My Teacher, Louis Tomlinson

By madsizcool

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Skylynn Eaton is lives a tough life. Her father despises her, her peers even more so. What happens when this... More

Chapter 1- Surprise
Chapter 2- Not-so-common white girl
Chapter 3- False assumptions
Chapter 4- Hidden talents
Chapter 5- Don't hate the player, hate the game
Chapter 6- To be or not to be
Chapter 7- I'll look after you
Chapter 8- Any time
Chapter 9- Life goes on
Chapter 10- This is not the end of me...
Chapter 11- Sleep is for the weak
Chapter 12- A little tea party never killed nobody
Chapter 13- Just like the old days
Chapter 14- Opening up
Chapter 15- Let it pour
Chapter 16- Things best unspoken
Chapter 17- Secrets
Chapter 18- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
Chapter 20- Stay with me
Chapter 21- You can run, but you can't hide
Chapter 22- A turn for the worse
Chapter 23- Help me
Chapter 24- Save me
Chapter 25- The aftermath
Chapter 26- Close call
Chapter 27- Relief
Chapter 28- They left me
Chapter 29- Unexpected encounter
Chapter 30- News to me
Chapter 31- On the mend
Chapter 32- Out
Chapter 33 - New beginnings

Chapter 19- (Re)building bridges

2.8K 85 3
By madsizcool

Skye's POV:

I crawled out of bed one morning at the ass crack of dawn groaning. Gary tried to rape me in my sleep last night, but I woke up as he started to... you know.

I'm a pretty heavy sleeper, but not THAT heavy.

This was at around 10:30 pm as well, and I was too terrified to shut my eyes after that so I basically pulled an all-nighter.

I fell asleep in Math about ten minutes into the school day. So that went well. I also ended up sleeping in English while the rest of the class read Romeo and Juliet aloud.

Luckily (or maybe not), the pimp posse decided to wake me up before the bell rang by smacking me with their pencils. That wasn't bad. When I finally sat up, Anika had grabbed one of the other girls' long, bendy eraser stick thing and proceeded to whip my face with it, the blow going straight across my eye.

That thing fucking hurt.

And that's why I skipped Spanish and went straight to the bathroom, trying to make the swelling go down so it wasn't noticeable. I skipped lunch as well.

Ten minutes before Music, I got a text from Mr. Tomlinson.

Tea after class today?

Uh, no. Why the fuck is he even texting me? I just decided not to reply. A couple minutes later he sent me this:

I need to speak with you either way.

Well fuck.

Mr. Tomlinson didn't really talk to me in Music or anything, but I stayed at my seat after class, being sure to keep my hand over my eye so he didn't see anything.

"Still not sleeping, eh?" He begins to pull out everything needed to make tea.

I looked up at him, surprised he asked, and was about to lie but right as I was going to, he cut me off.

"Don't lie. I have my sources."

I gave him a questioning look and he proceeded to tell me that my math teacher complained about me falling asleep in class just this morning, so there was that. All of a sudden, I felt the urge to cry.

"Uh, can I use the loo really fast?" I ask quietly.

He nods, and I leave my backpack there to show him I will be coming back.

By the time I get to the bathrooms, I have lost the urge. My injured eye waters anyways.

As I am walking back to class, I hear noise coming from around the bend in the hall.

"...She was out cold!"


It sounded like my English teacher.

"But really, have you ever met a more disrespectful student in your LIFE? It's like she doesn't even try!" His voice booms.

I frown. I do try.

"With all due respect, sir, she's great in my cl—"

"Of course she is, mhmm... so why did she do the same in math?"

"That's her business, not yours. She could be dealing with something that you have no idea—"

"I'm sorry to cut you off, but I really must be going. Good afternoon... Louis." He spat Mr. Tomlinson's name as if it were a sin.


I decided to duck back into the bathroom until my English teacher passed so that he wouldn't see me and be all awkward.

When I finally walked back into Mr. Tomlinson's room, he was at his desk running his hands through his hair.

I sat down at my usual desk quietly and looked down at my hands, which were folded in front of me.

"I'm kind of worried about you, Skye." He says, looking up at me.

"If this is about me falling asleep in class..." I begin, only to be cut off by him.

"Holy shit, look at your eye!" He finally looks up at me and notices my nearly swollen shut eye.

First of all, how am I supposed to do that?

Second of all, why should he care?

He abruptly gets up and briskly walks over to me, dress shoes clicking softly with every step. When he gets to me, he tilts my chin up so that I'm looking up at him and gently observes my eye, prodding softly at areas around it to try to get a better look. Under his touch, I become extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious, so when he finally lets go, I shrivel away from him.

"Who did this to you?"

"N-no-one, I'm just clumsy." I quickly said.

The teapot whistled and he went to go retrieve it, carefully pouring the contents into two mugs and dropping in the tea bags. He sighs.

"Tell me something to make me think you're okay." He says, handing me my mug.

I try to think happy thoughts, and feel a blush creeping on my face when I realize that Ashton is just about the only thing I have going for me.

"Ashton's pretty cool." I say quietly. He smirks.

"I knew you guys would hit it off." He sends me a wink.


Mr. Tomlinson took me home that day, and things were almost like old times again. When I got home, Gary was nowhere to be found and neither was the rest of the family, so I grabbed a water from the fridge and went to my room to start on my homework. Not even five minutes into it, my phone rings.

"Hey Skye!" His energetic voice says.

"Hi, Ashton." I smile.

"I'm about to have the car for a while, want me to come pick you up and we can chill? I made something for you." He says.

"Of course!"

"Awesome, see you in a few."

We hang up. I love spontaneous outings such as these. Ashton arrives in about five minutes and I hurry out to his car excitedly. I bring my backpack just in case we were planning on doing homework together or something.

"Hey!" He says as I climb into his car. It's quite the mom-mobile, but at least he has his license. I haven't gotten that far...

"Hi." I smile at him and thank him for picking me up.

We end up going to the nearby coffee shop and we grab a couple of smoothies and some pastries. We both aren't huge fans of coffee yet. Before I even have the chance to pay, Ashton softly nudges me aside and pays for everything. That was great, because I'd left all of my money at home.

"Ash, you didn't have to do that!" I said as we sat down on one of the shop's couches by the window.

"But I wanted to." He beams at me.

We spend a good hour and a half chatting, which is amazing because we already spend so much time together. This time we mostly reminisce on our childhoods and whatnot. I'm careful to leave out any details that indicate mine wasn't so great at times.

Six o'clock rolls around and Ashton and I realize we need to be getting home for dinner. After he pulls into my driveway, he puts the car in park and reaches into his pocket.

"I made these for you, because I know how much you like to journal." He says.

He hands me three journals, one medium-sized one and two mini ones. All handmade by him, he tells me.

"Ashton... these are amazing. I-I don't know what to say... thank you so much!" I'm so caught off guard by his sweet gesture that I stutter.

"Any time. See you tomorrow, Skye."

"Thanks for the coffee, too!" I say as I get out of the car. "Drive safe!"

"You know me!" He says.

He waits until I'm safely inside the house before pulling away.

How sweet.

What started off as a shitty day turned out to be not so bad after all, thanks to an amazing guy named Ashton.

A/N: Also kind of a filler... sorry bout it

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