There Is Hope (Austin Carlile...

By werestep1

30.4K 520 88

It's been three years since something trgaic happened in Krissy's life lets just say she lost a lot, but she... More

Lord of the Rings
Bacon Pancakes
Perfect Date? Close Enough.
Instagramming This Shit
It's Been Three Years!
Repeating Apologizes
Bar Fights and Realizations
Spring Fever
Blow Horns and Sexual Things (The End)

There Is Hope (Austin Carlile Fanfic)

9.8K 72 17
By werestep1

“Wake up!” I groaned as my lovely friend Lucinda screamed in my ear. I decided to move out of my very depressing home back in New York and move in with her in California. Lucinda was a big shot around here, she was Alan Ashby’s girlfriend, but oh no that’s not all she owned a big venue. Yup, a show time kind of girl, she loves music and decided it would be cooler to just own her own venue and with her charm and luck she was able to get band after band fast. She was basically flawless, no wonder Alan picked her. Well I only met him once so I really don’t know, anyways she had long black hair, skinny as a fucking pole, tattoos all over, and she looks like one of those tumblr girls if you ask me. Now me? Let’s just say I am your average American, yeah I got some tattoos and piercings, but I’m mega short and I have the longest red hair around.  Also, I’m bad at socializing unlike Lucinda I don’t have charm and I don’t have luck. I have the worst luck in the world, it was terrible. I was just a hopeless wreck.

“Get up now you lazy fucking bum! We are going out! Because tonight my lovely boyfriend’s front-man agreed to have their homecoming show at MY venue and we got invited to the after party!” She yelled as she started to jump on my bed. Now, I love music but not once have I heard her boyfriend’s music all I knew was her boyfriend’s name was Alan and he was in a band called Of Mice & Men.

“Why do I have to go?” I mumbled, pushing her off my bed. I have been here for a week now and she is making me go and socialize already?! Over my dead fucking body.

“Because it’s been almost three years, Krissy” She gave me those god awful puppy eyes when she said that and as depressed as I am, I huffed and got out of bed. Because Sierra worked at night mostly we got up pretty late in the afternoon normally around 2 and right on the dot it was 2 in the afternoon.  First thing we always did was of course do each other hair, we were basically sisters ever since high school but Lucinda made it big and moved out.

“So who is playing tonight?” I asked as she started to straighten my hair.

“Of Mice & Men, and Bring Me The Horizon along with our loveable friends from Pierce The Veil” She laughed, I knew the guys from Pierce The Veil, the brothers; Mike and Vic are some of our closest friends I don’t remember exactly how I meet them but Lucinda met them at a club one night. I think her and Mike had a thing before she met Alan, but that’s just my view of their relationship.

“God I can’t wait to see Vic!” I said, I was closest to Vic. He has always been such a good friend to me, even in my hardest of times.

“Okay are we ready?” Lucinda asked as she took one last look in the mirror and as did I. Let’s just say we looked like those girls from tumblr the ones with all those tattoos and what not. Well you kind of get the point. Anyways, we made our way to the venue; I loved the fact the Lucinda owned it, being able to get into so many concerts for free was amazing!

I waited for Lucinda in a small room in the back, she would usually help everyone set up considering she was also a techie loser. That’s what I called her anyways, my little techie loser.

“Hey Krissy” I lifted my head up and say a ginger haired freak staring at me with a goofy grin on his face.

“Hey Ginger Princess” I mumbled, Alan was more like that annoying little brother I kind of never wanted but loved him anyways because I was forced to.

“Hello” I heard another voice; I looked over Alan’s head and saw a very tall, gorgeous man.

“H-hi” I stuttered, trying to get up from the couch I was sitting on but tripping over my feet, falling face first onto the floor. Nice one Krissy, nice one.

“Are you okay?” The man ran over to me and helped me off the grown. He had to be like 6’2 he was tall, he had tattoos coving his body, black hair and gorgeous eyes, I swear I could get lost in those, let’s not forget his smile, man was it the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

“Um- yea-yeah I’m fine” I smiled back at him, which only made him smile even bigger.

“I’m Austin by the way” He said extending his hand, I took his in mine. I couldn’t help by look how much bigger his hands are compared to my small ones, I felt so tiny compared to him.

“I’m Krissy” Alan laughed; I guess he could just fell the awkward in the world because I know I could.

“Austin, that’s Lucie’s friend.” Austin’s eyes grew even wider and before I knew it I was engulfed in a hug.

“Well in that case hug!” He screamed, he went from being a very mature to being ten times as adorable as before. I don’t understand why Lucinda isn’t dead with this ball of cuteness around. God, listen to me I sound like a fucking school girl. Someone kill me before I explode.

“Hey gu- Oh Krissy I see you meet Austin” Lucinda smiled as she ran into the room, standing next to Alan.

“Yeah, he’s very huggable?” I laughed, as he let go of me and looked a little embarrassed.

“Well you guys are on! Now get the fuck out there and rock it!” Lucinda screamed giving Alan a little kiss, before grabbing my hand and meeting backstage with Vic and Oli.

“hey Vic!” I said as I gave him the biggest hug in the world.

“Oli I thought you were leaving after your show to go home?” I heard Lucinda ask,

“Yeah I wanted to stay for the party, love” he smiled at her,

“Of course there is nothing as awesome as a party as an Of Mice & Men homecoming party!” She laughed,

“Hey!” Vic said, of course it was his welcome home party also.

“And Pierce The Veil excuse me” She laughed again,

“So how is everything?” Vic asked as we listened to the music. I have to admit I was impressed Of Mice & Men were amazing.

“It’s getting better “ I sighed, well I wasn’t lying because it was getting better I mean living with Lucinda is like a full time job, she was usually all upset when Alan went away because she was basically head over heels for him it made me jealous sometimes.

“Good, I am glad you moved in with Lucinda. Now I don’t have to go across the country to see you for only a week” I smiled, Vic always came to visit me almost after every tour. He was one of those guys I could see myself with, but I could never date. It just wasn’t my thing; I am just horrible with relationships.

“Me too, I’m glad you are off tour now we can actually do things together!” I smiled as I leaned my head on his shoulder. I seriously fucking loved this kid; he was seriously one of my best friends.

“Austin!” Vic yelled as we finally got to the club,

“Hey Vic! Hey Krissy!” he said as he came up to us and gave us the biggest hug.

“So how did you like my band?” He said to me, trying his best to yell over the music.

“It was fucking amazing!” I laughed as I could feel Vic grab my hand to keep from losing me, and I could have sworn I saw Austin try not to frown.  I usually danced with Lucinda, but she was God knows where with Alan, and I was stuck with Vic and Austin who were blabbing the whole time. I was about on my third drink and I still couldn’t keep track of their conversation until Austin said my name a million times.

“Are you okay?” he asked, I snapped out of my train of thought and looked around Vic was gone. I frowned, jerk.

“Where did Vic go?” I asked

“He had to leave; he asked if you wanted to go remember? You shook your head no” Of course I did because I wasn’t paying attention well shit. I guess I will be Austin’s little puppy for the rest of the night.

“Mind if I bother you for the night?” I asked, he put his arm around me and smiled big.

“I wouldn’t mind at all my little puppy” He laughed, it was like he was reading my mind or some shit.

“Oh god, I have a bad feeling about this” I mumbled to myself.

The night actually went better than I thought; Austin talked to me all night about all sorts of things. He asked about my tattoos and I asked about his, I cried when he told me about his Mom. After that we basically left and walked back to Lucinda’s he wasn’t going to his house until tomorrow he thought it would be the gentleman thing to walk me home plus Alan has his car keys.  Austin stood close next to me with his arm around my shoulder, it was cold and dark out which surprised me because it was usually always how.

“Lucinda told me what happened” He sighed, I looked at the ground.

“Figured” I sighed

“Want to talk about it?” he asked, I kind wanted to but then I didn’t it was a touchy thing.

“Not really, maybe one day I will tell you what happened but for right now that’s my past.” I sighed, he nodded his head and the rest of the way to Lucinda’s was a quiet one but it was nice, it was really nice being with him. Even though we didn’t talk a lot it was nice to just walk with someone in silence, I would glance over at him once in and while and catch him staring at me, which made him laugh and me smile.  I can honestly say, I am super glad Lucinda woke me up this afternoon.

hey guys!!! I know it's not a very long chapter but I wanted to give you guys at least one chapter , because I am mega tired and can feel the block coming back! Anyways love you all!!

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