Role Plays (Phan)

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Im Blind For You Part 1

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De PhanFictioner

You: Phil was walking down the halls, his hand up on the wall to make his way down to his next class room. Phil was blind, he always was. At his old school he at least had a couple friends to help him walk or get home. But at this school he had nothing, he had to keep to the walls the whole day and his mother came and got him because he couldn't walk to his new home alone. In his last class the teacher introduced a new student, but he or she didn't talk. Just went and sat down, so Phil knew nothing. But he doesn't know about anyone here to it makes a difference.

Stranger: Dan saw a new person sit down next to him and noticed something, He was wearing sunglasses.. Inside..During school. Dan bit on his lip and leaned in slightly
"Hey, you knew?" Dan whispered, biting on his bottom lip nervously

You: Phil jumped suddenly, the voice scaring him. This happened often at his old school, the bell made him jump most of the time. "Um, yeah. Im new". He said quietly. Phil wasn't much of a people person, he had some problems with trust. Defiantly in a new school.

Stranger: Dan bit his lip again "I'm sorry.. I diddn't mean to scare you.. I'm Dan" he said quietly. Upset with himself that he scared the new kid.. already

You: "H-Hi Dan, It's okay, im really jumpy. It's not your fault". Phil said, hearing the change in the boy's voice. His hands raised and rested on the desk in front of him, fiddling with his fingers.

Stranger: Dan bit down on his lip a bit harder.
"It's okay, I just thought you were scared of me or something" Dan laughed nervously

You: Phil chuckled, "Nah, im normally jumpy like that. You should see me when the bell rings, every time im like a spooked cat". He grinned.

Stranger: Dan's heart fluttered slightly at the boys smile.
"Just don't start hissing" Dan laughed "you know, I diddnt catch your name.."

You: "I'm Phil". He said. Phil would hold his hand out to shake Dan's but didn't want to put it out in the wrong way and make a fool of himself.

Stranger: "Phil. I like that name" Dan blushed slightly, pushing his fringe in his face. "so, where did you move from?"

You: Phil smiled small, he did count that as a compliment and he didn't get much of those. It was a nice change, "I moved from up north, my mum's work got brought down here so we moved. Not the easiest thing but in time it'll adjust".

Stranger: "People here are sorta nice, there are some people you should stay away from though.." Dan muttered, looking over at the group of jocks in the middle of the classroom

You: "There always are at least one person you should stay away from, i didn't expect a perfect school. But i never really get into that anyway, it's more of people talking behind my back with me. Which is easier then you know". Phil chuckled.

Stranger: "Well, I feel like i have to say this, well, I'm not like that.. I won't do that to you" Dan spoke quietly, he sounded like a idiot but he diddnt care.

You: "I guessed, you seem nice. You talked to me so i assumed you didn't think bad of me yet". Phil said and smiled.

Stranger: "How could I think bad of you? You seem quite amazing, honestly" Dan admitted, blushing slightly

You: "Well i can assure you i am not amazing, but you could be surprised the shit i had to go though before. I guess being different scared people so they stayed away from me".

Stranger: "diffrent?" Dan asked, slightly confused "I don't see how you're diffrent.."

You: Phil went quiet for a moment, going over in his head if he should tell the boy. It's not like he would never find out, it's sort of a big thing. "I-um, I'm blind. I kind have always been". He said quietly.

Stranger: Dan nodded and bit his lip. "So what? That just makes you even more amazing." Dan whispered. For some reason, knowing Phil was was blind made him like him..even more.

You: "How? If anything it should take a few point off". He chuckled nervously, this seemed like the best someone has taken in he was blind. He hoped it didn't mess up somehow.

Stranger: "Really? In my book it adds a few points" Dan smiled, "it just makes you stronger, Phil."

You: Phil smiled and fiddled with his fingers a little more. He did this every time he was happy or nervous. "I wouldn't call it stronger, I mean no matter what in life i would have to deal with it. It wasn't much of a choice".

Stranger: "But at least you diddnt give up, right?" Dan asked, scooting a bit closer to Phil

You: "Give up"? Phil questioned, he didn't see how he could just give up on it. If he knew he would have years ago.

Stranger: "You could of not tried.. You could of did something stupid and ended your life.. something like that.. but yet you're here, right now. at school, Talking to me" Dan smiled, he put his hand on Phil's softly and bit his lip. "That means you're strong."

You: "I guess, but after a while you get used to it". He said.

Stranger: Dan shrugged. "Well, if it means anything, I look up to you now."

You: "What? You look up to me? Are you joking"? Phil chuckled, finding it hard to believe. Many people go though what Phil does, he couldn't understand how he went from a school where no one talked to him or befriended him to a school where someone looked up to him.

Stranger: "I'm not joking, actually." Dan muttered, his face heating up. "what class do you have next?" Dan asked, trying to change the subject.

You: "A-Art, i think. I dont remember for sure, the girl only told me once". Phil said.

Stranger: "Do you want me to take you to the office so she can tell you again?" Dan asked quietly

You: "N-No, that's fine. I dont want them to think im an idiot or something. I'll just find the art room and hope for the best". He chuckled.

Stranger: "well, I have art too, Do you need help getting there? Its across the scool"

You: "Yeah, if you'll show me the way that'd be nice". Phil smiled.

Stranger: Dan grinned and blushed madly, "we've been talking this entire hour" He laughed nervously

You: "Really? Time went faster then, didn't feel like an hour". Phil giggled quietly.

Stranger: "We have about 5 mintues left" Dan laughed quietly "I like your sunglasses, I have the same pair actually"

You: Phil chuckled, "I just let my mum pick a random one out at my old school, i look kind of weird without them. it looks like im staring at noting. Or so I've been told".

Stranger: "I like them, They fit you" Dan smiled ,even thought Phil couldnt see.

You: "Thanks, guess mother knows best". He smiled.

Stranger: Dan laughed loudly and clamped a hand over his mouth, ignoring the stares from the teacher and students

You: Phil covered his own mouth when he herd Dan's loud laugh, he was scared Dan would get in trouble or something but he seemed okay. "Your gonna get in trouble". Phil said, he couldn't keep the grin off his face.

Stranger: "Then stop being so funny" Dan laughed, looking back over at Phil

You: "Im sorry". Phil chuckled, setting his hand back down.

Stranger: "You're fine" Dan laughed again, The bell rang and he stood up and collected his things.

You: Phil jumped when the bell rang, chucking at himself after. He kept one hand on the desk as he stood, one rule Phil set for himself was always have a wall or table touching his hand. Unless someone was helping him.

Stranger: Dan collected his self and stood by Phil,
"Are you already?"

Stranger: All ready**

You: "Y-Yeah, im good". Phil said, he didn't have many things. He was never given books, at his old school they didn't have any in brail. Which made it much harder to learn. But Phil got by.

Stranger: Dan put his backpack on his shoulders and linked Phil's arm with his. Blushing madly. "Like this, right?" Dan asked, not quite sure how to do this.

You: "Yeah, this is good". He smiled, waiting for Dan to lead.

Stranger: Dan walked carefully in the hallway, holding Phil close to him

You: Sometimes as hey walked Phil put his hand up to make sure the wall was still there, like it would magically dissapeared as they walked. He just didn't like not knowing what was around him.

Stranger: "The walls still there, don't worry" Dan whispered, stopping by the art room. "Okay, were here, Do you want to sit at my table? No ones next to me.."

You: "Sure, and now i sit next to you. So there's no more 'no one sits next to me' crap". Phil joked and smiled.

Stranger: Dan laughed again and led Phil carefully to the seat and sat him down, pushing the chair in for him and grinned. "Yay! no one got hurt!" He grinned triumphantly

You: Phil raised his hands up, "Yay"! He giggled, hearing Dan getting in the seat next to him

Stranger: Dan scooted close to Phil and blushed furiously . "I think we have a free period in here today"

You: "Really? That would be awesome! I do like a make random line on paper form time to time". He smiled, leaning his arms on the table.

Stranger: Dan laughed again and looked over at Phil, "you're awesome, you know that, right?"

You: "I am not awesome i can tell you that". Phil chuckled.

Stranger: "Well, apparently not because You're soooo wrong" Dan grinned

You: "You say that but i need proof on how awesome i am". He smiled.

Stranger: "Well, you're funnier then fuck, and you have some stylish sunglasses" Dan stated

You: "My sunglasses do make me beautiful dont they"? He laughed quietly.

Stranger: "Oh, /very/ beautiful" Dan laughed back

You: "And my joked are top notch, i guess i am pretty awesome then".

You: *Jokes

Stranger: "Told you so, you gotta believe me more" Dan laughed, his face crimson

You: "I'll take a note, i should trust your words more then i normally do". He giggled.

Stranger: Dan grinned and tapped his fingers on the table out of habit. "Have you talked to anyone at this school besides me yet?"

You: "Not really, i dont really think it's a good idea to talk to people so i let them talk to me if they want".

Stranger: Dan tilted his head slightly "May I ask why you think like that?"

You: "Well there's always the chance the person doesn't want to talk to me so i don't really want to bug them. If they have a question or want to talk to me i let them, but in the last school If you herd my name it wasn't being used for good. So i stayed out of things, like talking to people".

Stranger: Dan frowned and looked down at his lap. "I'm sorry you have to go through people talking about you..You don't deserve it."

You: "I dont mind, it's better then being ignored completely right? At least people know i exist". Phil chuckled.

Stranger: "but still.. You're amazing.." Dan whispered, mostly to himself

You: "But your the only one that thinks that, it says something". Phil said quietly.

Stranger: "I can't be the only one." Dan whispered,

You: "I cant name someone else, you cant name anyone else. My mum and brother don't count. But i don't think they believe that either. It really is just you". Phil said.

Stranger: "Well, I see how amazing you are.. And I truly believe it.."

You: "Thanks". He said quietly.

Stranger: "Sorry.. I blurt stuff out a lot.." Dan muttered. looking down at his hands.

You: "It's fine, really. You shouldn't be apologizing for calling someone amazing". Phil said with a small smile.

Stranger: "I don't want to think i'm a freak, or anything.. Dan whispered

You: "Your not a freak". Phil chuckled, "Dont worry".

Stranger: "O-okay.." Dan spoke quietly, not convinced. "S-so.. You should tell me more about yourself"

You: "I-I'm not sure, what do you want to know"? Phil asked, there wasn't much to him.

Stranger: "What do you like to do?" Dan asked, biting his bottom lip again

You: "Um, i like music. I used to do little things like clean my room and my mum with give me like a dollar so when i had enough i would randomly buy a CD. Like a mystory kind of, i like sleeping. Sleeping is good. But i do like drawing random things, it's fun".

Stranger: Oh god, he's perfect. Dan thought, he shook the thought out of his head and bit his lip "What music do you like?"

You: "Um, i think it's like soft rock. Im not quite sure what the band is but it's not pop or scremo kind of stuff". Phil said.

Stranger: "I love soft rock" Dan grinned "do you know a band called muse?"

You: "Um, not sure. You'll have to come over some day and tell me if i have one of there CD's". Phil said.

Stranger: "I would love too, whenever is fine with me"

You: "I'm home alone quite often, so company wouldn't be so bad". He smiled.

Stranger: "are you doing anything tonight?" Dan asked, biting hard on his lip

You: "Probably not, unless you count sitting around something".

Stranger: "Thats the most important of all somethings!" Dan gasped dramatically

You: Phil laughed quietly,"Guess your right, doing nothing is my whole life".

Stranger: "Oh don't worry, All I do is play video games and listen to music. And stay up till 5 am everyday, but still" He laughed

You: "I seem to fall asleep early though, with no light to keep me up im out at like midnight".

Stranger: "sleep is amazing too, I like sleep, Sleep is my friend" Dan laughed

You: "Sleep is my best friend, we work so well". He giggled.

Stranger: Dan giggled back and bit his lip.
"So, does Philly have a girlfriend?" He blurted out, shocked that it actually came out of his own mouth

You: "Oh, Um. No, not really. If it's hard to make friends think of how hard it'll be to get a partner". Phil chuckled nervously.

Stranger: "There missing out" Dan muttered under his breath, hoping Phil diddnt hear him

You: Phil shrugged, "It's okay, i mean dating at this age anyway is stupid. The chance i find 'the one; in high school is little, im not even sure if i want to meet them. Whoever they are". He mumbled.

Stranger: "why not?" Dan asked, looking over at Phil

You: "Everything I've heard or been told about being in love and finding that one person doesn't normally end well. And for me it most defiantly wont end well, so i don't want to bring my hopes and and be let down".

Stranger: "anyone is lucky to have you Phil. you're amazing, sweet, funny, cute" Dan mumbled , especially the last word. "Any girl would be lucky to have you, You're amazing" He whispered

You: "That's another thing, i dont necessarily want a girl. That makes it harder right? Everything is harder in my life i just have to deal with it". He said quietly.

Stranger: "So, okay, then any guy is lucky to have you Phil, you really are amazing, You deserve someone that loves you and takes care of you." Dan whispered

You: "I dont need anyone to take care of me, I can take care of myself. I just hope whoever decides to stay with me knows that".

Stranger: "okay." Dan said quietly, hoping he diddnt upset Phil at all.

You: Phil sighed and rested his chin on the table, "How much longer do we have in this class"? He asked.

Stranger: "About ten mintues" Dan muttered, "Do you remember what Class you have next?"

You: "Um, English I think". Phil said.

Stranger: "Okay, I have Maths, If you want I can take you there, So you know where to go"

You: "Thanks, that would be great". Phil smiled.

Stranger: "I'm sorry if I sounded really dumb when were were talking about relationships and stuff.. I've never been in one.. so i shouldnt be talking.."

You: "It's fine, I havnt either. You just asked a question, no harm". Phil said, running his fingers over what he guessed was the wood of the table.

Stranger: "Everyone makes fun of me at this school because I like guys.. But i've never dated one before." He admitted

You: "Well they can pick on me now too, there's nothing wrong with it. If anything were much cutter when they are snogging some slut".

Stranger: Dan snorted loudly and clamped a hand over his mouth. "Oh my god, Phil, You're the best, I swear" Dan laughed

You: Phil chuckled, "It's true though, my brother says it's the worst. And he's strait! People are just stupid and ignorant".

Stranger: "What do you think about me? Am I stupid or igorant?" Dan asked quietly, his parania kicking in.

You: "No, you dont yell or push me for being gay or blind. Your nice". Phil smiled.

Stranger: "People push you?" Dan asked, suddenly angry

You: "My old school, they bumped me or made me drop my papers and such. I didn't mind much, just made me think there more stupid".

Stranger: "Why the fuck would anyone do that to you?" Dan growled under his breath. "You're amazing, why cant /anyone/ see that?"

You: "Dan, settle down. It's fine, there just stupid children. You just have to treat them as such, dont worry to much". Phil chuckled.

Stranger: Dan calmed down and bit down on his lip. "S-sorry. I just hate when other people get bullied.."

You: Phil smiled, "Well it's sweet, but im in this school now. It cant be much worse right"? He smiled

Stranger: "If it is, then I'm getting suspended for kicking someones ass.." Dan growled again

You: "Dan please, It's alright. Even if someone does do something I Dont mind. It's just school, I'll live".

Stranger: "I can't just sit by and watch people push you .. " Dan protested

You: "Trust me, I can deal with some shoves. It's not the end of the world". He chuckled with a smile.

Stranger: "you are so stubborn!" Dan whinned, just as the bell rang

You: "I am, your learn that's a nasty trait of mine". He smiled, standing from the chair.

Stranger: "Well, then you'll find out how stubborn I am" Dan smirked, linking his arm with Phil's

You: "Cant wait". He chuckled.

Stranger: Dan grinned and put his hand on Phil's while he led him down the hallway carfully

You: "So after my English i have Math, can you quickly tell me how to get to the math room so i know where to go after my class"?

Stranger: "How about I just come and get you?" Dan asked, biting his lip

You: "You dont have to do that, then you'll have to get me and bring me to class then make it to your own class on time. It's too much work".

Stranger: "But what if I want to do it?"

You: "Then i cant stop you much can i? But I'm just saying I'll feel like a burden". He giggled.

Stranger: "You're not, I wan't to come see you- I mean come bring you to your next class" Dan corrected himself

You: Phil chuckled, "You know I've been blind for 16 years, that means my other sences know what there doing X2. So i hear everything you say, I'll want to see you too. Just dont hurry yourself". He smiled.

Stranger: "So, you're like, super-Phil, huh?" Dan smirked, helping Phil to his seat let go of his hand

You: "Yep, but jut with mt ears. I'll see you after class Danny". He chuckled at the new pet name.

Stranger: "See you soon, Philly" Dan grinned, giving Phil'a hand a squeeze before running to his class

You: Phil smiled and rested his hands on the desk, the day seemed to be going good so far. Phil just hoped nothing will happen to mess it up.

Stranger: Dan got to his class just in time. He sat down but couldnt pay attention. All he could think about was Phil.

You: Phil couldn't distract himself with the window or other students so he had to listen to the boring lesson on functions or something. He wasn't really listening, but the time did go by quickly.

Stranger: The bell rang and Dan sprinted out the class and to Phil's classroom, "All ready, Philly?"

You: Phil jumped and almost fell, "Dan! holy crap you need to give me some warning, i could have been scared to death"! He laughed, "Yeah, im ready". He said, still chuckling.

Stranger: Dan caught Phil. "s-sorry. How do i give you warning? Whistle?" Dan laughed, taking Phil's arm

You: "Sounds better then randomly being talked to". He smiled, "How was your lesson"? He asked as he began to walk. (Brb)

Stranger: "Boring and talkey," Dan laughed, "How was yours?"

You: "Same, hopefully the class wont be so boring all year. I dont think i would be able to make it". Phil chuckled.

Stranger: "sleep, thats what I do!" Dan grinned. leading Phil to his class

You: "I wont get away with it! And i cant get in trouble". He giggled.

Stranger: "you can get away with it! You have sunglasses! How can they tell if you're awake?"

You: "I snore! Like really loudly whenever I sleep, I'd be caught for sure".

Stranger: "Just say.. You were thinking really /really/ hard!" dan laughed

You: "Yeah sure, my thinking noise is the exact same noise as a snore! I'm just going to have to deal with boring classes for the next year".

Stranger: "I think you can survive" Dan grinned, sitting Phil down. "Do you want to hang out after school?"

You: "Sure, as i said. All i have to do is the most important something, nothing". He smiled.

Stranger: "Okay, after class I'll be back and I'll show you your locker, okay? Then you can tell me where to go"

You: "Alright, See you soon". Phil said.

Stranger: "Bye Philly" Dan smiled, running to his class

You: Phil chuckled and leaned back in his chair. Ready for what he guessed was the most boring class he could have to deal with.

Stranger: Dan ran to his class and sat down, to hyper and nervous to pay attention

You: Phil did start to doze off a little around the middle of the class, but kept himself up. It was almost the end of the day, he cant get in trouble now.

Stranger: Dan's leg was bouncing quickly, he kept staring at the clock, last class of the day, he coulldnt wait to see Phil again

You: Phil sighed, listening to the teacher be cut off by the bell. That made Phil smiled and leaned up again, he was so ready for the day to be over. Also to hang out with Dan, which would be fun.

Stranger: Dan ran out of his class and to Phil's. as soon as he got in the door he Whistled

You: Phil grinned wider, "You learned the warning then". He said with a smile.

Stranger: Dan giggled and walked up to Phil and held onto Phil's arm. "You taught me well"

You: "I taught you not to scare the shit out of me whenever you come and get me". He chuckled, "So my mum picks me up, i dont know the way home well enough to go on my own. You can just ride with me".

Stranger: Dan bit on his lip and nodded. "Will your mum mind?"

You: "Nah, she'll be glad i made a friend and bla bla bla. I'll tell her she made a good choice with my glasses". He chuckled.

Stranger: "A very good choice" Dan grinned, rubbing Phil's arms slightly without realizing it. "Do you know what your locker number is?

You: "112 I think, but i dont really need it. I dont have any books, If you have to go to your locker that's fine".

Stranger: "nah, I don't have homework, and I kept my phone on me" Dan laughed, "Do you know where your mom will be?"

You: "The left parking lot i think, shes usually waiting outside the car to embarrass me like mums do".

Stranger: Dan laughed and nodded, holding onto Phil tighter.
"are they dating?" Someone said, laughing.
Dans face heated up and continued to walk

You: Phil chuckled, "You need to have some fun with it". He whispered to Dan, turning and walking backwards as he yelled out. "At least im getting some tonight"! As he laughed and turned back. "It's quite funny to hear there reactions". Phil smirked.

Stranger: Dan's face heated up and laughed loudly "Yup, that's it. you're my best friend" Dan laughed loudly.
"Get some!" someone else yelled
Dan grinned and turned around, sliding his hand into Phil's. "You know it!"

You: "Whooo"! He called out as they walked into the parking log, "And if all the kids dont love you by the next day they dont matter". Phil chuckled.

Stranger: Dan laughed loudly and slowly took his hand out of Phil's and linked their arms again

You: "Your earn respect like that". He said snapping his other fingers. "Phil!" He herd his mum call.

Stranger: Dan smiled and led Phil to his mum "I'm suddenly extreamly nervous" Dan whispered

You: "Dont worry". Phil chuckled, feeling Dan slow down when they got closer to his mum. "Hello sweetheart, who's your friend"? He asked, "Oh this is Dan, he's gonna come hang out for a little bit". Phil said with a smile. "Alright". She said with a grin.

Stranger: Dan smiled shyly to Phil's mum and helped Phil into the car and climbed in next to him

You: "Thank you Danny". Phil smiled as he got into the seat next to him.

Stranger: "no problem, Philly" Dan smiled back, leaning his knee against Phil's so he knew he was still there.

You: Phil grinned, the car ride back to his house was quiet. But there really wasn't anything to day then. Until they got back to Phil's house. He didn't have everything unpacked but his room was still full.

Stranger: Dan helped Phil up the stairs and too Phil's room and sighed. "Your mum is nice"

You: "Yeah, shes sweet. Helps he though a lot, i wouldn't know the basic outline of the numbers 1 to 9 without her". He smiled, slidding his hand on the scratchy wallpaper up the stairs.

Stranger: "Can i tell you something?" Dan asked, his arm still linked with Phil's.

You: "Sure". Phil said.

Stranger: "You facsenate me... Like.. the way you do things. " Dan admitted, watching Phil brush his hand against the wall.

You: "Like how"? Phil asked.

Stranger: "You're so gentle, you barley touch the wall, you just use your fingertips to brush against the wall. Its just fasinates me"

You: "Well all i want is to feel the wall is there and how it feels, not finger bang it. But i guess your right, i do things a little different". He smiled.

Stranger: Dan laughed loudly again and rolled his eyes. "And you're a smartass!" Dan giggled

You: "I know". He grinned, "But you love it". He giggled and found his door, opening it carefully unless something fell while he was out. He didnt want to break anything. He took the sunglasses off and tossed them on his bed that he knew was on his right.

Stranger: Dan took the chance and looked at Phil's eyes. They were the /prettiest/ blue he has ever seen. ever.
"Boy, you've got a lot of stuff" Dan laughed, sitting on the bed and brought Phil with

You: "I know, but it take so long to go though it all so im waiting for my mum to be free to help me. Those are my CD's by the way, if you still want to know who i listen to". He said, knowing Dan would be able to see the CD Tower he had stacked.

Stranger: "I can help you with your room" Dan offered, unlinking his arm from Phil's and walked to the cd tower.

You: "You have no idea what your offering, it takes forever. And half my things are boring". He smiled.

Stranger: "That doesnt mean I don't want to help you, Philly" Dan grinned. He looked over the stack and grinned "ohmygodyouhaveamusecd" Dan said quickly, trying his hardest not to fangirl

You: Phil laughed, "I guess i listen to Muse then, all those CD's are the one's i like. I dont keep the one's i dont". Phil sat on the end of his bed softly.

Stranger: Dan found the CD player and started playing Hysteria by muse. "this is my favourite song"

You: Phil nodded, "I like this one, it's nice. I mostly fall asleep to music, so play it so loud and you'll have a sleeping Phil on your hands". He giggled.

Stranger: "I could always wake you up" Dan grinned, turning it up a bit

You: "Yes but then I'll be grumpy". He pouted.

Stranger: Dan awwed silently at Phil's pout and crossed his arms. "You put away that pout mister"

You: "Nooooo". He whined and pouted even more, falling back on the bed.

Stranger: "Is Philly Tickalish?" Dan asked, raising a challenging eyebrow

You: Phil's face dropped, "No, i have no idea what your talking about I'm not ticklish that's absurd". He chuckled nervously.

Stranger: Dan sat on the bed and whistled, telling Phil he was right there. "So, this doesnt tickle?" Dan asked, poking Phil's sides slightly

You: Phil giggled and held the side Dan poked, "N-No, i have no idea what your talking about". He smiled.

Stranger: "Oh, so this doesnt bother you at all?" Dan asked, compeltly attacking Phil's sides

You: Phil broke out into a fit of laughed and giggles, "D-Dan stop! Stop! It tickles yes! Ah!" He laughed.

Stranger: Dan stopped and grinned "That's what you get for pouting"

You: "But you were gonna make me sleepy the wake me up from a wonderful nap". He smiled

Stranger: "But Then i would be all bored if you were asleep!" Dan pouted poking Phil's side again

You: Phil giggled, "I guess". He said.

Stranger: Dan grinned as a slow song came on the radio. "Philly, have you ever slow danced before?"

You: "Not really, who would i dance with"? He chuckled.

Stranger: "Me?" Dan said quietly, his face heating up

You: "You want to slow dance with me"? He asked.

Stranger: "m-maybe.. He stuttered

You: "What are we waiting for then? The song doesnt last forever". He chuckled, sitting up from laying down and standing from the bed.

Stranger: Dan grinned and took Phil's hands and put them on his shoulders. He blushed and put his hands on Phil's waist

You: "Now remember, im blind. So dont get mad when i step on your feet". He smiled, starting to sway back and forth.

Stranger: Dan laughed and pulled Phil a bit closer. "I don't mind" He whispered

You: "Good". Phil grinned, resting his chin on Dan's shoulder and fully wrapping his arms around his neck.

Stranger: "Has anyone described to you what you look like?" dan asked, resting his chin on the top of Phil's head.

You: "No, I never asked". Phil said, his voice naturally quiet now.

Stranger: "do you want to know?" He whispered, wrapping his arms around Phil more

You: "I guess". Phil said.

Stranger: "You have really, really black hair,, Your eyes are the bluest blue i've ever seen, You're a bit shorter then me.. Around 6 foot, You probably have the cutest, whitest smile I have ever seen, pretty much you are perfect"

You: "Well that kind of helps, I've never seen colors. I dont know what blue is, but I know black is what im seeing now. But other then black i dont know colors". He smiled.

Stranger: "Okay, then i'll just say your eyes are the prettiest thing i have ever seen." Dan whispered

You: "Do they sparkle Daniel"? He asked with a chuckle.

Stranger: "they do, actually, Philip" Dan grinned, bringing Phil closer to him

You: "Well the downfall of having the most prettiest eyes on earth is i cant see though them, such a shame".

Stranger: Dan frowned and nuzzled Phil slightly "Don't talk like that, you're perfect the way you are. I love the wa you are. actually"

You: Phil chuckled, "I was joking, the only way you want find humor is when you can make fun of yourself". He smiled, nothing was said for few moments. "Can you tell me what you look like"? Phil asked.

Stranger: "Well, I have brown hair that falls into my face quite often, I have dark brown eyes, I'm about three intches taller then you.. I'm not anything special"Dan smiled.

You: "Colors Danny, colors. I dont know half of what you just said, brown? What a weird word". He joked, "I cant make fun of my blindness but you can call yourself nothing special? I dont see that as fair. I dont need to see you to know your special. Your nice, funny, a quick learner, a little bit girly but just enough to hide the flaming homo inside of you". Phil chuckled, "I dont see that as not special".

Stranger: "brown is pretty much a lighter shade of black" Dan said, still swaying Phil even though the song is long gone. "I still think you're more special then me.."

You: "Saying that is like the first time you find out pickles are form cucumbers. You just cant picture it, and your silly to think that. Your awesome, you have a very posh voice and your not afraid to join in on anything. That adds up some points". he smiles.

Stranger: "ilikyou" Dan blurted out, not realizing what he said until he said it

You: "What"? Phil questioned with a chuckle.

Stranger: Dan swallowed thickly and said in a calmer voice "I .."

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