A Lion in the Midst

By Dare2Dream9813

273K 7.2K 1.3K

Charlotte was born a royal, a princess. A Lannister. Through the acts of thievery, she ends up in Winterfell... More

1| The Great Tragedy
2| Duty, Morals and Honor
3| Charlotte Stark
4| Kings and Queens
5| Scars of the Past
6| Birthright
7| Softened Hearts
8| Betrayals and Broken Things
9| Sibling Rivalry
10| A Mother's Love
11| Fatherly Surprises
12| Kingsroad
14| Hands of a Lion
15| Common People
16| Blood Stained Bricks
17| How to Not Conquer the North
18| Reign of the Golden Princess
19| The Essence of Fire
20| Third Step
21| The Devil's Sword
22| Lion Blood
23| Tomorrow Never Comes, Fate Never Ends
24| Blood of Valyria
25| Intertwined Fates
26| Imprisonment of a Wolf
27| Secret Motion of Things
28| My Greatest Blessing
29| Submission
30| Mercy
31| Ashes in the Wind
32| Once a Stark, Always a Stark

13| All is Fair with Love and War

8K 211 58
By Dare2Dream9813

"It's tempting to see your enemies as evil, but there's good and evil on both sides of every war fought."

Charlotte's POV

Everyone was sleeping, at least to the best of my knowledge. Myrcella and Tommen were kept apart by a barrier, whilst I was in a separate cot. Mother took the other side of the wheelhouse. Joffrey was made to sleep in tent, sharing one with father.

I maneuver myself out of the cot, grabbing my shoes that were hidden underneath. Alongside the shoes, was a folded blue dress. I was not presenting myself to Sebastian wearing a nightgown, a yellow one at that. Yellow only brings out my pale complexion.

I grab my belongings, sneaking quietly to the door. I cursed silently every time one of the boards would creak under my feet. After three minutes, I was finally at the door. I turned the lock softly, hearing the gears move underneath my hand.

A silent... click. The door was unlocked and open. I was free.

"Where are you going?"

I froze, immediately putting my shoes and dress behind my back.

My mother was leaning up in bed, eyeing me suspiciously. "Charlotte, where are you going?" I smiled innocently, pointing towards the door. "I wanted some fresh air, trying to get accustomed to the southern atmosphere...." Was that believable?

She nods, looking me over a few times before laying back down. "Don't stay gone too long."

I sighed with relief, walking out of the door before she could change her mind.

I ran to the back of the wheelhouse, this side facing the forest. I changed clothes quickly, tying my shoes tightly around my ankles.

All that was left now... was to find the Red Oak tree at the edge of camp. I wasn't well trained in the classifying of plants, mostly your common garden flowers. In the North, the only flowers that bloom are the blue roses.

I began wandering around the camp for at least ten minutes, waiting to see a red tree. I mean, the tree has to be red, right?

"Charlotte." A voice whispers in the darkness. It was Sebastian.

I turn to the sound of the voice. "What? I don't know what trees look like..." A chuckle comes from the voice. "You don't know what trees look like? They're tall and green... you've probably seen one before. I bet you've run into one as well."

"Come here." I demand.

He reveals himself from behind a bush, coming to stand beside me. I slap him in the arm. "I know what trees are! I mean, different types of trees!" I narrow my eyes, preparing to walk back to the wheelhouse after his sarcastic comment.

"Wait... I'm sorry. I thought you would find it funny." He grabs my shoulder, placing his face inches away. I met his blue eyes again, and I instantly melted into his gaze. "It's.... it's fine." I turn away, unable to stare any longer.

"Are you okay about earlier... I know how Joffrey can be..... I've been around him for years."

I turn away. "Fine. His words are starting not bother me, but it still hurts."

He grabs my hand, pulling me towards the eastern part of camp. "Let's forget about Joffrey." We walk a little ways. "You look stunning tonight." The darkness hid my blush. "Uh, thanks." As we continued to walk, small flickering lights could be seen from the bushes. "What did you set up? A candlelit dinner?"

"What kind a man do you take me as?" He parts the bushes, pushing them away as to make me a path. "No, I just stole some fruit and pastries from the stores. I hope you like melon and lemon cakes."

I give him a genuine smile. "My favorite."

He grins widely, pointing towards a blanket laid out among the leaves. "I also may have stolen a blanket...."

I giggle softly. "A blanket is a blanket, doesn't matter where it came from." I sat on the right side of the blanket, whilst he sat on the other. In between both of us were the wooden plates of delicious food. He hands me a lemon cake. "I picked this one out specially for you."

"Why?" I carefully take the lemon cake, placing it in both of my hands.

"You only deserve the best."

I choked on the melon in my mouth. "Are you okay?" He asks, patting my back as I tried to breathe. I nod, finally getting the melon down my throat. He sighs, facing towards the forest. I lean over to him, pulling his face in my direction. "Why are you doing this?"

He places his hand on my cheek, rubbing it softly. "I have never felt this way with anyone else before. My heart is beating a little faster, and I don't know why. The concept of love at first sight wasn't something I believed in, until I laid my eyes upon you."

The adrenaline coursing through my blood causes my heart to stop. The golden flecks in his eyes giving me comfort as I stared into them. His hand was so warm against my skin, caressing the birthmark on my neck.

He leans in, closing his eyes.

Our lips meet.

We fell onto the blanket, intertwined in each other's embrace. He kisses both of my cheeks, ending with my forehead. "You are so beautiful." I placed a peck on his cheek. "You're not so bad yourself."

He began fingering through my hair as I laid my head in the crook of his shoulder. He whispers into my ear. "I live to serve and protect you... only you."

It was there that I fell asleep.

In the arms of Sebastian Selmy.


"Princess...." A voice was pulling me away from my happy, wonderful dreams. "You need to get up beautiful... before your mother begins looking for you."

I immediately sit up, turning to face of the voice speaking to me. "I believe she just woke up. I heard her yelling at your siblings. Something about... have you seen your sister.... " I punch him in the arm. "Why didn't you wake me sooner?"

"I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible."

I narrow my eyes at him. "You're impossible." Quickly, I pulled myself from the blanket, dusting away the stray leaves sticking to my dress. My hair was already in loose waves, falling down my back. "What should I tell my mother when she asks where I was?"

Sebastian stands, offering his hand. "Do you trust me?"

I groaned, grabbing his hand and letting him lead us away from our hiding place among the bushes.

He takes me to the wheelhouse, pulling the door open for me. He whispers softly. "Act like I'm holding you against your will when she opens the door...." The door opens, and my mother sighs with relief once she saw me... but that quickly changed to anger.

"Where have you been?"

I quickly turn to Sebastian, faking a distressed voice. "Let me go!" I attempted to slap him, but he leans to the side. He turns to my mother. "I found her crying in the woods, and thought that she would be better off back at the wheelhouse. There's no telling what kind of creatures roam the woods at this early morning hour."

Sebastian leaves, a smirk of accomplishment written all over his face. He knew the exact words to say to my mother, for her to not be angry with me. Nor angry with him, or questioning why he was with me.

My mother takes my hand, pulling me into the wheelhouse. "Why were you so upset?" The concern in her voice was overwhelming. I look away, trying to form fake tears in my eyes. "Joffrey.... He makes me wish that I was back in Winterfell... and that none of this ever happened."

Maybe my words were more truthful than I planned for them to sound.

I continue. "Yesterday, everyone rushed to his aid. I know he was bit and all, but no one..... not one person asked to see if I was okay. Not even you....." Only Sebastian.

"Charlotte...." She reaches for my arm, but I pull away. "Don't.. I don't want to talk about it. You asked why I was upset, I explained..... I didn't ask for your sympathies." I stand, rushing out of the wheelhouse.

The only person I wanted.... Sebastian.

And, that's exactly who I found.

*~* Third Person POV *~*

"They hate each other." Cersei speaks to Jaime in the privacy of the wheelhouse, referring to Charlotte and Joffrey. "I don't know what to do...." Jaime kisses her on the cheek. "Brother and sister will fight. As they get older, they will push their differences aside. We did...."

Cersei pushes him away. "You should have seen her. She was so distraught and... distant. I never expected her to retaliate with such... hostility."

Jaime looks away, his mind going back to the previous day. "Joffrey spoke harsh words against her yesterday. She didn't seem upset at the time, but I could tell that she was bothered by them. " Cersei narrows her eyes. "What did he say to her?"

"He called her an insolent little dog, that was all the family would see her as." Jaime murmurs, closing his eyes. Why didn't he do something? Cersei's eyes widen with shock, inhaling a sharp breath. No one..... not one person asked to see if I was okay. Not even you..... "I'm losing her and it's barely been a month."

"They always said war was easier than raising daughters....."

Cersei turns to Jaime, a single tear sliding down her cheek. "I know Robert has talked to you about it." The pain in her voice was unimaginable. Jaime leans his head to the side. "Talked to me about what?" She narrows her eyes. "The suitors...."

Jaime nods, tension filling the room. "Robert told me that you wouldn't speak to him about it."

"I didn't. But I need to know.... Who was he talking about?"

Jaime grabs her hand. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Charlotte is my daughter. I would like to know the possible outcomes of her future."

He opens his mouth, speaking softly. "The first, Prince Trystane of Dorne.... Loras Tyrell of High Garden.... Lord Edmure Tully of Riverrun.... One of the Frey boys..... One even said Robin Arryn when he comes of age... I don't remember a few of the others, but those were the main ones."

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