Bleeding Hearts (ReaderxSebas...

By Toxic_Dreams

53.3K 1.6K 321

You are the first Grim Reaper who is a women and is Grells underling, Helping Grell with his work she runs in... More

Grim Reaper
Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor
History of a Shinigami

Getting Dressed

5.7K 214 87
By Toxic_Dreams

I sleep my remaining two hours until I heard Sebastian's voice "Get up, it's time for work." I roll over bringing the sheets closer to my face "But I collected a bunch of souls yesterday..." I said half asleep cuddling my blanket "At least give me five more minutes." He sighed "Wrong work (Y/N)" He quickly pulled the sheets off me causing me to crash into the cold hard floor "HEY THAT WAS RUDE" He smiled while bent down over me "Not the point get up." I slowly get up and glare at his smiling face "Sorry about that but you will need to learn to get up without a fight." I sigh "Yea whatever..." I say scratching my head "Oh~I almost forgot here." Sebastian handed me a set of maids cloths that looked identical to MeyRins "This is your uniform, I'll leave you to it." I grab the clothing from him "Oh if you do need help don't be afraid to ask." He said with a devilish smile.

My face reddens as he closed the door behind him 'Who does he think he is?!' I say to myself 'ohh look at me I'm a demon If you need help with me seeing you naked ohh I'll happy Oblige, pervert...' Just as I finished mocking him in my head I was meet with a item I had never seen before 'dammit...' I sigh and peak my head out of the door "Sebastain?" I whispered so no one else would hear me "sebasssttiannn...?" I called out once more. He walked to my room with a confused look on his face "Why exactly did you call me, did you need help~" he said with a sedative tone "ohh shut it..." I grab the weird clothing and shove it in his face "What is this?!" I ask with red burning into my cheeks. He holds back a laugh "That is a corset, It's what women are required to wear under the clothing." I cringe as he emphasized required "Do you not know how to put one on?" He asked with a confused face. I turn mine away from the door "Maybe.." He sighed "ohh I see well then there's no helping it." I look back at him "hmm?" He pulled out a cloth and wrapped it around his eyes.

"I shall help you into it, do not worry I cannot see a thing out of this." I agree and he walks into my room 'I guess he's using his demon senses or whatever' i sat there as he wrapped the corset around my torso 'This is weird, This is weird..." I kept repeating in my mind. When he finally got done I shoved him out of my room with a swift "thanks!" I found that moving around in these where extremely hard 'How does MeyRin do this?' I finally finish getting dressed and walked outside of my room to find a piece of paper on the floor in front of my door

'(Y/N)'s List of chores
• Dusting
•Sweeping and Mopping
• Prepare Ciels Snack at....'

I could not even finish reading the note, this was going to be a long day...

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