Chapter 2 -New Year At Hogwarts-

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"So you asked her to ask Lily?" Remus asked as the five of us were sitting in one of the wagons, dragged by invisible horses.

"I did," I nodded. We were talking about the little girl from the train.

"Why?" James groaned. "She'll probably say yes, and that will mean she'll use that as a new excuse for not going out to me."

"Didn't know you were clever enough to understand that, Prongsy," Sirius commented. Peter chuckled, and I just shrugged.

When the wagon finally reached the castle of Hogwarts, my butt was numb. It was a quiet bumpy ride.

The crowd of students walked into the great hall. We took our places -Slytherins by the Slytherin table, Ravenclaws by the Ravenclaw table, Hufflepuffs by the Hufflepuff table, and Gryffindors by the Gryffindor table - and waited for professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, to hold the opening speech.

"I'm starving," I commented. The boys agreed.

"Can't he just start the speech and the sorting?" James groaned.

Just as he said that, the sorting hat was put on a stool. It started to sing from a rift. After that professor McGonogall read out names from a list, and each of the pale faced, nervous first years took place on the seat and put on the hat. The hat told the witch or wizard which of the houses they would be in for the rest of their time at Hogwarts. I could still remember when I was sorted.


I was nervous. I had never been so nervous before. My mother had been in Ravenclaw, and my father in Gryffindor. They were both great houses, but I couldn't imagine how awful it would be to be sorted in Slytherin.

My whole childhood I had heard bad things about Slytherins. How they only cared about pure blood, how they cursed muggle-borns and that the most of dark wizards and witches had been in Slytherin.

"Lupin, Caroline," professor McGonogall called. I remember I was shaking. My face was pale like cotton.

The hat was put on my head. The words are still clear. "There's something about you, miss Lupin," it said. "You're not evil. You'll never be. But still not one of the good. You're brave, that will be shown." After that, it took a pause. Before it finally shouted "GRYFFINDOR!"

I was so relieved that I didn't even think off the strange words the hat told me.

~end of flashback~

When the fresh students were sorted to the different tables and professor Dumbledore's speech was over, the tables were in a sudden full of tasty food.

I sat between James and Remus and ate chicken with plum sauce and baked potatoes. Peter was sitting vis-á-vis me next to Sirius.

"I think we have good chances to win the quidditch goblet this year," James said. He was the seeker on the Gryffindor team.

"We have to," I said and drank a little pumpkin juice.

"Hufflepuff is no problem to shatter and Ravenclaw has some good players, but none of them are better than us!" He smirked.

"Indeed," I nodded. I took a bite of my chicken before I talked again. "What about Slytherin? If we don't win over them, I'm going to snap."

"Of course win over them," James said with disgust hearable in his voice. "Malfoy isn't a good seeker, and their cheesers aren't that good. Their goalkeeper lets many goals in too. They're no problem."

"I wouldn't say so, Potter," I heard a voice say behind James. I turned around to see a boy with pale, pointed face and blonde, almost white, hair. Next to him there was a muscular giant of a boy.

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