Changed me

By SincerelyShomal

438K 21.8K 3.7K

Time was standing annoyingly still and I think I may have forgotten how to properly breathe. "Panda you hav... More

Tame the mane
Are you a mute?
Can i have his kids?
I promise i'm stronger than you
Green is your color sweetheart
I wouldn't hurt you
does that make me your daddy?
Don't make promises you can't keep. (Niles P.O.V)
I'm going to replace you
You are a terrible liar
What can happen in three weeks?
Liar you're glad it hurt
yellow latex dress
Not too shabby
What Are You Wearing?
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Hey Monkeys
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Losing Brain cells
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Breathing is a Necessity
It's My Fault
Cocky Are We?
Kiss me Please
Rap God
Last Puppy Cake
I'm Vegan
Blood On Your Costume
Plain Blue Doors
Beautiful People
You're a Distraction
The Same
I am Sorry
My Story
Did He Apologize?
Story Update!
Author's Update

Sexy Thug

9.1K 466 59
By SincerelyShomal

                    The throbbing in my head was a strong reminder of Chris' house. Why the hell did I think it would be a good idea to play never have I freaking ever? My throat burned with the stale taste of alcohol, and I'm guessing the soreness in my body is from practice yesterday. My back hurts and my legs felt tight. Man I am every shade of messed up right now. My eyes were welcomed by blue walls that I know aren't mine. One of my arms felt like I had been lifting weights for days and the other felt like it wasn't there. As I try to get up my body is held down by something. An arm tightens around my waist as nails bit into my side. Sprawled across my left arm is a mass of black tresses belonging to the girl who will be my undoing. She was curled painstakingly in my side. Looking at her as messed up as it sounds quiets every damn voice that haunts me. She is so much more than just a beautiful girl. On instinct my arm that wasn't wrapped around Manny pushed the hair out of her face and I kissed her now visible forehead. She shivered either from her face becoming exposed to the air or from my kiss. I studied her slightly parted lips and remembered kissing her. It was never my intention to kiss her, but I just needed her close. As if she felt someone looking at her, Manny shivered again and drew in closer. Her words from last night ricocheted in my mind. She said I was important to her. The thought of that alone caused a smile to etch its way across my face. I must sound like such a little chick.

The sun shining through the window burned my eyes and after they adjusted my mind started racing. He usually went to work before I left for school. I would hear the car pulling out in the morning and she didn't go anywhere unless he was there too. Crap! If the suns up what time is it?

"Curly Sue wake up." I said quietly trying to wake her up. I can almost calculate the amount of trouble I am going to be in. All I am trying to do for the next year and a half is try to survive and then college that is all. This will not turn out good. "Come on, love, wake up."

She turned her head, whacking me in the face with her hair. "Damn it Manny, that's my eye." This girl is a deep sleeper, but I need her to wake up. Her hand starts to probe my face. She squeezes my nose and my cheeks. Her eyes were still closed the entire time.

"What are you doing?" I asked nasally on the count of her holding my nose. Moving my head I try to get her to let go.

"Looking for the snooze button. Its too early." She said turning again. Only this time she tucked her head into my chest. I don't know how we got to this place we are at, but I like it. I wish we could stay like this but as always I don't get what I want.

" I have to go right now." I said as she lifted her head off of my chest. Untangling herself from me she shook her head quickly. At this I jumped up forgetting my headache for a moment. Standing still I waited for the room to stop spinning before I continued moving. I had a long walk home ahead of me. Checking my phone I was greeted by 15 missed calls and two voice messages. One of the voicemails was probably me getting cussed out. Most of the calls were from him except two, which came from Chris. He was probably checking if I was lying dead in a ditch somewhere.

" Let me give you a ride home." Manny slurred the sleep dripping from every word that she spoke. I watched her; she sat on the end of the bed looking completely zoned out. Her elbows on her knees as she propped up her cheeks.

" I would refuse, but I need to get home now. So, please and thank you." I said and she mumbled in response." But I will drive there while you wake up." I replied rubbing my hand over my eyes to wake myself up a little more.

"Aren't you hung-over?" she asked. Truthfully the only thing that reminded me I drank last night was the burn in my throat and the slight throbbing in my head, but besides that I was fine.

" Me hung-over is a better driver than you are tired." This earned me a pillow that I think was supposed to hit me in the face, but hit the floor instead. Pulling her up by the hand I pulled her towards me. She swayed a bit still waking herself up, so I held her there to stabilize her. Resting her head on my chest she closed her eyes again. I laughed at her actions. I guess the sound woke her because she jumped and started moving toward the stairs. Absentmindedly she grabbed her keys from the ledge and check the coast downstairs to make sure it was clear. Her dad still wasn't aware that I am here. My phone was vibrating in my pocket and I ignore it pushing back my impending doom a little. Taking in Manny's appearance I laugh a bit. She was barefoot and walking on her tiptoes.

I'm starting to think I am crazy. The amount of times I look at this girl, but if you knew her you would understand why. Every time I saw her I noticed something different about her. She pushed you to be the person you want to be simply by being herself. She deserved the best from everyone and I don't think she knows it. I was in the car long before she dragged herself to the passenger side.

"Come on princess." I said.

"Shut up. Its too early."

"Its only 5:30 in the morning" I responded knowing damn well it's too early for this. The sun was starting to rise from where ever it hid at night.

"You're being a jerk." She said her head bouncing on the window as the car moved along the road. The drive was quick seeing as how there were no cars on the road. The town sat as quiet as it always did at this hour. I know because when it got really bad at home I would sit outside the shed and clear my mind. I've had trouble sleeping since I was little. That's why I'm surprised I slept through the night last night. Manny left hurriedly I think she said something about getting at least another 20 minutes of sleep before school. I watch as the car turned the corner. Damn it I am turning into a little bitch.

Both of the cars were parked in front of the house. There were no lights on so I think I am in the clear. The shed was dark as it always was. The mattress sat in the corner the way I put it. When he told me this was where I would be staying, I didn't mind because it meant limited interactions with them. Before we moved here I stayed in their house, but they didn't really pay any attention to me unless it was to release anger. I think that was because my uncle was near by. They were the reason I worked so hard in school. If I intended to go away for college I needed all of the academic scholarships I could get. They wouldn't be paying for anything for me. Shoving the thoughts back into my head I push the door to the shed open. Pulling out the envelope that I hid in my pillowcase, I got the letters out. There was one specific letter I read everyday.

"Nile!" His voice came booming through the shed walls. Stuffing the envelope back in its position I raced out to meet him. I kept them out of the shed this was my place of solace. They never checked on me unless visitors were coming anyway so it wasn't a big deal.

"Yes Sir?" I answered quickly. The closer I got the more the smell of alcohol and cigarettes burned my nose. His disheveled hair was clear indication that this morning was not going to be a good one for anyone. His face made me angry. You know how they say the more time you spend with someone the more you look like them. Well I've been with this man for as long as I can remember. I pray to God that I won't ever become anything like him. I don't want any part of him; physically or emotionally.

" You're going to school today." He said in a matter of fact tone. The sentence was more of a statement than anything. He was the reason I didn't go to school the last time. He didn't want to be asked any questions.

"Yea I know." I said quietly. He was the reason I chose not to speak much. Every time I said anything he would take it as a challenge. Everything I said he felt like I was challenging his manhood or something, which was never the case.

"I don't care what you know. Just make sure you get there I don't need those people asking questions again."

"You told me not to the other day." I said quietly.

"Just do what I said. Pick up Aria today too."

"What time?"


"I have practice until 5."

"I didn't ask you what you have to do. I just told you to do something now get it done." He said walking away from me.

"But I can't miss practice."

"Who told you to join a team?" He said walking away. I could feel the anger rising in my chest. Honestly this wasn't a bad conversation for us. Usually they started with him yelling and then the hitting started, but that was usually after about 6 beers.

"I don't do anything for myself. This was the only thing I wanted." I said pleading my case to deaf ears. I knew he wasn't listening to me, but I still had to try. He and my uncle played hockey when they were younger. I thought he would understand. Too bad he's an ass.

" I see you balling up your fist, but like I've told you before the only man in this damn house is me. So do what the hell I say." His fists were now clenched. He looked me up and down and I just stared back.

"Are you challenging me boy?"

"How could I be challenging you if I didn't say anything?" His knuckles were now scary white. I did what I always did in these moments; I prepared myself for the coming impact.

"Austin." The coach yelled as I was trying not to be late to class. I all but ran to school yet I am still trying not to be late. He quickly caught up to me his dress shoes clicking on the hallway floor.

"Yea coach?"

' "You didn't come pick up your uniform this morning. Where were you?"

I thought back to this morning's interaction with Darren. I had to wait for him to leave before I could leave for school. So, instead of picking up the uniform I had to head straight to class. Subconsciously I rubbed my aching shoulder.

"Yea. I'm sorry I was late."

"Its okay. You'll get it at practice just remind me son." He said swatting me lightly on the shoulder. Tightening my smile a bit I kept walking towards the stupid history class. I hated this class I think more than any other. First I sat next to Sasha and her best friend Lynn who have a habit of passing notes to me about absolutely nothing. I really needed to ice the bruise that was on my shoulder.

"Hey Nile." Her sickly sweet voice told me who it was before I saw her. Turning around I was greeted by the strong smell of flowers and a very tight miniskirt. I'm a guy so in all honesty Sasha's hot, but she is a vapid individual. Running her hand lightly up my arm she wraps her hand around my biceps. Moving closer to me she tried to hold my attention. Instead of replying I just nod.

"I heard you made the hockey team and here I was thinking you were born with this sexy body of yours." I flinched back as she tried to touch my stomach. " You should sit with us at lunch today." She said flipping her hair over her shoulder, her breath fanning my face.

"I'll let you know." I said moving pass her and taking my seat.

The stupid class droned on and we learned more about the trail of tears. My mind continued to go back to last night and I tried to go over all of the details in my head. I think I am going absolutely mad, but I think thinking about her distracts me from everything else. She silenced all of the noise in my head. A lot of voices have taken up residence in my head and none of them belonged to me. I tuned back into the class just in time to hear Ms. Keller doing some kind of reenactment. She had just jumped on her desk when the sweet sound of the bell rang. Everyone fled out of the classroom into the hallway.

"Hey silently sexy come here." Alexandria called from down the hall. She was standing next to some of the guys I remember from Chris' house.

" Hey Alexandria"

"Eww what have I told you, please call me Lex."

"Hey bro you recovered from last night?" interrupted one of the guys whose name I believe is Adam.

"Yeah." I said scratching the back of my head. Even after brushing my teeth and practically drinking mouthwash I can still taste the alcohol.

"Dude you chugged that damn beer down." He said patting me on the back.

"Because alcohol poison is so attractive." Lex said earning glares from almost every guy in the circle. Marco stopped by and very much to my displeasure he stopped and joined our little circle.

We all stood in the hallway just joking around. I mostly observed more than anything else. For someone on the outside looking in I would probably appear to be the odd man out since I wasn't speaking as much. However, I am not talkative person. I prefer to listen.

"Silently sexy, I called you over to ask you where's Manny" Lex asked turning the conversation back to me.

" She's in my car getting dressed. We had a great morning." Marco said elbowing one of the guys in his side while laughing. " That girl has quite the wild side that no one knows about, but she showed me."

Before I could process what was happening i pinned Marco against the wall. In a second the circle we had formed was broken and a crowd had formed. When the scene before me finally registered with me I let go of my hold on Marco and began to back up. He took this as an opportunity to hit me. It was a weak blow to my jaw. He noticed too late that it was feeble, but that was all my brain needed to completely shut down and for my body to go off.

A few seconds later I was being ripped from Marco, but not before I threw one final jab at his jaw. Truthfully speaking I wanted to break his jaw so he couldn't talk shit anymore. Mr. Dodge, the dean, held on to me. He didn't really need to because I was pretty calm. Marco on the other hand was practically foaming at the mouth.

"You're dead Austin." Marco shouted trying to get out of Mr. Rivers, another deans, hold.

"Yo Marco he kicked your ass." Lex shouted from the corner laughing. This only egged him on more. He pulled free from Mr. Rivers and charged at me. I sidestepped him and he kept charging the air. The on looking crowd erupted in laughter and Mr. Dodge pulls me away in the direction of the dean's office. This is not going to pan out well for me. The last time I got into a fight when I went home I got into another one. I only pray that is not the outcome today.

" Nile wait here while I go in and make some calls then I'll come talk to you." Mr. Dodge said. " I'll be back in a second."

I sat in the waiting room of the offices. Mr. Rivers walks in mumbling to himself and sans Marco. Thank God he wasn't there to because the waiting was making me even more frustrated. If Mr. Dodge called my "parents" I would be better off not going home. He would somehow turn this into me challenging him. I don't know how in the hell me getting into a fight has any damn thing to do with him. The only thing that my fight has to do with him is the fact that when I blacked out I was no longer punching Marco but Darren. It felt good to hit him, both of them. Man I sound like a freaking psychopath. It was only a matter of time before all the crap took a toll on me.

"Nile, what are you doing in here?"

" Umm well" I said scratching the back of my neck " I got into a bit of fight." I laughed humorlessly.

" Seriously?" Mr. Axel asked. " The kid who didn't say a word in our in any of our sessions kicked someone's ass? Please tell me you kicked their ass." Mr. Axel said sitting down next to me on the bench. Before we moved here once our other therapist was informed about the move he gave us Mr. Axel name and number. He called and we had many phone sessions before coming here and having face-to-face sessions. I liked Mr. Axel but I never spoke to any of my therapist because I couldn't tell them anything.

My phone buzzed before I could respond to him.

Curly Sue: I heard you got into a fight

Nile: who told you that?

Curly Sue: who do you think sexy thug? The text caught me off guard.

Curly Sue: That's Lex's new name for you.

Nile: txt you when I get out of the deans office.

Leave it to this girl to text me right as I am sitting next to her father. Laughing I look at her Dad who thankfully is on his phone as well. The thoughts of last night and this morning flooding back. I'd be lying if I said that the kiss didn't leave a lasting impression.

"Kid you're blushing. That must have been a girl who texted you." Oh the awkwardness.

" Now back to this fight." I said

"Nile, I called you're parents and they did not answer. We need an adult here as we speak to you about the matter at hand." Mr. Dodge interrupted. Of course they didn't answer they don't want anything to do with school or anything that concerns me. Whatever I just have to make it through high school and then I would be free of them.

"Umm I am his therapist can I sit in? I will make sure I notify his parents." Mr. Axel jumped in.

"Umm, at this point we just need to get this conversation over and done with. Sure, I'll take the heat if anything happens with his parents."

"You good with me stepping in as you're guardian for this?" Mr. Axel asked and I just shrugged in response ready to just deal with all of this. The conversation went on for about 20 minutes and Mr. Dodge who I expected to be pissed was actually pretty chill. My punishment was a two in house suspension. So I had to come here and basically be bored for the entire school day. I am going to be in a crap load of trouble when I get home. Mr. Axel actually said my ass because he was the one who talked Mr. Dodge into giving me in house suspension rather than me staying home. At least I'll be able to pick Aria up like I was told. Apparently my punishment was worse than Marco's because I technically started the fight.

"What do you say I drop you home and help you deliver the news to your folks?" I was sent home for the rest of the day and my suspension starts tomorrow.

" Yea I would be much appreciated."

" We'll grab a burger before." I nodded. Talking to him reminded me that I had to text Manny back.

Nile: Hey curly sue don't hate me okay

I followed behind him quietly as we made our way through the hallway. Looking at Mr. Axel you could tell that High school was not a foreign place for him. He was probably the guy with a lot of friends and any girl he chose. It was weird walking with him. I think more people stared at him than at me. He didn't even pay attention though.

" Hey kid if I give you my car keys simply to go sit in there while I go embarrass my kid for a bit?" He asked holding his keys in front of me. I nodded laughing at what he was saying. "No joyriding just a lot of sitting okay." He quickly told me where the car was located and raced off to find Manny.

Nile: Heads up your dad is heading you're way

Curly Sue: Why would I be mad at you? & Why is my dad here at all?

Nile: not sure why he's here & I won't be able to present that project

Curly Sue: Not Funny.

Nile: No seriously.

Curly Sue: Explain to me when you see me tonight.

Nile: I'm seeing you tonight?

Curly Sue: You better be, non-negotiable goodbye. Who is this girl? I can't handle this.

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