No Love Needed [BOYxBOY]

By Imbrication

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Dmitri Daniels is a 22-year old male dancer who is a total player. Growing up he never received love so he do... More

Chapter 2: Andre
Chapter 3: The Best Sex Yet
Chapter 4: Talk Over Breakfast
Chapter 5: Along Came Quinton
Chapter 6: We Meet Again
Chapter 7: Technically Not a Date
Chapter 8: Pardon the Interruption
Chapter 9: Sexual Tension
Chapter 10: Daytime Liquor
Chapter 11: Let's Play a Little Game
Chapter 12: Sex in the Movies
Chapter 13: Blows and Kisses
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Thick Tension
Chapter 16: The Revelations
Chapter 17: Dmitri & Yvonne's Talk
Chapter 18: Smile For Me
Chapter 19: Private Talk
Chapter 20: The First Time
Chapter 21: Leaving Childish Things

Chapter 1: Dmitri

13.6K 208 26
By Imbrication

Hello to all my fans and readers! Here is my new story No Love Needed! As always, I hope you enjoy this story just as much as you enjoy any of my other ones!

*This is also the first story in which I created a cast so OMG! There's a picture of Dmitri on the side.


*Dmitri’s Point-of-View*

                My body felt unbelievably sore and my back was killing me. I stretched as I sat up in my bed, or at least I think it was my bed. Everything was a little cloudy and my head was pounding. Yep. I definitely had a hangover. A body lay in the bed beside me, completely naked. Well, I assume they’re naked because I’m naked, but the sheets are wrapped all around them. Obviously I got some last night and couldn’t remember it right now. I rubbed my aching head and slowly stood up from the soft bed. A wave of nausea washed over me and I knew I had to get to a toilet or bucket or whatever.

I staggered quickly through the room, still not being able to see clearly. Unable to find my way out the room in time, I decided to just grab a box resting on the floor. The contents of my stomach were pushing their way up, leaving a burning sensation in my throat as they left my mouth and into the box. Oh I see I had tacos last night…I think. I slowly sat the box down and wiped my mouth, looking around the room I was in. OK, I see this isn’t a room I’m familiar with. This definitely isn’t my apartment.

The person in the bed stirred a little but didn’t make any big movements. I began searching and finding all of my clothing items thrown all over the room. This was a bit of a pain seeing as I was so hung over. After more time passed, I finally had on all my clothes. I grabbed my shoes and began putting them on when the person finally sat up in the bed.

“Well good morning, sexy.” A caramel skin guy – who was kinda cute - said smiling. Seeing the face made instantly remember everything last night. After I left work I went to a bar and got so fucking drunk and met the guy. Knowing me, I talked the guy into letting me come home with him where we did things. Freaky things. I don’t quite remember them though.

“Hi…” I said slowly, looking back down to my shoes as I secured them on my feet. The dude was looking at me and I was starting to get creeped out.

“You’re leaving already?” He asked, sounding hurt.

“Um yeah. What am I supposed to be doing?” I asked bluntly.

“I don’t know…I thought we would hang out?” The guy said quietly.

“Oh…well no. Frankly, I need to take a shower and get cleaned up. Can’t exactly do that…here.” I said. The guy looked at me again.

“Well you have my number right? Maybe we can hang another time?” He asked. I nodded slowly.

“Yes, I have your number erm…” I started, but couldn’t remember his name.

“Vaughn…” He mumbled, finishing my sentence. I hated that name. I definitely couldn’t keep talking to him.

“Alright…Vaughn, I’ll definitely be giving you a call…” I lied, giving a charming smile. Vaughn smiled and nodded.

“I hope you get home safe, Dmitri.” Vaughn said smiling. I guess he remembered my name from last night so kudos to him. Not. I nodded and continued out the door. Once outside, I looked around to see if I had driven my car to this place or not. To my dismay, Vaughn must’ve given me a ride in his car, meaning my car was at the bar still. Great…

I pulled out my phone and called for a cab. I needed to go get my car from the bar. So I guess I’ll just give a little run down about myself while I wait for the cab. As you’ve probably guessed, my name is Dmitri - Dmitri Daniels – and I’m 22 years old residing in Detroit, Michigan. I’m what most people would call a player or a “man whore” but don’t judge me. Another thing is, I’m gay. Once again, don’t judge me.

                The cab pulled up finally and I climbed in. The cab driver was looking at me through the rear-view mirror as I sat there for a moment in silence.

“Where to?” He asked in a husky voice.

“Adam’s Apple Bar.” I replied. He nodded and began driving. My phone buzzed and I groaned. Who could be texting me so early this Saturday morning?

Bee: OMG, Dmitri where are you???

Oh it was my best friend Brooke (I call her Bee, obviously). The only person I had.

Me: Got SUPER drunk last night and went to some guy’s place. Omw to get my car.

Bee: Lol, typical Dmitri. Anyways let me know when you get home. I wanna go shopping.

Me: Alright Bee, I shouldn’t be long…

Bee: Alright honey, you better not!

I chuckled to myself and slipped my phone into my pocket. The cab driver seemed to be driving so damn slow like ugh! It was about time when we finally pulled in front of the bar where I saw my little crappy car sitting. It got me from point A to point B so hey. I paid the driver and got out, quickly running to my car and getting inside.

Getting home from the bar didn’t take long. I hopped out my car and entered my apartment complex. The smell of weed was heavy in the main floor like always and there were hood rats already coming out to enjoy another hot, summer day. Instead of waiting for the elevator, I took the stairs like always. It kept my legs and ass toned and that was a plus in my occupation. No, I am not a prostitute or hoe. I’m a male dancer – one of the best in the game right now – and I dance at various clubs. Both gay and straight. It’s good money and I don’t have to fuck clients so I enjoy it.

                As I reached the top of the steps to my floor, I headed down the hall to my apartment. I opened the door and it was silent. But then my cousin, Yvonne, came out to meet me at the front door. Oh yeah, I also have my cousin and she’s my roommate. But most times, she’s out with her boyfriend so I hardly see her.

“Look who’s finally home.” Yvonne said smiling. I rolled my eyes.

“You’re one to talk.” I countered. She laughed and ran her fingers through her hair which looked freshly done.

“Touché.” Yvonne said, sitting down on the couch. I went into my room and placed my bag down with some of my dancing stuff in it, then headed into the bathroom and cut the shower on. After dancing at work, then having sex, I definitely needed a shower. Both activities required work and caused sweat.

                After my nice shower, I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. It’s a must that I always stay looking good. I pulled out my phone and called Brooke so I could tell her I was on my way.

“Hello?” She answered on the other end.

“Hey Bee, I’m about to be on my way. Just lettin’ you know.” I said.

“OK, I’m waiting. Hurry up bitch.” Brooke said, laughing. I chuckled loudly.

“I got your bitch. I’m on my way.”

“Mhm, just hurry up.” She said, hanging up. I threw on a simple white wife beater with some faded blue jeans with my Nikes. Then I topped my outfit off by throwing on a dog tag and a wristwatch. I checked myself out in the mirror and was pleased with what I saw so I headed out.

“Alright Yvonne, I’m going out with Bee. I’ll see you later.” I said.

“I might be out with Trevor so just letting you know.” Yvonne stated. I figured she’d be gone with her boyfriend Trevor again so I wasn’t surprised.

“Alright.” I said to her, closing the door behind me and walking down the stairs and out the apartment complex. The sun was beating down on me and I was growing hot from it. I got into my car and started it up before driving off and heading towards Brooke’s house. Once there, I honked my horn and sat waiting patiently for her to come out. After what seemed like forever, Brooke appeared with a sun dress on and her hair in a high ponytail.

“About time.” She said, poking at me.

“Ah shut up.” I said poking back.

“Nope. Let’s go to Fairlane Mall.” Brooke inquired. That was actually a pretty good place because it seemed that all the gay dudes shopped there. Here I am thinking of fucking with some more dudes. I’m terrible.

“Fine with me. Here we go.” I said smugly. Brooke gave me a knowing look as I started the car and pulled off.

“So who was the lucky guy last night?” Brooke asked smiling. I pretended to gag and laughed.

“I can barely remember but his name was Vaughn. He was fine though.” I replied, focusing on the road. Brooke looked at me and laughed.

“That’s typical Dmitri. Always getting lucky. When are you ever going to settle?” She asked playfully.

“We don’t love these hoes.” I replied with a smirk, causing Brooke to laugh again.

“You’re something else I tell you.” She said in between laughs. I nodded. I was me. Love wasn’t anything I needed or wanted. My whole life, I’ve been neglected. I have a father who abandoned me at the age of two and grew up with a mother who constantly used drugs and drank heavily. Then at about the age of 16, she found out I was gay and disowned me, kicking me out the house. If it wasn’t for Brooke’s family taking me in, I would’ve been homeless.

But even then, Brooke’s family didn’t love me. They barely cared for me at all and wouldn’t have taken me in if it wasn’t for Brooke in the first place. As far as my dating life went, I had my share of both men and women which never lasted. Most times, it was about the sex and afterwards, like maybe days later, the person I’d be dating would leave. After 16, I cut girls off altogether, as my attraction was more geared towards guys anyways. I could actually be considered bisexual but again, guys are my top choice.

                I pulled into the parking lot of the mall and stopped the car. Brooke was in the mirror putting on some lip gloss. She looked really good.

“C’mon Bee, we’re here now. I’m starving.” I said, faking a pout. Brooke rolled her eyes and opened the car door, getting out. I followed suit and ran to the side of her, interlocking arms with her. Me and her exchanged looks and casually strolled into the mall like we owned that place. As always, we make a grand entrance together.

“Since you’re hungry, let’s go to the food court first, then we can shop around.” Brooke said. I nodded and we walked to the food court. It was a hard decision on what place to choose.

“It’s between Taco Bell and Subway…” I said squinting my eyes.

“I’ll say Taco Bell because you’re taking entirely too long to make a decision.” Brooke hissed. Always impatient but this was typical. I loved her for it but she was the only one I showed love for…well besides my trill ass cousin but yeah.

“This is a crucial decision! Shut it up.” I said playfully. Brooke sighed and waited for me to finally decide on Taco Bell. We both ordered some food and sat down in the small seating area. I was enjoying my soft tacos and just talking about people with Brooke. Then I saw this one dude, holding hands with his boyfriend. He was fine as hell and had a tight body.

“Damn. I’d hit that.” I breathed out. Brooke followed my eyes and it landed on the one fine dude. His back was now turned to us and he was kissing his boyfriend. This is just too bad because I definitely would’ve tried to snatch him up. My eyes landed down on his ass, which for guy, looked big. But not too big.

“Oh yeah. He’s super cute. I’d totally steal him if he were into my kind.” Brooke said smirking. I punched her arm and she groaned in pain. Don’t worry, it was a playful tap. I watched the couple walk away, finding myself staring hard.

“Could you imagine a night with him?” I asked.

“No. I’m a female so…” Brooke replied trailing off.

“Just hush. Don’t take the question so damn literal.” I countered. She rolled her eyes and crumpled up her food wrappings.

“Can we please go shopping now?” Brooke asked standing up.

“Yes I’m getting up. Calm your tits.” I replied, finishing up my taco and throwing my wrappings in the trash. We interlocked arms again and began traversing through the mall. I couldn’t help but continue to lust over the passing guy with the nice butt. The things I would do to him…


So what does everyone think of Dmitri? Quite the player and sarcastic but sexy nonetheless.

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