Let Yourself Fall

By JessyMarieS

779K 50K 9.2K

Noelle, 24 years old and searching for her place in life, encounters Damien, a fascinating man with an myster... More

Let Yourself Fall


10K 871 152
By JessyMarieS


You know, living together is not as easy as I thought. I thought I understood what it meant to live with a man, but living with the man you love and are in a relationship with is an entirely different experience.

"Noelle, for God's sake. Are you serious?" I look up and take another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"What?" I reply with my mouth still full.

He holds up my bra with his pinky finger and glares at me .

I shrug. "Yeah, that's my bra."

"Guess where I found it?" I shrug again. What's his problem? "In the fridge. Noelle, I found your bra in the fridge. Can you please explain that to me?"

"Oh, right – that's where I put it. I was hot, so I wanted to cool it down - just put it back, please!." I look back down at the book in my lap and continue reading.

"Noelle." He growls. "I love you, but you're so messy it's not even funny anymore." My eyes snap up to him.

"Excuse me? Just because my stupid bra was in there? Damn, calm down." Now I'm getting annoyed.

"All I do is clean up after you." I gasp.

"Are you kidding me? That's not true! You know what? Screw you." I get up.

Whoa, that little jerk – He tries to follow me. "Don't you dare come near me right now." He chews on his lower lip and decides to sit down on the edge of the couch. Good decision.

"Look, I'm sorry, but come on, you need to understand me a little bit." I raise my eyebrow and stare at him.

"I don't have to. You're an asshole, and I don't need to know more."

"Come on, Noelle – you're overreacting. I'm simply asking you to... Wait... Are you on your period?" That's it.

I look around to find something really heavy. Ah, my book – 500 pages. Perfect. And I throw it at him. He ducks, and... Damn. I missed him. "You sexist asshole. I'm not on my fucking period! And if you ever say something like that again, I'll make sure that the next book I throw won't miss your stupid head." And he just laughs.

He honestly has the nerve to laugh. I'm going to kill him.

"You're so crazy, and I fucking love you." He's shaking with laughter now .

"I hate you so much. I'm going to sleep in the guest room. This isn't over yet, but I'm tired, and I don't want to go to jail. Goodnight." I turn to leave, and I can still hear him laughing as I let myself fall onto the bed. How many years would I get? Maybe I could make it look like an accident?

"I love you! Sweet dreams, Baby!" he screams. And I glare into the darkness.

"And I hate you!" I scream back.

"No, you don't. You love me." I snort. Nope. "I love it when you make those little snorting noises. My very own Miss Piggy."

I jump out of bed, grab a pillow, and storm back into the living room. I climb on top of him and hit him as hard as I can.

"You stupid, stupid man." I hit him. "Miss Piggy?" I hit him again, and he just laughs. I try to get up, but he holds me back. "I can't believe you." I groan, trying to wriggle out of his tight grip.

"Stay," he pleads and pouts his lips. "No, I hate you." But I'm too tired, so after a few attempts to break free, I give up. "You annoy me so much," I mumble and cuddle closer to him. "Mmh, I know."


"Rise and shine, Beautiful." "Go away. I'm still mad at you." I turn to lie on my belly and pull the blanket over my head.

"Come on, sleepyhead. I made breakfast for us."

"You think you can bribe me with food?"

"Oh no. I think I can bribe you with pancakes." I get up and glare at him. Pancakes, huh? Am I that easy? I look around and see the little table full of food next to the bed. Oh God. I'm definitely that easy.

"I'm still mad. Nothing has changed," I say as I swallow the last piece of pancake.

I'm so full. I lick my fingers one by one and moan. So good. I look up and see Damien staring at me. "Yeah, you look furious." He mocks me and reaches out to wipe the corner of my mouth.

He then licks the chocolate off his finger. Oh. Please put that tongue on me. Damn it, I'm weak. He looks at me knowingly. That cocky bastard.

"Oh, screw you." I groan and get up. "I'm going to take a shower," I call over my shoulder as I reach the bathroom.

"Yes, good idea. Let's take a shower together." He gets up happily and starts following me.

"Uh oh, no. I will. Alone," I say and shut the door behind me, locking him out.

"Heey," he whines, and I chuckle. I pull Damien's shirt over my head and pull my hair up into a ponytail.

"Just think about how I'll run my hands over my wet naked body. Massaging my breasts."

"Noelle!" He growls. "How I'll slide my hands between my thighs. How I'll make myself come."

It's silent outside. Mmh, maybe he went to have a shower himself, but then he speaks up again.

"You're evil." I hear a light bump. I can imagine how he has his head rested against the door.

Silently cursing me.

"Oh, you have no idea, Baby. Mmh. You know I'm standing here naked, about to step into the shower, and I can't wait to start touching myself. Thinking about what you'd do to me in here. Letting me face the wall. Hands over my head. You behind me. Spreading my legs. Can you imagine, Damien? Both wet from the shower, hands gliding over bodies. Can you imagine? Can you?" He clears his throat.

"Let me in! I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week." His fist meets the door a few times. "Damn it, just fucking open the door, you little minx."

I turn on the shower. "Sorry, I can't hear you." I laugh lightly. That's what you get for messing with me. "I'm sorry, Noelle." I turn off the shower. "What did you say?"

"I said, I'm sorry! Can I come in now?" "Nope, but I love you," I say, and I turn on the shower again. "You're an evil, eeevil woman!"

He was right. I can't believe it. He was freaking right. I rest my head on the cool shower wall as the warm water splashes on my back. I'm on my period. This can't be happening. I'm an embarrassment to womankind. I don't know what would've been better: behaving like a madwoman for no reason or actually going nuts, overemotionally because it's that time of the month.

I don't understand how some women don't change at all during these few days, and then there's me; I gain a pound, I get really bad skin, I behave like a bitch, and freaking cry over everything! Oh, of course. Like on cue, tears start streaming down my face.

I'm bonkers. I shake myself out of my trance and shut off the water. I need to face him sooner or later. So let's get this over with. I step out of the shower, get ready, and leave the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me. Just say you're sorry, Noelle. It's not that hard. "Damien, I'm sor..." I begin, but he's not here anymore. Okay... My apology has to wait then. Let's drag this out a little. I walk into his walk-in closet and smile. It's like heaven on earth. I let my hands glide over the soft materials. Jeans, and more jeans, and T-shirts, and suits, and oh, here they are. I snatch a black shirt from its hanger and put it on. It's too big, and I have to roll up the sleeves, but it has the perfect length to cover my lady parts. And it smells like him. Perfect. Aaaand yes, here are his boxers. I grin.

I bring the towel back into the bathroom and check my appearance.

Messy hair? Check. No makeup? Check. Is this a pimple on my nose? Yep. Do I look awful? Check. Do I care? Nope.

"Daaamieeen!" I call out.

"Kiiitcheen," he mocks me. I cover my face with my hands when I reach him.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"For what?" He says into my ear, and I jump back. Huh, he's fast.

"I like you in my clothes. You look beautiful." He gives me a crooked smile.

"Mh... For being so freaking crazy?" I offer, and he just laughs. "Stop laughing. I'm being serious here."

"I understand." He nods his head and scratches his chin. He then cups my cheeks and pecks my lips lightly. "Baby," he says softly. "I'd like to tell you that you're not crazy, but you are." He grins at me.

"Well, thanks a fucking lot."

"We both know that you are. But you know what? I don't fucking care. Because I love you. I love you when you're unreasonable, moody, and absolutely ridiculous. You're not... Mmh, how can I put it? You're not the bad kind of crazy. You're the good kind. You show me that you're really YOU when you're with me. You're not afraid to be you. You have no idea how happy that makes me. You're an amazing woman; you're smart, funny, sexy as hell, loving, caring, and just the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. What kind of man would I be if I didn't love your crazy bits just as much as the rest of you?"

"So you love me even though I'm crazy."

"No. I love you. Period." He doesn't love me even though I have some flaws... He just loves me! And as I realize what he is trying to tell me, a warm feeling rises up in my chest. He really does love all of me.

"I love you too, Damien. Everything about you!" I inhale deeply. "And that's why I have to tell you something... You may or may not have been right." He cocks an eyebrow and looks at me, confused.

"Well, I know that I'm right most of the time, but which time are we talking about?"

"Mmm... I'm on my period," I mumble.

"Babe, you need to look at me and say it again. I didn't quite catch that." Argh.

"I said I'm on my period, and I feel awful, and I want to punch someone. Preferably you. Everything annoys me, and I'm so sorry that I take it out on you."

"So me asking you to make up for earlier is probably not the best idea ever, right?" I glare at him.

 "I'm not going to have sex with you."


"Forget it. Not going to happen. Never in a million years. Nope. Nein. Non. No sex for you." I jump off the stool and take another cupcake. I get the milk out of the fridge and fill a glass for myself. Damien still hasn't moved from his spot and stares a hole into my head.

"Stop pouting." I wipe the crumbs away from the corner of my mouth and empty my glass of milk.

"Damien." No response.

"For how long?" He finally says.

"Ugh, I've reyll bad cramps .. so maybe four days?" He looks shocked.

"Are you really trying to tell me that I can't touch you for fucking four days?" He looks seriously upset about this.

"Damien." I walk over to him and hug him tight.

"Just four days." I kiss his chest.

"What about a blow job?" Unbelievable.

"Maybe." I give in. "Now?"

"Nope. I want more pancakes." I plant myself on the barstool again and shoot him a smile.

"But you just ate..." I raise an eyebrow. I dare you. "Never mind. I'll make you some more."

"Thanks," I say innocently, and he shakes his head when he starts getting all of the ingredients out of the cabinet.

"Love you."

"Yeah yeah, you just want me to feed you."

"Mmh, I love you... and a little bit more when you feed me." Thank God I don't have to date myself. "Geez, thanks."


thanks for reading xx

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