Soulmate (Dylmas #15)

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I know that by the title this sounds super cliché and I know that this idea isn't all that original probably but I tweaked it and tried to make it different. For example I switched Dylan's and Thomas' roles for this, cause normally they're always the same. You'll see what I mean. I'm actually really excited for this. And asdfghjkl I love this song xxx

He was a hunter, but not really. Because while he may've had a bow and arrows, and while he may've had a knife, he also had blood red eyes. Beneath his title was something hidden, too far away for anyone to see as it was in the depths of pitch black darkness. Only he knew, and he planned to keep it that way. His family filled of hunters would not hesitate to kill him, as in their case, family did not come first. Safety did.

It wasn't like he was dangerous to have around. Not at all, in fact. He quite resented what he craved, which was something that also mirrored his brightly glowing eyes when they were present. Others of his kind were likely to laugh at him, because what vampire had never had blood by the age of seventeen? Well, he hadn't. At least not the human blood that he was supposed to hunt. Animals were a whole other story.

Dylan had not been born a vampire, but he'd been stupid enough to go out to a club with a friend on his sixteenth birthday with a fake ID. The devils of the night liked to lurk around in clubs, choosing who to feed on as they scanned the masses of bodies dancing together. And he'd unfortunately become a target. And he'd also been fortunate enough to turn into one of them.

All he could really remember from that night was waking up in an alley, his eyes glowing (not that he could see it then), and he felt a sharp pain in his mouth. When he went to feel one of his teeth, it was pointy. And not just a little bit, but it had gotten considerably sharper and considerably longer. It only took a few seconds after that for him to start smelling the people around him. He caught onto the scent of their blood, deciding that most of it wasn't pleasing enough for him. Not to mention that the thought of drinking someones blood was disgusting to him.

He'd come home that night, seemingly out of it, and his mum had been the first to rush up to him in a hurry, slapping him as soon as she'd beamed at seeing her son again. Dylan had come home at four in the morning, and she wasn't pleased, but she was also glad to have him back. Little did she know what baggage he now came back with.

He kept it a secret, because he knew that telling his family could only result in his death with no remorse by any of the people in his family tree. If they knew what he was, if they knew that his chocolate brown irises could turn bright red, they'd slit his throat without much of a thought. His family were the type to act first and think later. Something he'd never agreed much with, even if it did make some situations a lot easier.

Instead of telling his relatives, he'd managed to keep it buried, and he'd already been back in the woods the next day with his bow, ready to kill any supernatural that crossed his path. Dylan felt bitter doing it, killing his own kind and other creatures that deserved just as much life as he did. Or as he had had, at least. He was dead now, his freezing skin being proof of the lack of life within him. His heart had stopped as well, and where it lay inside his chest was nothing. Not a sound, not a beat, not anything.

It was currently October, and he was out in the woods despite the rain pouring down on him, drenching his clothes to the point where he might as well have been naked, as they did not provide an ounce of protection from the water. He wasn't exactly cold, as his own body was acting as a shield from the lower temperature in the fall weather, but he didn't like it either way.

Dylan was working his way down a hill, kicking the leaves as he went along, his bow beside him with an arrow ready to load and backups in case he needed them. And his knife was sat in his shoe, ready to be used for up close contact. He heard something snap, and he quickly aimed his bow in the direction he'd heard the sound from. On his left stood a boy that couldn't have been much older than him, but he almost dropped his weapon and let his guard down when he saw how beautiful he was.

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