Chapter 3 -First Day-

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/I couldn't see his face. It was hid under the hood on his black robes. He and I was standing in a dark alley.

"Here," he said and handed me the book. I flickered through the pages, but they were all empty.

"Why?" I asked. I felt a little scared, but I wouldn't let the fear control me.

"Because I have a task for you," he said. He didn't gave an Irish accent. It was British.

"For me?" I asked, confused. "Why me?"

"Because there's something about you. You're different. Brave," he said. His face was still covered.

"You don't even know me," I said. "You've never met me before."

"How do you know? You can't see my face." His words gave me goose bumps down my spine.

"But why should I even do anything for you?" I started to get stressed. My family was probably looking for me.

"Because I can kill you and your family if you don't," he said. He sounded casual, like he was talking about the weather.

A strange feeling formed in my stomach. Like all my organs had a mutiny. I wanted to through up. I took a step backwards, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Yes or no?" He said.

I tried to clear my throat, but it was laced.

"Write as soon as you're back at Hogwarts," he said before he apparated.

~End of flashback~

I found a pen and wrote on the first page.

'Hello?' I wrote.

The ink didn't disappear, but it came instantly some new words, without my writing.

'Good evening.' I gasped.

The three girls gave me a weird look. I pointed my tongue at them and they rolled their eyes.

'I'm back at Hogwarts,' I wrote.

'That's good. Now I'll tell you what your going to do: Talk to Damon Elster and Bellatrix Black. They have something, a necklace, that belongs to me.'

I looked down at one of the names with disgust. Bellatrix Black was in Slytherin, and well known as a muggle hater. She was also Sirius' cousin. It would be awful to have to speak to her. But the other one, Damon Elster was unfamiliar.

'Who's Damon Elster?' I wrote.

'Sixth year, Slytherin." Was the words I got back.

'But why do you need the necklace? Is it a lucky charm or something? And which of them has it? Why do they have it? What can it do?' My pen scratched against the paper. I wrote fast, and I wasn't sure if he managed to read it.

'My reasons are not your business. Just try to talk to them. Try to make them trust you. Give me a report every day.'

After that I didn't write more. I didn't feel any better. Who was Damon Elster? I had never heard about him.

I sighed and put the note book in a sock. I hid the sock in my suit case. Then I put on my red and gold pyjamas shirt and laid down under the sheets.

Lily, Marlene and Sophia had already fallen asleep. I could here their heavy breathings.

I closed my eyes, tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking. My head was filled with questions about Damon Elster. Maybe Remus, Sirius, Peter or James knew anything about him?

I'm Remus Lupin's Sister (Marauders Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें