Jeff the Killer (love story)


27.9K 1K 293

Who am I? My names Shinna, that girl that really doesn't matter to anyone. At school, at home, anywhere reall... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chaster 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
~ A/N ~

Chapter 26

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I was running and running again. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest and all I could hear was screams and pleads. My head was sweaty and my body temperature was hot. My chest was burning from all the running and lack of rest. Everyone was scared and I couldn't help no one. I was now slowing my run to a jog. I haven't heard or seen Nina until something went flying to me at fast speed. Luckily I dodged just in time and there was a shadow figure now running at Me. It went to throw a punch but Nina came out of no where and blocked it. I gasped and stepped back as Nina started to fight back with the shadow figure. I don't know how she's gonna win this but I guess she's thinking the same way. I was about to jump in to help her but I heard someone running to me but she stops mid way and backs away in horror. Then another shadow figure is running behind her I hold my hand out and I teleport to her and teleport away from the shadows. My wings now ripping from my shoulders skin. I groan and wait to get use to them again as I fly a little above the ground looking for any possible place to take the young girl. I find a tree House about ten feet off the ground. I check it out and I found two little Boys hiding in here, guessing they were hiding too. I put the girl down and told them to wait here that I'm bringing more people here. I hand them a knife hopefully they can defend their self's with just that. I looked down making sure nothing was near so they wouldn't find the hideout for hopefully everyone I can save. I swooped down Now searching for more people to help but I only saw dead bodies in a puddle of blood. Out of no where he was there. "Zalgo" !! What the hell you think your doing. But I couldn't speak no more I was stabbed from behind. I felt at my stomach, the knife had went through e. It was brutally yanked out leaving me to bleed out more. My body was growing numb and I couldn't fly any longer I started to shake and tried to force myself to stay away but it was impossible I screamed as I lost control of my body. I began to fall to my death. I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to my death that never came I was being carried down my Nina she herself had wings but hers were black and steel. I sighed and she brought me down to a safe location to heal me. As soon as I was healed she weakly smiled at me and handed me two knifes. Then there was a loud sound coming from outside. Everything started to blur up. My eyes began to bleed I was getting afraid I wiped at my eyes and dried up the blood with my shirt but then my ears began to bleed along with everything else.

I screamed and I sat up fast and I found myself in my bed in the mansion. Jeff raced in my room and so did Ben. I looked down as my hair covered my eyes from everyone else seeing me cry. "It felt so real" I thought to myself. I wiped my eyes and moved the hair from my face as I looked up to them.

"What's wrong ?"

"N..nothing Ben I'm fine, just a bad dream" I managed to say without giving myself away with my cracky voice.

"I don't think..."

"Shut up I'm fine ok you both can leave now !!..." I didn't want them to leave but I didn't want them seeing me like this. I just wanted to be alone to clear my head.

"But shinna ?" ~jeff said softly~

"What jeff !" Ben was now walking out the room leaving me and jeff to be alone. I wasn't feeling myself at the moment and I was now having mixed emotions and I didn't know how to feel.

" can we just talk I know your lying I still remember that dream you told me and I still believed you !"

" I know jeff its just this dream was so real I almost died ! And I ... I think I saw Zalgo ..." I felt my chest tighten as I said his name. But I wanted to know why he was in my dream.

"Zalgo ? In your dreams ? But how is that possible."

Jeff looked startled and very confused but he still kept eye contact with me. I feel as if jeff still loves me like we first loved each other but what if he just mean it as friends or something else. I been away for two years and he still has feelings for me ? If only he knew how much stronger I am now than I was when I was here. It would blow his mind to see how much faster I am and how easily I could put him to the ground in under one minute.

" i know but can I ask you a simple question jeff ?"

He only nodded so I took a deep breath in and blew it out.

"Do you still love me ?" I said it so fast I don't think he heard me but he face expression changed from serious to surprised. I looked sway from me and stared at my bed sheets and played around with my thumbs waiting patiently for him to respond.

"I have always loved you, even when you left and I found out blue boy went with you I still loved you. Why did you leave me without saying goodbye ?"

"I couldn't tell anyone to be honest it just sort of happened and slender told me I had to leave for a while because of zalgo and all. I couldn't make the war start when I wasn't ready but I am Now so there is no worries !" Im not even sure myself if I'm ready to fight him.

"Ready ?"

"What do you...."

Before I could finish my sentence jeff leaped up at me with his knife tight in his grip. I jumped out the way and he ran into the wall and mostly his face hit it. I started to laugh a little but I couldn't be caught off guard. I straighten my composer and stood my ground till jefg recovered from running into the wall. He got his arms out the wall and I saw as two head looked at me through the holes jeff made. "Masky and hoodie" stood there with cheese cake all across their face. I looked away from then and now faced jeff.

"Hey hey what the hell is going on dude ? Have you lost you damn head"

"No you little bitch, my head is pretty damn screwed on tight. Tight enough to know you planned this out you damn "no eyes" freak. what kind of girl would even fall for you ?!"

"JEFF !!" I screamed out making him and jack jump.


I ignored their stares and just walked away outside and away from the mansion. I didn't plan to go far but it happen anyways. My mind was once again clouded up and I don't know where to think, how to do this. Zalgo was on to me and I know he has a plan up his sleeve. With all the shadow figures appearing lately. Jack had killed one and he had to make sure the heart was destroyed or otherwise it would still be alive. So far I know they take a while to heal. I haven't noticed I walked this far until the town lights were in my view. It was my home town something I really did but didn't miss at the same time. It was late and very dark out so I didn't expect to see anyone out while I was walking the streets. It was very quiet, a little too quiet. Only sound heard was my footstep padding on the sidewalk. I remember when I use to sneak out at night when my mom was bitching about what I didn't do write in the house. "I didn't live such a great life".

I was now passing my house it kinda looked like it was abandoned for a while now. Rusty fence and the paiyn was dull and peeling off. I decided to go inside to see what else has changed since I been gone. I walked up to the front door and opened the door but it was lock. "Ughh" I looked around for anything to climb on and to my luck there was a pool ladder. Not the best but there's nothing else available at the time so it will have to do. I put the pool ladder to a window and crawled in. I forgot about the long fall since it was a high window and I had hit my ankle on something going down. I groaned out from the stinging pain as I stood up. I looked around and saw that there was still the shelf hanging near the window that was now half hanging off the nail holding it in place. The pain was bearable so I walked around checking out the rest of the house. Nothing was gone or out of place. Just my step mom and little brother. I sighed and walked to my room and found a trail of blood going or coming from my broken window. It only went to the middle of the floor. It didn't look fresh maybe a couple weeks old, maybe longer. I really don't know how to figure out who's blood it is but that's not important right now. I layed on my bed that had layers of dust on it. I let my mind take over my conscious and just let my mind think about everything that has happened and what a going to happen.

Am I really ready to defeat zalgo. If he's so powerful why they sending me to do this horrific task. Not that I care about my life at this moment. No one really cares about me only that I'm the proxy and the one that's going to have to kill zalgo.

My mind seem to replay about me and jeff. How we use to sleep in his bed. Memories of us just kept playing around in my head and no matter how much I wanted to forget, I loved it. It reminds me of how happy and human I was. Not how weird and strange I have become because of this whole change. I never wanted to change. I would of been fine being bullied At school and just being me. Even though I never could hangout with any of my friends at least I could of tried to have a normal life. I don't even know if my friends live here anymore. This place looks isolated or just fucked up. Sighing I walked out my room to hopefully make my head stop with the replays of everything I had but lost. I never wanted to lose him, my friends, my old life. I want it all back but I just can't live that life ever again.

You can if you had never meet jeff and his family. ~nina spoke in shinnas mind~

But he is something I want back. I would love for my old life to be back but then if it did ever came back he wouldn't.

Some things you just have to let go shinna.

That's something I just can't do. I don't have the strength to forget him and everyone else this is my new life no matter how much it sucks right bow. Hopefully it was get better.

When do things ever get better in your life ? Maybe for a while but they always end and leave you in worse positions.

Maybe, but you don't know for sure until you try so that's what I will do I'll hope for the best and if it never comes so be it.


I walked out my old house and headed to the nearby park that I went to when I was younger. I felt better bow that I saw a few people out at the park or walking around. It made me feel at ease for a while. Something I really need when I get like this. Its been a while since I been here and I really miss it. I walked to the swingset and got on a swing. I started to push myself making the swing go higher and higher each swing I do. Childhood memories came back and a smile was now plastered onto my face. The dr and seem to startle me and I shouldn't let them do this to me. I have yo be strong, for the world sake. I just don't know how to beat him yet but I'll work on that my self. As long as the other help me I think we can do this the safe and right way instead of losing a lot of life's. Their blood will be on my hands and that is something I can never wash off.

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