Chapter 10 :Sophia - A day in town

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I sat riding in the car. I was anxious to know where we were going. My feet moved in the car.

"Do you want to listen to some music?" He ask.

"Um yeah sure." I say in my nervous voice.

"Are you nervous?" He asks.

"Um what-what would make you think that?" I ask.

"Well there's the jittery voice, your moving your feet a lot, and the double saying of words in your sentence." He says looking at me for a second then back to the road.

"Maybe a little." I say. Trying to stop moving my feet.

"Well you can turn on the music if you want." He says pointing at a bunch of buttons on the dash of the car. I prelss the one to turn it on. I flip through the channels till I find one that's not got static. I watch the trees go bye. The small four door red car was driving fast through the roads. All the trees were blooming. It was a perfect spring photo. I noticed that there was no houses. That we were isolated in the woods. The radio plays a beat I know I have heard before. Years ago I heard that song. *Tommy used to work on the docks. Unions middle strick he was down on his luck for love......... Whoa were half way there woah living on a prayer .... Take my hand well make it I swear.....*

"Do you like this song?" Asks Andrew.

"Yes. Its been so long since I have heard that song." I say as the song ends. The radio cuts to commercial break. We are going a different way then the way Sam took me to my house yesterday. I have never been in the part of town where they- I mean we live. I don't believe I will ever get used to calling that place my home. I always avoided that area. People in town said that monsters lived there and now I am one. We begin to leave the less populated woods to a place with many more houses. I remeber all the books in Andrew's room I wonder what they all were. His room was white. With brown curtains and nothing but shelves with books on the walls. The radio plays another song.
*I remember when - I remember when I lost my mind... Hahaha bless your soul you really think your in control..... You think I'm crazy well I think your crazy...*

"I haven't heard this song since my little sister was born." I say. Thinking of how happy I was and wondering where did that happiness go.

"What are you thinking about." Andrew asks.

"Just life and how everything has gone in the past few days." I say watching house's go by with kids playing in the front yard I remember when that was me and my sister and I didn't have a care in the world. Now it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

"And how has it been going?" He asks.

"Umm not very well as you can see." I say pointing at the bandages on my arm. He looks then looks away with a deep sadness in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask in a small hushed voice.

"Nothing." He says dismissing the question. I leave it alone for know. But I'm going to ask him when we go back. I'm quiet the rest of the way there.

"Close your eyes." He command's. I do as he says. I'm so anxious I have my legs pressed at a my chest. My feet tapping in the seat.

"OK were here. Just let me open the door and get you out then you can open your eyes." He says putting the car in park. He cuts the engine off. He gets out and closes the car door. He opens mine and lifts me out. He closes the door and locks it. Excitement and fear run through my body.

"OK you can open your eyes." As I open my eyes I see the biggest mall around here the new one I had been begging mom to take me to. I jump up and hug him my arms wrapped around his neck. I jump back realizing what I had done.

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