I Need You {Sequel to Summer}

By posies_

3.7K 184 73

"I though I didn't need him, I really did after seeing him with that girl. I tried Andrew, I swear. But I do... More



143 7 6
By posies_

October 7, 2015

My alarm went off, telling me it was around eight in the morning.

I texted the girls that I was heading over to Lexi's, Hunter's girl friend, room.

"Bye baby." I said quietly, kissing Joe's forehead before I left.

I jogged quietly down the hallways, knocking on Lexi's door.

Hunter opened it, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Is that Ella?" Lexi called from behind Hunter.

"Yeah!" I answered, squeezing past Hunter who was still standing there.

"Hunter," I said and turned towards me. "Go to my hotel room and sleep."

I gave him a key and shut the door behind him, throwing my bag on a chair.

"Do you need to shower?" Lexi asked, pulling her bridesmaid dress out of the closet.

"Yeah." I said, taking my shoes off.

She nodded and threw a towel at me, pushing me into the bathroom.

I started the shower, jumping in and quickly washing my hair.

I shaved my legs, surprisingly not cutting myself by how fast I was going, and the rest of my body.

I jumped out, drying off and pulling on my undergarments. I grabbed a tank top, pulling it on so I wasn't half naked.

I walked out of the bathroom, immediately being pushed into a chair.

"Do your makeup while we do ours." Jalynne, Brandon Crawford's wife, said.

I nodded and grabbed my makeup bag. I did my makeup, making sure it was perfect.

"You guys do your hair while I do hers, mines already done." Jalynne said, walking over to where I was sitting.

"What do you want to do with your hair?" She asked, looking at me through the mirror.

"Surprise me." I smiled and she nodded.

*an hour later*

"Done!" Jalynne said. I opened my eyes to see my hair tiny ringlets.

"I love it!" I squealed, getting up and hugging her.

"Guy we have an hour! Everyone get dressed." Kristen said, grabbing her dress.

I went into the bathroom, stripping from my tank top and pajama shorts.

I walked over to where my dress was hanging, grabbing it and taking it off the hanger.

I pulled it on, zipping it up. I grabbed my heels and slipped them on.

I walked over to the mirror and looked in it.

"I'm getting married today." I told myself, a smile growing on my face.

I walked out of the bathroom, all the girls' heads turning towards me.

"Oh my lanta! Ella you look beautiful!" Mercy gushed, running over and hugging me.

"Guys, limo is here." Jalynne said, opening the door for us.

"Someone make sure the boys already left." Lexi said as we all walked down on the hallways, our heels clicking below us.

"They did." Jalynne said.

We got down to the lobby and everyone was staring at us.

As we walked out the door some yelled 'good luck' behind us.

"Thank you!" I yelled back, climbing into the limo.

"I can't believe you're getting married." Mercy said.

"Neither can I." I added.


The girls got out of the car, meeting the guy she would be walking down the isle with.

I stayed back until they were gone, climbing out and thanking the driver.

"Good luck." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you."

I heard the music start and I began across the sand.

We chose a beach theme because it's still in San Francisco being as the boys had a game today.

We chose today because there was nice weather during the day and the game was at four fifteen.

I got to where everyone could see me and they all stood, smiles on their faces.

Joe smiled at me from the alter, the cutest look on his face.

I got up to him, standing in front him, staring into his chocolate brown eyes.

"You look beautiful." He said quietly.

"Hey there handsome." I said, a smile making its way on to my face.


After saying our vows and putting the rings on, Joe and I held hands as we walked back to the limo.

Us, the girls and the guys got in, pouring a glass of champagne for each of us.

"Congrats to the happy couple." Hunter said, raising his glass.

We all clinked our glasses, taking sips as we drove to AT&T Park.

We got there and walked down to the field, taking our wedding pictures.

Joe and I were in the middle, with the guys on the other side of him and girls on the other side of me.

The boys had their jerseys one with the tux coats on over them while each of us girls had a baseball bat.

We were aimed so the coke bottle and glove were behind us.

"I love you." I told Joe, kissing him.

"I love you too Mrs. Panik." He mumbled against my lips, bringing a smile to mine.

"Okay. Really I got to go. Win this for me!" I yelled as I went back to the dugout.

We got to our seats, multiple saying congratulations as we made our way there.

Before the game started, Renee made an announcement.

"Before we start, we have a very special announcement." Her voice came over the speakers.

"We would like to say congratulations to our very own Joe and Ella Panik," the big screen showed both me and Joe at the moment. "They had their wedding today!"

I smiled at the camera, listening to Renee.

"They make a beautiful couple huh? Congratulations guys!" She said and I smiled, waving at everyone.

I mouthed 'I love you Renee' to the camera before Joe and I were off the big screen.


This book is almost over! :(

Eight chapters left!!

But if you guys want more books about the Giants go read my Andrew Susac book 'Stuck on You'.

Thank youuuu!❤️

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