My Digital Escape One Shots

By Middleschoolandsuch

13K 261 153

These are one shot stories of MDE ranging from different types of ships or stories that I write down when I g... More

Let Love Bleed Red
.Com Pt. II
The Art of Anesthasia
A Skeletal Domain
Alex In Wonderland
New Book! (Hey There, Mr. Brooks)

Face Down

1.3K 34 32
By Middleschoolandsuch

One Shot inspired by (Song and Artist): "Face Down" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Warning: I'm sorry but this is going to be a little sad and triggering :/

And I still love Johlex though, don't worry. And this is a oneshot, so whatever happens in this Oneshot is not true. And for a Oneshot, this is actually pretty long so sorry about that.

Requests are still open, I'll publish the other requests I have now pretty soon, please be patient.


He stared at her from across the street as she came out of the frozen yogurt shop. He leaned over and shifted his body to turn towards the window of the passenger seat to see better. He brought his hand up and gently pressed his finger tips against the window, keeping his gaze at her as she started walking away from the shop. He smiled, he loved the way she walked, it made his heart melt and his face heat up.

"Are you done staring at Alex, Kyle? You've been staring across the street for a good solid twenty-two minutes now." Jeydon commented. Kyle turned and looked at him startled out of his mind.

"Uhh... yeah, dawg I'm done erm... staring." Kyle chuckled nervously and shifted around on the passenger seat of Jeydon's car. Kyle turned his head back to where Alex was now standing on the sidewalk.

A black haired boy walked out of the yogurt shop and walked towards Alex, distracting Kyle by turning all of Kyle's attention to the boy instead. The boy had blue eyes and spider bite lip piercings. He wore black skinny jeans with ripped holes at the knees and had on a black sweater with what appears to be a Slipknot t-shirt underneath. He went ahead and stood next to Alex for a second before they both walked down the street, hand in hand. Kyle pursed his lips as a small angry grunt erupted from the back of his throat involuntarily. The car's engine roared, indicating that Jeydon started the car.

"Hm... I think you and Alex would make a cute couple, if she were single," Jeydon drove down the street, looking through Kyle's window and looked at the boy walking with Alex before focusing back at the road and sped up.

"I even had chills when I just said that, I thought Johnnie would hear." Jeydon chuckled. Kyle rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance.

"Pssh, he isn't even that tough." Kyle spoke and looked out his window. Jeydon held in a laugh before he started laughing hysterically.

"That right there, Kyle, what you said was really funny." Jeydon forced out in between laughs.

"No one can take Johnnie Guilbert down, he's the toughest guy at school." Jeydon finished. Kyle looked at Jeydon and scoffed. Kyle rolled his eyes, resting his head on the window.

"Yeah, right." Kyle countered. Jeydon stopped the car at the red light abruptly, making the tires screech on the pavement of the road. Jeydon looked up at his friend.

"Dude, if he ever found out that you were crushing on Alex, you know, his girl, he is going to destroy you, kill you even." Jeydon replied seriously, making a right turn. Kyle's face drained of colour, he forgot about Johnnie's social status and ego. A sudden realisation hit him like a ton of bricks; if Johnnie were to find about his head-over-heal crush about Alex, Johnnie would probably murder him to be honest.

At school no one messes with Johnnie Guilbert, specially his girlfriend and family. He can be violent when he wants to be, he has a reputation of winning and starting fights. The thought of that made Kyle shiver.

"How about let's not talk about Johnnie?" Kyle suggested. Jeydon shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure. But you've been crushing on Alex for years now, I thought you'd ask her out by now," Jeydon explained. Kyle groaned.

"I thought I said we should stop talking about it?" Kyle said whilst looking at Jeydon.

"You said let's not talk about Johnnie. You never said not to talk about Alex." He smiled. Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Well what happened about you telling me about Johnnie beating my ass if he knew that I liked Alex? Now you're telling me that I should ask her out now?" He scoffed. Jeydon parked the car in the drive way of his house and took the keys out of the ignition.

"I was just saying." They both got out of the car and walked up the steps to Jeydon's porch. He dug into his backpack and took out his house keys.

"Who knows, man." Jeydon said and opened the door. "It doesn't hurt to talk to her."


Kyle sat down at his spot of the bench under a tree, eating a sandwich whilst waiting for Jeydon to get out of his lunch detention. Kyle sighed and looked around. He usually liked talking to Jeydon at lunch all the time, he felt weird sitting alone. If only Jeydon hadn't cussed out at Mr. Sweeto because he took his phone away, then he wouldn't have been kept for a lunch and after school detention.

Kyle looked around and saw Alex standing next to her friend, Shannon, over by the busier benches. Johnnie walked over to the two with his friends Damon Fizzy and Diego Navarrette following closely behind. Johnnie slung his arm around Alex's shoulder as Diego held Shannon's hand. Were Diego and Shannon dating this whole school year? Kyle dismissed the thought, he was focusing on Alex a lot more, ignoring the fact that Johnnie was right there.

Kyle looked at them for a while before he felt his throat getting dry. He grabbed his backpack and looked for his bottle of water. Grabbing the water bottle, he started drinking some whilst looking down. A shadow casted over him as the sweet smell of vanilla body lotion reached his nose. He looked up, choking on his drink.

"Alex!- Oh uh... hey, Alex." He quickly put the bottle down and fixed his beanie and regained his balance on the bench as he covered up his cough.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I bothered you, I can come and talk later..." She said.

"Uh, no, it's fine, I'm not busy, not at all." Kyle pressed on. Kyle looked past Alex; Johnnie was hanging out with his friends, his back facing Kyle.

"Oh, okay. You're Kyle Hall, right?" She asked. Kyle's heart melted; he liked how his name sounded when she said it in her smooth and sweet voice.

"Yes, yes I'm Kyle Hall." Alex smiled.

"Hi then, my name is Alex Dorame. So, Mr. Bryan Odell set us as partners for a science essay. Maybe you can come over to my place after school and we can get started?" She handed Kyle a packet of paper. Surely enough, it had both his and Alex's name on it. Kyle had Mr. Odell's class for his sixth period, so now he knows that Alex's his partner.

Oh God Alex was his partner.

"Yea, today sounds good. Afterschool at your place, right?" Kyle said, trying his best to stay calm.

"Yea. My place at four o'clock if that's alright with you?" She asked. Kyle nodded.

"Yea, that sounds good," Kyle smiled.

"My number and address is on the back of the packet by the way, text me when you're there at-"

"Alex, what're you doing?" Johnnie walked next to her, curiosity in his voice. Kyle's eyes widened, jumping a little.

"Oh! Johnnie," Alex said with widened eyes. Johnnie put his arm around Alex's shoulders and looked down at Kyle. Johnnie looked a lot taller since he was standing up and he was sitting, making him more intimidating. Kyle shook off the shiver going down his spine.

"Who's this?" Johnnie asked. Kyle caught Johnnie's eye contact. Oh God Johnnie was staring at him, his look wasn't faltering. Kyle tried his best not looking at Johnnie's eyes. It was like it was piercing into his soul. No wonder why no one messed with Johnnie; He can make you run away from him just staring at you.

"I'm erm- Kyle?" That sounded more like a question. Johnnie had a side smile stretch on his face.

"The name's Johnnie," He put a hand on Kyle's shoulder, making Kyle losing his balance for a second. Damn he's strong.

"H-hey," Kyle let out.

"We're gonna go now. Nice meeting you, man." Johnnie said and started walking away with Alex. Kyle stared at the two walking away. Alex turned her head and smiled at Kyle and waved at him before turning her head forward again.


Kyle began packing up his stuff into his backpack quickly, just like all the other students in the classroom. He can't just sit still in his seat, he was going over to Alex's afterschool. He glanced up at the clock, only six more minutes until the day's over.

"Students, don't pack up just yet." Mr. Odell spoke loudly.

"C'mon Byran, can't we just pack up already? I wanna get out of this shitty school," Robby, one of the many troublemakers in the class, said with attitude.

"It's Mr. Odell to you, and no because I have to assign all of you to a science essay and tell you who's your partner. Oh and Robby you have detention afterschool." Mr. Odell said and started announcing names and passed out papers.

"Kyle Hall and Alex Dorame from period three." Bryan announced. A huge smile reached Kyle's face as the bell rang. Hearing that felt so damn satisfying. Everyone got up and started to exit the room. Kyle walked down the halls with the crowd of students. He looked at his watch; its only 2:34.

Kyle made it outside and sat down at a bench under a tree. He sat there for a while using his phone, mainly waiting for Jeydon. Jeydon was a troublemaker when he wanted to be, and Kyle usually waited for him whenever he had detention. He didn't like to ditch Jeydon. He must be serving Mr. Sweeto's detention right now for cussing out at the teacher.

He took out the packet of papers Alex gave him from his backpack and looked at the address and number she wrote down in the back. He let his fingertips brush over the ink as he stared at it thoughtfully.

"Dude!" Jeydon's voice called out to Kyle and the sounds of sneakers and... heels? Hitting the ground. Kyle snapped his head back and looked into the hallway. Surly enough, Jeydon was running down the hall with a girl in tow.

They were looking back constantly, leading Kyle to think that they're doing something they aren't supposed to. Shoving the papers in his backpack and zipping it closed, Kyle slung the backpack onto his back. Jeydon looked at Kyle and pointed past him. Kyle turned around and saw that Jeydon was pointing to his car.

"Car, dude! Get to the car!" Jeydon called out. He reached in his pockets and then hurled his keys to Kyle as he caught them.

"You two! Come back to detention and give that back right now!" Mr. Sweeto's voice echoed down the hallway as he ran after them. Yup, they're definitely up to no good at all.

Kyle opened the car and started it. He climbed over to the passenger seat as Jeydon climbed into the drivers seat and threw his backpack and an unfamiliar messenger bag to the back seat. A girl opened the back door and sat down in the back seat and buckled herself up.

Jeydon slammed on the gas pedal, making the tires screech as he sped out of the parking lot and down the street.

"Haha! Up top, Eugenia." Jeydo laughed and high fived the girl.

"Oh Kyle, this is Eugenia by the way." He said.

"Hey," She said in her friendly and high pitched voice. Kyle waved at her and turned to Jeydon.

"What the fuck did you do now?" Kyle asked.

"I uh, well... since Mr. Jordan bitch took my phone and gave me detention, I took his laptop and messenger bag. Eugenia helped me out there." He explained. Kyle nodded and shrugged.

"Oh. Anyways check it, I was assigned to a project and guess who's my partner?" Kyle asked. Jeydon looked at him.



"Get the fuck out, really?" Jeydon asked with a smile. Kyle nodded with a smile, jumping in his seat a little.

"She gave me her number and I gotta meet her at her house at four. She even talked to me!" Kyle exclaimed. Jeydon laughed.

"Nice, man!"

"Are you talking about Alex Dorame?" Eugenia asked.


"She's Kyle's crush." Jeydon spoke, making Kyle punch him in the shoulder.

"Dude," he said with flushed cheeks.

"It's okay, I won't tell." Eugenia laughed. "Just watch out for Johnnie." Kyle groaned.

"Ugh, will he really hurt me that bad if he knew I had a crush on her?"

"Uh, yeah? He's Johnnie." She said.
Jeydon stopped the car in front of Kyle's house.

"Thanks for the ride." Kyle said and reached for the door handle. He stopped from getting out of the car for a second and turned back to Jeydon and Eugenia.

"What're you going to do to Mr. Sweeto's bag and laptop?" Kyle questioned. Eugenia and Jeydon looked at each other with devious smiles.

"With a little help with Samm, let's just say we're gonna have a bit of fun," Jeydon told him.

"So up to mischief?"

"Basically," Eugenia smiled.

"Good luck with Alex," Jeydon winked. Kyle rolled his eyes and got out of the car with his bag.

"Thanks, guys." Kyle smiled.

"See ya," Jeydon said and drove down the street. Kyle shook his head, sometimes Jeydon can be such a handful.

Kyle glanced at his watch and saw that it was 3:42. He passed his house and went ahead to walk to Alex's. He took the packet out again and looked at the address.

"138 Digital Escape Avenue..." Kyle hummed to himself. That's a weird name for a street, but he knew where it is. He went ahead and took out his phone. Pressing on Alex's number (which he already saved in his contacts) he texted her.

"Hey, so I'm heading over to your place right now." Kyle typed with nervous and shaky hands. He still can't believe that he has Alex's number. He didn't get a reply though, but he didn't think too much into it.

A few more minutes of walking, he stopped at a blue mailbox on the lawn near the side walk. The lettering read, "138 Digital Escape". Kyle looked up at the house, clutching at his backpack strap. He took a deep breath and fixed his beanie and made sure his hair looked alright before walking up the porch.

He brought up his hand to ring the doorbell before he heard something. He looked to his left, is someone throwing things around? The faint sound of another thud was heard again, and Kyle went ahead and walk down the steps and look at the closed garage door right next to the porch. He stared at it before he heard it again. The garage door had three small windows, high enough for Kyle to see through.

He was curious now; what was going on? Is that an animal? Did Alex have a destructive dog? Is she making something? Is it her Dad? Is she a master mechanic who is trying out super suit she made to break things and dominate the whole world with? Kyle let his curiosity get the best of him and so he walked to the garage door and tip toed to look through the small window.

He saw Alex, but not with a suit or a dog like he thought. Instead she was holding her hands out, like she was shielding herself. She was looking away, so Kyle can't see her face. Why did she look scared? She was shaking a little.

"Fuck!" Kyle heard a voice bellow out of nowhere, making him flinch. He looked to his right. It's Johnnie! He didn't see him there earlier. Wait what's he doing here?

"Johnnie, baby, don't be like that it didn't-"

"Don't you fucking 'Johnnie baby' me. I saw the text! I saw it goddamn it!" Johnnie yelled at her, pointing at her with a phone in his hand. Wait what the hell is going on here?

"It's just a school project, I needed to give him my number. It isn't what you think, I love you." Alex said with a desperate look. Johnnie paced back and fourth, shaking in anger.

"No you don't." He said. "I get it. I fucking get it. I'm not good enough for you. I'm not enough for you, I fucking get it! You want another guy!" Johnnie literally screamed.

"No, no I want you not anyone else. I swear to God, please don't get mad-" Alex put a hand on his shoulder, but that made Johnnie smack her hand away.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do!" He seethed as he brought his fist up. Alex flinched back and turned away with her eyes shut. Johnnie looked at his fist and to Alex before he slowly brought his hand down. Alex looked at him when nothing happened.

"I'm just... don't talk to me for a while. I gotta calm down." Johnnie said and started walking towards the door. Alex looked at him before running up to him before he walked out.

"Johnnie, I'm sorry. I don't want you angry at me, I'm so sorry please-" she grabbed his arm and that's what made him snap. He turned around and smacked Alex across the face hard, making the room echo with the sound as she flew to the floor.

"I said to fuck off Alexandrea," he spoke. Alex looked up at him as tears sprung her eyes. Johnnie turned away and shut the door closed.

Kyle turned away in utter shock. That's the only way he can describe what he felt. He felt shocked. What did he just witness?

He ran to the porch and rang the doorbell. He wanted to know if Alex was okay. Wait, no bad idea. Johnnie's here. That's not good. Should he run? Call the police? Should he go and tell Jeydon? Should he leave? Should he go tell Johnnie off? No, that would be very bad. Should he stay? What is he going to do?!

Kyle panicked. He has no idea what to do. And he already rang the door bell! Maybe it isn't too late for him to run and-

"Kyle?" Alex's timid voice spoke as she opened the door a crack. Kyle jumped and looked around awkwardly.

"Yea, yea me. It's me." He confirmed.

"Oh." Alex opened the door all the way. The first thing Kyle does is look at her cheek where Johnnie slapped her. A bruise was starting to form there. She stepped to the side so Kyle walked inside. Alex lead him upstairs and to what was her room. He put his backpack down as Alex gestured him to sit on a chair near her desk.

"Okay, so let's start with the essay." She smiled and started unzipping her bag. Kyle looked at the bruise again.

"What happened?" Kyle asked as he pointed at her cheek, pretending he doesn't know when in fact he knew damn well what happened. Alex brought her hand up to the spot and rubbed it.

"It's nothing. I fell down the stairs and hurt myself is all. I can cover it up." She said and turned back to her bag. That was it. That's what made him snap.

"Liar." Kyle said. Alex looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Excuse me?"

"You're lying. I know Johnnie did that." Kyle said. He didn't care anymore that Johnnie was in the same house right now. He can't just let Alex be abused by an asshole like him and let her lie about it. Who knows, maybe this isn't the first time she's lied about it before.

Alex had widened eyes, shock all over her face.

"Um- I don't..." She stuttered out.

"I saw everything." Kyle said. Tears slipped Alex's eyes.

"Please don't tell him!" She said in a whispered tone.

"Don't tell him, I'm begging you. He was unhappy in the first place because of you coming here and texting me, I don't wanna loose him," she pleaded. Kyle stared at her. Was the text he sent her the reason why Johnnie was so mad at her?

"Why?" Kyle asked her. "Why don't you wanna loose him? He hurt you, he was screaming at you,"

"He's all I have, he's the only one who ever cared for me I can't just let Johnnie go." She cried, though quiet.

"No, Alex, he doesn't care for you. He hurt you, you need someone who is going to actually love and care for you!" Kyle said, getting up. She got up too.


"No! That there was abuse, not love. He lied. He won't care for you and even if he does, this isn't healthy. Abuse is not good Alex, you don't deserve it! You need to du-"

"Alex." Kyle and Alex looked at the doorway to see Johnnie leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed, a calm look on his face.

"What're you two talking about." Kyle lost all the anger and courage he had whilst he talked to Alex. He stood frozen in his spot, Johnnie caught them talking.

"Johnnie, it isn't-"

"Alex, get away from Kyle. I told you he isn't any good to be near you. Come here." He said. Alex started walking to him quickly. Kyle saw that she was obeying Johnnie so he quickly reached for her arm and pulled her towards him.

"No." Kyle said. Johnnie uncrossed his arms and stood up straighter.

"What was that?" He asked. Kyle swallowed hard before pulling Alex behind himself. He's gonna do it. He doesn't care if it's Johnnie who he's going to go up against. He can't just let the girl he felt like he loved just get beaten up by Johnnie, her own boyfriend. He wouldn't let it happen.

"I said no. You're gonna hurt her again." Kyle stated. Johnnie scowled.

"Alex come here now," he said through gritted teeth.

"Kyle..." She tugged on his arm.

"I said no. No! Fuck no!" Kyle started yelling. To be honest, the amount of anger rising up in him surprised him.

"What the fuck did you say to me?!" Johnnie went up to Kyle and stood in front of him. Johnnie was practically the same height as him, but not nearly as strong as Johnnie though.

"I said no. You're fucking disgusting, you hear?" Kyle told him before Johnnie's fist collided with Kyle's face, sending him hitting the desk face first. Kyle stood up, trying to regain his balance. This isn't what he wanted. He didn't want a fight, he didn't want to fight. That hurt so much, did Johnnie break his face altogether? Kyle shook his head and got up, wiping the blood that was practically gushing out of his nose. Johnnie walked towards him again before Alex stood in between them.

"Don't fight here in my house, please." She said. She really didn't want a fight to happen.

"Get out of the way," Johnnie tried to push her away before Kyle got stood up straight.

"You know what?" At this point Kyle's anger exploded. He's really angry.

Like really angry.

"You fucking know what? One day she will tell you that she finally have enough. God, Do you feel like a man when you push her around? Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?" Kyle screamed. Johnnie practically prounced on him, kicking and punching at him. Kyle felt helpless now. Johnnie was too strong. Johnnie threw him against the wall and kept him there. Kyle writhed about, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Johnnie," surprisingly, Alex spoke up. He turned around as Kyle looked up. She stood there with her head down. Lifting her head up, tears stung her eyes.

"Johnnie, leave. Please." She spoke. Johnnie looked back at Kyle with blue fire in his eyes. He slammed him again on the wall before dropping him and started walking out the door.

"I'm never going near you again," Johnnie said before completely leaving the room. The front door echoed throughout the house as Johnnie slammed it shut. Alex fell to her knees, crying her heart out. Kyle quickly crawled over to her.

"He was the only person that cared for me, I don't know what to do anymore, I lost the one I loved," Alex said in between sobs. Kyle shook his head.

"No, he didn't. You need someone who would actually care for you! Love you, do anything for you, someone who would put you first before anyone else, someone who wouldn't hurt you, someone like me-" Kyle stopped once he realised what he just said. Alex stared up at him with big green eyes.

"Someone like you?" She asked. Kyle looked down and nodded.

"I really like you Alex," Kyle said, barley audible. Alex began to cry again, and to Kyle's surprise, she hugged him and cried on his shoulder. Kyle was shocked for a moment before he rubbed her back to comfort her. He was about to get up before Alex held onto him tighter.

"No! No, please, don't let go." She pleaded still hugging him. Kyle wrapped his arms around her again. She probably haven't had a good hug like this when she was with Johnnie. She craved the comfort. Alex brought her head up and kissed Kyle on the lips, making him very shocked. Alex... was kissing him! It wasn't long before he kissed her back for a brief second and she pulled away, hugging him again.

"Don't let go, please. I haven't felt this in a really long time." Alex whispered. Kyle ran his fingers through her hair and wrapped both his arms around her. She really craved this feeling. Of being wanted. Of having someone there to hold and protect her.

"I won't. I promise."

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