Broken - (Reader X BEN Drowne...

By ATwistedFate

57.4K 1.9K 1.1K

My walk home was cut rather short. I thought this house was for safety. Turns out it is the EXACT opposite. C... More

Hello 1
I've been expecting you.
Cleverbot 3
Morning 4
Questions 5
Headache 6
Trials 7
Last Breath 8
Lies 9
Waking up 10
Scissors 11
Loophole 12
Dark 13
Lucky Charm 14
Contract 15
Facade 16
Mind Flip17
Trapped 18
1:59 20
Moon 21
Forget 22
Remember 23
Sick 24
Nightmare 25
Laughter 26
Brainwashed 27
Deal 28
Rescue Party 29
Finale 30
A New Day 31
Odd 32
End 33

Betrayal 19

1.4K 54 13
By ATwistedFate

   Betrayed. That's how I feel right now. I trusted BEN and he has shattered it. Shattered what was left of my trust anyways. Why does he hate me so much? What did I ever do to him? I mean, I know he is going insane for whatever reason, but why is Zalgo doing this? My mind is dark and empty. I feel like throwing up right now. Is this hatred for him? No, it couldn't be. I might be harsh sometimes, but I am not that mean..
Am I?

        My eyes are sealed shut by something holding it down. Is it tape? Seriously!? I can hear something moving behind me, like shuffling.

"You're awake. Finally." A voice says from my side. I turn my head so I could face the person.. Not that it mattered.

"Yeah. But what's the point of being awake if I can't see? Might as well go back to sleep." I say. The voice chuckles and removes the tape from my face, revealing red marks. I look around the room and see that I am on a chair. My torso is bound by rope to the seat and my feet and hands are tied off by chains. Why didn't he just go all chains? Why cheap out with the rope? WHY AM I WORRYING ABOUT THIS?

"Now that I have a full 24 hours with you, or at least 23 hours and 4 minutes now, I have had some time to think." He says as he walks in front of me. "I want your first act as my slave to try to escape. Indulge me.."
        I stare at him with disbelief. He wants me to try to escape? OKAY! He kneels in front of me and looks up at my face. I give him a confident look and remove my tiny wrists from the loose chains easily. I then use my free hands to untie myself from the chair, which was a little tricky considering he tied it off from the back. I then try to get my feet out, but I couldn't. I try to move the chair's legs so that it would free the chains that are wrapped around it but all it did was make the chains get tighter around my feet. It started to get too tight that I thought I would lose circulation. The chair falls, making my feet turn a slight shade of blue. It pinched a nerve of some kind and I accidentally fall.. On BEN.. He didn't seem to care though. He set me down and unlocked the chains on my feet, letting blood continue to flow through my lower extremities.
"Thanks..." I said to him. He turns to face me, giving me a satisfied look.
"No, thank you." He says with an evil smirk. "Now that I know you can get out of this, I need to tie you up better."
        Crap. I'm so dumb. I look at him with slight shock, not for him, but because I am so DUMB. He laughs at my disgruntled self and pulls me up. I plop on the bed, forgetting that I am with an insane demonic elf. Alone. In a game. He sits down next to me, thinking. I hate it when he thinks.
"It's night time still. 3:00 am. I have 23 hours left with you, and time is over when the clock strikes 2:00 am tomorrow. I have something planned for us at midnight, in the meantime I need to find something for you to do..." He says while looking around the room. "Clean the house. All of it. I want it to be so clean that you could eat off the floors. Because you will.." After he said that I gave him a rude look and he just stands up and walks out the front door, leaving me alone in this small house. I look around the house for cleaning supplies and finally find it. After I clean the kitchen, living room, gaming room, bathroom, and a guest bedroom, I look at the clock to see that BEN isn't back yet. It's already 8:00 am. Wow did I really work for that long? I better be getting paid extra for this.. Wait.. I'm not even getting paid for this.. WHY AM I DOING THIS? I toss the cleaning supplies that I had in my hand and head straight for the door. As soon as I touch the knob I get shocked.
"Ouch.." I say as I keep trying to touch the knob.
"OUCH!" I almost yell. The shocks are getting increasingly intensified. I decide to stop torturing myself and head for the window and unlock it. I open the window and put my hand out to touch freedom- only to touch an invisible  wall. I should have know BEN would have put up a force field.. I give up on trying to escape and look for more rooms to clean. Might as well.
        I find a room that I completely missed. How could I miss a giant green door? I open it and find out that it was BEN's room. Of course. I tidy up his floor and do the laundry. I walk over to some games neatly stacked on a shelf and wonder. 'Why does he have games  in here when he has a giant gaming room right next door?' Guess I will never understand his logic. I take a step back and examine my work. The clock is saying that it is 11:34 pm. I am hungry... I look at the room one last time to make sure I didn't miss anything. Good thing I did because I missed his bed entirely. I walk back up to the disheveled sheets and neatly fold them onto the bed. I take a hold of one of the pillows and something falls out of it. I hear plastic hit the ground and look down. Looks like a game fell. I bend down to pick it up and examine it. It looks to be a copy of the game Majora's Mask.. I quickly try to place it back inside the pillowcase before he notices. I know that this is probably very special to him and despite all the things he has and will do to me, I would never think to do anything with this. At least not until he makes me really upset, then ya. I'll destroy his mind. But until then, his mind is destroyed enough. I straighten the pillows up nice and neatly and let out a breath of air signaling that I was done.
        But I just couldn't enjoy this break, now can I? Suddenly, a wild BEN appears! ...
        He makes me jump at the touch of his hands on my side. He laughs as I turn around to give him a pout. He puts his hand on the side of my face and his expression softens. Is he changing back into normal BEN!?
        No. He is not. He pushes me onto the perfectly made bed (as I say so myself) and jumps on the bed, pulling me to his side and going on top of me. He pins me down just like before in just one motion. Looks like he has done this plenty of times before. Perhaps other lovers or maybe victims? Either way, I really don't care about that. I look up into the soulless eyes of the blonde boy looking down at me. His blonde hair sweeping across his face covering one eye. He would look so much better without trying to rape me.
        As if reading my thoughts, the elf takes command and aims for my neck. I tilt my head to the side, blocking his way. He takes this as a challenge and heads for the other side. 'I will not be your game, BEN.' I think as I quickly turn my head again, blocking his path to my exposed neck. He frowns and pulls his head away from me slightly.
"Stop struggling." He says. Of course, this makes me struggle more. "You know what I did to you last time, you don't want me to take away your will to move, do you?"
        I remember the feeling of weightlessness and then the heaviness of it. I don't want to lose that again. I shake my head no but continue to struggle. "You can't always get what you want, BEN." I say almost breathlessly. I have struggled for a while now, and only being able to move you neck is a lot of work.
"Oh but {Y/N}..." He coos, "I always get what I want.."
        With that, he left me stunned. He took this moment of opportunity and strikes. He started to place hard kisses on my lower neck, then slightly getting softer. His arms wrap around my waist and let my arms free. He trails his lips up my neck, slowly. My eyes are wide in bewilderment as he does this. My breathing starts to get fast and so does my heart. If he hates me then why is he doing this? He doesn't like me and I don't like him, so why am I feeling this way toward him? I am disgusted yet oddly comforted by him. I hate this battle between my brain and my heart. I know this is wrong and I should fight back now that my arms and hands are free. I should take my fists and slam it into his head.. But I also want to take my hands and lose them in his wavy blonde mess of hair.
        I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize he stopped and was now sucking on my neck rather than kissing it. It is such a weird feeling yet oddly intriguing. He hits a spot on my neck and my body panics. He stops for a second and continues, only to stay on that one spot. I begged and pleaded for him to move in my head, but he stayed. I closed my eyes and bit my lip to keep my mouth from releasing any noise. I know this is what he wants. I can't give him this satisfaction.
"Come on..." He whispers in my ear. I shake my head slightly, not wanting to say a word. He rubs his cheek against mine, just like how a cat rubs its body on your leg. "Please.. Just one small sound." He pleads into my ear.
        Again I shake my head. He moves his hand over to the small of my back and raises me up slightly. There was barely any force applied, almost like he made me move against him with my free will. How could he make me feel like this so quickly? Our chests are pressed against each others and he goes back to the spot on my neck. I guess I was concentrating too hard on his hand on my spine that I let out a small grunt. I can feel a smirk playing on his lips on my neck. He raises up his head and gets off of me, still smirking. I quickly raise up and touch the spot on my neck. It's sore and I could put money on it that it was red too. He is sitting near me on the now wrinkled bed and looks at me. I look back at him and give him a confused and hurt look. He doesn't seem to care much as he quickly averts his eyes to the pillow behind me and snatches it. He finds the game inside the pillow cast and takes it out and looks at it.
"Did you touch my game?" He says in a loud voice.
"Uh, yeah it fell so I picked it up and put it back." I say in a quiet voice, hoping not to see the wrath of insane BEN. He looks up at me with furious eyes and gets off the bed. He starts to yell a bunch of words that I couldn't quite understand. It seems like jumbled messes of sentences mixed together. He jumps forward and lashes out at me. My head is quickly turned to the side, not because I avoided his hand, but the exact opposite. I can feel the sting from the impact on my cheeks. That pain is soon replaced with a new pain on my neck- no, around my neck. His hands are strangling me. I feel a headache coming on again as oxygen fails to get to my brain. But, thankfully, before anything else could happen, I could hear a door open. I see a familiar figure walk into the room and push BEN out of the way, knocking him to the floor as I gasp for air.
"What the hell are you doing, BEN!?" The familiar voice says. He holds me in a tight embrace trying to comfort me. All I could do is hold my neck and let my cold hands cool down the heat on my neck and head. BEN gets up and attacks the guy who saved me. Dark.
        BEN lands a punch on Dark's face before Dark grabs BEN by the collar and throws him in the closet. He then quickly grabs his chair and puts it against the knob. Knowing that BEN couldn't escape the closet, he comes to me with a frown.
"Are you alright?" He asks. I shake my head yes but then think for a while and shake my head no and start to cry. Why have I been crying so much lately? I am never like this...
                                                                                                What has BEN done to me.

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