Forever More (ON HOLD)

By miss-miah

119K 3.2K 1.6K

*sequel to What My Wife Doesn't Know* "What did I expect? There were other ways you could've broken up with m... More

Family First
Try Again
Bonding Time
Decisions Decisions
Take a Break
Auntie Tasha
Put The Past Behind
A Little More Closure
Tell Her
The Mystery Man

A New Beginning

15.2K 247 73
By miss-miah

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Mathew!"

I smiled at everyone in the break room, mainly my chaotic best friend Richie. I watched as he sang at the top of his lungs, sounding like a cat in heat.

"How old are you now!?" my fellow colleagues continued to sing while I laughed "32!"

"Now make a wish!" Nicki hollered

I squeezed my eyes shut feeling like a little kid again making my wish. I puffed up my cheeks and blew out the thirty-two candles, yeah all thirty-two of them. I can only guess that it was Nicki's bright idea to put all of those candles on top of the cake like that, surely this has to be hazardous.

"What did you wish for?" Nicki asked

I smiled, "if I tell you, then it won't come true"

Everyone laughed as I stood and began cutting the strawberry carvel cake into sections, handing out slices among everyone in the break room.

So, I'm thirty two now, I've been back at this cooperation for about two years and it's been great. As you know, Richie is the boss, and the reason why I couldn't get my old office back is because Nicki stepped up in position and now has my old office. Once I was comfortable and settled into my new office, instead of Richie being my partner, Nicki is now my business partner and we've been working together for a year and a half now. He's no Richie but I can tolerate him. We make a great duo.

He's punctual, fun, funny, and the people love him. Without him I dont know if I would be able to bring most of the business in like we do.  I find the clients, email them, talk to them over the phone, have a meeting with them in my office about what they want and set up the contract. Then, Nicki types up the contract to finalize it, he schedules the meeting, we meet with the client, he reals them in and bam! We have a business. Yeah, I like to think that we make a pretty good team, might be better than Richie and I was.

"This cake is pretty damn good, where did you get it from?" Richie asked Nicki

"Walmart, they had a sell on carvel cakes, couldn't pass it up"

Richie nodded and as did I, this cake is pretty good. Strawberry is my favorite flavor.

"So Mat, are we still on for tonight?" Richie asked

"No can do, I got a hot date tonight"

Richie and Nicki looked at me, eyes wide and forks stopped just before their mouths

"with your secretary?" Nicki asked. I chuckled, "No, I think I learned my lesson with that one"

"With Jennifer?"

"No" I replied, "With Rosy"

"Rosy? Blue eyed Rosy?" Richie asked sounding surprised

I nodded, "yes, she's taking me out to dinner to some up scale restaurant for my birthday"

"awww, how cute" Nicki panned in while finishing up his cake, "I gotta finish up that contract for tomorrow, I'll catch you guys later though, alright? Happy birthday again man" he shook my hand, "enjoy your date too" he laughed. I smiled while shaking his hand as well and biding him a see ya later.

"Don't you think it's too early though?" Richie asked now that its just him and I left in the break room.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean don't you think it's too early for you to start dating again? You were with Elena for five long years and you know after" he paused, "after....everything, don't you think you should give yourself some more time?"

I sighed, "Richie, it's been two years since I've dated anyone, it's not like I'm gonna up and settle down with her. I'm just trying to put myself back out there, you know? Test the waters. We've only been dating for a month, I'm not gonna up and marry her."

"I know that, its just" he paused again. It seems as if he's beating around the bush and doesn't want to tell me something,

"what is it?"

He shook his head, "nothing. Just a guy worried about his best friend that's all"

I half smiled, knowing that he wanted to say more, but I brushed it off, "thanks for your concern, but I'll be fine. Come on, lets get back to work" I patted him on the back and we walked out of the break room making casual conversation.


Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel like I look pretty good. Black nike, Dark blue dress pants with a white button up, I still have bed head hair from the nap I took earlier but I think I look pretty good. I'm ready for my date. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket signifying a text from Rosy I'm sure.

'I'm downstairs'

I smiled at the fact that I was right. She's always right on time. I  grabbed my dark blue suit jacket and headed out of my condo to meet her.

Opening the door, I found her standing outside of her car leaning onto it with a cheesy bright smile planted on her plump lips. "What's cooking good looking?"

I laughed as I walked towards the car taking in how amazing she looks. She has her dark brown hair pulled back in a neat bun, she has on a dark blue cocktail dress that hugged her curves marvelously I might add and minimal make-up. I stared into her blue eyes finally reaching her, "hey, you look great" I smiled

"why thank you good sir" she smiled opening the car door for me, I frowned "shouldnt that be my job?"

"Not on your birthday"

I shook my head, "you're unbelievable"

with both of us finally in the car, she drove to the upscale restaurant she's been wanting to take me to for weeks.

Once there, we got out and she handed the valet the keys. Now I've never been to this restaurant so I stood there like an idiot drinking in how amazing the outside looks.
They have a red carpet flowing toward the entrance like some sort of award show, leading into these tall clear doors, two men standing in front of them holding the door open for people to walk in. There are these pretty christmas lights around the frame of the door illuminating the busy atmosphere around them. "Wow"

I could feel her grab my hand, "didn't I tell you how amazing this place was?!" She chirped beside me, "Come on, you've got to see the inside"

I let her lead me into the fancy place because I was just taken aback by how impossibly beautiful it is.
Once inside, the first thing I noticed were the ceilings. They are so high filled with baby cupid paintings, the last super, and some others I failed to recognize. The ceilings came down into smooth badge cream colored walls meeting with matching marble floors. The single red carpet lead up to a podium and standing behind it was a french looking guy in a crisp black suit. I stared behind him looking into the open space filled with classy people seated at the millions of tables placed around. I watched everyone eating and making casual conversation.

"Table for two" Rosy smiled politely

"last name please?"


I can see how excited she is by the cheesy grin plastered on her pretty face. I smiled too gripping her hand tighter.

"Right this way"

We followed the waiter hand in hand and as we walked further into the enchanted place. I can now see that there is a dance floor with a live band playing some jazz music. I watched as all of the pretty people danced and swayed to the rhythm of the music. It's no wonder why she told me not to dress casual. Everyone here is wearing expensive suits and elegant dresses and what not. I would've felt way under dress if I would've worn jeans.

We finally reached our table and we sat down while I continued to drink in the place and enjoy the friendly fancy atmosphere.

"Well, what do you think?" She asked pulling me out of my trance.

I shook my head feeling speechless, not being able to express how beautiful I feel this place is, "how did you even get a reservation here? This feels like the type of place that you'd have to plan months in advance for" I asked starring into her blue eyes.

"I know the chef. He pulled some strings for me and voila, here we are" she smiled

"This place is amazing"

"I know, I'm really glad that I finally got a chance to expericence this with you. You know, since this is your first time here, I'm glad it's with me"

I smiled, "me too"

The waiter came with drinks and we ordered our expensive food I might add. Yeah, the food is really freaking expensive. I should've known that it would be considering how the silverware alone looks like royalty.

She cleared her throat, "so, how is everything going at the office?"

I smiled, "great actually, Nicki and I have a meeting with this one guy Edward something I forget his last name, but he's head of some big cooperation that he wants us to take part in"

"thats so awesome" she smiled, "you know Mathew, I think it's really cool that you've overcome everything you've been through. I know that those days must have been really rough for you, and I just want you to know that I really do admire your bravery to keep going. I mean, if it was me in that situation, I dont even know if I would be able to snap back after that."

I smiled, "well, I couldn't do it alone. If I didn't have my friends support, I dont know where I would be right now"

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded while I watched the look on her face become curious, "what would you do if you were to see her now. What would you do if Elena was to just pop up or you saw her at a super market or something?"

I frowned, I had thought about that question on many occasions and can finally say that I know the answer to it, "I would tell her thank you"

she frowned, "thank you?"

Taking a sip of the champagne and sitting it back down onto the cream colored table, I nodded, "yes. Believe it or not, her putting me through jail and the divorce and everything help me realize a lot of things about myself and a lot of things about life in general. Without her, I wouldn't be the man that I am today. I wouldn't be sitting here right now with this beautiful woman whose gone above and beyond to make this birthday one of the most" I paused for affect, "memorable birthdays that I've ever had."

I watched as she smiled her lovely smile, "That was really sweet"

"you wanna dance?" She nodded vigorously and I stood grabbing her hand and leading her to the dance floor.

We swayed to the slow music, her arms wrapped around my neck and my arms wrapped around her waist, I held her close starring into her eyes.

"So, what was it like, you know, being in jail and all?"

I sighed, I dislike the fact that she's never able to let things go, she always finds some way to bring it back up, "it was terrible, I hated every waking moment of it."

"So, when you found out it was...your wife behind it all" she paused,

"ex-wife" I corrected

she laughed, "when you found out it was your ex wife. How did you cope with it all?"

I shrugged, "I just thought about meeting someone like YOU every night" I laughed while dipping her and she yelped in surprise.

"Come on, I think our food is on its way  to our table" I explained. We practically ran back to our table just as our food arrived.

We dug in, all talking to a minimal and I was thankful for that. I know she's curious about my past, but it's something that I don't like to dwell on anymore. I'm over it, but somehow its still a little hard to talk about. After four years in jail and two years being out, I would say it's been approximately six years now. I had six years to think about everything and I still find it uncomfortable to talk about. Maybe it's because we're dating? I don't know why I find it so uncomfortable to talk about.

"You never answered my question"

I frowned, "what was it?"

"How did you cope with it all?"

I rolled my eyes, "jesus woman, you just don't know how to drop it do you?"

she laughed, "Oh, I'm sorry, I just-I find it so intriguing, it's almost like your life is a movie or something.  Is it too much for you to talk about? I-I'm sorry its your birthday we shouldnt be talking about this" she rambled nervously.

I smiled at her reaction, "It's okay Rosy" I sat back sitting my fork down,

"In all honesty, I dont know how I coped with everything. I just" I paused
"I just kept living you know? I just kept going, taking it day by day"

she smiled at me, a sympathetic smile. "Okay" she announced, "enough with talking about your past. Lets focus on the future"

I smiled, "I'd like that"


"I'll see you tomorrow for lunch?"

She nodded, "of course" I leaned over giving her a passionate kiss before finally letting go, "goodnight Rosy. thanks again for the wonderful evening"

"anytime, goodnight Mathew"

I smiled leaning in and giving her a sweet kiss on her lips. Getting out of the car, I began walking to my door. Tonight was great, I thought to myself I can't wait to see her tomorrow.


"So, how was your date?" Richie asked

I smiled, "it was cool. It was a night I never experienced you know. It's like, I'm always the one doing things like setting up the date and surprising them. It was nice to have it done back for once"

He smiled, "you must really like her"

"yeah, so far I like what I see"

"you have sex with her yet?"

I shook my head, "nah, honestly I don't know if I'm ready"

Richie laughed, "what?"

I laughed nervously, "I'm serious, I don't know if I'm ready to just trust someone again. What Elena did to me left a big scar and I just don't know if I can trust Rosy just yet. It's way too soon to tell."

"Oh come on man she's no Elena, or Tasha. I would say give her a chance"

"I am. Its just gonna take some more time that's all"

he nodded, "I understand"

there was a knock on my door and I yelled a 'come in' to the intruder

"Hey Mr. Macalihan, theres someone here to see you?"

I frowned, Rosy? we're not due for lunch until 1pm. I looked down at my watch realizing that I still have about two hours left until then. "Who is it?"

"I don't know she wouldn't say, she just told me that it was important and she has to see you"

I frowned looking at Richie and he shrugged. I walked out and Richie followed me. I fixed my tie walking out into the lobby. I spot a black haired women standing with her back toward me.

I walked toward her frail frame, "hello, may I help you?"

She turned around and my breathe hitched in my throat, "Elena?"

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