Jeff the Killer (love story)

By Creapypastastories

27.9K 1K 293

Who am I? My names Shinna, that girl that really doesn't matter to anyone. At school, at home, anywhere reall... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chaster 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
~ A/N ~

Chapter 25

340 19 19
By Creapypastastories

"I been lying to keep my secret hidden, but soon its gonna hurt them badly"

"Why can't I do anything about this?" I wanna runaway and never come back but I can't do that now can I. No I must stay and fight for everyone Even though I was dead to everyone before I became this "proxy".

I began to walk down a path in the dark deep woods I been in so long. Nothing seem to stop running around my head about what I had to do, the dreams I been having. The more I walked the more I felt uneased. I started to feel sick to my stomach and it got so bad that it hurt to even pressed my hand against it. If I was going crazy I could of sworn I was seeing the shadows of the trees moving around me. "Oh shit" was all I could say before a Shadow raced to me and threw me back making me hit my back hard against a tree. I started coughing hard trying to recover the air that was knocked out of me. I stood up and ready myself for a fight that I already knew wouldn't be easy or fair. The hits never came though just a uncomfortable silence again. Nothing made a sound, nothing moved it was really awkwardly quiet. I wasn't afraid but I was afraid to be caught and to let the world be murdered by things they can't fight back to. Their lives were on my hands and I wasn't about to just give up and let it happen. I sighed and kept walking in random directions anywhere but here. I started to here birds chirp now and it made me feel a bit safe. I don't know how to get back to the mansion I really want to go back I hate being alone. I got so use to having someone around me, now I'm alone.

Shinnas POV

I kept walking in the forest with memories of back at the mansion replaying in my head over and over again. I really did missbit there but now no one but slenderman knows where I'm at where I'm going and who I am. Nothing seem to stop me from thinking about it all it just wouldn't stop and I couldn't allow it to go away. I was stuck with the memories that I miss so dearly. These woods kept getting thicker and darker the more I walked but nothing could scare me now. My head is to clouded to even think or emotions right now. Deep inside I feel so lost but on the outside I'm the same.

Jeff's POV

I can't believe shinna thought I left her. I didn't mean to make it seem that way but why jack ? Why would she go with jack. I loved her I .... I admit it I love her. Now that she's with jack I can't get her back into my arms. Gone for two years is far too long for me handle at this moment. Emotions swarming around in my head and nothing seems to matter anymore that I lost my blossom. My blossom will soon wither and I can't being her back she's withering and I can't do anything about it because she's not mine. I WANT HER TO BE MINES AND MINE ONLY. no one can take my flower my sunshine my girl. I will get her back and this time she will stay mine. Her face and her body scent kept reminding me of her. The clothes she left here are now faded from her body scent. I can't believe she goes with eyeless freak. Shit how could I have lost her like that I want her back !

"Blossom let me explain to you when i see you again, I never meant to hurt you I promise you my life, blossom let's get together again, I swear to I'll never run and hide, baby I don't want this love I have for you to burn out. "

Shinnas POV

Where am I going I feel like this place is familiar yet I'm not suppose to be here. I kept walking and soon I see a nice huge house up ahead I run to it and its the "mansion". I freak out and walk backwards but I backed into jack I turned around and hug him but he pushes me off and takes his mask off a little.

"Shinna your not suppose to be here how did you get here ?"

"I didn't mean to come here it just popped into view so I ran but I was here."

"If je..."

"SHINNA !!! ~runs to her and wraps hod hands around her~"

I hug him back but jack puts his mask back on and walks away I'm confused but I kinda did miss jeff jack isn't emotional he does love me but its hard to notice how he shoes it. Jeff and me use to do the amazing things together but I can't remember them that much I'm nineteen now and Jeff might be twenty and I really did miss him. He's gotten taller and built, hard to keep my eyes off him. 'Does he still love me or did he replace Me?'

"Where have you been I been looking for you since forever since a week you disappeared well when I came back. I can't believe your here you gotten a little taller and you more beautiful than before your eyes are so bright and your... Pale. Why are you so pale shinna ?"

"Well I don't know ~scratches arm~ I haven't been eating lately and well I been in the woods not much sunlight comes through so yea"

Jeff looks at me and then out of no where he caught me off guard and kisses me. He pulls my body closer and rubs his hands down my body making shivers go throughout my whole body and making a few noises come from my mouth. I bit his lower lip but I saw jack running towards us and he grabs me roughly and jeff punches him across the face and I fall to my knees. I look up to see jeff and jack fighting and I don't know what to do or day. I hate to see them fighting over me jeff did have me first and jack made jeff run away and that's how jack got me so I always loved jeff. Jeff kicked jack and sent him a couple feet away from him and I couldn't watch this I ran in front of jeff and kissed him and jack yelled and I shushed him.

"I always still had a heart for jeff jack you made him run away if he didn't leave he would of went with me not you. But either way I had to leave and I wasn't suppose to come back this just happened so please forgive me I would like to be alone now." ~walks off~

I walked away and they both just stared as I walked away from them. I walked around the mansion and made my way into the back and looked around a little to occupy my mind a little since I was getting a little bored being alone. I saw smile and he jumped on me and licked my face. His breathe smelled like death. I laughed and got up from the ground while smile was barking and jumping up and down. I wiped the dirt and dead leaves off my clothes and walks in the back door of the mansion and walk down the hall trying to find my room that I forgot was mine. No one saw me yet so I made my way upstairs and finally found my old room. I walked in and layed down on the bed that was dusty and dirty I coughed a little with the dust flying in my mouth and all. I got up and shook the covers till the dust stopped falling off it. I layed down and tried to glue the peices together. Before I knew it I was drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Jeff's POV

Did she really mean that ? Does she still love me more than jack or is she confused and doesn't know what she want. I hope she can come back to me I really love her even though at first I didn't wanna admit it to anyone but Now I do. I want shinna, I love shinna, I NEED shinna. Im not desperate I just really love her and I want her to be mine again plus I promised I would protect her with my life and that's what I will do till I die.
"I love you shinna"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter should there be a sequel or no hähä up to y'all my creepy ones (: check me out on YouTube HasTager PvP gamer I have only one video please subscribe to me I'm a game nerd so if you wanna actually play with me join this server I'm always on at night you'll have to register and all 1.5.2 minecraft as well its a server so can't wait to see you there if you come so haaha bai !

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