
By smhmendes

195K 3.5K 2K

"Look it's like this no emotions, no relationship, just sex. ONLY SEX." "Oh god this is going to be a long sc... More

+ i s a b e l l a +
• m a t t h e w •
+ i s a b e l l a +
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+ i s a b e l l a +
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+ i s a b e l l a +
+ i s a b e l l a +
+ i s a b e l l a +
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• m a t t h e w •
+ i s a b e l l a +
+ i s a b e l l a +
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+ i s a b e l l a +
: c a m e r o n :
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• m a t t h e w •
+ i s a b e l l a +
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- e s t e l l e -
+ i s a b e l l a +
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• m a t t h e w •
e p i l o g u e
Long time no see

• m a t t h e w •

7.3K 144 42
By smhmendes

I heard little snores and I looked down to see my Bella babe asleep. I was going to leave but something inside of me told me to stay, so I stayed and fell asleep with her.


I slowly opened my eyes because the sun was shining brighter than ever. I see Isabella is still asleep and I carefully tried to get her off of me without waking her up.

I headed to my room and got dressed. I was going to get coffee for me and Isabella along with some donuts(or is it doughnuts idk) about a block away.

As I'm getting the stuff I see Cameron walking up to me and i smile at him," hi Cameron. What's going on buddy?"

"Hey Matt. I'm just trying to get back into that New York vibe.", he said.

I smiled at him. I missed my best friend," it's so good to have you back."

"Ah man it feels good to be back", he said smiling.

I smiled," alright well I gotta go."

"Woah, Matt do you have someone waiting back at your place?", Cameron asked.

I chuckled," haha no just Isabella."

Cameron's smiled slowly faded and he seemed confused," why is Isabella at your place?"

"Well it's technically her place. I'm like her roommate.", I said casually.

"Are you two together?", he asked almost angrily.

"No. We are just friends. I hate how everyone always assumes we're together." I jokingly said.

"Alright then I'll let you go. I'll see you around. Bye Matt.", Cameron said leaving the donut shop.

I was confused about his little attitude but just brushed it off. I headed back to Isabella's place.

I entered the house really quickly just incase if Bella was still sleeping. As I opened the door, I heard the showering. I went to set the thing down on the counter. I grabbed my coffee, two donuts and sat on the couch. I put on American Horror Story since I recorded this entire season.

About ten minutes into the show Bella comes out in this pink shirt and leggings.

"You're shirt confuses me.", I said to her as she was getting her coffee, the box of donuts and bringing it towards me.

She smiled," why?"

"Because it's not even pink. It says pink but it's white with black lettering. You should report the company for false advertising", I said while sipping my coffee.

She started laughing," Matt the company is pink and this is how they do their job. Now stop talking and let's watch the show.


We were about five episodes in, when Isabella got a phone call. She told me to pause it and so I did. I pulled out my phone and saw it was already 12. I was shocked.

"Dinner tonight?", I heard Isabella say," sure I'd love to. Okay thanks bye"

"So you're going to dinner tonight?", I questioned.

Isabella just looked at me," yeah I am with Madison. She wants to have a girls night."

"Oh nice where at?", i asked.

"Umm I forgot the name but it's that one expensive Italian restaurant. Not Olive Garden but the 5star one. ", she said.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head," Bella that place it more expensive than apple products. Are you sure you can afford it? Do you want me to lend you some money?"

She let out a small laugh," yeah I know but no you don't she said she would pay for me. I just have to return the favor like on the next girl night I pay."

I stare at her for a while," okay then. Do you still wanna watch this or not?"

"It's 12. She told me she was going to pick me up at 7 so we can watch like three more episodes.", she smiles.


A/N: I'm so sorry for such a long wait but you know I've just had school and then I didn't know how to write this chapter.

But I'm thinking maybe every Saturday I update this book. You know it gives me a whole week to think of something. Idk it's just a thought.

Can this get 10 votes please!!!

Thanks fam. Peace out

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