
By sunsetsoverscars

105K 2.2K 663

Adel had always looked up to the heroes of her favorite TV show, Bleach. The confidence, the fighting, it all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
OOC Nombre 2
Chapter Forty-Eight

Chater Eight

2.7K 66 9
By sunsetsoverscars

“What do you want, anyway? Did you just wait for me so you could bug me some more?”

I dropped my head, embarrassed. “No…I wanted to ask about last night.”

He sucked in a breath, then smiled widely, rubbing the back of his head subconsciously, the obvious pose for someone lying or about to lie. I grumbled to myself. Of course he’ll just deny anything I say; that’s just annoyingly like him.

“Well,” he said. “What about last night? I mean, a truck crashed into the house, what else is there to it? It seems really quite simple, to me at least.”

Putting a hand on his shoulder, I stopped him in his tracks. He looked at me in surprise.

“Look,” I said, putting my head down. “I know about what really happened last night with that girl in the black robe, Rukia.” He looked at me, astonished.

“W…w-what are you talking about?” he said, still thinking that he could lie to me. I scoffed. Idiot. “There…there wasn’t any girl in a black robe last night. A-chan, I think you’ve lost your min--”

“I know what I saw!” I interrupted, ignoring the nickname. Trying to distract me, I bet. Sneaky trick, you bastard. He recoiled at my loud outburst. I peripherally saw Tara and Babs turn around to look at us. Keigo was chatting with them, probably a weak attempt to flirt, but eventually noticed that they were paused and spun, too. I felt my face heat up, and waved to them.

“Sorry!” I yelled. “Kurosaki’s just pissing people off again!”

“HEY!” he said. “Whaddya me--umph!” I covered his mouth with my hand.

“Ssh!” I said. He quieted and we all turned ‘about face’ to the direction of the school and started to walk again.

“Look,” I said in a hushed tone, ”I know what really happened, so, please, stop this weak attempt at lying.”

He huffed, realizing there was no way to win. “Okay, what about last night? And how do you know about what happened? I thought you were watching over Karin and Yuzu and your friends?” He shot me a suspicious look.

Crap, I had forgotten about that. “Look,“ I said. “To tell you the truth…we’re…kinda…psychic.“

He looked at me, dumbfounded. “Nuh-uh,“ he said. “Liar.“

“No, I swear!“ I said. “I’m the most psychic; Tara and Babs barely know anything. Babs isn’t psychic, and Tara can only sense auras. But we don’t like to talk about it, so please don’t bring it up.” I didn’t want the girls finding out about my lie. “But anyway, you don’t have to worry about them.“

“So I have to worry about you?“

“Damn strait, you do.“ I grinned at him, but quickly dropped back to a serious expression. “I know all about those Wholes and Hollows. I even know that you exterminated one.“ He looked at me in shock, but I continued. “I just wanted to let you know that I knew all about that stuff, so I’m gonna stick around you, Mr. Shinigami {A/N: for those not familiar, Shinigami is the Japanese word for Soul Reaper, literally translating to “Death God”} .” I paused. “I wanna be in on the action!”

I knew I wasn’t actually psychic; I had just read the manga and watched the show. But he didn’t need to know that.

He stared as if I had sixty heads. “ARE YOU FREAKING INSANE?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!” he screamed.

“Nope,” I said, knocking a fist against my head. “Perfectly sane upstairs.”

“Obviously not,” he scoffed, “if you really think that this is a good idea.”

“Trust me, you’ll want me around sooner or later.”

He started. “And why would that be, little missy?”

Little missy?” I said. “What are you, seventy-five?”

His face reddened, and he mumbled something unintelligible. I ignored it. “Please?” I said, pouting out my lower lip. “I wanna fight so so SO bad! I’ve wanted this all my life! Please, just let me follow you around, I promise I’ll do my best not to cause trouble!”

He stared off into space for a minute, continuing to walk. I caught up with him quickly, and when I did, he answered me.

“Okay,” he said. “I don’t really understand what you’re gonna tag around for, because I only helped that girl once and that was it, but sure, you can hang around me if you want. But, if anyone asks, just tell them you moved in next door and I’m showing you around ’cuz you’re new. Don’t tell them you’re living with us.”

I was excited that he accepted my (probably foolish) request, but a bit stunned at his demand. “Why do I have to keep it a secret?” I asked. “I mean, I have no problem with it, but I’m just a little curious.”

He sighed, and covered his face with my hand. “Because,” he said, as if the answer was something totally obvious, “if they find out you’re living with me, one, they’ll harass me more, and I get enough of that, and two, they’ll think something fishy is going on, something really suggestive.”

I pondered that for a second before I understood the innuendo. “Oh!” I said, realizing. I frowned, blushing. “Do people at your school really think that kind of stuff?”

He moved his hand back to his side. “Unfortunately, yes. There’s a lot of idiots at my school like that, so just be prepared.”

There was a silence, neither of us knowing how to fill the gap. Eventually we caught up with Keigo and my friends, and Keigo got the strange topic off Ichigo and mine’s minds.

“So,” Keigo asked. “What class did you guys get in?”

“Oh!” I said, pulling out the folded schedules Isshin handed me from my pocket. “Sorry, guys. Isshin gave them to me; the school sent them yesterday.” I handed each of them their schedules, and looked at my own.

“Hmph,” Babs said. “I got class 1-B. Typical.”

“Why’s that?” Keigo asked, looking a bit afraid of her reply. She did look seriously pissed.

“Babs hates the letter B,” I said.

“But it’s in her name!” Keigo said, dumbfounded.

“Yeah, whatever, it’s just a stupid letter,” Babs grumbled.

Tara scanned her schedule. “I got class 1-E.”

“Ooh,” Keigo said. “You got Hayama Sensei,” he said.

“What’s so bad about him?” she asked tentatively.

“Word around school is that he’s the toughest, and that he hits his students.”

Tara’s face crumpled a bit, and I held her arm in comfort. “You’ll be fine,” I said. “And if he lays a hand on you, just tell me. I’ll kick his ass, I promise.” She grinned a bit, and I think I heard a small chuckle escape her lips. I smiled and looked at my own schedule. “Class 1-C.”

“Hey!” Keigo said, obvious excitement sugar-coating his voice. “Ichigo and I are in the same class!”

I stared at Keigo, then turned to Ichigo. He was looking at me with a tired expression.

“Really?” I said. “I have to deal with you guys all day?”

“HEY!” they said at the exact same time.

“Where d’ya get off saying stuff like that?” Keigo said. “What’s so wrong with being in my class?”

“Sorry,” I said, not really apologizing. “I just say what I feel and think. There’s no filter up here,” I knocked on my head like a door.

“There’s nothing up there at all,” I heard Kurosaki mumble.

I slapped the back of his head. “Jerk,” I spit. He rubbed the back of his head, mumbling something else. I understood bits and pieces, but as a whole I ignored it. There wasn’t any other reason to argue this early in the morning.

We were about halfway to school, and we all got stopped at a crosswalk, the rushing cars wizzing by, creating a strange, windy sensation in my ears. In a way it felt good, but it also made me a bit uncomfortable. Thankfully we only had to stand there for about a minute, so my previous troubles were no more.

We reached the school without incident (amazingly enough J ), and the guys led us to the front office. Since they were with us, Mrs. Aiko, the secretary, made them stay until we were changed; they were to be our escorts throughout our first few days. Kurosaki grumbled something (he’s been doing that a lot lately, hasn’t he?) and plopped down on the bench in front of the nurse’s office (where we were changing) with Keigo. We rushed into the office, new uniforms in hand, and changed immediately. I was a bit miffed because they didn’t offer pants to girls, and I hated wearing skirts, but I got over it, realizing there was nothing to be done about the issue. We were all ready in about a minute and thirty seconds, and scurried out of our makeshift dressing room, actually excited for once to get to class.

The five of us were walking down the hallways towards our respective classrooms. I grinned wide at a sudden realization.

“What’s up with your face, dude?” Babs said.

I sighed in relief and dropped my face back to its normal expression. “I just realized I never have to deal with Old Bourne or Shane anymore! Thank God, what a relief!”

“Who’s that?” Keigo asked, poking his head forward to see me over Ichigo, who was standing between us.

“Old Man Bourne was my idiot Science teacher,” I said. “He was the worst. He was all cheery one second, then flipped on me the next. It was so freaky.”

“Ooh, sounds it,” he said.

I continued. “And Shane was the class idiot. You see, he played on this really prestigious soccer team in our state back in the U.S., and he wore these outrageous soccer shorts to school. Like, lion patterns, Pokemon patterns, all kinds of crazy stuff. Plus he was a total pervert; he tried to change into his shorts in the girl‘s bathroom after school!”

Keigo’s face twisted, until he eventually burst out laughing. “No way!” he said, his words nearly indefinable from his chuckles. “What kind of school did you go to?

“Seriously,” Kurosaki said. “Sounds like a school for delinquents, if you ask me.”

I elbowed him again. “It was just normal, American public school. But, we did have a lot of students who went to delinquent schools, jail, etcetera.”

They both quieted, stunned. But they couldn’t respond, as I was saying goodbye to Tara, as we reached her class first. I patted her shoulder in a silent good luck, and we continued down the hall.

There wasn’t much talk, but there were a lot of whispers coming from the other students in the hall. I heard words like foreigner and strange-looking in the amalgam of voices. I ignored them, knowing that if the time came, they would pay for their rude comments.

We reached Babs’ class and I wished her a good day. She rolled her eyes, her usual annoyed expression shining through. I felt a bit bad for her, but continued down the hall; it wasn’t as if there was anything I could do about it, anyway. When we reached Class 1-C, our room, and I prepared for a rush of manga-loving memories: there was Orihime, gushing about Ichigo to Tatsuki. Then Mizuiro butt in and told them that he saw the huge hole in the Clinic that morning. Tatsuki consequentially freaked, worried about her childhood friend. Ichigo came up behind her.

“So!?” she said. “Is he hurt!? Or maybe…dead….”

“Alive,” Ichigo said from behind her, smacking her in the back of the head with his bag. “Sorry to disappoint you, we all survived.”

Both girls and Mizuiro looked startled at the sight of him. Keigo and I were still standing at the door, when suddenly, Keigo pulled me over to the group of friends. I was a bit flustered, but managed to pull myself together before we reached them.

“Hey guys!” Keigo exclaimed, a bit too excited. “Look! We got a fresh meat!”


Hey guys!

Sorry about the abrupt ending, but I can't have this catching up to where I'm actually writing ('cuz I write ahead), so I needed to stop it here.

Okay, so I'm posting today (and not tomorrow like originally planned) because I recently found out that today is Masaki Kurosaki's (Ichigo's mom) birthday (you can tell I have a bit of an obsession with character birthdays). I just thought it was kinda cool, so I did it today. So yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASAKI!!! And before people start thinking "God what a freak" I KNOW Masaki isn't real, but I think it's fun to celebrate little stuff like that. So this is my way of celebrating. So if you don't like it or think it's weird, SUCK IT. Haha jk, but don't be a hater, then you can REALLY SUCK IT.

:D byez!

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