Snapchat • jdb

By doyoulani

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yungbiebs has added you as a friend! © 2015 copyrights. All rights reserved to writer (me) doyoulani More

• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• 6ix •
• eight •
• nine •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
this is important!
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
Please read.
• fifteen •
• 6teen •
• 7teen •
• 8teen •
Yall are gonna hate me :(
• 9teen •
new story up!

• seven •

7.9K 290 130
By doyoulani

Its the third week of school starting tomorrow, I'm a junior and I'm wishing I was a senior graduating already.

Sorry for the late updates, ilysm and thank you for almost 800 reads and almost 100 votes. You guys are amazing! :)



Justin and I have been getting a lot closer lately, he's still with that girl but for me I am no longer with Kyle.

He hasn't made any effort to contact me, I heard he's with that girl from the party and honestly I'm crushed but then again I'm not.

Although, Kyle does stare at me here and there, like now.

"He's looking" Shelby whispers.

"I know," I sigh "but I don't care"

"That's good" Shelby smiles "is Justin coming?"

"Yeah, he should be, him and Matt"

"Matt, really?" She gets excited.

"Yeah, do you and Matt have a thing?" I asked.

"No, of course not" she says.

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know," she says "I mean he's a nice guy but you know how I am when it comes to guys"

I nodded, Shelby wasn't the type to actually date only because she's scared of getting her heart broken again. Shelby dated this guy named Jacob our freshmen year, he was a bit older and they were an item for quite some time. I guess he only wanted sex from her, he got it and ignored her for days, then she caught him cheating on her and she was a crying mess. I felt so bad for her, she really liked him i'm sure she was close to falling in love.

"Well, maybe give it a try again" I suggested.

"I don't know," she sighs "I'll think about it"

"Okay," my phone vibrated, it was a text from Justin saying that they were here.

"Justin and Matt are here," I say looking up from my phone looking for a pair of idiot.

"You and Justin are getting kind of close, so what's going on with you two?" Shelby asks.

"Nothing, nothing at all" I truthfully say.

"Oh, come on. He's always with you instead of that Laura girl. He likes you, you like him"

"I do not" I scoffed "we are just friends"

"Just friends my ass" she mumbles.

"I heard that" I turn to her.

"Heard what?" I turned back around and there Justin was.

"Oh, nothing" I brush it off.

"Oh okay and nice cheerleading uniform" he checks me out.

"Um, thanks"

Shelby made a little noise, I glared at her as she snickers.

"Is everything ok?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, just peachy" I smiled.

It was almost time for the football game to start. We needed to be back with our team in a bit.
"Uh, we need to get going soon" I tell Justin, who was eyeing my body up and down.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Shelby says laughing.

Justin rolls his eyes, then nods.

"Ok, we'll be sitting over there I guess" he pointed to the bleachers and I nodded.

(A/n: there's a lot of nodding lol)

"Hey, Coach wants us for a quick meeting" One of the girls said.

"Okay, we're coming" I said.

She walked away, then I felt uncomfortable. I knew Justin and Matt were staring at her butt, but I didn't say anything. I shouldn't even care, its not like we were a thing or anything. We're just friends.

"Well, um" my voice cracked "we better get going"

"Yeah, definitely" Shelby says "we'll see you after the game"

They wished us luck and we went to where our group was.

Coach was basically going over the usual pep talk. After, we were finished we were sent off to the field.

"Hey, kels" I heard a deep voice say.

I closed my eyes tight then opened them, "yes?"

"Uh, good luck tonight" he awkwardly says.

"Um, thanks you too"

We stood there awkwardly for a minute until we remembered where we needed to be. I ran off and found Shelby.

"Hey, are you okay? I saw you talking to Kyle."

"Yeah, I'm good. He was wishing me luck like he used to."

"Kelsey, be careful please." She hugs me.

"I am," I smiled.


It was almost halftime and we were up by four.

I watched as Kyle's best friend, throw him the ball he began running as fast as he could to catch the ball.

We were shouting and screaming, he ended up catching it but was tackled.

"Ooh" was heard throughout the crowd.

He stood up and slammed the ball on the floor angrily.

The other team cheerleaders began cheering, I rolled my eyes and shouted for us to do a cheer. We all fell in routine and shouted afterwards.

We were going against a school called, George academy and they were our rivalry's that's why this game is so important.


It was halftime and we were neck to neck.

I went to grab me a bottle of water and found Shelby talking to Justin and Matt.

"Hey guys what's up" I say after taking a drink of water.

"Hey nice job out there" Matt hugs me.

"Thanks" I hugged him back.

"So, tonight we should grab food because I'm hungry" Matt says.

"I say Chinese!" I said.

They all agreed and that's exactly where we went.

We won the game by a point, thanks to one of players scoring that last minute touchdown.

"Where's Laura?" Shelby asks, I perked my ears up, but still was eating.

"Uh, she didn't want to come out with us tonight but I'm seeing her tonight after this"



"Kelsey, what are you doing tonight?" Shelby asks me.

"Nothing as usual"

"Great, I have a friend that wants to meet you" she says "his name is Cory and he's very nice"

"Shelbs, you know I'm not ready to see anyone else" I whine.

"I know, but that doesn't mean you guys can't be friends" she says "so, tonight I'm going to be a third wheel and we can all hang out tonight"

"You don't have to be a third wheel, I can go with" Matt volunteers.

"Yeah, that'd be nice" I speak for Shelby.

"And maybe Lana and I can come, if that's not too much" Justin says.

"Sure, why not" she shrugs.


We all decided to meet up at my house later, Cory was on his way and I was kind of nervous.

"Why did you do this to me" I sigh.

"I only did it to make Justin jealous and it worked" she smirks.

"Why would you need to make him jealous when he's happily with Laura?"

"Kelsey you are so delusional, he doesn't like Laura he's only with her because he doesn't know how to address himself with you since you've been done with Kyle and it worked that he's jealous because If he wasn't he wouldn't have never asked to come with Laura"

"God, your annoying"

"But you love me"

"Apparently so" I laughed.

I pulled my hair in to a high ponytail, with a black jumper and black heels.

I added a fuschia colored lip stick and did my wing eye liner as usual.

(A/n: basically the same make up thing Ariana always does with her pink colored lipbstick lol)

I was the shortest out of everyone being exactly five foot sucked, especially when your best friend is five foot four. With heels I was almost her height.

"You look hot" Shelby says, but I could say the same.

"Cory says he's meeting us at the restaurant and Matt and the others are on their way here"

Why am I so nervous, its not like I'll be interested into the guy I barely know.

The door bell rung, shelby went to answer it.

"Hey guys" she greets them.

"Are we all ready?"

"Yeah, let's go"

I grabbed my purse and phone, locking my house door behind me.

"So, are we all ridingnin separate cars?"

"No, we can all ride together" Justin says "where's that guy?"

"He's meeting us there" I answered.

He nods, "well, we are getting in Matt's car"

Matt had a range rover, enough to fit us all.

Shelby sat in the front seat.

Leaving me with Laura and Justin who were being all flirty, it was getting on my nerves. She would giggle about every little thing he says, then steal kisses. I was close to puking, I took my phone out and decided to Snapchat a selfie.

Snapping a picture, I captioned it 'Shelby hates me'

Posting it to my stories, I realized I had a snap from someone.

Kylem_12: I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to, but can we please just talk. Let me explain everything.

I rolled my eyes, just staring at the messages. I didn't want to talk to him, but I wanted to know why he started changing on me and humiliated me in front of his friends.

I contemplated on what to do, I tapped Shelby's shoulder with my phone and she grabbed it reading the messages. She looked at me, telling me not to do it.

"Don't do it" she says.

"Don't do what?" Matt asks.

"Oh, nothing" I answered quickly.

"Doesn't seem like nothing"

I grabbed my phone from shelby before she does something stupid.

"Who is that?" Justin asks referring to my phone.

"No one, just an old friend"

"Its kyle" Shelby says.

I gave her an exasperated look, she can't be serious right now.

"Shelby" I scolded.

"I'm sorry, but they're going to tell you the same thing"

"Its not like I'm getting back with him" I said "I don't see what's the problem for wanting closure"

"There's no problem, its just you and kyle been together for a while there's obviously still feelings there and you know how that turns out"

"He's with that girl anyways" my voice lowered.

I hate speaking about that.

"Wait, he is?" Justin asks.

"Yeah, they been together for a couple of days now"

"Asshole" they simultaneously say.

I sit back and just think, blocking all there comments and opinions out. I didn't want to hear any of it, but mines. I knew I still had some type of emotion for Kyle but I can't go back to him.

Kelseyann: we can talk and that's all, nothing else.

I sent the message, five minutes later he was typing a response.

Kylem_12: thank you so much! Monday during study hall, meet me in the courtyard?

Kelseyann: sounds good. See you Monday...

I closed the app and locked my phone.

"What did you say?" Matt asked.

"I'll meet him" I simply answer.

"Just be careful" Justin says.

"Justin, stay out of it. Why are you worrying about her? She has other people doing that for her obviously" Laura says.

I scoffed, Justin didn't say nothing but he listened to her and I was starting to wonder if he really didn't care about me like Shelby made it seem like.


We arrived at our destination and went inside to find Cory.

Man, he was hot.

"Cory, hi" Shelby greets her friend.

"Hey, Shelby. Its been so long"

"Too long" she laughs, how have I never met him. "Cory this is Justin, Matt, Lana-

"Laura" she corrects Shelby

"And Kelsey"

"Oh, so you're the beautiful Kelsey that I've been waiting to meet all this time. Thank you for saying yes, its a pleasure getting to meet you"

"The pleasures all mine" I smile.

He was sweet so far, I liked him but not in that way.

"Ready to go inside?" He asked.

"Yes," he takes my hand, but I don't reject it. It was a nice gesture.

We walked inside, the host seats us and we all wait.

"So, Kelsey" Cory says "how come I've never met you?"

I chuckled "I should be saying the same thing"

We both looked at shelby who was in a conversation with Matthew.

"Shelby" I said, she looks up.


"We were just wondering how come we never met each other earlier"

"Oh, well, you were with kyle and you were with that girl, Brenda or something like that"

"So, thats why trust me there were days when I wanted you guys to meet already but you were both off the market while I was just getting back on"

"How long have you known each other?" I asked.

"Three years" he shrugs.

"How did you meet?" This time it wasn't my voice, it was Justin's.

"When she was with um, Jake" he tried to be careful with the topic and I was thankful for that.

It was kind of awkward, but we made it through. Cory was funny, real nice at that. For him to be ex friends with Jake he was kind of different, which surprises me how he end up being friends with Jake.

I couldn't help but notice that Justin was being super clingy with Laura, she'd be extremely loud or so would he every time Cory and I got deep in conversation. They'd earn looks from all of us, even the restaurant.

"Kelsey, thank you for coming out tonight" he smiles.

"Thank you for wanting to meet me, I had a great time"

And it was true. The vibe was more different than what Kyle and I would have.

"We should do this again" he says, but whispers the next part "just not with your friends"

"Agreed" I laughed.

"Can I have your number?"

"Oh, sure" I said.

I unlocked my phone and handed it to him, I did the same with his.

"You have a Snapchat notification" he points out.

"Oh, thanks" I smiled.

I checked it and it was from Shelby, a picture she sent to me of me and Cory laughing.

"Thanks a lot, shelbs" I laughed.

"I couldn't help it, you guys were too cute"

"Thanks, I'd say the same" Cory smirks, I laughed and blushed just a little.

"Can I see your phone?" He asks, I knitted my eyebrows.

"Sure" I unlocked it and handed it to him.

He opens the Snapchat app, he adds himself then pulls up the camera. He holds it in front of my face, then tells me to smile.

Instead of smiling, I frowned at the phone.

"Wait, I wasn't ready!" I pouted, Cory laughs.

"Your little dimple is cute" he says, I blushed then looked away.

"Aw, kels you're blushing" Shelby awes.

"No I'm not" I laughed, we were all just having a good time.

"I'm going to caption this" he says

'She's a cutie'

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing" he shrugs, handing me my phone back. I glared at him playfully, but ended up snickering.


The night came to an end, Cory and I talked for a bit more before he left and I rejoined the rest.

"How is he?" Shelby asked, once I got back in.

"He's amazing" I blushed.

"I knew you'd like him,"

"I don't like him, I mean I do but not in that way. I barely know him"

"Yeah, but they wau you were blushing tonight said other"

"What did you guys think of him?" I asked.

"He was cool, I liked him" Matt answers "he seems like a great guy for you."

"What about you Justin?" Shelby asked.

"Who, Cory? Oh, he was okay I guess. I'm not a fan of him,but whatever"

You can hear Matt scoff, but he didn't say anything further.

"Well, I didn't know he graduated from our school"

"I'm surprised, you've never seen him"

"Remember I was always with Kyle" I mocked her.

"Shut up, I do not sound like that" she laughs.

"So, who's Jake?" Matt asked.

"The past" she says not wanting to further talk about it. .

I decided to help by changing the subject.

"Justin, how long you and Lana been together?"

"Long enough" she answers, then cuddles into his side. Justin looked at me, then kisses her forehead.

He seemed as if he really wasn't interested in talking to me, so I left it at that.


Hey bby luvs :))

If you forgot they're all seniors, but Cory is a sophomore in college.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was kind of a filler lol.

I think I'll update on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

I love youuuuu alllllllll :))))))

- Lenyiah

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