
By honeymoonlwt

11.8K 629 98

Charlotte is a fan who has a complicated life, especially because of her father. She moves to London for her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 34

81 5 2
By honeymoonlwt

Recommended song: tell me a lie

It takes me one hour to return home. The journey is terrible, I can't stop crying and I can't find my way back.

I have no other option than breaking up with Harry. I don't want to make him suffer, so it would be better if he's the one who gets fed up of me and breaks up, and for this I need to give him a good reason. I guess I will have to act like a total annoying bitch so he can hate me enough to break up and I don't have to do it myself and break his heart at the same time.
When I park in the driveway, I take a deep breath, wipe my tears away and try to relax before getting out of my car. This week won't be easy, but I have to be effective because if we haven't broken up by the end of the weekend,...
I shake my head as I don't want to think about what would happen next if I messed up and open the door of the house.

"Char, finally ! Where have you been ? you left for Four hours !" Harry shouts, clearly worried.

"And ? I told you I was at the shopping mall." I answer sharply.

He looks at me quite confused then looks at my empty hands.

"You left for four hours and didn't even buy anything ?"

"Oh it's fine ! Can you stop being on my back ?" I snap

"On your back ?! How so ?! I was just worried to see you gone for so long, that's all !" He retorts

"Yeah, well, stop worrying about me for once, you're not my father" I snap, avoiding his gaze. I feel so bad for being so harsh to him, he doesn't deserve it at all.

He looks at me speechless and I raise my eyebrow before leaving the room and slamming the door.
This is so difficult, I won't be able to keep it this way for the whole week. I sit on the floor of the corridor, leaning against the wall, my head between my knees.

"Is everything okay Charlotte ?"

I raise my head and see Zayn standing in front of me, a beer in his hand and his phone in his other one. How should I act with him ?
Maybe I could use him to make Harry hates me.

"Harry is just pissing me off" I sigh

"How so ? You've just met him again !" He frowns, sitting next to me.

"I know but he's so clingy and always on my back. He never gives me any peace, and I don't know, he just annoys me"

"He seems to be a good boyfriend though"

"Seems. It doesn't mean he is" I snap

"Wow is it really that bad between you two ?"

I don't answer and look away. Acting is definitely not my thing.

"You love him don't you ?" Zayn asks hesitantly.

Of course I do, idiot.

"Yes ! I mean... I don't know. Maybe..." I look down and he sighs.

"Anyway, don't get involved with all this please" I suddenly say harshly and get up.

"Sure, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help" he answers with a twisted smile. He's so sweet, I can't believe I'm treating him like this.

I step in the living room where Harry is sat on the sofa, playing the guitar with Niall.
I try to avoid him and grab my handbag.

"Where are you going ?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"Why do you have to know ?"

"Because I care"

"Well, I'm going home" I snap opening the door. He catches up with me, closes it and stands against it, preventing me from getting out.

"Get away !" I order

"Why are you leaving already ? What is wrong ? Did I do something wrong ?"

"I just want to get home ! I don't have to be with you all the time"

"Of course you don't, but I haven't seen you for three weeks!" He pouts

"Too bad !" I shrug before pushing him to open the door and leave the house.
Once I'm outside, I hear him talking to Niall.

"What happened to her ? She's been acting like a bitch since she came back from the mall"

"Maybe she's on her period" Niall chuckles

"Did she talk to you Zayn ?"

"Yes, she said..."

I walk away and join my car, I don't want to hear any more. Tears are rolling down my cheeks when suddenly the music is replaced by a voice.

Good job Charlotte, you're more effective than I thought. Oh and by the way , I think you should call your friend Hanna, she's been very sick all day.

"Fuck you !" I yell, recognising the psycho's voice.

Ew don't be rude

She's fucking hacked my car. She's watching me, she knows everything I do, she listens to every single conversation I have. This is hell.

Before going to sleep, I decide to call Hanna.

"Hey Hanna !"

"Char !"

"How are you ? I heard you were -"

"What's happening with you Char ?" She interrupts

"What ?"

"Louis called me. He said you've been very rude with Harry and that you don't know if you still love him ? What the hell !"

God no, I didn't need this now.

"Just drop it Han'" I sigh

"No, you -"

"I said drop it ok ?!" I shout

"What's wrong with you ?"

"Nothing Hanna, I just don't want you to get involved in this"

She sighs but doesn't add anything.

"Ok well I have to go, bye"

"Bye" she snaps, probably angry at me.

I hang up and turn off the light, immediately falling asleep.


The next morning, I'm woken by a knock at the door.
I get up and head to the living room. I open the door and see Harry. He looks very tired.
I grin at him and step towards him but suddenly remember what happened yesterday and the role I have to play.

"What are you doing here ?" I snap, rolling my eyes.

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to go to the park with me. And also I wanted to apologise for yesterday, I'm sorry if I've been too clingy"

I am the one being a bitch to him and he is apologising ? This boy is way too adorable, he doesn't deserve anything I put him trough. I wanna pull him into a hug and tell him that's it's not his fault and that I'd love to go out with him but all I can say is:

"Yes you have ! Well ok for the park but make an effort"

"Okay ..." He says, surprised at my answer. He was probably expecting me to apologise for yesterday and act normal again. But nope.

"Wait for me to get ready, I will be back soon"

I don't even invite him to come in and lock myself in the bathroom. I decide to take ages to get ready, hoping to piss him off even more. An hour later, I get out of the bathroom, wearing some horrible jogging pants and a baggy top which don't match in the slightest. I wear no make up and my hair in a mess, but I want, I mean I need, him to be disgusted with me.

"What took you so long ?"

"Oh shut up, I was quick"

"Are you going to go out like this ?" He hesitates, staring at me.

"Yes, and ? Are you going to control the way I dress as well now ?"

"No but-"

"No buts. Let's go" I snap and exit the flat.

Wow I'm better at playing the bitch that I thought.

We walk for ten minutes without saying a word before he finally breaks the silence.

"What are you thinking about ?"

"So what, you wanna control my thoughts too now ?"

"Hell no, I -"

"I was just thinking about how annoying this walk is"

"Wow ok" he sighs. He's so patient with me, how has he not lost his temper yet with me ?

"Charlotte, what's wrong ? Is it because of me or is it something else ?"

"You're so selfish, stop thinking everything is about you"

"Then explain to me Charlotte, because I don't understand what are you being such an douche with me ?" He says harshly.

"A douche ? So you're insulting me now ?" I laugh at him.

"No I'm not ! I just want to know what's wrong" he frowns.

"Fine" I sigh. "You"

"Me ? So it's because of me then ?" He frowns again.


"Why ?"

There's an awkward silence when I try to think something to tell him. But I can't find anything.

"So ?"

"Fuck off Harry, I don't have to justify myself all the time. Why are you so annoying ?"

Wow did I really just say that ?

I look away to hide my astonishment.

"Annoying ? Seriously ? You've been the one annoying me since yesterday. You're acting like a selfish bitch ! I don't know what is wrong with you but you have to stop being like this or it's over !" He shouts, finally loosing his temper.

"Oh you you're threatening me now ? Anyway you don't have the guts to break up with me" I provoke him.

He stares at me with an angry face. He looks scary when he's angry.

"Oh really ? Because I'm doing it now. Come back when you're less bitchy" he snaps and walks away.

Once he's away, I sigh in relief. It's done, and it only took me two days. Now my friends and family are safe. I wipe away the tears that are rolling down my cheeks. What will happen now ? Will Harry be happy ? Will I ever see him or the boys again ? Is that fucking psycho going to contact me again ?

I sigh again and walk towards my flat.


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