My Digital Escape One Shots

By Middleschoolandsuch

13K 261 153

These are one shot stories of MDE ranging from different types of ships or stories that I write down when I g... More

Let Love Bleed Red
.Com Pt. II
Face Down
The Art of Anesthasia
A Skeletal Domain
Alex In Wonderland
New Book! (Hey There, Mr. Brooks)


949 34 31
By Middleschoolandsuch

Song and artist: "Smokahontas" by Attack! Attack!

Psssstttttt.... Johlex is official ;)

(First one shot with someone's perspective :0)


"Tell me!" The man in the black suite, known as Agent Tyler Hagen, yelled at me. The sound of his voice bounced on the metal walls of the room, amplifying what he was asking for. But I wasn't scared one bit. I looked him right in the eye, blue fire showing.

"Fuck no," I spat on his face. He retracted instantly as he angrily wiped the spit off his left eye. I smirked, happy to see how much I'm annoying this bastard. He turned to me and pointed at me with his pointer finger.

"You motherfu-"

"Ah ah ah, no cursing Mr. Goody two shoes." I taunted.

"You think this is funny, boy? Huh?!" He bellowed. His voice echoed throughout the dark, cold metal room again. He slammed his hands on the metal table in front of me, making the one bright lightbulb above me shake. He stared at me, straight in the eyes, trying to break me.

"Tell me, who did it. Who were you with," I looked at him like he was crazy. I burst out laughing whilst tugging at the handcuffs attached to my wrist and the chair.

"You really think that I will tell you who did it?" I said in mock disbelief. This idiot.

"I can keep this up for hours. You'll never break me." I countered. He smiled and leaned on the table again.

"So what do you expect after that? Your buddies won't help you once we lock you up." He smirked at me. I lifted a brow.

"Oh yea? What makes you so sure about that?" I asked. He shook his head and turned around. He walked to the other smaller table on the corner of the room and picked up a file and walked back to me. He slammed the file in front of me. It had my name on it.

"Here are your files, Mr. Guilbert." He spoke. He picked it up and started skimming through it.

"It has all your records in it. Ah, yes, Johnnie Guilbert. You're young, a most wanted fugitive, hm, oh, and you're the ring leader of the "My Digital Escape", aren't you?" He said. I gritted my teeth and looked away in fury.

"Let's see what else is in here. Oh, you and My Digital Escape has robbed countless banks, hacked Sony and government files, created fires, riots, stole from countless stores and homes, broke people out of jails, used toxic waste, stole from military bases, vandalised..." He went on and on. He shut the file closed and threw it on the table.

"We tried years to catch you and your group, but we're lucky enough to catch the ringleader first, and that's you," He poked my chest with his finger and smirked down at me.

"Fuck you! You will never lock me up!" I screamed at him. He shook his head and stepped away from me.

"You're too young to even be doing these types of stuff," He trailed on and sighed.

"You dumbass, I'm not four years old. I'm 22." I rolled my eyes. He looked down at me again.

"Just tell me who is in 'My Digital Escape'." I scoffed.

"You still think I'm just gonna rat out who's in I my group?" He sighed again.

"I can keep you in here for as long as I want."

"I don't care." This dumbass really thinks I'm just gonnatell him who's in my group, the one I own? I fucking swear, he's gonna be the death of me.

"I can just throw you in prison right now! We fucking caught you robbing that bank!" He yelled at me from all the pent up frustration from being in here trying to get answers from me for hours. I got angry at his small outburst and narrowed my eyes. It's like he keeps pointing out the mistake I made to get caught. It's not like I wanted the police to catch me!

"My foot was stuck!" I yelled. He gave me a weird look.

"So? We caught you anyway and they all left you behind."

"MDE is a family. They're my family, I'm sticking up for my friends I can count on. They'll help me wherever you put me." I said through gritted teeth.

"Family?" He laughed.

"They left you behind and look where you are compared to them." I stopped glaring at him when his words went into my ear. Realisation hit me. They left me. Why? I'm the one who helped them all the time. I was the fucking leader! They left me to get caught!

"Those fucking idiots! They fucking-" I looked up at him. He looked at me expectantly, like he knew I was gonna say something he wants. I scrunched my nose up in disgust and sat back on the metal chair, looking away from him.

"Don't you dare. You fucktard, you tried tricking me."

"No, no tricks." He said. I shook my head. I already caught him in the act.

"I'm not saying anything." He sighed again and took out a file from under the table.

"Well, you aren't the first one that we've caught." He threw the file in front of me.

"Bryan Odell, also known as Bryan Stars," he said. He picked up the file and skimmed through it.

"He is part of My Digital Escape, too. Well, we think he is but we aren't quite sure. We caught him back in 2010," He put a mug shot photo in front of me. Sure enough, it was the one and only Bryanstars. My roommate, my acquaintance, my best friend, he's basically like my brother.

"He hacked into the military base's signal and files at the time and caught him robbing a bank," He said.

"He never told us anything, but we think he is part of MDE. He's an acquaintance of yours, isn't he?" He asked me.

Of course he is. He was the one of the first people that was part of My Digital Escape. We used to keep it low together before I became the ring leader of the most well known group to most fugitives and gangs; My Digital Escape. We got our name because we always got away with all the crimes we've committed, and because most of the time we did our stuff online because of Bryan. He was a computer genius; he can hack into anything. So that was how we got our name. My Digital Escape. I fell in love with the name the very first day we came up with it.

Other than Bryan and his computer smarts, the rest of the people in our group had their own talents, too. There are seven of us, including Bryan and I. But I forgot that he was caught more than once by the police, though.

That dumbass.

But I won't say anything though, they only think he's part of MDE.

"I'm not saying anything and that's final." I said calmly.

"That settles it then."

"Settles what?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Time for you to hit the slammer." My eyes widened for a second, but I sat back on the chair and rolled my eyes.

"Fuck no, I'll get out of there anytime." I scoffed. He laughed, making me glare at him.

"You're going to maximum security." Fear coursed throughout my body once those words escaped past his lips. I've never been to jail before; this is my first time getting caught. But they're putting me in maximum security in my first time?

"No," I said. He shook his head and started to leave theroom.

"I'll be back with the others. So long, ring leader." His voice echoed as he shut the door behind him.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck..." This isn't good. This is not good. I'll loose my freedom, (well, aside from me being the most wanted fugitive) my group, my friends, the joy of doing crimes, my family, everything. I probably have a life sentence to jail, too.

Why are my eyes stinging? Oh my God.

Am I tearing up?

"Oh fuck I don't want to go to jail!" I'm beginning to panic. Maximum? Maximum prison is fucking torcher! No way of escape, no freedom... man, there are serial killers in there! I'm not that! I can't be fucking...

"Those idiots! They left me behind! Why didn't they help me? I was always there to help them! They can't just leave their leader behind! I thought they were family!" The tears are gone. I was so angry. I was so mad. How fucking could they?

The door opened again and Agent Tyler Hagen walked in with three other men in suits and two policemen.

"That's him, right? Johnnie Guilbert?" The blonde man asked Agent Hagen. He nodded as the blonde one smiled.

"Ah. He and his group are often talked about in the prison cells."

"Yea, thanks, what the hell do you want, an autograph?" I rolled my eyes.

"Attitude," Agent Hagen said.

"I don't fucking care,"

"He's sassy," Hagen said nonchalantly. He began to pick up the files from the table and put them in his messenger bag. I looked down at my lap, feeling terrible. Well, maybe maximum prison wouldn't be that bad.

The door opened and closed, making me look up out of instinct. At first I didn't really care who was inside, but then my eyes widened as shock came over my body. A short lady was inside the room holding folders in her arms. She saw me and then smiled and winked at me.

"Agent Hagen," She said and handed him a folder. He nodded his head and absentmindedly took it and put it in his messenger bag. She looked at her watch and pressed the blue button on the side, the button I know all too well.

"SUCK MY VEGGIEBUTT, BITCHES!" An all too familiar voice said as the door slammed opened loudly. A black and blue haired girl hit the policemen with her purple bat. The 'assistant' lady took off her blonde wig, revealing her black hair.

"Don't need this anymore." she said and punched Agent Hagen in the face and threw the wig at him. She grabbed his keys and went over to me.

I smiled widely. I take back everything I said about them leaving me behind.

"Ya alright, man?" Shannon asked me and uncuffed me from the chair. I rubbed my wrist, smiling.

"You fucking bet I am," That was one of Shannon's talents; disguise. She even one time disguised herself as a 13 year old and, belive it or not, people bought it.

Shannon took out her piercing rings from her pocket and started putting them back in her angel bites piercings.

I turned to Alex as she looked at me. She walked over to me and gave me a hug, capturing my lips with hers as I placed my hands on her ass.

"I'm here, baby." She whispered in my ear. I smiled and checked her out. Hot damn, she had on her black skinny jeans, black platinum boots, and a black shirt with a black leather crop top sweater topped off with her black leather gloves and her signature purple baseball bat. Oh God she was fucking sexy.

"Backup! We need backup!" The blonde agent yelled into his Bluetooth attached to his ear. Shannon shut the door closed before he or the other agents can escape.

"Ugh! Why isn't anyone picking up?!" The other agents left in the room were panicking. I looked at Alex and Shannon with a smile.

"Bryan?" I said expectantly.

"Bryan," They said in unison.

"Let me deal with him," Shannon smiled and ran to them.

"Let's go outside." Alex took my hand and opened the door and ran down the hallway.

"Why?" I questioned. I really want to see Shannon kick those bastard's asses. She stopped at the end of the hallway to the main area of the confidential police facility.

"LET'S TURN IT UP!" A crazy sounding voice yelled. That voice belonged to the one and only Kyle David Hall.

He laughed as he jumped onto the front desk and kicked the papers and folders, making pencils and papers fly all around the room.

"AHAHA!" He laughed loudly and started destroying the desk. He pulled out party string cans and started to make one hell of a colourful mess in the room with it. Policemenand agents came out and pointed their guns at Kyle.

"Noooooo you guys are such party poopers." He said and pouted his bottom lip and hunched his back. But he stood up straight again, his lips stretching into a wide smile as he threw the party string cans to the side.

"Shoot me!" He yelled, throwing his hands up, a huge smile still plastered on his face. All of the officers started pulling the triggers on the guns in their hands at once, but to their surprise, Kyle still stood there with the same smile on his face. My smile grew wider, knowing what's happening.

"Looking for these?" Everyone and I looked to the corner of the room to see the one and only Jeydon Wale standing on a metal file cabinet. In his hands held two huge duffle bags full of the tasers, gun bullets, pistols, everything any other police officer needs.

"Get him!" An agent yelled, making some police men run to Jeydon.

"Catch me if you can!" Jeydon jumped up, grabbing the edges of the open air vent in the ceiling. He crawled into it and vanished out of sight.

"Ha!" Kyle laughed and then jumped onto the shoulders of a police guard, tying a piece of cloth over his eyes and handcuffing his wrists.

"PIGGY BACKRIDE!" Kyle screamed, kicking the other guards and agents out of the way as he used the other guard as a ride.

I laughed and put my hands over my head, loving the scene before me. Kyle was always the life of the crimes we commit, he destroyed everything and loved having fun. He's very good at making fires, too. And Jeydon- he's a sneaky little fucker. He knew how to get in and out anywhere anytime, quietly and swiftly. His talents reside in stealing, sneaking in, and escaping.

I heard Alex laughed in delight and ran in the chaos with her purple bat. She wanted to join the fun, that's for sure. I couldn't help myself either; I ran in there and head locked an agent, throwing him to another agent.

"Take that you bastard!" I yelled, punching a police officer behind me. I heard the front doors open, making me look up. Policemen were trying to escape. Out of instinct I went to take care of it, we couldn't have any of them running away.

"Now who wants to leave this fun party?" A feminine voice said with her thick British accent. I raised a brow to see Marina Joyce and Jason (also known as Veeoneeye) step in and locked the doors, a smirk plastered on both of their faces.

"Let's dance," Marina said and started taking down some of the policemen with her signature chains as Jason covered behind her, blocking the only entrance out of the building. Alex must've invited them along if they're here helping out.

"Glad you guys can make it!" Kyle said from across the room.

"Anytime, mate!" Jason replied, kicking an agent down. "Why would we miss this fun bit?"

Shannon rounded the corner and smiled at me. "We let Jason and Marina tag along." She told me. I nodded and pointed at her eye.

"Are you okay?" I asked, referring to Shannon's black eye. She rubbed it and smiled.

"It's fine. I only got hit once." She explained. She pounded her fist into her hand with a smile.

"But I took that fucker down in no time,"

I looked at Kyle as he pressed on the earpiece attached to his ear, listening. His smile grew wide as he opened the satchel over his shoulder. Huh, I didn't see that there. He pulled out some flammable bottled gas and a lighter and a few lighters and matches as well as fire crackers and fireworks. I widened my eyes and grinned, knowing what's about to happen.

"Kitties!" Funny word for Kyle to be yelling, I know, but to us that's a very serious signal.

Kyle's going to burn the place down.

"We should leave, Jeydon's at the car with Bryan and Jordan." Alex pressed on her earpiece and called out to us as she kicked an officer that was in her way. Shannon and Alex started running down the hallway and I followed closely behind.

"Where are we exiting?" I called after them.

"We have to exit out the window behind the building," Shannon said.

"What about Kyle, Marina and Jason?"

"Don't worry, we'll have to-" The sound of the fire crackers exploding made me flinch and cutting Alex's sentence off.

"Let's just get out of here!"

We all made it to an office room and raided the cabinets for anything useful. I grabbed a few water bottles in the cabinet and a duffle bag. Coffee grains, cups, oh, a pistol. Handy.

"Hurry up, guys." I said and heard the many more firecrackers.

"Here, tell Kyle." Alex hurried over to me and handed an earpiece; my earpiece. It had the name "Johnnie G." engraved in it with the blue l.e.d lights. I smiled and put it on and pressed on the button three times.

"Kyle, it's Johnnie. Give us five," I said into the earpiece and started looking through the file cabinets.

"Better hurry, dawg. I can only give three more minutes." His voice said. I scowled; this is a confidential area, there won't be a city very near here and we need supplies and weapons. We can't find all of those things in under three minutes.

"Let's go now, and fast." Shannon said and threw abackpack over her shoulder. She locked the door and then went over to the window.

"Stand back!" Alex yelled. Shannon and I covered our ears as Alex collided the purple metal bat with the window. It shattered, leaving a big gap for us to jump out. We all jumped out, landing (in my dismay) a dumpster with only trash bags inside. We all hoped out of it and then I followed to where the girls were headed.

"Over there!" Alex pointed. I saw the familiar black Chevy SUV with tinted windows. I, being the second fastest in MDE (Jeydon's the first) ran ahead and made it to the SUV first. I opened the door to see Jordan sitting in the drivers seat. He smiled at me and held out his hand. I smiled and gave him a high five and a bro hug.

"Great to see you back, ring leader." He said. I looked towards the back seats to see Jeydon playing around with the bullets and Bryan with his laptop, earpiece, and walkietalkie. Bryan looked up and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, man." He said.

"Hey." I said. Alex and Shannon opened the back doors and threw the duffle bags behind the seats.

I heard tires screech and we all looked to the side to see Marina and Jason's BMW z4 2015 model with the roof down. Jason was sitting in the drivers seat, smiling at us. Kyle hopped off the back seat and went in our car.

"Thanks for inviting us along." Jason said.

"It was fucking fun," Marina laughed.

"We better get going," Jason sighed.

"See you guys later, yeah?"

"Sure thing." I fist bumped him as they sped off another direction on the dirt road into the forest.

"Guys, let's get out of here," Kyle said in a panic. I got in the car and sat in the passenger's seat.

"Go! Before the-" Kyle didn't even finished his sentence because the building behind us burst into flames. Jordan sped away from the fire, going into the woods.

"There's a freeway not too far from here, it'll take a little while." Bryan said.

"No one has time for a 'little while' Bryan," Jordan took a sharp turn and the car flew off the hill and we landed onto a road; the freeway in the middle of nowhere.

"That was sick man," Kyle exclaimed.

"Hopefully there's no damage to the car," Jeydon said with sarcasm.

"Don't worry," Jordan chuckled.

"You guys came back for me," I said out of nowhere. Everyone looked at me.

"Of course we did. We would never leave you behind, Johnnie." Shannon said.

"Yea, of course we wouldn't."

"But why did you guys leave me when I got stuck at the bank?" I questioned.

"We thought you were behind us. It didn't take us long when we realised that you were caught by the police." Bryan explained.

"So, for the first time, we made a plan to get you." He finished. I smiled.

"I'm proud of all of you. You made a plan without me helping." Yes. My talent was making the master plans for our crimes, leading everyone, creating the blueprints.

"But I'm so thankful you guys came back for me," I said sincerely.

"Don't get sappy with us," Alex teased.

"No, but seriously, they would've thrown me in maximum security if you never came back for me."

"Well, we got you now." Jordan patted my back. I sat back and relaxed in my seat. I knew they would never truly ditch me. They are family.

"What about the cameras and the tape recording of me with Agent Hagen?" I asked.

"Hacked into the system and the cameras. Kyle should've burned the tape already." Bryan said.

"Stop!" We all froze once we heard a megaphone yelling behind us. It was Agent Hagen in a car with one more agent. The sounds of a gun being fired at us made Jordan swerve a little on the road, trying not to get hit by any bullets.

"Shit!" Bryan exclaimed.

"Damn it," I said. How'd he catch up to us already?

"Don't worry guys, I was born for this," Jordan said with a chuckle. He sped the car up, going way past 224 on the speed dial.

"What're you doing?" Shannon questioned with a shaky voice.

"Hold onto your seats guys," Jordan said before he made a sharp u turn.

"Jordan..." I trailed off, holding onto my seat belt for dear life.

He was speeding right at Agent Hagen's car.

"Jordan!" Jeydon yelled in panic. I closed my eyes shut, like I was bracing for whatever's gonna happen.

As we got closer and closer, Jordan slammed onto the brakes, making us stop abruptly. The agent's car spun out of control, trying not to hit us, and instead they hit the railing next the dirt mountain.

We all got out of the car to see their car in a scattered, steamy wreck. We all watched as only Agent Hagen crawled out of the smashed window, blood stained all over his suit. I walked towards him as everyone else followed behind me. A smile was plastered on my face. Tyler lay on his back and looked up at me as we all circled him. I shook my head and chuckled at the mess he's in.

"See? You were dead fucking wrong." I said.

"They would never leave me. My Digital Escape is a family." I bend down on one knee.

"This is loyalty, this is a family. This is my family." I said before Agent Hagen closed his eyes slowly, and I made sure he heard me.

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