Uchiha Crib( Madara Uchiha x...

By Wryyyyyy

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Uchiha a legendary clan name. Accepting only those who are proven worthy to be cursed with their secret. What... More

Problem : First Meeting
Helping Hand
Beautiful Idiot
'Baby'Sitting (part1)
'Baby'Sitting (part 2)
'Baby'Sitting (part3)
'Baby'Sitting ( part 4): Nisan ! !
'Baby'Sitting (part 5 Final): Jealous Baby
Secret Revealed
ThE (sTuPiD) cLaNs
Fun Time
Who Am I (Special Chapter Part 1/2)
Who Am I (Special Chapter Part 2/2)
Oh sh!t
The Senju Saga ( part 1/?)
The Senju Saga ( part 2/?)
The Senju Saga ( part 3/?)
The Senju Saga (Part 4/?) #PimpDaddy
The Senju Saga ( part 5/?)
The Senju Saga (part 6/?)
The Senju Saga ( Part 7/?): Uchiha Bros To The Rescue ?
The Senju Saga ( part 8/?): The Senju Bros !
The Senju Saga ( part 9/?)
The Senju Saga (Part 10/10)
Day 0
New Friend
My Lady
The Uchiha
Creating Life ( Special Chapter )
Small Light
Father Stuff
It's Time
happy Family (End)


4.4K 144 37
By Wryyyyyy

_(e/c)_ eyes blinked slowly while they stared at the darken room.  She looked around nervously she moved to her side seeing the many different weapons hanging on the wall 'I can't sleep in here........' She bit her lips.

Madara was sitting on the roof looking around. His white hair moved slowly by the wind. He placed his chin on his hand thinking. ".....I am a pervert...." He smirked nose bleeding remembering the scene on the forest. He chuckled sweat dropping " the irony....." He twitched feeling the girl move. He did a hand sigh quickly making an other him appear " keep her company. ". (Other) Madara nodded while turning . " and by that I don't mean touch or do anything sexual." (Other) Madara puffed his cheeks "fine." He vanished.
Madara looked straight again " somethings a bit off.."


Hashirama stopped walking looking in horror. The umbrella once held on his hand dropped flying off by the harsh storms wind and the bag on his other hand fell on the floor as he ran.
" hey wake up!" He kneeled getting the woman. Sakura fell limped on his arms trying to stay alive. Habsirma glared looking around " come out !!"



_(n)_ blinked with wide eyes looking at the thing in front of her. (Other) Madara stared  down at her. "Uh............." She tilted her head " Madara....?" Her eyes widen a bit. The man nod smiling down at her.
The girl smiled giggling happily " I finally see you how you really look!" ( other) Madara blushed darkly looking at her hugging him"uhm........" He patted her head looking to the side.

Hashirama looked down at the unconscious woman and turned to the albino man." Have they answered ?"  " no...it's strange Izuna never ignores me..." Tobirama blinked confuse and looked at Sakura " but what bothers me is how she got here. Not to mention how badly injured she is."  Hashirama looked down but his eyes widen feeling a gust of wind turning off all the candles on the protective room.

"Hashirama watch out !!!" Tobirama got his brother quickly. The male had wide eyes seeing the place he once sat crack in half." What the..."

A man stood there calmly. He looked around then slowly down at him. " where's the Hanyo." " there's no one like that here." Tobirama glared. Hashirama kept a serious face looking at the man.


Madara smirked looking down while he placed a hand out but in a blink of an eye it was cut off "...Hu........." He moved his eyes to the side meeting red spiral eyes " where's the Hanyo Dara." The male glared seeing the teasing smirk on the pale males face.

Ashura and Indra both stood looking at their great great great great X 50 Grandsons.

" give us the enigma."

Izuna twitched opening his eyes slowly "ugh....Mexico sure is a rough place ......" He sat up slowly looking at his arms seeing Sarada still knocked out. He looked around the place. " man.......Thats why no one invites him..."
Mito twitched a bit. Naruto breath hard helping his great great grandma sit "...seriously ..... What's with the Hanyo rumors ..... And now the old man is after it too...?"

(Other) Madara held the frighten girl closely. He kept sensing the power 'his getting closer.' He looked down at the girl. _(n)_ was trembling having her face on his chest. 'Tch.....'  He placed a hand on her head blocking out her smell more.' Since I'm just a clone my power isn't as strong as Madara...'

Madara was breathing hard while he saw his hand grow quickly ' forgot the old man has some moves still...'

"Madara. Just give me the Hanyo."

"Who ever that is he she is not here."

The male glared. Indra blinked slowly glaring " I smell it." "What?" " your blood." He smirked slowly " I smell the Hanyo blood in you, not to mention. This is Senju. Ashura will definitely have a heart attack..." Indra walked towards the male smiling. Madara glared slowly stepping back. Indra leaned on him licking the blood off his cheek. Madara  froze paling 'so this is how she feels....'

Tobirama was breathing hard holding an unconscious Sakura. Hashirama glared making wood capture Ashura ' why ...do they want her....'  The cocoon like thing broke. Ashura stepped out dusting himself " seriously hashi." He smiled " I'm not going to injured her we just need her for a bit, can't say about Indra though......"

--------------30 mins--------------

_(n)_ ran stumbling a bit while looking back. She squealed with wide eyes feeling a hard grip on her waist. She turned trembling. Indra looked down at her smirking slowly " got cha~" the girl  tried pushing him away' his like a freaking rock!!' " that won't help~" he brought his arm up but saw it fall to the floor "........."he looked to his side seeing blood gushing out. "Really......" He turned. _(n)_ looked with wide eyes feeling blood splattering on her
" Dara !?" She struggled trying to break free again.
Madara was brushing off the blood from his mouth." Give it up old man." "Look who's talking ~ I don't look a day over 20~" Indra smirked looking at him  " now if you don't mind~ we need to take her ."

"IEEEE!!!!!" Indra looked down glaring . A giant crashing noise was heard. While many trees fell.

_(n)_ was breathing hard holding her trembling hand 'Tch.....'. Madara had wide eyes 'what the.........' " Dara !" She ran quickly to him " are you okay!?" She hugged him tightly. Madara blinked and smiled hugging her but looked straight " come on we need to leave right now." He got her wrist and ran.

Indra sat up slowly he twisted his arm back to normal " Hu......so she has that..." He kicked the trees off him while standing up dusting himself.
Ashura appeared stepping down calmly with his arms folded " seems you got quite a beating ...."
"Shut up stupid...." Indra stood up holding his broken rib placing it back in place. " seems the girl has a thing for older men." He sniffed around not being able to smell them "hmp.."
" actually ......." Ashura smiled " I saw a photo of her and instead of you know the usual stuff~~ I'm going to marry her~~" Indra looked at him and smacked his head " that's disgusting man!! She's related to you !!"

"So ~?"

Madara stopped walking while he laid in back of a cave wall he slide down slowly. His white hair slowly turned black 'great....I haven't used that form in a long them I'm not able to use my full strength yet....." _(n)_ kneeled down looking at him worriedly " this is all my fault.." she held his hand tightly. Madara looked at her "....it was going to happen anyways..." " who was he..?" " his our ancestor...the uchiha's pretty much..." He closed his eyes slowly while his wounds slowly closed. _(n)_ frowned watching him.

"There you guys are......."

The girl turned quickly. Hashirama smiled holding his arm while Tobirama had an unconscious Sakura. " how !? When!?"_(n)_ smiled happily.

" we saw you two running here..." Hashirama sat on the floor smiling along with Tobirama. _(n)_ looked at Sakura " what happened !?" " we don't know. We found her like that in our home. "
Sakura twitched moving a bit.
Madara opened his eyes slowly seeing them "great......"
((유∀유|||)) I made Ashura and Indra jerks ! So sorry! Lol

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