from hate to love

By Aliyah0727

177K 9.5K 2K


from hate to love
Chapter 1-First MeetingMost Embarassing
Chapter 2- New year's Eve
Chapter 3- New Start
Chapter4- Worst Classmate ever
Chapter 5- My House Neighbour
Chapter6- Another Day At Uni
Chapter7- Before BBQ Party(At The Shop)
Chaprter8- BBQ Party
Chapter 9- Aisha And Hussain Love Story
Chapter 10-Mission Aisha-Hussain
Chapter 11- Dinner At My Place
Chapter 12- Love Birds In Uni
Chapter 13- Waqas Birthday Preparation
Chapter 14- Valentine's Day
Chapter 15- Zoya's Entry
Chapter 16- Kabab Mein Haddi(Zoya)
Chapter 17-Revenge Time
Chapter 18-Revenge gone wrong+ Cinema
Chapter 19- Uni and Shopping Mall
Chapter 20- Mrs Whatever
Chapter 21- Tried But Fail
Chapter 22- Atif Birthday....... Surprise!!
Chapter 23- Treat By Aliyah And Shehry
Chapter 24- Mom Is Here!!!
Chapter 25- uni+ home
Chapter 26- Talking about engagement
Chapter 27- Engagement
Chapter 28- Making Pizza With Shehry And Aliyah
Chapter 29- Uni
Chapter 30- Confusion!
Chapter 31- Aliyah and Shehry's fight+shahana reality
Chapter 32- Shahana came to know
Chapter 33- something is wrong
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Rabia Or Rabia?
Chapter 39- He's Here!!
Chapter 40- Back To Houston
Chapter 41- Dunkin' Donuts
chapter 43-Evening At The Girl'sPlace
Chapter 44-
Chapter 45- Welcome Paris
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50(Last Chapter)
Thank you!

Chapter 42- Hyatt Hotel

2.1K 153 56
By Aliyah0727

Hey my lovelies!
An update for u.... OK my silent readers, come on leave some comments and votes......
Well, hope you'll enjoy this chapter

Waqas pov

"Good morning my love" the first sentence I said as rabia picked up the phone
"Good morning sweetheart... how r u" she asked
"I am good and u.... had a good sleep" I asked
"Am fine... yea" she said
"Hey told me something yesterday night" I said
"Hmmm what is it about ?" She asked in a worrying tone
I laughed
"Why r u tensed? Its something that u should be happy.... he said that he'll come at your place to ask for your hand... our wedding" I said
"What!" She exclaimed happily
"R u serious?" She asked and I replied with a big YES
"Thats great news!" She said and I nodded
"He said he'll talk about our engagement too.....that it take place ASAP " I said
"Its finally happening!" She said
"Yea" I replied
"Alhamdulillah" she said
"Btw.... I'll come with mom dad too " I said
"Hmmm.... good.. will get to see u " she said
"That was supposed to be my line.." I said and she giggled
"I love u my bia " I said
"I love u too my waqasuuuuuu" she said stretching the Suuu
"OK.... see u today then my love " I said
"Yea" she said
Waqas! Go and get ready we'll leave in a while
"Hey dad is asking me to get ready.... to come at my hone wale biwi's house" I said and she giggled
"Ouffff.... how I want to see u giggling in front of me " I said
"Come then...." she said
"Ooookiii!!! Am going to get ready.... can't wait to see my fairy" I said

"So.... I've told u about what we wish... we hope that you'll accept that your daughter rabia to get married with waqas " dad said
Its been half and hour since we r here. They r talking about our wedding.... rabia seems tensed...
"Well, I know waqas since long and he's a really nice boy and I don't think there can be someone better than him for our bia " bia's mom said and I couldn't believe my ears....
"Yes. We dont have any problem with this wedding" her dad said
I let out some air from my mouth feeling relieved.... I hugged her dad and looked at her.... she look sooooo happy.... so am I
"Hmmmm.... can I talk to rabia for 2 min.... if u all don't mind " I said
"Of course.... she's yours.... go my dear " her dad said and she blushed
We walked to her room and I closed the door behind us
"OMG OMG OMG am soooooooooo happy my love " she said as she hugged me spinning around the room
"Awwww.... I'm toooooooo" I said
"Alhamdulillah..... have to give the good news to my beauties" she said referring to Aisha aliyah and sarah
"Yup and I've to give to my boys" I said
"Well let's not call them.... but instead let's all meet at Sarah's place and call everyone there and then we'll tell them, what say?" She asked
"I say great idea!" I said excitedly
"Yay!! Lemme call Aisha and told her that we'll be coming" she said and I nodded
"Lemme call hussain " I said

Aliyah pov

"Hello.... yes.... oh that's great... alright.. will wait for u all " Sarah spoke on her phone
"Ok bye" she said and disconnected
"Its bia and she said that everyone will be here this evening great nah " she said and my face went pale
Again I'll not be able to meet him!? OMG shehryaar will be really angry... I've to call him!

Shehry pov

"Hello..... ok bro... superb...of course I'll come... will meet my girl... hahahha.... OK see u then bye" sain said as he entered my room
"It was waqas on the phone....he asked all of us to come at aliyah's place " he said and I didn't reply... he went away...
Oh my God.... what about my plan for this evening.... no no no I can't postpone this.... But i cant ruined their plan... they all must be so excited as they'll meet their loves... but I've already done the booking in Hyatt hotel...hmmm lemme call waqas

"Hello... waqas about this evening u know hmmm " I said
"What happen you won't be able to make it? " he asked
"Yea... actually I planned out a dinner tonight with aliyah soooo hmm...." I said biting my lower lip
"Ohoho.... date night with aliyah... ahan" he said
"Kind of" I replied
"Ok ok ok.... it's alright....rabia and I just wanna say something to u all but don't worry u go and enjoy your DATE " he said
"Really...If u guys have to talk, it must be something special... we won't go then let it be we'll go tomorrow" I said
"Nooo.... u both go.... it's special but don't worry.... tomorrow we'll come at aliyah's place ... " he said
"If it's that important, we r definitely not going! " I said
"No! U both will go and that's final!" I said
"No we r not!" I said
"Alright... see yourself.... if u r not going then am not coming at Sarah's place and I won't tell anyone.... only tomorrow I'll tell all of u... you'll not know anything today as bia and I won't say anything.... u choose, either sit at home or on a 'date' with aliyah" he said
Allah this guy! Stubborn he is!
"Alright..We'll go and tomorrow u are definitely telling us alright " I said
"Good..... yes shehry tomorrow we will definitely tell u all....see u tomorrow then " he said and I nodded
"Yup" I replied

After waqas disconnected I msg aliyah
Me: U coming today?
Aliyah: actually waqas said that he will be at my place with bia this evening, and you all will come too,sooo.....
Me: I've already talked with waqas and they r not coming today but tomorrow so be ready.
Aliyah: what but he said that they will come today
Me: I've told him that am taking u out so he said that don't worry they'll come tomorrow
aliyah: shehry just because of our plan u ruined theirs! Waqas said that they have something important to say and u..... pfffff

Allah! This girl.... no my princess.... waqas was being too stubborn thats y we r going.... or else I would have never take u out when waqas said he has something to say... we r going just because waqas himself said

Me: No I Absolutely didnt....I'll tell u when I'll meet u this eveing....Are u coming or not?
Aliyah: hmmmm....see u this evening <3

Oufff.... what should I wear today? I opened my wardrobe and my eyes caught sight of my white shirt
Ohhh yea!
I took out my white shirt, black tie and black pants! Perfect

Aliyah pov

Well if shehryaar said that waqas is coming tomorrow then it must be waqas himself who told him to go out with me cause I know shehryaar will never spoil their plans

Its already 6.00 p.m... I opened my wardrobe to see what to wear...I saw my back dress. That will be good

I changed myself and did my makeup....after I wore my hijab I heard a knock on the door
"Come in" I said
"Mashaallah you r looking very pretty" zay said as he enter
"Where are u going?" He asked
"Hmmm actually, shehryaar told me to go out with him tonight so....." I said
"Ahan..... Ok.... yea I know yesterday he planned to meet u and we all went there with u.... couldn't u have told us?" He said
Where did he get to know that!
"Uhhhmmm no.... nothing like this bro.... we didn't have any plan... it was just... " I said
"Am not some stranger with whom u will say that and I'll believe... shehry told me that u were supposed to meet him yesterday " he said
Really! This shehry! He cant keep anything to him! He told bro
"Ohhh... yea... and he said as u all came that's y he's taking me out for a dinner today" I said
"That's good.... enjoy yourselves" he said
We went downstairs and Aisha gave me her car keys to go
Beep beep!!
Sarah looked from the window and said
"Look! your prince charming is here outside... keep Aisha's car key here and go with him "
I smiled and walk outside
"Aliyah wait " zay said
He put his hand around my shoulder and said
"Have fun"
and I smiled at him and nodded
"And hey.... keep it halal ok" he whispered and winked
"Bro!" I said and slapped him on his arm
He laughed and said
"Just joking... ok gooooo.... he's waiting!" He said and I smiled
I said bye and went Outside... there he is!

White shirt, black tie, black pants, hair on fleek as usual.... ouufff he's killing....
I walk to the car and he smiled at me. He opened the door and I said thank u
"Music?" He asked as he started the car
"Hmm sure" I said
Oookkk.... y r we behaving as if we have met for the first Time?
Ohhh maybe he's waiting for me to say sorry for yesterday
I looked at him and his eyes were focused on the road and he was smiling.
"Hmmm shehry am so-" I said but he interrupted
"Finally u agreed to come " he said
"Of course... y wouldn't I come? Ohhh... I know u said waqas told u to go out with me and u thought I am angry as you, I mean we spoiled their plan.... No. I know u won't do something like that. Am sure waqas must have really insisted that's y we r going" I said while looking at him
"And what if I say I refused him and told him that we can't meet today as I've to take u out? What if I say I myself told him not to come?" He said and I looked at him
Is he serious!!
"No.... even if u r saying this, I won't believe u.... I know u won't do something like that" I said
He grabbed my hand and I looked at him. He kissed the back of my hand and I gulped....
Y am I feeling strange today? I've butterflies in my stomach and all.
He didn't leave my hand. I tired to move it a bit but his grip tightened around my fingers. His eyes focused on the road and he's smiling?
Ooppsss.... I forgot to say sorry...
"Hmm shehryaar am so-" I said but he interrupted once again
"U nervous?" He asked
"Uhhh- who me? Hmmm no" I said and he smiled and didn't say anything
"Then y were u trying to remove your hands from mine some min ago? And y are u rolling your engagement ring with your thumb?" He asked and I shut my eyes due to nervousness. My grip around his hand tightened.... seriously! He's looking at the road and he still knows what am doing?

We finally reached there and he opened the door for me. He took my hand in his and we walked inside
He talked to a waiter and then told me to come
We went upstairs where there was no one. There was a table for two, a beautifully decorated background and a beautiful view. Stars and a full moon above us and infront there was the sea.
Speechless! That's so beautiful
We were in a balcony type place and beautifully arranged. Its just amazingly beautiful
"Thats so pretty " I said
"U like it" he asked as his head snapped at me
"I love it" I said and he smiled
"Hmmm, aren't there more people in the hotel? Like we r alone here, upstairs " I said
"I reserved this place for us" he replied
That's so sweet of him
We stood and faced the sea, my hand still in his.
"R u still nervous?" He said as he faced the sea
"Still? Hmmmm no I wasnt and am not" I said
I was actually nervous and I don't know y!
"Ohhh really! Then when I asked u in the car if u were nervous, u held my hand tightly and that was due to nervousness right?" He said looking at me
"My God! Seriously, u know me sooooo well!" I said and he smiled "of course. How come i won't" he said
He wrapped his hand around me.
He side hugged me and I hugged him back. He kissed me on my forehead and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
"Come" he said
We walked to the table. A waiter came with a big bouquet of roses.
"Sir, the roses which u ordered are here" he said
Shehry walked to him and took the bouquet
"Thanks" he said and gave him a tip
"Thank u Sir. Enjoy your evening Sir and madam" he said and I nodded and smiled at him
He walked away and shehryaar came to me
"Well, a lovely bouquet of roses for a lovely girl" he said as he offered me the flower
"That's so sweet of u" I said as I took the bouquet
"Thank u for this amazing bouquet my love" I said
"Anything for u my princess" he said and kissed my forehead again
"Lets have our food" he said
I kept the flowers aside and the waiter came. We ordered our food.

After we ate, we sat on a bench. His hand around me and I kept my head on his shoulder and his head on mine.
"So yesterday you have brought the bouquet for me but didn't give it to me in front of them.... and then! You pretended that it's for maha" I said
"And ohh, am sorry for yesterd-" I said but there he goes again! He interrupted again
"Yup. I bought it for u... but see I've got u a bigger one today" he said
"Bigger or smaller. That doesn't count. What count is who bought it for u. Even if u had bought only one rose for me, it would have been equal to this bouquet to me" I said
He kissed my forehead again
"Am proud to have a fiancée like you" he said
"Of course... after all whose fiancée am I" I said with attitude and he laughed
"Hey.... am sorry for yester-" I said but ouff he won't let me complete my sentence
"I love you" he said
"Wait!" I said
I cupped his face and made him look at me
"Am trying to say sorry since we were in the car and then there's u who's interrupting me again and again! See I am sorr-" I said but he kept his finger on my lip
"Shhhh" he said. My eyes met his brown eyes.
"U don't have to say sorry. It's not your fault that they came Ok... stop trying to say sorry now" he said
He removed his finger and i kept looking at him
"What?" He said
"Ohhh btw, I said something but u didnt reply" he said
How can he be this amazing!?
"Hello! Where r u lost" he snapped his fingers in front of my face
"Ohhhh hmmm... I don't know... what did u say??" I asked
He came closer to me
"I said I love you" he whispered
"I love you too" I said and he hugged me
"Hmmm I got something for u" he said
"For me?" I asked
"No for the waiter. Of course I just said for u" he said and I mentally face palmed myself
He took out a red box.
He opened it
"Thats for u" he said
A beautiful ring in which was the letter 'A' and 'S'
"Oh my gosh that's so pretty!!" I said
He took my right hand and slide the ring in my finger
"It looks prettier in your hand" he said and kissed my hand
"Thank u" I said and he kissed my forehead
"Anything for my princess" he said
"I love youuuu" I said
"I love u toooooo" he replied
" by the wayyy, u r looking gorgeous" he said and I felt my cheeks turning pink
"Thank u.... and so r u... u r looking sooo handsome
.. white shirt and black tie really suits u... I really love it when u wear this" I said
"I know" he said with attitude
"Ohhh really" I said raising one eyebrow at him
"Yesss reallyyyyy" he said and started tickling me
Seriously! Stoppp! I can't breathe when someone tickles me!!
"Shhehryyyy!!! Stoppp" I said in between my laugh
"One condition!" He said
"I accept all your conditions! Stoppp! Please!!!" I said While laughing
Finally he stopped
"Ouffff.... say now... what's the condition?" I asked
"Nop.... am not telling u now... I'll tell u tomorrow" he said and winked
"Ok Lets go for now and wait for tomorrow" he said and winked
we walked to the car. He turned on the radio and drove back home

After sometimes we reached home. We stepped outside and I took the bouquet.
"Thank you for making this evening a really beautiful one for me" I said
"This evening was beautiful because u came... u made this evening beautiful" he said
I hugged him and whispered goodnight in his ear
"Goodnight" he said
I walked when he held my hand and stopped me
"Where's my goodnight kiss" he said bringing his cheeks forward
I gave him a kiss and said Goodnight now go bye
"How can I go without giving u your goodnight kiss?" He said
He brought me closer and kissed me too
"Ok.... go now my baby.... goodnight.... I Love You" I said
"I Love You more... bye" he said and left my hand
I went inside my room and kept the bouquet on the table across my bed. I drew the curtain from my balcony and Allah!
He was shirtless.... he was actually changing. He then wore his black shirt and he lied down in his bed.
I took my phone and msged him
Me: at least draw your curtains when u r changing
Him: hahahahaah... ahaan u were looking at me
Me: no... I was just passing near my balcony and I saw u
Him: hmmm.. well what's the use of drawing the curtains when it's only u who'll see me
Me: yea yea....
Him: what 'yea yea?'
Me: nothing... goodnight
Him: Oookkk.... goodnight bye. I Love You My Princess
Me: good..... bye... I Love You More My Prince.


Ok..... here's my update....
And btw
This story will end soon.. Happy? Sad?
For nooowwww, leave me some comments and do vote
Take care my loves. I Love You All

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