Chapter 4 Andrew-A Painful Mistake

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It's around nine or ten a clock. I am coming from my room. I wonder if she is awake? I have been reading and I am determined to make this up to her. I had caused so much damage she will never be able to live without the fear even if she decides not to become a wolf and Sam erases her memory it will still be there she won't know why but it will be there. Darim and Nyx are on the couch watching TV. Nyx is snuggled against Darim, her head in the crook of his neck.
" youn two are twitter paited." I say smirking.
Darim and Nyx turn to look at me.
"Oh yeah are you the great owl now." Says Nyx.
"No but Darim is Bambi." I tease her.
"Is not." She says agitated.
"Is to." I reply.
"I am not." Laughs Darim.
We all laugh.
"Yooooo................." I begin

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!" A scream from down the hall.

"What..." I turn my head in that direction. As soon as I do pain shoots all through my body. "Aaaaahhhh!" I scream trying to muffle it.

"Andrew! What's wrong?" Asks Nyx and Darim and walking to me.

"Ggeett." I say barley able to get the word out. "Sam." I finally get out.

Nyx and Darim run to get Sam. I hear a bunch of people run past me. The pain eases and I get up. My whole body aching and walk to her room. Sweat covers my body and I begin to shake.
She is a magnificent golden brown wolf with piercing hazel eyes. She catches my gaze and my body goes limp, my head spins, and I hit the floor.

Sam runs to me.

"Andrew. What?" He glimpses back at her. "Oh no."

I look into her eyes and the world disappears.

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