Mix Up (Newtmas #2)

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He'd liked the other boy for a while now, constantly stealing glances at him in class whenever he'd get the chance to do so. He thought the blonde was breathtaking, disheveled hair framing his flawless face, a sharp jawline, beautiful brown eyes that were always alert of movement around him, and then his lips. His lips were a work of art to Thomas, shaped so perfectly that they almost had to be fake. They weren't chapped, perfectly smooth and shaded in pink. Thomas loved to stare at Newt, but he didn't want to be creepy.

He didn't dare to walk up to the boy either, having to admire him from afar instead. It was safe to say that he really liked Newt, but Newt had barely taken any notice of him, leaving him sad but not confused. He understood why. Thomas didn't stand out at his school, hiding himself away from everyone. And then the few times that Thomas did walk past Newt in the hall, the other would only smile, maybe muttering a hello if he got lucky. He rarely did.

Thomas really liked Newt, and after a year of just studying the boy, he'd had enough. He needed to talk to Newt wether it would end well or not. His patience grew thin as winter came around and snow had started falling in the city of New York, and he was shivering as he walked by a local coffee shop that afternoon.

The bell rung as he stepped inside, making him look up to see it hanging on the door, the sound eventually coming to a halt. He placed his hands over his mouth to warm them up as he tried to make himself smaller, as if that would make his body heat up faster.

When he stepped up to the register, a girl turned to him and gave him a smile, waiting for him to decide what he'd order from the list of beverages hanging behind her. He bit his lip, scanning through the different drinks before settling on something he loved, but would probably regret later on in this weather.

"I'll take the Ice latte, please." The girl nodded, getting a cup and labeling it with whatever it would be, before asking for his name.

"Just Thomas." She nodded again, asking if he wanted vanilla in his beverage as well, and he agreed before giving her the exact amount of money to pay.

Thomas went to sit down by the window, looking out at the city he'd lived in all of his life. The snow was slowly falling, landing on the concrete that was beneath his feet outside. He glanced across the street, looking into the boutique that was across from him, now full of christmas ornaments in the window, lighting up the street along with the store itself.

He hadn't realized it yet, but Newt had stepped inside the coffee shop a few minutes after he did, shaking himself so that the remaining snow on his coat, would fall to the floor. Newt was aware of Thomas though, as he had scanned the room when he'd walked inside, smiling when he saw Thomas looking out the window whilst biting his nails. A habit of his that Newt had picked up.

Walking up to the counter, he gave the familiar worker a smile, and she nodded before immediately getting started on his drink. He always had the same thing, never wanting to change his order as he liked what he always got. It was similar to Thomas' drink, but neither of them knew that as he went to sit down somewhere else after paying, waiting for his own beverage to be done.

He dared to look over at Thomas, ending with him blushing, biting his lip and looking down. Newt nervously played with his fingers as he thought of what it would be like to be friends with Thomas, but then in his mind it quickly became something more intimate. He was aware of the fact that the other boy would often look at him in class, and maybe there was a small possibility that the other was just as interested in him as he was interested in Thomas. It was unlikely to him, but nevertheless, possible.

"Thomas." The girl called out, catching both of the boys' attention as Newt looked over at Thomas, who was getting up.

"Newt." And then his name was called, and he suddenly grew nervous as he got up to get his drink.

They looked at each other, grabbing onto whatever drink was closest to them, neither of them knowing that it was the others. Newt looked up at Thomas, who was a few inches taller then Newt. Newt's eyes reached Thomas' lips, which always gave him the urge to kiss him when he looked at them. Both of them stared at each other for a second, Thomas not believing that Newt was in the same place as him outside of school, and Newt trying to get his heart to go back to a steady pace.

Thomas got lucky today, receiving a small and nervous hello from the other boy, who walked past him before he could respond. He saddened a bit when Newt left, hoping that he could've gotten the chance to talk to him, but he didn't get that chance. So, he left the coffee shop, his upper body hunched over as he looked down at the ground, chewing his straw a bit before taking a sip of the beverage.

It tasted strange, not like he'd expected it to taste, and he suspected that the girl at the counter had gotten his order wrong for a minute. But when he glanced down to study the drink, he didn't see his name. He saw Newt's, and that's when he realized that he'd grabbed the wrong drink.

And just in that moment, a panting Newt ran up behind him with Thomas' drink in his hands. He stopped, both of them looking at each other again before Newt bit his lip.

"I think this is yours." He handed Thomas the drink before holding his hand out to receive his own, and the taller boy shakily handed it over to him, realizing that he'd almost chewed the top of the straw to multiple pieces. He was embarrassed as he thought that Newt would make fun of him, but he didn't. Newt smiled instead.

"I see you have a habit of biting your straw, don't you Tommy?" The nickname surprised Thomas. He hadn't expected his name to ever leave Newt's lips, much less a nickname that he instantly received before the other had even uttered his real name.

"Y-yea. Sorry." Newt giggled, Thomas blushing as he found it beyond adorable.

"Don't be." And then they stayed silent as they walked to Thomas' apartment, not having planned it but it happened anyway. Thomas hadn't imagined that being around Newt could be this simple, and if he'd known it from the beginning then he would've talked to him much sooner. He received the strong urge to hold Newt's hand, the weather was cold, and he'd always wanted to do it before anyway. But Thomas restrained himself, not wanting to come off as too strong when they'd barely ever spoken.

They eventually came to a halt at the front entrance of the building where Thomas lived with his parents, neither of them saying anything as they got caught in each others eyes. Snow fell onto Newt's hair, making Thomas smile as the boy before him somehow managed to become even more beautiful. And neither of them dared to speak either, losing themselves completely and forgetting their surroundings. And then Newt dared to stand on his tip toes to kiss the corner of Thomas' lips. It was unexpected for both of them, Thomas taking his fingers and running them along where Newt's lips still lingered for him. The kiss sent a warmth through both of them, making their hearts beat fast as they thought about one another.

"I have to go home, but sit with me in English tomorrow?" Thomas nodded before the other boy slowly turned to walk away, Newt instantly regretting saying that he had to leave, and the further he went, the faster he wanted to run back. He eventually turned around to look at Thomas, but Thomas had already walked inside, leaving him out in the cold alone.

This ended sadder than I meant for it to in a way. But I promise it's not meant to be and that they do end up sitting together the next day in my head and they laugh really much and stuff. Maybe I should continue this one actually and do that. Yea, I might do that. And I thought this song kinda fit cause they never dare to talk to each other and it's sorta like "You should go for it because you never know what's gonna happen and yea." Basically something like that.

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