Newtmas & Dylmas One-Shots

By Stupid-little-Things

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I write stories a lot, wether I have the time or not. I also love Newtmas (And Dylmas) and always end up gett... More

Wearing each other's Clothes (Dylmas #1)
Mix Up (Newtmas #2)
You Have What I Want (Dylmas #3)
I Can't Marry You (Newtmas #4)
Velociraptors and You (Dylmas #5)
I Lost My Pet and Found You (Newtmas #6)
Timeless (Dylmas #7)
His Weakness was the Maze (Newtmas #8)
Great, I'm Stuck With You (Dylmas #9)
If I Lose (Newtmas #10)
I Always Wanted You (Dylmas #11)
I May've Had a Drink (Dylmas #13)
Chores (Newtmas #14)
Soulmate (Dylmas #15)
Lost Control (Newtmas #16)
His Angel was the Devil (Dylmas #17)
The Wrong Twin (Newtmas #18)
Forgotten Birthdays (Dylmas #19)
Christmas With A Not So Coordinated Thomas (Newtmas #20)
Now You See Me (Dylmas #21)
Sex Me (Newtmas #22)
Burying Newt (Newtmas Bonus #23)

Please, Tommy. Please. (Newtmas #12)

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By Stupid-little-Things

I re-read the Maze Runner series this week again (I've read it a lot) and I had to do an alternative ending to my ship. Besides I was pissed at Thomas after finishing today and had to rant on Tumblr about him and Newt because I was so furious. Anyway now I just need a different end. Tried to keep it on a somewhat realistic side. Key word: Tried. Oh and this obviously kinda spoils the last book a little bit so warning. The beginning isn't my own writing, it's all James Dashner's. It's a bit short but oh well. And this song fits really well so yay.

And then Newt's eyes cleared, as if he'd gained one last trembling gasp of sanity, and his voice softened.

"Please, Tommy. Please." With his heart falling into a black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.

But nothing was heard. No sound of a gunshot had torn through the air around them. And when Thomas opened his eyes again, he saw that Newt was still above him, his eyes wide and alert. The blonde was still shaking, but he was alive and in his arms.

Thomas had never felt more relieved, and he let out a gasp of air that he'd been holding in.

"Why didn't you kill me? I said kill me!" Thomas' eyes widened again, fully aware of Newt's last bit of sanity leaving his body. He looked at his gun that was still pointed at Newt's head before he moved it closer to himself to inspect it.

"It has no more ammunition. I can't kill you without bullets." He was surprised at how calm he'd spoken. As if killing his closest friend had never even been on the agenda. As if he wasn't just about to do it.

"You promised me! Why would you fail me after everything I did for you?!" Thomas didn't know how to respond. He was frozen as if he'd been paralyzed by something unknown, when in fact he could still move every part of his body if he wanted to.

"N-Newt." His name almost felt foreign, as if it wasn't meant to be spoken anymore. Thomas tightened his grip around the others waist, and Newt surprisingly enough made no effort to pull away. But he was still a crank. And he still wanted to die.

"Please, kill me." Thomas knew how desperate the other was, so desperate that he actually spoke in his usual tone as if they were back in the Glade. As if everything was normal between them. Except it wasn't that way anymore. Newt was way past the Gone, and yet Thomas still loved him just as much.

And that's when he realized that the only way he'd be able to kill Newt, was if he killed himself right afterwards. A murder suicide.

He went to move a loose strand of hair from Newt's face, and he looked into the others eyes as if that would make him reach the real Newt. His Newt that was hidden beyond reach.

"I'll do what you want me to. I will. But please let me say something first. I want you to know this before you take your last breath. Before we both take our last breath." Newt gave him a strange look, and if it weren't for how he looked, Thomas may've believed that this was the actual Newt he'd met a few weeks back.

"Newt, this might be one of the worst times to confess, but I fell in love with you back in the Glade. And I still love you. And I'm not gonna let myself live knowing that I killed you. If you die, I die too." The blonde stayed quiet, staring at Thomas, trying to see if there was any deception, finding none because Thomas wasn't lying. He had no reason to. And then Newt seemed mad again, insanity taking control over him.

"I'm a Crank! You don't love a Crank Tommy!"

"I do. Cause I love you." Newt only shook his head, tears falling from his eyes as he slowly came to realize it fully.

"No." Is all Newt said, and it was only a whisper that Thomas strained to hear.

"Don't lie!" Newt shouted, only to be screamed at in return.

"I'm not!"

"Then prove it to me by doing what I want! I want you to kill me!" He screamed, his throat going dry as he waited for Thomas to do something. He only nodded.

"O-okay. Wait here, I'll get another gun. I promise. And I'm not breaking it." He was breaking his heart instead. Newt seemed to go along though, Thomas running back to the van where the other two were waiting.

"I ran out of ammo earlier, give me another gun." He gave the two a pleading look, and they knew that Thomas wasn't gonna accept a no for an answer.

And so he ran back over to Newt, to the pale and sick boy that was sitting there, just waiting to die at the hands of Thomas. And then Thomas realized something else. They had two loaded guns if he put some of the bullets in the gun that Newt had originally thought would kill him. Newt could pull his trigger.

"About bloody time you're back." Thomas wanted to laugh, and he may've if the situation wasn't slowly dawning on him. He sat down beside Newt, putting some of the bullets into the first gun before handing one to Newt.

"Listen, I want you to do something for me if I'm gonna kill you." Newt scoffed, his eyes terrifying and monstrous as he looked at him.

"Like I haven't done enough for you already. Tommy I've done so much for you!"

"And that's why I want you to kill me!" The blonde was stunned silent. He may've been a Crank, but he honestly didn't know what words to speak.

"Kill me. And I'll kill you. Promise me, Newt." And then Newt was crying. Thomas didn't know if it was possible for Newt to cry when he was so past the Gone, but he was. Tears were running freely down his cheeks. And then he nodded, making it all the more real to Thomas.

"I promise, Tommy. But only if you kiss me first." It was the last thing Thomas had expected to hear, and Newt caught onto it fast.

"You said you love me. I want to die knowing that it was true. I might be beyond crazy, but I'm sane enough to want it." He didn't have to be told twice, and they quickly connected their lips for the first and last time.

Thomas put everything he had into it, mainly because it was all he would have. Newt seemed to be doing just the same, and Thomas imagined them to be surrounded by the four walls of the Glade, caging them in and keeping them both safe. Keeping them together. But it was so far from possible, and he'd wished that they'd stayed and maybe been safe. Dying together at the hands of the Grievers instead of Newt being crazy.

And then Thomas pulled away, gasping for air. He wanted to pull Newt back in, but Newt seemed to have other plans.

"Now do it!" He was back to the Crank he'd been when Thomas had first ran out to him, the kiss clearly leaving him far from sane. It had made Newt want to get it over with quicker, because the kiss made him realize that he reciprocated Thomas' feelings.

Thomas nodded slowly, a tear falling from his eyes as Newt mirrored it. They gave each other another smile, a final smile, as they placed the guns on the side of each others head.

"One." Newt whispered.

"I love you, Newt. Two." Thomas said, wanting to continue the countdown to the end of their lives.

"I love you too, Tommy." It took everything in Thomas not to kiss Newt again. A last time.

"Three." They both said in unison, pulling the triggers as everything faded to black for both of them.

They fell limp to the ground, blood surrounding them and mixing together. As if they were merging as one in their last moment.

It may've been sad, painful even, but they were together this way.

I'm terrible for wishing that this happened instead of what actually happened. But I wanted them together so bad. They were just meant to be.

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