Time of our life

By Dimind11

1.2K 78 6

After a strange thing happens Maddox Pierce finds herself living with a GORGEOUS guy. She's just unsure about... More

Chapter 1: Same old same old
Chapter 2: What happened?
Chapter 3: Meeting Mr. Anderson
Chapter 4: Now We Talk
Chapter 5: The First Night
Chapter 6: Goodmorning Mr.Anderson
Chapter 7: Being the Girlfriend
Chapter 8: He is too much
Chapter 9: My First Kiss
Chapter 10: Big Screen, Big Game
Chapter 12: Heaven in A Small Cup.
Chapter 13: Brothers And Sisters We Have A Winner
Chapter 14: I'm On The Edge
Chapter 15: How Do You Not See A Wet Floor Sign
Chapter 16: Dress To Impress
Chapter 17: Late Night Dancing Is My Fav
Chapter 18: Twirling Into His Heart
Chapter 19: La Vie En Rose
Chapter 20: Our Song
Chapter 21: What Are We
Chapter 22: First Day
Chapter 23: Dinner Date With a Friend
Chapter 24: Never a Dull Moment
Chapter 25: Tying Loose Ends
Chapter 26: Shop, Drop, Party
Chapter 27: Who's That Girl
Chapter 28: I Think Im Falling For You
Chapter 29: We All Need Answers
Chapter 30: Saying Goodbye

Chapter 11: Lily is a doll <3

45 4 0
By Dimind11

Chanakya once said "as soon as fear approaches near, attack, and destroy it."

I guess that's good for sky jumping or taking a risk to ask out the boy you like. You destroy your fear and go for it but when something unknown walks in on you when your in the shower and talks, you kind of freak out.

I quickly grab the towel off the rack. "W...Who's there?!" I stutter.

"Lily," a little girl voice answers.

I slowly move the curtain back revealing a little brown haired girl around the age of 5. She was adorable. Her eyes were the same color as Zane's.

Holy cow does he have a kid?

"Oh hello...." I say slowly almost like a question.

"Why are you in my room?" She asks.

"Uhmmm... I-"

"Lily! Come in here for a second." Zane's voice calls from far away. Thank goodness.

"Bye!" She cheers and runs away leaving me there in shock.

When I get out and put on a T-shirt and shorts Zane let me borrow I wrap my hair in the towel and walk into the living room. Sitting on the couch is Zane with Lily laying in his arms. Both are watching a kids show. When I stop in my place the wood under me creaks and Zane turns his head. Lily just keeps her blue eyes glued to the television.

Zane whispers something to her and stands up. When he passes me he takes my right arm and pulls me with him.

When we walk into his room he immediately says, "We kinda have a problem."

"Yeah you put me in your daughters room!"

"I know her mom dropped h... Wait. You think she's my daughter?" I nodded. "Noo she's my niece, my sisters kid." He explained.

"Oh. Ohh. That explains a lot."

"Yea she came unexpected and said she had to go on a business trip and just left Lily with me. She always stays when Caroline has work."

"In the guest room," I add.

"Well it's basically hers since she is the only one that stays there."

"Well then I'll leave I don't want-"

"You don't have anywhere else to go, stay."

"I could find my parents house."

"Your parents would freak seeing you. And what if you run into yourself or something? That could cause something bad."

"I can't stay you have Lily."

"She likes everyone. Very friendly kid."

"Okay but I have nowhere to sleep."

"You can sleep in my room."

Okay. What.

Before I can say anything I think he sees my eyes widen because he finishes, "I'll get an air mattress for you. I have one in the closet." He points his finger to the wall.

"I don't see a closet."

"Oh right," he replies walking over too the wall. When he places his hand on the wall it glows a blue color and then part of the wall releases and slides to the right.

My mouth drops. "That is awesome!" I exclaim. Zane grabs a box from the side and clicks a button. Instantly it inflates and sprawls out across the floor.

"There ya go," Zane says. After I smile and thank him we walk back in the living room.

"Alright bedtime squirt," he pulls her body over his shoulder as she's giggling and refusing to go to her bed.

"But it's only 12!" She protests

"Yeah that is 3 hours past bedtime. Your mom will never let you stay here again if I don't get you in bed now!"

"Nooo!" She shouts running to get room.

"I can tell she loves her Uncle," I claimed.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth!" He yells through the walls.

"Yeah she stays with me about once a month. Her parents have to work a lot. It's the life in the business world."

"Yeah I get it my dad works for a big company and is almost never home. It's alright with me because I get to throw EPIC party's."

He gives a look with wide eyes.

I can't believe he thinks I'm serious. Have you seen me.

"Kidding, gosh you believe anything, I guess bows the time to tell you I'm not actually from 2014," I announce to him.

"I knew that."

"Suuure," I give him a wink.

"I'm going to go check on her," and with that he leaves me standing alone.

I just take a seat on his couch not wanting to go to his room by my self. Everything about this seems weird but I have no other choice. Not like anyone else would ever believe me. I still don't believe it myself. Lily's cartoon was still playing. I couldn't find the remote so I decide to just watch this.

"Uh oh! Sofia hurt her hand and now she needs help! We have to go back and stop her from doing it!" A little brown haired boy says to three other kids, two girls, and one boy.

All four of them run to a whole in the ground that magically opens right in front of them. They hop in and slide down some clear pipes.

"Okay I'll set it for 10 minutes ago!" One of the girls cheer too the TV screen. They all hop into a egg shaped box and it shoot up into the air and disappears. They then reappear two seconds later and land on the ground.

"Let's go!" The little boy motions. I think he is the leader of their little squad.

They then find the girl who had broken her hand and help her across the monkey bars.

Wow cartoons do not get better in the future.

"What do you expect they're for children." Zane responds. I realize I said that out loud.


"I threw sheets and a comforter on your mattress I'm going to read Lily a book so if you want to go to sleep..."

"Thanks," I say standing up. We walk down the hall side by side until we reach Lily's room.


"Goodnight," I whisper as he shuts the door.


Again I can see hazel eyes. No distinct facial features but the glowing bulbs. Without thinking I move my hand up and swipe my thumb below them. Taking in the specs of gold sprinkled through out them. It intrigues me. I slide my fingers down and touch his lips which mouth the words 'wake up'

"Wake up."

"Maddox wake up."

"I got donuts!"

That gets me. Donuts are made out of heaven. My eyes shoot open to see a smiling Zane standing above me.

"Oh and you kinda drool when you sleep, you got it on my shirt yesterday and now on your face this morning."

I quickly wipe off my chin and turn away from him, my fave heating up.

"Everyone drools at sometime in their life," I state.

"True but mine was as a baby," Zane confessed.

I just roll my eyes before I climb to my feet. "So donuts?"

"Ye-" I didn't hear the rest of what he was saying because I was already out the door. Donuts are my life.

"Good morning Lily!" I greet her with a smile like it's not the morning because well: donuts.

"Good morning," she mutters through a donut stuffed in her mouth.

"Are they good?" I ask. The reply is fast nodding. She smiles, again revealing the chewed up donut inside her mouth.

"Ha, I'm ganna eat some then," I reply searching through the box.

He has 2 glazed twists, 5 chocolate original, 3 blueberry, and like two dozen donut holes.


"I know Uncle Zaney is the best!" She chirps.

"If he gets me donuts, he is the best."

I grab a twist and about 10 donut holes. Sitting across from Lily we both eat our delicious breakfast in silence until she breaks it by saying," Your really pretty."

I almost choke on my donut hole,"T... Thank you. Your a cutie yourself." I give her a smile.

"Are you and Zane getting married?"

And then I do choke. Thankfully Zane walks in at that moment.

"Oh hey are you okay?!" He runs too me and pats my back.

"Fine... Fine."

"I asked her if you two were getting married!" Lily repeated this time it was Zane who was shocked.

"Oh... Uhm. Not right now squirt. We are just uh... hanging out."

"Oh." And that was the end of that conversation.

"So I was thinking we could go to the park today." Zane announced.

"Yay!!" Lily excitedly shouted. "Your coming with us right Maddox!"

"Uh... Yeah! I love the park Central Park is amazing!" I replied.

"I've never been..." Lily sadly said.

"Wha... Ohhh," I shoot a look too Zane saying sorry. "I forgot it's been shut down."

"No not shut down just no one goes there anymore for reason I won't say right now,"Zane corrected.

"Why!?" Lily asked.

"Your parents will tell you when your older."

"Fine!" She gives up.


"Whoa!" My mouth is wide open. Almost as wide as my eyes."I so want one of those! That's Awe... Xycrubulent!"

4 boys rode past us on skateboards. They were glowing blue. Oh and floating.

"Hover boards," Zane replies, "I guess your time didn't have them."

"Nope I mean I heard they were starting to make them but I didn't think they would be like that!"

"Yeah their pretty sweet, I learned to ride when I was Lily's age"

Lily was running around with 2 other girls playing a game I have no idea the name of. Zane and I are seated together on a park bench just enjoying this time out.

"If I'm stuck here forever you will teach me to ride one! Heck even if I go back I still want to ride one before I'm 30!"

"Okay I will, I promise."

That is one promise I will remember.

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