I'm Remus Lupin's Sister (Mar...

By silyeah

21.8K 519 95

Remus Lupin had a sister. You didn't know? Well, here I am, at least. My name is Caroline Lupin, and I'm Remu... More

I'm Remus Lupin's Sister (Marauders Fanfic)
Chapter 1 -The Hogwarts Express-
Chapter 2 -New Year At Hogwarts-
Chapter 3 -First Day-
Chapter 5 - Suspecting Friends
Chapter 6 - In The Highest of Towers
Chapter 7 - Not Alone About It
Chapter 9 - Jealousy Keeps Me Warm

Chapter 4 - Getting Beastly

1.4K 46 9
By silyeah

"Why so grumpy, Foxface?" James asked when we sat at the dinner table that night.

I was sitting and shoving my food around the plate with my fork. I looked up at James with an emotionless expression.

"Well," I said before I had to pause. I wouldn't tell any of the boys around me about my trial that went wrong. "I'm, um, bored."

I mentally face palmed myself. I could've said so much else, and I chose to tell them I was bored.

"Let's go out, then!" Sirius said. Peter nodded enthusiastic. James seemed to like that thought as well.

Only Remus looked at us with doubt in his eyes. "It's not full moon," he whispered so that none of the other students would hear it. "That means I'll still be human, and by the way I have homework. You should also do your homework." He looked at me.

"No thanks," I said quickly. "I would love to join you to the woods," I said to the other boys and rose from my seat.

As the three of us walked out of the full Great Hall, I noticed we got some angry glances from the Slytherin Table.

"Maybe Snivellus would like to join us?" Sirius said with loathe in his voice.

"Maybe, but we wouldn't invite him, would we?" James said as we walked through the halls against the main door.

The fresh night air hit us as we walked into the park. The sky was dark and cloudy, and it was a fresh win blowing from east.

We changed into our animagus shapes. Now I was a lot smaller, slimmer and more agile. My vision was clear and I could see through the dark that embraced us only metres away from the entrance to the castle.

Sirius was already on his way into the dense forest. I could see the dark shape of a gigantic hound. The stag, who was James, was galloping and jumping playfully around. I wondered if he felt as full of pride as he looked as he jumped gracefully around. Knowing James, he probably did. Peter was harder to spot. The little rat could be anywhere.

The four of us ran into the Forbidden Forest. We would probably look like a strange group. A fox, a dog, a deer and a rat (if you had the eyes to see it) running together.

My paws were padding against the mud on the ground. The trees were stocky, but I had no problem with it with my slim body and agile movements. Because of that, I was in front of all the others when I headed to the lake.

The lake was one of my favourite places to be at Hogwarts. There were lots of funny creatures, the huge octopus, for example. Most students took the huge creature for granted, but I was really fascinated by it. In the summer I liked to watch it as it swam lazily around on the surface.

I walked slowly down the little beach and sighed (it sounded more as a growl) as my whole furry body was covered with water. I closed my eyes and listened. Listened to the sound of the wind in the top of the trees, Sirius' barking, the octopus moving under water and other creatures in the woods..

I jumped as I heard something. A voice. "Is there anyone there?" It said. The voice was male, unfamiliar and it sounded a little shaken.

My body froze. If anyone saw me here now at this time.. I wanted to face paw myself. I was a fox. Foxes tend to live in the woods. They're wooden creatures. People don't get surprised when they see wooden creatures in the woods.

I made my way up from the water and hid in a bush. I had perfect sight. There was a person standing with his face towards me. I knew it was a guy. The silhouette had broad shoulders, hard features, and his voice was dark.

He was actually staring directly at me, like he saw me right through the bush. His eyes were sparkling blue. He had dark brown/black hair and wore a black shirt and jeans.

The upper buttons of his shirt were undone, and I could see a silver medallion that had a moon inscription in blue.

His eyes met my animal eyes for a moment. I felt the fur rise on my back. Then I swore I saw him shake his head a little. There was something about him that gave me a weird feeling in the gut, like when you want to remember a word but can't. Before I could figure out anything more about this stranger, he turned on his heels and walked in a fast pace towards the school.

For a moment, I sat there in the high grass and pondered. I was so deeply concentrated on my inside world that I didn't anything around me before I heard a loud sound next to my ear.

I winced and jumped around. A black dog was sitting next to me, along with Prongs and Wormtail. I growled at him. He pushed me with his snout.

I started to run up against the castle. It had been enough for tonight. I had to think, and maybe even start with my homework.. The thought wasn't very appealing, but I was considering to actually try this year.

The others joined me in the park, and we changed to our human forms. They looked a little confused at me.

"Why are we here already?" James asked.

"You didn't have to follow me," I said. I started to walk towards the Gryffindor tower, the others walked with me. According to the map James held, Filch was in the South tower.

"I thought we were going to Hogsmeade or deeper into the woods," Peter said with a disappointed look in his childish face.

"Yeah, but I think I should, um, do some homework," I mumbled. My hands were trembling, for some reason, and I hid them under the folds of my robes.

The three boys burst into laughter that was so loud that I feared they would attract Filch or his creepy cat. "Caroline Lupin doing her homework?" Sirius snorted. "I would rather believe in Remus telling us he's going to drop out of school and starting a stripping career." Peter cringed at the thought of it.

"Yeah, that's madness," James said. "You never do your homework! What's wrong with you?"

"I'm serious," I said. "Things are getting really serious this year.."

"You sound just like you brother," said Peter accusingly. 

"No, I don't," I said and sped up my pace a little. "If I sounded like him, I'd tell you to do your homework as well. I would never do that."

"That means a lot, Caroline," Sirius said and pretended to wipe off tears, like my words had moved him. I pushed him lightly in the shoulder and shook my head while laughing quietly. ke

"Being quiet could be an idea," Peter commented. He was looking at the map James still was holding. The dot with Filch's name written above it was a little closer to us. We jogged our way through the corridors. As we passed portraits, the persons in them yammered about never getting enough rest and yada yada.

The common room was nearly empty when we entered it through the portrait whole (the password was "gawkily"). There were only two persons in the room. A second grader, who looked rather upset as he looked down at what I identified as a Potion's book, sat next to a seventh grader who patiently sat and tried to explain something. 

"Good night, boys," I said with a yawn and headed up to the dorm room. I tried not to make too much noise, but I managed to hit my head in the bed frame and a line of cuss words left my mouth.

Sophia murmured something in her sleep. I didn't hear what it was, but I would guess it wasn't something nice.


A.N: I'm so so so so so so so sO sorry!! Seven months since last update. Seven. God. Damn. Months.  I've been so unmotivated, I'm sorry.  Does it help if I say this story has been bothering me a lot? No? Okay. 

I read though some of the chapters, and it kind of sucks. But I'll try to make it more interesting and worth reading. And I'll update more than twice a year. Promise.

I'm sorry if this chapter was a big disappointment. I'm good at disappointing (!skill discovered!)


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