry as he opened the door for me and let me slip out of the car. “I haven’t seen him for years.”

“You love him?” I nodded, “and he loves you. Think of this as a fresh start baby.” He rubbed my back through the pale pink dress before kissing my forehead. “Then let’s go.”

Seeing my brother on his wedding day was scary. Harry knocked on the door before I was ready, but he had a steady hand on my hip and another tightly grasping my hand. Logan opened the door swiftly, smiling down at me and pulling me into his arms in an instant. I tried not to cry against his neatly pressed white dress shirt.

I could hear Harry and Logan exchanging words, felt Logan’s and leave and the up and down movement of him and Harry shaking hands. Logan laughed loudly at something Harry said then dipped his head and kissed my cheek.

“You being here means more to me, then I could ever describe.” He told me and I smiled elatedly. “Thanks for coming too mate. Keeping her safe and everything.” He addressed Harry and I turned to see Harry swaying side to side with a grin on his face as well.

We sat around in his room while people fluttered in and out with last minute questions and comments. We talked about his fiancé, Daniel who he had met a few years ago. Logan told me that my father wasn’t able to make it – that he had move to Latvia with his new wife and son. I was shocked because I had no idea that he wasn’t in England anymore. He sounded overall happy and as we were escorted out of his room, I gave him a last minute hug.

I was able to keep my emotions in check. Hugging and kissing my fathers side of the family and being introduced to Logan’s friends who had seen pictures and heard stories of me. I flaunted Harry. He looked amazing, and when I insisted that he unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, I could see the tip of his swallow wings on his chest.

“You look really sexy.” I murmured in his ear when my brother was exchanging his vows.

“Sexy?” He whispered back amused. “I think that’s the most inappropriate thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

“Then you should here what I think.” I teased back, placing my hand on his thigh as I leaned into him. He made a groaning sort of sound and I blushed bright pink, removing my hand immediately and jolting back slightly.

He laughed as he wound his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me into him. When Logan and Daniel were announced husbands and were told to kiss, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. I turned to face Harry again, hiding my discomfort in his arms. His chest vibrated with a chuckle, clearly unashamed of the kissing couple up ahead.

“Stand.” He murmured before I was brought to my feet and everyone around us was whooping and cheering. I had never been to such a loud wedding. The ones that were often in the church were quiet and reserved – lots of cooing and fawning.

Looking around, there were other couples, of the same gender and some not, kissing each other affectionately, celebrating my new brother-in-law. Harry was cheering loudly as well, clapping his hands around my body and yelling. I joined in as the strode down the center of the aisle, high fiving and cheek kissing guests along the way.

Then there was a flurry of chatter, and copious amounts of pictures being taken. Daniel and I were introduced and he had a very flamboyant personality – he was perfect for Logan. The photographer snapped some pictures of the four of us and we all laughed and chatted until the happy couple was whisked away.

At the reception Harry and I were seated with a group of friends we had met earlier. They were nice and curious about our relationship, wondering why we were going out and wanting to hear the back story. Harry charmed all of them of course, retelling the story with a lot more affectionate words towards me than I remembered – and I just saw this stunning girl, and I knew I had to balls up and talk to her.

Harry brought me a flute of champagne and then proceeded to get me to drink it. It was awful and apparently an acquired taste. “You are too cute for words babe.” He said pecking my nose and laughed at my scrunched up face when I swallowed another small sip.

“I don’t like alcohol.” I concluded handing it back to him and watching him down it in one swift, fluid motion.

“It’s hardly that strong babe – but at least you can say you let loose for once.” He teased feeding me some salad to which our table cooed at. I glared at him and pushed the fork away in mock anger. I was a little disgruntled that he thought I didn’t let loose.

“Fine then.” I said squaring off to him in the seat and effectively knocking his arm off the back of my shoulder. “I’m going to get drunk.” I told him confidently, proud at how my voice didn’t falter.

“You? You’re going to get drunk?” he laughed.

“Yes.” I said reaching for his own flute of champagne and flinching when I took a large gulp. He let out a low whistle, looking at me sideways and then shrugging.

“Y’know what then babe? If you want to drink, go ahead. You’re old enough to make decisions and if you want to get drunk off fancy champagne, then go for it.” He said coolly and I nodded my head at him, trying to be above his condescending tone.

I nursed the glass of bubbly alcohol through the first course of dinner and well past the second. I finally finished it during the cake cutting and the distribution of it. “I could really use another.” I said waving the empty glass in front of Harry’s face with a big grin. He rolled his eyes and chuckled, nodding his head and leaving his seat. The other guests at the table high fived me, bantering back and forth over how many glasses it would take until I was drunk. Harry returned, a tray of champagne for each one of us and handed me my drink with an amused smirk. “Okay drunky pants, time to show us what you’ve got.”

An hour and a half later, all of the speeches had been made and I had shed a few tears. Some of his childhood friends made an appearance, and some remembered me whereas others did not. The cake had been cut and the DJ was in full swing. Bodies were gyrating on the illuminated dance floor and Harry was holding tight to my hand as we remained as the only people at our abandoned table.

Logan and Daniel were busy being in love, and so were Harry and I. “You having fun?” He shouted over the music and I nodded happily. He smiled back at me and murmured a “good” before kissing me hard on the mouth. “Do you want more champagne?” I shook my head and he raised his eyebrows. “Thought you wanted to get drunk.”

“I do… but I want something stronger.” A hesitant look passed over his face and I rolled my eyes with how he was treating me like breakable china. “You’re the one that said I was an adult.” I reminded him and this time he rolled his eyes.

“If you think I’m taking care of your drunk arse tonight, you’re wrong.” He said pushing his chair back, but keeping his face level to mine.

“Of course you’re going to take care of me baby.” I said in the sweetest voice I could muster. I slung my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. “That’s what a proper boyfriend would do.”

He opened his shirt another button, allowing me to see more of his chest and the inked birds on his chest. His tongue ran smoothly over his lip ring before he looked me dead in the eyes and said, “I’m not proper to begin with.”

I groaned and threw my hands in the air as he winked and retrieved more drinks. I waited patiently by myself until he came back with multiple coloured liquid in tiny glasses. He had six between the two of his hands, wedged in every place possible and he managed not to spill a drop. “These are shots.” He said setting them down in front of me.

“Now,” he said pointedly, looking at me like I was a small child learning how to play an instrument for the first time, “you are not to drink all of them, and I instructed the barmaid not to add too much alcohol.” He picked up a neon blue drink. “This one has blue raspberry vodka in it… it’s not very strong alright?” He brought it to his lips. “You tip it back and swallow it in one go… you can sip it if you want.” I huffed impatiently at him and he chuckled, placing a warm hand on my bare knee.

He tipped his head back and I watched the liquid drain, watched his Adams apple bob as it swallowed the poison. “See? Easy peasy, and remember, you don’t have to do this.”

“Jeez Styles, loosen up.” I chided picking up a neon red one. “Do I just?” I hesitated and he nodded at me. I tipped it back like he had and sputter a bit before I swallowed it all. “Yuck, pleh, pleh, pleh.” I said sticking out my tongue and retching a disgusted face.

“I think that ones cherry, yeah?” He asked lifting the glass and smelling it. I nodded my head and he chuckled again. He handed me a glass of coke from across the table and offered it to me. “Sip this babe.” He instructed and I washed down the alcohol smoothly.

After a few more seconds, I picked up a green one. “That’s going to be sour, it’s green apple.” I knocked it backwards and washed it down with the cola once more. “God Harry, people do this for fun?” I said pinching my nose and taking another large gulp.

“All the time.” He smirked downing one more.

“Remember that you have to drive back to the hotel.” I said wiggling another cherry drink in his face.

He laughed heartedly before swiping the drink and taking it for himself, grinning and wiping at his mouth with his hand. I felt a warm sensation in my stomach and kissed away any trace of cherry from his lips. When I pulled back he tugged me by my hips to straddle his waist. “There’s hardly an alcohol in there, it tastes like juice.”

“It doesn’t taste good.” Was my only response and he nipped teasingly at my neck in the big hall of people.

“Mmm, let’s go dancing then.”

We danced and danced and danced and I spotted Logan and Daniel kissing again, but I didn’t make a comment or turn away this time. I figured that was how Harry and I looked – in love and without a care in the world. At a quarter to eleven Harry flipped me in his arms and pressed my back into his front. He grinded his hips into my bum and groaned in my ear.

It was dirty dancing, like I had seen other couples do and I thought about how it didn’t feel wrong. I mean yes, when I had seen other people dancing like this, I had assumed they were gross and hormonal teenagers. But with Harry, it felt oddly intimate. He breathed down my neck as a Top 40 song played.

“How are you enjoying the wedding?” Harry whispered in my ear as I felt the small effect of alcohol singe in my veins. It wasn’t as weird as I thought it would be, I just felt a tad out of it. Like everything was slightly slower.

“I like it, this is fun. Nothing like my cousins wedding last fall.” I mused pecking his cheek. He grinned and grinded back on me and I moaned his name in warning. “Let’s go back.” I suggested.

“Back?” He asked turning me again and resting his hands on the small of my back.

“To the hotel…” I said raising an eyebrow and feeling much more gutsy. “Because… I was thinking that couples have sex on wedding nights… and we’re a couple… and we still need to actually have sex.” I reminded him, gauging his reaction throughout my mini schpeal.

“Mmm, fuck, yes, please, let’s go back now.” He struggled for words. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him once on the inside of his shirt. I could feel how hot his skin was and the slight saltiness from the sweat.

I pressed my body against his as I stumbled to walk and felt him hard through his jeans. “You’re already hard?” I asked in wonder.

I saw the blush of his cheeks and warmed on the inside. “Always for you.” he winked before whisking me away and in search of my brother.

We found him socializing with a Daniel’s mum and after being introduced and some massive hugs I kissed Logan and Daniel on the cheek and asked them to stay in touch. “I’m really glad you were able to come, Squirt.” Logan said squeezing me tightly, slurring his words slightly.

“I’m really happy I came, it was a lot of fun.”

“Thanks, I’m gonna have a quick chat with Harry, really quickly.”

I nodded and waited with Daniel as he complimented me on my incredible taste for clothing to which I told him Harry had brought it for me. We launched into Harry talk, which involved in lots of fawning and him asking me about my sex life – oh darling, I know you’ve done the dirty with him. I giggled and turned scarlet, hiding my face embarrassed. Daniel simply laughed over me and ran back over to Logan as the pair made their way back to us.

Harry lifted me into his arms and kissed me wildly. And then we were off. Harry was in fact, in perfect condition for driving. We made it back to the hotel in record time and then he was buying us bottles of water from the vending machine and whisking us into the room.

Time seemed to stand still as we stripped each other off slowly. We admired one another’s bodies and locked our lips in more kisses than I thought possible. Harry was everywhere all at once. His hands and lips, his tongue and torso, and his length pressed into my thigh, lightly rutting against me as I lied sprawled on the bed beneath him.

“You looked so gorgeous tonight.” He whispered into my neck placing a long kiss there.

“Thank you.” I smiled, tangling my hands into his hair, twisting it in my fingers at the nape of his neck. It was damp from his sweat, his body releasing the scent that I knew as only Harry. It was indescribable.

“I mean it, I don’t know how I got so lucky.” He said kissing hard kisses along my cheekbone until he was looking me in the eyes.

I swiped my fingers under his eyes to collect the rundown black before wiping it beside me on the duvet and holding his face between my palms. I kept his eye contact until our lips met. It was soft, and tentative. It was slow too, as if testing the waters, seeing who the first one to break and push the kiss further was.

Harry, evidently pulled back instead, leaving me feeling somewhat dissatisfied. “I love you.” He whispered a hair away from my lips.

I tangled my fingers in the wayward curls just below his ears. “Then make love to me.”

One hand swept done my side before they rested on the last piece of clothing on my body, my knickers. He sat back on his knees and I bent my legs as he pulled them down my body before shucking them to the side. He crawled back over me until he was covering me like a blanket. “It’d be my pleasure.”

He rolled me so I was on top of him, pressing his fingers into my neck and allowing me to leave little kisses around his chest tattoos while he fumbled for something. He pulled me up softly, letting my thigh run against his member on my way up. He kissed my lips softly before rolling us back.

With smooth precision he pinched the tip and rolled the condom down. I took in a hesitant breath, remembering the pain of last time. He had already prepared me, or at least that’s what he called it – I’m going to try three alright babe?

It had felt good, and I had felt full. I wasn’t as wary as before, just scared to feel the same pain. “Hold my hand, and squeeze like before?” He gave me his left palm and I parted my legs as my fingers slotted through. “Sink your teeth in if you need.”

He offered me his shoulder and I gave it a quick peck before meeting his eyes. He murmured another soft declaration of his love and I returned it.

And then, he was rolling his hips and slowly guiding himself into me. I dropped my head to his shoulder, using my other hand to wrap around his shoulder and to his neck. I was swimming with thoughts. How it still hurt, but not as bad, how he felt so smooth and soft, but muscley and toned beneath my fingertips.

A little bit was entered, but I knew he was restraining himself, watching my reaction carefully. “You can go a bit more.” I whispered, not realizing how silent the space around us was until I took in a sharp breathe and heard the catch in my throat.

“You sure Angel?” He asked and I simply nodded.

He pushed in a gentle thrust and I spread my legs wider, letting a squeal of discomfort escape my lips. “Don’t stop, I want to go through with this, don’t stop.” I warned and he nodded as I felt him opening me wider, the stretch of him burning, but not searing.

I felt a tear slip my eye and he kissed it away, collecting the saltiness with his plump lips. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t, just keep going.”

He peppered my face with kisses and my body was able to relax that much more. He told me to breathe evenly, inching in farther with every soft exhale. He pulled back and I shifted underneath him, getting more comfortable when he smoothed in for the second time.

The tears had luckily stopped, but it didn’t prevent the discomfort. He gave a jut of his hips and I gripped his biceps, nails digging in. “Fuck, you’re tight.” He murmured against my lips, kissing them twice before he dipped his hips into me again.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized when he groaned the phrase under his breath again.

He let out a grunt of a chuckle followed by, “no, it’s a good thing love, really good.”

A few more thrusts and long pauses, and then I felt more comfortable. His actions sped up in the smallest amount and his breath fanned over my face. I traced the shapes on his arms and kissed his lip piercing as his mouth made a small O.

“You’re doing so good baby.” He encouraged as I hooked my leg around him and felt him slip deeper. He let out a groan and kissed my slack cheek. “Can I come inside of you?” He asked and I scrunched my eyebrows.

“Aren’t you wearing a condom?”

“Yeah, but,” he grunted a little under his breath, “did you want me to pull out to come in it?”

I didn’t quite understand his question, but I shook my head regardless. “No, it’s alright.”

He nodded and his hips lost the soft rhythm they had built up. His eyebrows scrunched and his lips formed a vice grip on my lower lip. He came with a soft sigh and a long moan. He brushed my hair from my eyes and pressed his forehead to mine, and just like that it was over. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I whispered back kissing his chin and having him grin, full dimple and everything.

I rested my hand on his back and breathed in his scent. “I’m going to pull out now.” He warned. It wasn’t as painful going out as it had been entering, although it did leave me with an empty feeling. “We’ll take a bath to relax your muscles, and then I’ll reward you with a little bit of this.” He said showing me an example by licking into my mouth and kissing me hard. “Except, I’ll be kissing your other lips.” I blushed at him and he giggled at me. It was completely girly and I blushed even harder.

True to his word, Harry filled the tub with a lavish amount of hotel bubble bath. I sighed in his arms as I lied back to his chest. His hands spread the bubbles all up my torso while he kissed my neck slowly. I was moaning, writhing, and panting his name in the hot bath – sweating from the heat from the water and intensity that was just, plain old Harry.

His finger slipped between my legs and although the ache was still very much present, his fingers help soothe it with their loving touch. “You’re so soft baby, like my own personal body pillow.” He laughed lifting his legs so they were positioned over top and now between mine.

“I like the sound of that.” I moaned when his fingers curled and his thumb pressed on that one spot that had me moaning his name and coming quickly into the warm water. He dried us off with a towel, paying special attention to his new favourite area. He kissed from the top of my toes, up to my neck, hovering over my lips before returning down the other side to kiss my last baby toe.

“I love you.”

“You’re cheesy Mr. Styles.” I murmured, kissing his lips for the millionth time that night.

“But you love it.”

“I do.”

He grabbed my hand and led me to our bed. Our bed – that just had a special ring to it. “Now, I believe I owe you something.” He said guiding me to a lie down position and slithering down my legs until his mouth hovered above my most intimate area.

Harry curled around my body like a cocoon, stroking my arm and running his feet up and down my calf. “Are you scared for when we return?” He asked gently, pillowing the blow of reality.

“Yes.” I said truthfully. I was much braver in the dark of the hotel room.

“Why is that? I have an idea, but I just want to know.”

I sighed and turned over in his arms, enjoying the feel of the soft comforters on my naked skin. “I don’t know how to face my mum. She’ll be awfully curious, and I’m sure she knows I’m with you… I mean, your mum probably told her-”

“She has.” He confessed and I trembled lightly in his arms.

“I just want her to understand that I love you. I want her to give you a chance and if she doesn’t do that then, I, I-” I kissed at his chest and snuggled closer to him. “I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t be with you.” I could feel the tears wanting to escape, but willed them not to.

“Hey, baby, we’ll be together alright? As long as you’ll have me, we’ll be alright.” He promised tilting my chin up and kissing me for good measure.

“But what about Emma? She said she’d ruin me.” I worried, tracing patterns into his chest when I dropped my chin in worry.

His lips made contact with my forehead and he exhaled languidly. “Emma won’t hurt you, she’s all empty threats. And you only have to see her for what? Two more weeks?” I nodded, but finally let the tears cascade. “It’s alright, we’ll be alright.”

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