Roommates (A Maximum Ride Fan...

By itchyforirwin

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Lissa and Max despise each other. They can barely stand in the same room as the other. Unfortunately, they ar... More



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By itchyforirwin

Chapter 2

Fang POV

I walked up to Lissa's door and knocked. A few seconds passed and a really hot girl answered the door. She had hair the color of honey with natural brown lowlights. Her lips were naturally pink and perfectly shaped. She had tan skin and chocolate eyes. I stared at her for a second while she asked if I was looking for Lissa.
"Yeah, I'm Fang." I said offering her my hand. She took it and introduced herself as Max, Lissa's roommate.
"Lissa's not here, so you can come in and wait for her." she said stepping aside. I walked into the dorm and heard music playing.


Fang walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, bobbing his head to the music. I sat on the opposite side of the couch and turned the music up. It was Modest Mouse's The World At Large.
"Ice age, heat wave, can't complain..."
"I love this band." Fang said
"Really? Me too." I said. "My friends and I love them." we talked about their songs for 10 minutes.
"What other bands do you listen to?" he asked.
"Paramore, Incubus, Breaking Benjamin, Panic! At the Disco, Linkin Park, etc. Those are my favorite ones."
"Those are my favorite bands too." Fang said looking at me.
"Weird," I said looking into his eyes. We both sat there, not moving. His eyes had trapped me.

Just then the front door opened and Lissa walked in. Both mine and Fang's heads turned toward her.
"Oh, Fangy!" she said when she saw Fang. Her annoyingly high voice becoming higher at the end. "I'm so sorry you had to listen to this crap." she said wrinkling her nose in distaste.
"I don't think it's crap." Fang said.
"Oh," Lissa said looking uncomfortable, "I'm still sorry you had to deal with...her." she glared at me.
"She was fine." Fang said. "Are you ready to go?"
"Just give me a sec." she turned on her heel and closed her bedroom door behind her.
"Something tells me you don't like each other." Fang turned to me.
"No we don't. At all." I answered. Lissa didnt come out for 20 minutes, so Fang and I talked about our favorite songs. He had the same taste in music and all the same favorite bands.

We were listening to Panic! At the Disco's I Write Sins Not Tragedies when Lissa came out in 4 inch heels, a tight jean miniskirt, and a sequined tank top.
"Ready!" she said.
"Took you long enough." I muttered under my breath. The sides of Fang's mouth twitched at my comment. He stood and followed Lissa towards the door.
"Nice meeting you, Max." he said before closing the door. I say there surprised that Lissa was dating someone nice before turning off the music and turning on the TV.

Fang POV

I drove Lissa and I to the movies and bought our tickets. I was puzzling over why I had talked so much around Max. I probably said more than I usually say in a week. It was like Max sucked all the information out of me like a vacuum. Her big chocolate eyes kept popping up into my head.

I didn't even realize the movie was over before Lissa tugged my hand. Why can't I get Max out of my head? I pondered on the drive to Lissa's dorm.
"Fang?" Lissa looked at me.
"Huh?" we were in front of her door.
"Aren't you gonna kiss me goodnight?"
"Oh yeah, sorry." I leaned in to kiss her. Her lips met mine. Her kiss didn't feel right but I stayed where I was. She pulled back and said "Goodnight,". Her door slammed shut before I could get the word out.


Lissa walked in at 9ish. She walked straight to her room and slammed the door. I was eating popcorn on the couch watching TV. The popcorn was slightly burnt and I mentally groaned that I couldn't even make popcorn. I really am a terrible cook. I had just turned on "The Proposal".

When the movie finished, I turned the TV off and headed to my room. I pulled up the covers and climbed into bed. Fang had been running through my mind ever since he and Lissa left for their date. He was so different from Lissa's other boyfriends. He didn't try to hit on me and he wasn't full of himself. This was Lissa's first boyfriend I might actually become friends with. The last thing that popped into my head were Fang's obsidian eyes.

"Maxie Waxie!" someone sang.
"What?" I groaned not moving.
"Maxie, get up!" they said pulling the covers off me.
"Hey!" I said reaching for the blankets.

Iggy stood at the edge of the bed holding my blankets, smiling. I glared at him but he didn't miss a beat.
"Oh good, you're up." he said. I rolled my eyes and sat at the edge of the bed.
"I'm making eggs and bacon." Iggy said walking out of the room.

I grabbed a Gorillaz T-shirt and slipped that on with a black skirt that went to my knees. It felt weird wearing a skirt but I knew if I didn't wear one Nudge, Ella, and Angel would yell at me. I started to walk to the kitchen but as soon as I crossed the threshold, without looking up, Iggy said "Ah, ah, ah." I glared at the back of his head and walked to the living room.

After 3 minutes of waiting I turned upside down with my head hanging off the edge of the seat and my legs slung over the back. The blood started to rush to my head so I lifted it a little then put it back in its original position. I continued this for 5 minutes until Iggy came out with 2 plates in his hands. I turned right side up as he sat next to me, handing me a plate.
"Seriously?" Iggy said to me with an eyebrow raised.
"I was bored!" I said shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth. It took me 5 minutes to finish my plate of food.
"Ready to go?" Iggy asked.
"Hold on." I said while walking to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy ponytail. I pulled on some gray high top converse, grabbed my keys, and headed to the door.
"Ready." I said to Iggy.

We headed for the local amusement park, Coasters. Once we were inside we met up with the gang in the games area.
"Let's go on some rides!" I said already starting toward the coasters.

3 roller coasters later, I was exhilarated. We took a break and went for the food booths. I had 3 corndogs and a large coke.
"Hungry much?" someone asked from behind me. I turned in my seat to see a guy looking at me, with a smirk on his face. He had turquoise eyes and sandy blonde hair. He was at least 6'1" which is a good 4 inches taller than me. I narrowed my eyes at him and said "Yes, got a problem with that?"
"Not at all, I like women who can eat." he said and took on a cocky look as if he already won me over. I put on a sweet smile and said "Oh, really?"
"Yeah, the names Dylan." he said.
"Hi Dylan," I said standing up from my chair and walking over to him. "My name is you better run." I said when I was only an inch from him. He took on a confused look as I grabbed his shoulders, then he understood but it was too late. I brought up my knee hard and hit that douche in the balls.

The gang was already running in the other direction as Dylan doubled over. We ran around corners and away from the food booths. We stopped running at a bench and all looked at each other. All of us started cracking up.
"That...was...hilarious, Max!" both Nudge and Angel said between laughs.
"Did you see the look on his face?" Ella said laughing harder.
"That was priceless!" Gazzy said.

We all laughed for a few more minutes before looking to see what part of the park we were in. It looked like the games section.
"Wanna play some games?" I asked.
"Sure," everyone said.

I walked over to a booth and handed the girl there a dollar. She handed me 3 balls and stepped aside. I knocked over the bottles in 1 throw. She handed me a big stuffed Tiger.
"Your turn, Iggy." I said and looked at him nodding my head slightly towards Ella. He nodded his head in understanding. He handed the cashier a dollar and won a big stuffed bear.

He looked at me nervously and I gave him a slight nod.
"Here you go, Ella." he said handing the bear to her.
"Thanks Iggy!" Ella said squishing the bear in a hug.
"I was just you want to, uh, maybe sometime, um, go out with me?" he said with a hand holding the back of his neck.
"I'd love to, Iggy." Ella said giving him a smile.
"Really?" he said looking happy.
"Yes." she said grabbing his hand.

They held hands the rest of the day, rarely letting go.


I dropped off Iggy and parked my car. It was only 5 so I walked toward the subway about 3 blocks from campus. I was outside of subway when I saw Dylan inside. I ducked and tried to think.
"Max?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned and saw Fang behind me. An idea struck me. "Fang! Can you do me a favor?"
"Uh, sure?" he said looking confused.
"Good! Can you pretend to be my boyfriend for like 10 minutes? Great!" I said pulling Fang into subway with me. I slipped my hand into his as we walked to the counter. Warmth spread through me from his touch. I shrugged it off.
"You," I heard Dylan say as he made his way towards me from a table.
"What about her?" Fang asked Dylan with such an intense glare even I flinched.
"That bitch kneed me in the balls earlier." Dylan spat not noticing Fang and mines joined hands.

Noticing this Fang slipped his arm around my waist and said "That's my girl." giving me an admiring look. His arm that encircled me made me feel warm. I smiled up at Fang and Dylan huffed and stormed out.

When I was sure Dylan wouldn't come back, I slipped out of Fang's arm, immediately regretting it.
"Thanks," I said looking down.
"No problem," Fang said. I ordered my sandwich and walked back to my dorm with Fang.

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