wolf by mistake

apollossunshine द्वारा

296 23 76

a girl and her boyfriend are walking on a path home and are attacked by wolves she awakes in a strange house... अधिक

prologue Sophia-A walk in the woods
Chapter 1Sophia-Stranger than wonderland
Chapter 2 Andrew-My misgivings
Chapter 4 Andrew-A Painful Mistake
Chapter: 7 Andrew- consequences of my mistake
Chapter 8: Sophia- Its never easy saying goodbye
Chapter: 9 Andrew her pain was to much to handle
Chapter 10 :Sophia - A day in town
Chapter 11 :Andrew - redecorating

Chapter 5: Sophia-When He Fell At My Feet

12 1 8
apollossunshine द्वारा

I'm sorry it took me so long to write another chapter my thing broke and I finally  got a new one
                                                              Thank you for reading

As a wolf my vision changed. My ability to smell increased ten fold. A guy comes stumbling to in front of my room. They all surrounded him. I can barley see him, but they move, and I catch a glimpse of his eyes. He falls to the floor. Sam runs to him.

"Andrew. What?" He looks back at me. Fear in his eyes. "Oh no."

What have I done I try to say, but all that comes out is,  "Aaarrrrrhhh!" A barking noise.

He looks in my eyes. He looks in my eyes and he closes his eyes.

"Aaaaaarrrrrrhhhh!" I growl and groan, trying anything to ask what is wrong. Nothing comes out but barks and groans. They start to carry him away. I try to follow but they push me back in my room.

"Aaaaaarrrrrhhhhhh!" I protest. They close the door and I'm locked in just because I can't twist the handle. I try to break down the door even though i know this wont work. Fear running through me and my body sore and aching.

I look for a way to get out but I see none. There is strong scent of dirt driving my senses insane. I have no idea what it is or where its coming from. All I want to do is get out from here and find that scent and get rid of it. I realize that I'm loosing touch with my human self. It becomes harder to think abstract thoughts, and i feel as though everything I have ever known is skipping away.

I lay down on the bed and wait for what seems like forever and I don't change back. I fear I will never change back. That I will loose touch with my human self forever. I focus on me as a human. Robert. My dad. My Mom. My sister. My house. My friends. Anything that seems human but that don't work. I focus on the sun. Bright, yellow-white light shining though the trees on a hot summer day. I feel as though im there the breeze blowing though my hair with every cell in my body i wanted to be there right know wearing my american flag shorts and my white tank top. Pain shoot's through my body as my bones shift.

I try not to scream, howl whatever. It don't work the pain of shifting is too much. I almost pass out again. But finally I change into my self. I'm actually me. I am so glad to be me. My mind clears up and I can think straight. My clothes are shredded, and my whole body is shaking. My mind can't wrap around what just happened to me. My whole life has changed, because of one mistake. I find the strength to get to the dresser, and find a T-shirt and some sweat pants. I quickly put them on, and rush to find out what's going on. Fear enclosing my mind. Questions rushing through my mind. What have I done? What's happening? Why me? Why him? Where is Robert?

I rush to the group of people outside of a door. I can't see.
"Let me through!" I yell. Pushing my way through the crowd. I have almost made it through the crowd. A girl with dark brown hair, blue-gray eyes, and a friendly smile came over. She had a feel of danger about her. She pulled me back out of the crowd.

"Here let's go in the living room." She said in a calm voice. "There are to many people in here as it is," she said pulling me after her. My body still aching and weak from my shift, but questions rush out.

"Who are you? Who is he? What's going on? What did I do? What's happening to me? Where is Robert? Can I be cured? I need to see my family they will be worried." I said all at once in a hurry.

"Shhh. Its OK. Andrew will be fine. Sam is taking care if him. I don't know when you can see your family, and I don't know if you can be changed back. You didn't do anything. I don't know who Robert is or where he is, but you need to calm down and Sam will answer your questions after he gets done with Andrew." She said.

I followed her to the living room. We sit on the couch.

"Calm down," she says reaching out and touching my hand and I realize my whole body is shaking. I can't get his face out of my head.

"How am I supposed to calm down." I ask truly meaning it. "My whole life changed. I just found out werewolves exist. They have been living around me this whole time he is one and so am I now. I don't know where Robert my boyfriend is, and I think I hurt that other boy, and I don't even know how. I can't go back to my family like this, and I don't know if I will ever be normal again everything I wanted is gone now. I can't go to college as a wolf. I don't know how this whole thing works but I would never have kids if they were going to be cursed with this punishment, and all because I went for a walk in the woods and got attached by some werewolves!" I begin to sob.

"It's OK," she comforts me. "Everything is going to be OK. I thought I would tell you now, rather than later though." She says.

"What?" I ask wiping tears off my face. "Are you a vampire?" I laugh at the idea.

"Yeah!! how did you guess?"  She asks.

"I was kidding! You are to aren't you?" I ask in a fearful voice.

"No. I'm not kidding. I'm a vampire. So is my boyfriend. Darim!" She called. Here came a big built guy with dark hair, dark skin, and blue eyes. She jumped up to him wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug with no problem. It was almost as if she was flying. She hugged him and kissed him. Why not. Why can't vampires exist if werewolves do. "Darim this is the new werewolf," she said to him in a cheerful voice. "This is Darim, and I am Nyx," She said, and then she paused and made a funny face. "I didn't ask your name. What is your name?" She asks.

"My name is Sophia," I say, realizing she is the first person to ask me that since I have been here. I lean over the back of the couch and stick my hand out for them to shake it. They do. "Nice to meet you." I say. I had no friends since becoming Roberts girlfriend. My friends had become either jealous or scared to hang out with me. I didn't know why exactly. A new thought crossed my mind. Did all mythical creatures exist?
"Ummmm. Do all mythical creatures exist?" I ask.

"Well werewolves, vampires, and mermaids for sure. I don't know about any other ones but we aren't mythical," she said with a small laugh.

"Oh right," I say still skeptical even though I just changed into one.

"Nyx are we going out tonight?" Asks Darim.

"Ummm, I don't know. I mean I don't want to leave Sophia here alone," she says but I could tell she wanted to go out.

"I'm fine. You two go ahead," I say with a fake smile, because the truth is I didn't want to be alone.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm probably going to go to bed," I said with a fake yawn. "I'm tired," I say even though I didn't want to go to bed,  because this isn't my house and I don't know any of the people here.

"OK," They both say in unison.

"Do you want me to tuck you in?" Asks Darim.

"No I'm not going to bed this second," I say with a fake smile.

"Go on you two go have fun," I say. They walk to the window and jump out. I sit there alone in the big living room, still with so many unanswered questions. Its so quiet. A huge group of people pass by me. I jump up to go see the boy who was hurt, but Sam catches my arm.

"Hi I see you shifted back," He says with that devilish smile crossing his lips again.

"Yes. What happened to him," I ask realizing that my voice was full of fear and concern.

"I'll let him tell you," He says. I try to walk to the room he is in, but Sam pulls me back.

"He is resting now," He says.

"Oh," I say in a small voice. "Can I be changed back? Can I see my family? I can't go home like this....."

He puts his finger over my mouth. "Shhhhhhh," He says. I knock his hand away. "You ask too many questions," He says with a small laugh.

"I do not," I say with anger in my voice. "I'm going to bed," I say stomping off not feeling like dealing with him. He will not answer any of my questions. He keeps acting like this is a joke, and it is not. All I want is to go home. I stop in front of the door to my room. I turn and Sam is gone. I look around and I don't see anyone. I look around I see so many doors Robert could be in anyone of them. I open one of them. It is a pink room with a giant closet. I know he can't be in here.

"Who are you?" Asks a female voice.

I turn to see a beautiful girl with blond-brown hair, in a pink shirt, and blue jean shorts. She has fair skin and hazel eyes. She is sitting on the top bunk of a bunk bed.

"I'm Sophia. Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Krisy. What are you looking for and where did you come from?" She ask. A door creaks open, and we both look over as a young man with strawberry blond hair and blue eye comes out of the bath room. He is fairly tall about 6'1" and his hair is wet. I know he has just been in the shower. He looks shocked.

"Who is this?" He asks looking at the girl with the blond hair named Krisy.

"That's what I was asking, Richard," They both look at me. I look at the ground shy.

"I'm one of the new werewolves I guess. I was just looking for my boyfriend Robert. He is a new wolf two," I mumble.

"Oh yeah I seen you earlier," said the boy named Richard.

"I know where your boyfriend is,"  says Krisy. She leads me out of the room and down the hall. "He is in there. I will leave you two alone," She says, then turns around walking back to her room.

I open the door he lays there asleep. I walk to his side. His forehead is covered in sweat. I hold his hand and it is so clammy. "Robert?" I ask. His eyes flutter open. "Robert!" I squeal hugging him.

"Sophia?" He asks in a croak.

"Yes," I say to let him know I'm here for him.

"What happened?" He asks. He puts his hands to his head.

"I don't know where to start." I say. "Let me get Sam to try to explain this."

"Sam? Who is Sam?" He asks.

"He saved us well kinda...I... ugh just let me get him," I say frustrated not wanting him to think I'm crazy.

"Soph what are you hiding from me?" He asks.

"I'm not hiding anything. I just don't know how to explain this without you thinking I'm crazy," I say knowing what he is going to say next.

"I would never think you are crazy," He said touching my face.

"This you would I know you. I would not have believed it if it wouldn't have happened to me" I say knowing he won't.

"What happened to you? Sophia tell me," He says getting a little upset.

"Robert, let him tell you," I say pleading a little.

"No Soph tell me know," He yells.

"Fine. I'm a werewolf and so were the wolves that attacked us! Now I'm one, and so are you, and I don't know of we can ever be normal again! When you change trust me its gonna hurt like hell!"  He made the funniest face I had ever seen him make.

"Stop making that face at me," I begin to laugh.

"You are crazy! Sophia what happened to you? Oh, its your medicine. Doctor! Doctor!" He called.

"We are not in a hospital," I say flatly. "Can't you tell that from the surroundings?" I ask throwing my hands in the air. He looks around just realizing we are not.

"Where are we!?" He yells.

"Stop yelling at me and calm down!" I yell back.

"Sophia why are you yelling?" He asks.

"You was yelling at me Robert," I say.

"I was not!" He yells.

"You are right now," I tell him. Sam runs in.

"You're awake," Roberts eyes widened.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm leaving. You can take care of him," i say as I get up I realize I'm shaking from anger.

Sam grabs my arm, "Thought you was going to bed," He said an evil smile crossing his lips. I pull my arm free.

"I was, then I decided I was going to see my boyfriend," I say before walking off. I reach the door to the room I was in earlier, walk inside, and lay on the bed. I didn't realize how tired I was till I lay down. Almost immediately I begin to drift off. I crawl under the covers and fall asleep.

If I publish this would you read it? Let me know in the comments below.

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