The Sword Thief

Von TheOwlAndTheWorm

77.5K 1.7K 188

Garrett's a master thief. Matilda's your classic tomboy-princess. Garrett craves adventure. Matilda wishes de... Mehr

The Sword Thief
Princess Matilda
Hidden rooms and lonely goodbyes
Let's high jack a horse!
The king, nightmares, and bears, oh my!
The fight
Great. Were all gonna die
May the quest begin!
matti's memory locket
I threw up biscuits for love?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
The End

chapter 11

2.5K 63 5
Von TheOwlAndTheWorm

In the king of Hollerdand’s Quarters

“Have you found the sword yet?” the king asks busily scribbling away at a piece of paper.

“Sir we’ve searched North and South, East and West, looking for this sword. I’ve lost thirty men, in the search for a rusty sword!!! These men deserved more honorable deaths, than to die looking for a weapon!” The leader of the army belts.

“Find the sword.”

“Sir, its not possible we don’t even know what it looks like!” Quincy (the armyGeneral) sighs.

“Quince, It’s not me who wants this stupid sword! It’s my brother! You know the king of ALL the lands! If I don’t get it for him not only will you loose your position, but me and everyone else in this blasted castle will be stuck raising pigs for the rest of their lives!” the king bursts turning around to face his most trusted friend.

“Hah, that dense fool again. He’s leading this kingdom into a bloody oblivion.” Quince says running a frustrated hand through his hair.

“Don’t be so hard on him. He’s been through a lot. You know none of my family wanted him to marry his wife Elizabeth. She was poorer than poor, and had no sense of social class. She would always treat everyone the same. If you were a criminal she’d treat you like a king, if you were a king she’d treat you like royalty, even people who had murdered someone she knew, she’d always treat them lovingly. And My mother hated that, she wanted the girl to realize her place in this world, that some people just didn’t deserved to be cared for. Mother hated that girl even before Matthew (the king of all the lands, Matilda’s dad) loved her. She was always waiting for her to slip up so she’d be able to send her to prison or something. Oh, woops am I boring you with this?” The king asks Quincy realizing he's gone off on another story. 

“No, No, please go on. I’ve always wanted to know what made the man so bitter.” Quincy says taking a seat.

“Alright, well Matthew was THE best. I mean the best everything, older brother, fighter, scholar, there wasn’t a thing he couldn’t do! He was nice and polite and not to mention good looking, so of course he immediately became my mother’s favorite. But we never got jealous or anything, because he just always made it seem like she loved us even more than him. If he got a compliment he’d turn around and whisper two compliments to us.

Anyway, one day he went to check on some business in a developing village and met Elizabeth there. He loved her instantly, but she was a little hesitant. She thought maybe he was only faking it, so his mom could do something awful to her. But soon she fell madly in love too, and they were going to get married as fast as possible. But Matthew being the honest man he’d always been wanted his mom to be happy with his decision, but she wasn’t. She hated it and hated him for making such a decision. She disowned him and threw him out onto the streets. Of course my siblings and I were furious with her, and secretly went to visit him every now and then.

But Elizabeth felt terrible for making him loose his position, but he could care less. He was going to marry the girl of his dreams in a week for pete sake! But she couldn’t take it anymore, she ran away and gave him back the proposal ring, writing him a letter of how she never wanted to see him again, how she hated him. And he believed it too, after that he had to suck up his dignity and come crying back to mother to let him back into the family.

Mother lorded the fact that the poor girl had reduced him to ruins over his head. But he never paid her much mind. I was bumped up to being next inline for king, while he had to command the army. And one day we had the bloodiest battle ever, our father died a gruesome death and Matthew was next to him the whole time. He saw his own dad stabbed everywhere thirty-six times. There was nothing left to even burry! While the kingdom was in mourning, I was too worried about having to become king. I was terrified of the position! And the first thing I did after becoming the king, was hand over the title to Matthew. He was shocked and looked sick having to where the same crown dad did. But he took the position and handled it well. The kingdom was thriving under his control. Mother went back to loving him more than ever, because of how wealthy he was making her. But he wasn’t content.

So he set off to find Elizabeth. And when he did he couldn’t contain the happiness in him. He saw her face and did the only thing that came to mind, he proposed again! Elizabeth didn’t know what to say she still loved him like mad but she didn’t know he was king and was still worried about him becoming disowned. When she mentioned this to him, he laughed and told her about his position.

That scared her even more; she didn’t see how she could be a queen. It just wasn’t in her nature to rule over people. But he wouldn’t have no for an answer and took her back to the kingdom to be married. Matthew’s mother wouldn’t have this, she still hated that girl more than anything, and threatened she’d rather die than see them get married. Matthew didn’t honestly believe her, mother always was over dramatic. But infact at the exact time the ido’s were said and the kiss was done, she died. Maybe it was old age, maybe she drank poison, I don’t know, all I know is she died. That was a bitter sweet day, their marriage day was. Everyone in the kingdom tried to mourn, and celebrate at the same time. Yet again Elizabeth felt immensely guilty but she stood strong this time and didn’t run away. After that the kingdom was doing even better! We were unstoppable and everyone loved the new rulers. Elizabeth being originally lower class always made sure that her kind were taken care of. And Matthew loved Elizabeth more than life itself. And then Matilda was born.

Oh how marvelous that day was! I remember the look on Matthew’s face, pure happiness he looked like he’d died and gone to heaven! That little girl was his life. He’d come home from a bloody battle and run straight to Matti’s room. She’d always pretend to be sleeping, just so he would have to tickle her out of bed. And once she was out he’d make up outlandish stories and tickle her, till they both ended up tired and sleeping soundly next to one another. Elizabeth loved this, and couldn’t wish for anything more! This was the best period our kingdom was ever in! Everything was going great! Even the poorest people had at least five cows, fifteen acres of farming land, and a sturdy roof over their head.

Then the fire from our enemies hit the castle. Matthew wasn’t there at the time, but when he got news of this he rushed home. The place was in ruins, but he didn’t care all he wanted to do was find Matilda and Elizabeth.

He found Matti, but Elizabeth was nowhere to be found. Mattilda’s nanny broke the news to him, explaining how Elizabeth had gone back in the building looking for Matti and had never come back out. He stared at the child sleeping soundly in his arms. She had caused his beloved wife to die? He then left the kid, and stayed as far as he could from her. He hated her, hated her with such a passion that he even sent goons out to kill her. Being young she didn’t take the hint, she was always asking for Daddy, and at times even her mother. It was awful just watching her, she was always alone. Not one friend, she was always playing outside by herself. Till one day she actually managed to see her dad. She ran up to him held on to his leg, crying about how no one liked her. Sadly I was in the room at the time and I saw the look he gave her. It was no longer filled with overflowing love or hatred, just emptiness. As if he was done with her, and just wished her gone.

“You want me daddy, right?” her adorable tear streaked face said beaming.

“No.” was all he replied. She seemed to ponder this for a while, wondering if she’d misheard him.

“I’m daddy’s little princess, remember? You want me.” She said looking a little desperate.

“Not any more . . .Daddy’s little princesses don't kill their mothers.” Was all he said peeling her off his leg and walking to another room.

I watched her absorb this, and the look on her face was pure heart break. The six-year-old Matilda, seemed to understand why no one liked her, and even she learned not to like her. She hated herself, and couldn’t even stand playing with herself anymore. It was appalling and my siblings and I all tried to help, by having her always at our castles. She seemed the happiest when she was with her cousins, but we could still see her hiding the hate. As she grew older she let out her anger by rebelling against all things proper, and taking up boyish activities. It helped but I still know her heart needs to be mended” he finished the story.

The room is silent for a while letting the events of the story sink in.

“Shall we look at the swords now?” Quincy voiced his voice cracking.

“Sure, bring them in.” the king whispers not yet ready to disturb the eerie silence. 

There's a vast array of swords, all of them differing in size and style. The king barley glances at the swords because one sword in particular has caught his attention.

“That’s it!” he exclaims pointing at an all bronze sword with a worn sheath. It is rusted and crusted, and looks as if it might crumble to dust if moved.

“Are you sure sir?”

“Yea that’s it, lock up that baby, and make sure at least twenty guards are surrounding it at all times. The kings visiting in two weeks, and he’ll be staying in the room next door. Get two maids to make it into tip top shape.”

“Will do. Anything else your majesty?”

“Yea, it seems Matilda ran away and were supposed to be keeping an eye out for her. Oh and stop calling me sir and what not. You know I prefer when you call me Thomas! I mean you’ve known me since I was an infant!”

“Yea I know, I happen to like watching you get all worked up because of a title.” Quincy says chuckling and closing the door.


intense no? sigh, well i gave into the chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3 thing  its just thinking of a title name takes patience and i'm just to anxious to upload! 


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