Take Me Away

By cookiemuncher

33.7K 568 142

I have a choice either to become a vampire,demon,werewolf,angel, ghost,or stay human, 5 drop dead gorgeous gu... More

Why me? -Chapter 1-
Small Talk -Chapter 2-
Impossible -Chapter 3-
What Just Happened?! -Chapter 4-
Those Yellow Eyes -Chapter 5-
Keep It A Secret -Chapter 6-
The Accident -Chapter 7-
The Situation -Chapter 8-
Confession -Chapter 9-
In Too Deep -Chapter 10-
Poker Face -Chapter 11-
Unbelievable -Chapter 13-
New Point Of View -Chapter 14-
The Vision -Chapter 15-
Why Not? -Chapter 16-
Left Behind -Chapter 17-
Wings -Chapter 18-
Dreams -Chapter 19-
Waking Up -Chapter 20-
Forever Yours -Chapter 21-

Chloroform -Chapter 12-

1.3K 32 6
By cookiemuncher

Your in for a surprise !!!!!

And terribly sorry for uploading so dang late!!! I feel bad for doing it, and I know I deserve it, but what i dont deserve is for you to unfan!!!!

Can we pleasseee live in a world where no one unfans!!!!!! Is that too much to ask?!?!?!?

lol im overreacting (not)!!!

but thank you so much cuz I no ur gonna continue reading to the actual part haha

And you asked for longer chapters so heres your longer chapter!!!! I really hope this chapter was worth most of the wait!!! its longer than im used toooo wiriting, so u better love it!!!!! :D

A smile jumped to my face. Jake flashed me a grin simmered with happiness, and a pinch of hope. I felt like a fly to a light bulb, feeling pulled in with every heart beat.

"Hey it's you." His legato voice reached my ears.

"Hi Jake." My voice came out a bit more pleasant than I had wanted. "No mean to be rude, but why'd you come here?"

"I texted him that he should come over , and gave him the address." Shane was quick to interrupt.

"Well you should have at least told me your plans." I chided Shane, "but it's kind of nice to see you Jake." I uttered, hoping he would overlook my word choice.

"Yeah nice to see you too." He winked.

"Please sit down." I gestured to the available furniture, he comfortably sat down. After a minute of an unpleasant silence, I spoke again. "Jake, do you want to play Speed?"

"Its only for two players." Shane's lip twitched holding back a smile, I rolled my eyes.

"Well how about a movie, Jake?"

"Sounds great to me." Jake replied.

"What movie are we going to watch?" Shane and Jake asked in unison.

"Let me look first." I laughed nervously, as I hopped to where the movies were neatly organized.

A knock came from the front door. Jake voluntarily opened. Christina stepped in with a cardboard box of pizza in her arms, her face wide a she stared mindlessly at Jake. She shook her head and composed herself. "Sorry, I just haven't seen you in so long, where have you been, what have you been doing?!" Christina blurted questions.

"Hi Christina." I interrupted, seeing she forgot about our presence.

"Oh right, sorry, hi!" A noticeable drop in her excitement as she spoke to us. She stepped around Jake and put the pizza on the living room table. "So what are we doing now?" She questioned.

"Well, I was going to choose a movie, but now that you're here, you can do it." I smirked. She growled and kneeled beside me, her eyes scavenging for a good movie.

I stood up and saw Shane and Jake sitting on opposite sides of the couch, I glanced between them.

"What?" they asked in harmony.

I chuckled. "Oh, nothing." I sat between them, trying not to elevate to one more than the other. Christina pressed the play button on the DVD player.

She smiled and came to the couch. "I love this movie, if you guys don't like it just blame Violet." She said while she chose the small spot between Jake and I. I unwillingly scooted closer to Shane.

I sighed. I noticed Christina's slim hands fidgeting with the border of her sleeve. I wonder why shes so jittery right now? " 'Tina, can you please get me a slice of pizza." I attempted to distract her.

"I almost forgot about it." She opened the cardboard box, grabbing two slices of cheese pizza, handed one to me, and bit the other.

"Me too please," Jake asked.

"Same here." Shane adjured.

Christina playfully groaned and did what she was asked.

The movie began, it was a horror movie, that I have seen too many times.

"Violet." someone melodically repeated and jabbed my cheek.

My eyes blinked open, the bright sun shied them back behind my eyes lids. "What?" I groaned.

"I'm hungry."

I rubbed my eyes, wearing away my sleepiness, and noticed my head resting on Shane's laps. I quickly sat up, and saw Christina's head sitting on top of Jake's shoulder, their fingers twined together. I yawned and faced Shane. "What happened?"

"Apparently we all crashed, but you were the first one to doze off." He smiled, "and you hair looks like a birds nest."

"I'm sorry your legs aren't hair friendly."

Shane stood up and stretched and held out a hand for me. A little hesitant, I reached out and he pulled me to my feet. I ripped free from his hand. But being as persistent as he is, he wound his arm on my shoulder. Being the attention seeker I am, I left it there.

"So what can you make?" Shane looked down.

I laughed. "I'm not making anything for you." I grabbed Shane's arm and uncurled it from my shoulder. "Look in the fridge," I said and hopped to the couch where Christina and Jake were still sleeping. "Try not to burn the house down!" I yelled at Shane. My attention went back to Christina and Jake. How to wake them up? I thought to myself, when a brilliant idea popped in my head. I took out my cell phone.


My camera flashed taking a picture of Jake and Christina cuddled together.

"Jake and Christina sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I sang, feeling like a little kid again. "Wake up!" I screamed. Their eyes fluttered open, alarmed of my abrupt awakening. "I thought you guys were dead!" Christina laughed no glimpse of humor in her chuckles, puzzling me. She stood up and stretched taking small steps to the kitchen. I looked back to Jake snoozing off.

"Jake! Stop being a lazy bum and get up!" I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up, miserably failing. A smile appeared on Jake's lips. He pulled back on the arm I was holding. I collided with him, his body heat radiating onto me. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. "You were awake!" I tried to remove his hands from me. He just smiled in return. "Your not going to let go, are you?" he shook his head slowly, with a smirk on his face. I smoldered a fake smile and thrashed against his iron grasp on me as he laughed. "Oh come on!!" I whined. I thrashed once more, and he let go. Gravity pushed me down, and I stumbled to the floor.

"Ow!" I faked, I rubbed the cast around my ankle making a pained face, pretending the area of pain was there, Jake was fooled.

"Are you alright?" He squatted by my side, worry and fear mixed in his tone.

"It really hurts. " I lied as I took deep breaths.

"I'm so sorry!!" His face completely contorted into worry, not having a clue of what he should do.

I began to laugh not being able to contain the hilarity of the moment. "I'm kidding!" I continued my hysteria of laughs. "You should have seen the look on your face!" He pursed his lips and walked away, to the kitchen leaving me on the floor. I finished laughing and stepped onto the kitchen floor.

The smell of pancakes assaulted my nose. My mouth watered smelling a hint of chocolate.

There was a steaming plate of pancakes in the middle of the dining room table. Shane was at the stove flipping pancakes while Christina mixed the batter, adding chocolate chips.

I grabbed a plate and took a pancake. "This better not be poisonous," I muttered as I put a piece of it into my mouth. I slowly chewed and swallowed, a smile on my face. "Wow these are good, how did you learn to make these Shane?"

Shane was finishing cleaning up. "Just something I experimented with." He shrugged.

A couple hours later my phone buzzed with Aidan's text; Hey you want to meet up at the mall later?

"You guys leaving soon?" I voiced.

"Rude much?!" Christina laughed. "Why are you trying to get rid of us anyways?"

"I don't want to get rid of you I just have plans to meet up with this guy I know today....." I trailed off.

"Ooh la la! Do tel!"

"It's just a guy I know!"

"Fine, but you will tell me the details!" She lightly punched me. "Shane we better get going!"

"Why?" Shane asked as he returned from the restroom.

"Because I think we over stayed our welcome."

"But you don't mind, right Violet?"

"Not at all I just have plans later."

"With who?" Shane blurted.

"Just a friend, were going to the mall."

"I'll be stalking you," Shane joked, I think.

"Where's Jake?"

"He said something came up and left."

"How come I missed it?"

"Your just slow."


A few minutes later, after constantly bugging them to hurry up and leave already. Christina and Shane hugged me goodbye.

I shut the front door, and quickly got dressed. I gently removed the cast that was around my foot, hoping this wasn't a stupid idea, I stood up, it was like there was never a trace of pain in my foot, I was thrown into the batch of perplexity. My phone buzzed again: I'm practically here, wait outside please.

"Crap!" I texted back: I'll be out soon.

I rushed through everything else I wanted to do, and practically ran out of my house. Aidan's windows were tinted, I could only see the outline of his body.

I opened the door and jumped in. "Hey!" I greeted. His head was facing the window. "Hello?"

He slowly turned his head. My eyes widened in confusion and shock. vibrant green eyes met mine,blonde curls on his forehead.

"Hey." The mans voice greeted.

"Crap." I whispered. My hand shot to the door handle and froze.

"I wouldn't do that."

"Who are you and what do you want?" I felt like I was in a cheesy horror movie saying this.

"My name isn't important, but I'm here to warn you." His voice was strangely affable.

"About what?"

"Your friends aren't who they seem to be. But never mind recently I have heard the vampire queen wants you to specifically stay away from Shane or else......" He trailed off.

"Wait what?" I couldn't confide in what my ears were hearing!

"Get out now and don't tell anyone about this."

"No I want answers."

"Get out now or I'll take you myself." He threatened. "I wasn't supposed to interfere with this..." He muttered to himself, his train of thought taking a new direction.

"Wait whats that supposed to mean?"


I hesitated but opened the door and slammed it closed.

The car zoomed off. My heart hammering inside my chest. The palms of my hands moist. I stood frozen as the adrenaline circulated through my veins. "What should I do?" I voiced, barely audible to my own ears. I stood like a statue carved into one still position.

Thoughts frantically circled inside my head; Should I tell someone, would that be a good idea? Is my safety at risk? Whats the deal with Shane and I? Did this even really happen? This parasite inside of me is a magnet for disaster!

After a few more minutes of random questions. I saw what I hoped was Aidan's car pull up in front of me. This car was a lighter shade, but with the same dark tinted windows. My courage scattered apart once again and I became ice. What seemed like an eternity later, the door popped open, light seeped into the small opening between the door and the car.

"Aren't you going to come in?" I exhaled the breath I didn't realize I was holding in. Aidan's kind tone slowed down my heart rates quick pace.

Yeah, I mouthed, seeing that I have lost my voice I cleared my throat. "Of course." I smiled. As long as I'm away from Shane I should be fine, right? I jumped in the car.

"So what was that about if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm just really paranoid."

A few minutes later we were at the entrance of the mall parking lot. "So what made you that paranoid?"

"Uhmm." I postponed. "Ooh wait park here!"

"Why here? I can see a open parking spot right in front of the entrance plus its raining!"

"It's good exercise and its only a drizzle, come on please?" I begged, batting my long eye lashes against my big brown eyes and pouting my lips. Inside my head I was hoping this wouldn't affect my oddly fast healing ankle.

He playfully rolled his eyes and submitted. "Fine, but only because your eyes seem to have hypnotic powers."

Shane and I were about to cross the street while cars were waiting. "Hold on old man, going down this road without help would be rude of me." I grabbed his hand and pulled him forward. We ran to the sidewalk. "There, now were safe." I giggled.

"My hero." Aidan laughed. I held my breath when he stepped closer and his lips were inches away from mine. His golden eyes mesmerizing me, he gave my a long kiss on the lips

Car horns repeatedly beeped at us. Aidan broke the kiss and pulled me to the mall doors, a grin wide on my lips.

We were inside the mall. "Where to first?" Aidan asked me.

"Well....." I mischievously retorted. I dragged Aidan into the girliest store I could find filled with frilly dresses and shiny necklaces, Aidan didn't say a word of protest. "I hope you know I sort of hate this store, I am definitely not the girly type..."

"Well you dragged me in here so I get to see you in..... this dress." he pointed to the pinkest dress I have ever seen. I screamed inside my head in pure horror.


"Never say never." He sang.

I groaned. "Fine." I snapped as I entered the dressing room. I quickly put on the short strapless pink dress, slipping on my ankle-cut converse I stepped outside of the fitting room. Aidan's eyes widened. "I look that bad?"

"No, no, you look great!" I frowned.

"I'm going to go change out of this clown suit!"

"No please stay in it for a few more seconds." I rolled me eyes. "Can I at least see you smile once while your wearing it?" I smoldered a crooked smile, and like a magic trick, I quickly made the smile disappear.

"I'm getting out of this dress now, whether you like it or not." I said as I closed the fitting room's door behind me.

After we left the store Aidan bought me my favorite drink. We sat down in the food court. Little insignificant memories with Shane ascended in my mind.

My pocket buzzed, I pulled out my phone under the table to see one new message from Shane:Who's that guy your with??

I smiled at Aidan, and frowned at my phone: What are you doing here, and where are you?!

I realized Aidan and I were beginning to converse like normal human beings! There was no awkward silent moments, just laughs and giggles.

The fun went away when Shane replied: I'm near the bathrooms.

"I'll be back in a moment, I'm going to go to the restroom." I lied to Aidan.

"I'll be here when you get back."

I walked to where Shane told me he was. I arrived at the entrance of the men's and women's restrooms to see him. "I thought you were joking when you said you would stalk me!!" I yelled a woman with blonde wavy hair was passing by stared at me with narrowed eyes, a scowl on her freckled face.

"Who is he?" Shane questioned, catching my attention.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because you actually looked like you were having a good time with him!"

"Is someone jealous? Don't you remember whatever we had failed?"

"Sorry I was being stupid! I wasn't thinking!"

"Yeah, its not going to change anything." Shane had nothing to say in return. "So I'll go back and hang out with Aidan now."


"Bye Shane." I turned around. "And please don't stalk me anymore."

"Wait I just wanted to give you this." He handed me a white gold ring. I awed in amazement at the dazzling ruby and the diamonds bordering it.

"I can't accept this."I stifled.

"You don't have to wear it, just please have it with you."

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Just promise me you'll have it with you."

"This is a nice gift but it's way too much."

"Please take it, I got it especially for you." Shane pulIed me onto him, and hugged me tightly. He let go and I nodded and left, leaving this moment as another strange memory. I continued walking to the water fountain, feeling my mouth dry from Shane's kindness. I twisted the ring on and looked up.

A little girl stood alone on the side of the water fountain. "Hi," her angelic voice greeted me. "Can I use your phone, I need to call my mommy?"

"Hi." I kindly responded. "And yes of course." She dialed the number, as I got a sip from the water fountain.

"Can you bring me to my mommy?"

"Sure, may I have my phone back?"

"No." I tried to grab if out of her hand, but she quickly slammed it onto the floor.

Evil little girl! I quickly picked up the broken pieces of my phone. I groaned as it wouldn't turn back on.

"Sorry," her big blue eyes glinted with repent.

"Its ok, I guess." I frowned at my torn phone.

"Can you bring me to my mommy?"

"Sure, just let me get a friend to help."

"No I want to go now!" She yelled and pulled me to a mall exit, with more strength than I ever thought a little girl could have.

"Where is your mom?" I questioned seeing that she was now leading me to the end of the parking lot.

"I'm right here."

Before I had a chance to see where the voice was coming from, a cloth covered my mouth and nose, my struggles didn't make a dent on my attackers strength.

I began to feel dizzy in seconds, my eyes drooped.

The wave of unconsciousness was beginning to drown me. Before it took me under, I saw the little girl with a huge smile on her tiny face.

I LOVE EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS STORY!!!! I am extremely happy with everyone who has ever commented, fanned, or voted, it really encourages me to keep writing, I dont want to let you guys down, cuz i hateeee dissapointment and I dont want to be a hypocrite

so now that your reading this you shud really make me all emotional again and vote, I spent lots of time typing this long(er) chapter and I wud appreciate the loveee

so press the love (vote) button!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wud also like to no if you enjoyed having chapters this long, even if you want them longer!!! And i am on summer vacation so give a girl a break!!!!! and chill out! I will upload faster, im just letting myself down if i dont!

magic cheese! killa tomato! original gangstaz!!! do you guys play that game?? im obsessedd with it!!! my life mottos are: live and let live, forgive and forget, and whoever gets there first.

so yeah penguins are cool, ice ice baby! just dance gonna be ok da do do just dance! I would catch a grenade for yaaaa!

ooh im gonna enter a dance competition!

------------->> xoxo


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