A Lion in the Midst

By Dare2Dream9813

273K 7.2K 1.3K

Charlotte was born a royal, a princess. A Lannister. Through the acts of thievery, she ends up in Winterfell... More

1| The Great Tragedy
2| Duty, Morals and Honor
3| Charlotte Stark
4| Kings and Queens
5| Scars of the Past
6| Birthright
7| Softened Hearts
8| Betrayals and Broken Things
9| Sibling Rivalry
10| A Mother's Love
12| Kingsroad
13| All is Fair with Love and War
14| Hands of a Lion
15| Common People
16| Blood Stained Bricks
17| How to Not Conquer the North
18| Reign of the Golden Princess
19| The Essence of Fire
20| Third Step
21| The Devil's Sword
22| Lion Blood
23| Tomorrow Never Comes, Fate Never Ends
24| Blood of Valyria
25| Intertwined Fates
26| Imprisonment of a Wolf
27| Secret Motion of Things
28| My Greatest Blessing
29| Submission
30| Mercy
31| Ashes in the Wind
32| Once a Stark, Always a Stark

11| Fatherly Surprises

9.3K 262 60
By Dare2Dream9813

"Nothing's more hateful than failing to protect the one you love."

Charlotte's POV

I knew the exact place where we were heading. After all, I walked to this room hundreds of times as a child after having frightening nightmares.

The Queen and I walk through the opened doors of the bedchambers, meeting the eyes of my previous mother, Lady Catelyn. I was otherwise distracted by the unmoving body in the bed beside her.


I rushed over to the right side of the bed, falling on my knees. I held his cold hands between mine. There was a faint rise and lift of his chest, indicating life. I could not look at his face, and see nothing. A blank canvas. I was not going to remember him this way. His smile full of happiness. The love that always filled his eyes.

Lady Catelyn speaks softly, catching my eyes. "He whispers your name in his sleep." She turns to my mother, standing quickly.

My mother speaks softly. "Please."

Lady Catelyn notions to her bedclothes. "I would have dressed, Your Grace."

"This is your home. I am your guest." The lighter side I enjoyed seeing of my mother. "Handsome one, isn't he?" I softly drop Bran's hand, standing to join my mother at the foot of the bed. I was no longer a Stark, and should not be acting as though Winterfell was my home.

"I lost my first boy." What? "A little black head beauty. He was a fighter too. Tried to beat the fever that took him. Forgive me.... It's the last thing you need to hear right now." I stared into my mother's eyes, wondering why I was never told before. She stares down at me with a saddened smile. She was telling the truth.

Lady Catelyn speaks softly, "I never knew...."

"It was years ago, before Charlotte and Joffrey. Robert was crazed, beat his hands bloody on the wall. All the things men do to show you how much they care." Moments of bitter silence fill the room. "The boy looked just like him, such a little thing. A bird without feathers. They came to take his body away... and Robert held me. I screamed and battled, but he held me. "

"That little bundle... they took him away and I never saw him again. I never visited the crypt, never."I wasn't the first child she lost.... I was the second. "I pray to the Mother every morning and night that she return your child to you."

"I am grateful." Lady Catelyn mutters as she glances at me.

"Perhaps this time she will listen." Mother grabs my hand, squeezing it softly. "They returned my child back to me after all these years. I can only hope they do the same for you." She glances towards the door, indicating it was our time to exit. I whisper softly in her ear. "I'll be out shortly."

She nods, offering a trusting smile. I patiently wait for her to exit the room, counting the seconds in a minute to pass the time. Eventually, the sounds of her shoes were a distant echo... and I took this as the perfect time to offer my personal condolences.

I walk over to Lady Catelyn, grabbing her hand. "I cannot thank you enough for the life you gave me.... I know Brandon will pull through this. He is the strongest of us all." I softly drop her hand, walking towards the door.


The desperation in her voice caused me turn back around. "I may not show it, but I will always consider you as my own child. Eddard, too. We love more than words can express. Stay safe in Winterfell. I know Sansa and Arya may disagree, but watch over them. I can't lose another child."

"I will do everything in my power to keep them safe." My words were forced, but full of reassurance. They still viewed me as a Stark.... I exited the bedchambers quickly, hoping to the Gods that Catelyn didn't speak anymore heartfelt words that would shatter the new loyalty trying to form in my heart.


Too much grief for one day. Returning to King's Landing should be a joyous occasion. Returning? It's hard to correlate such a difference between 'returning' and 'visiting for the first time'. It was the place of my birth, the place I came into the world.

But I was not even two months old before I was taken-stolen. I remember nothing. It was never my home.

King's Landing would be a new experience for me to engross myself in. Am I ready? I have to be ready. Am I truly ready? No way in Seven Hells.


My mother was waiting patiently for me outside. She welcomes me into an embrace as I neared her. I ask quietly. "Why was I never told?"

"It's not something a mother wishes to tell her child."

Her words left me with no response. She didn't want me knowing that as a mother, she had lost two children. One was taken by fever, another by a thief. I kiss her cheek softly, hoping my actions would speak louder than my unspoken words.

She places her arm around my shoulders, taking me in the direction of our bedchambers. "Have you finished packing?" I nod quickly, refusing to outwardly express my nervousness and unease. "You have doubts?"

I froze in place, my eyes widening to the size to an otherworldly size. My breath catches in my throat, allowing no words to escape. My mother turns, lifting my chin with the push of her finger. "Reluctance is written all over your face. Please tell me what bothers you. "

I stare down at my feet, refusing to look in her eyes. "Charlotte?"

"Cersei! The King wishes you to be present as he bids his farewell to the remaining Stark family in Winterfell." Jaime approaches the two of us, unaware that he was interrupting our lack of conversation.

She hisses in his direction. "Can it wait?"

"No, My Queen. He said the request was urgent." Jaime eyes the two of us, lifting one eyebrow suspiciously.

My mother continued to stand in front of me for tens of seconds, the tension between us growing with anticipation. "We will finish this conversation at a later time." Her words were soft and refined, not something I expected to hear. She kisses me on the forehead, and departs with Jaime.

Together they walked toward the banquet hall, her words still repeating in my head. We will finish this conversation at a later time. We were leaving for King's Landing in less than three hours. There isn't much time left.


"Charlotte.... Father wishes to see you now." Myrcella walks into the room, followed by our mother. I currently stare at the pilled full trunks laying around my room. "What's the occasion?" I ask, continuing to stare at the trunks. All of my things that I called my own were able to fit it in three trunks.

My mother attempts to approach me, but I back away. "Charlotte, we need to talk."

I turn to Myrcella. "Where is father at the moment?"

She answers incredulously, "In the courtyard." I offer her a half smile as I rush through the doorway of the bedchambers, escaping our mother.


The trek down the stairs was longer than I anticipated. Nonetheless, I ended in the courtyard. The King was standing in the middle, joined with Jaime and Lord Stark. All of them had their eyes on me, watching me walking to stand in the courtyard.

"The Princess has finally arrived." Jaime announces with a smile.

I send a playful smirk in his direction. "What is the meaning of this summons?" I was trying my hardest to do an impression of my mother. I lifted my chin, attempting to look down at them. Which is nearly impossible because Jaime and my father stand over six feet tall.

My father bellows at my attempt. "We have a surprise for you Charlotte."

I meet the eyes of each of the three men. "What kind of surprise?" I held out the question in length, emphasizing my curiosity.

Lord Stark calls from the East Gates, "Robb, bring her here!" Bring who here? Robb appears from behind the wall with the most beautiful blue roan mare in Westeros. The mare's head was held high with grandeur.

"Is she... for.... me...." My mouth drops open in complete surprise.

The King approaches my left side, pointing towards the horse. "She is a gift from me, to you. I only hope to help mend your aching heart...." I smiled warmly at him, feeling a tear fall from my eye. I quickly wiped it away before rushing to give him a hug. "Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me....."

"Only the best for my sweet girl."He kissed me atop the head, before directing my attention back to the horse. Robb handed over the reins, giving them to my father.

I ask excitedly. "What is her name?"

He hands me the reins. "That is for you to decide."

I take the reins in my shaking hands. "Azura. Her name will be Azura." I laid my head against Azura's forehead, and an immediate connection was formed between horse and rider. My father taps my shoulder minutes later. "Your mother may fully disagree, but as King you have my permission to ride along the caravan. You know, instead of in the cramped wheelhouse."

"Thank you, father." He beams a crooked smile. For once since his arrival to Winterfell, he didn't reek with the smell of beer and wine.

"Want to ride her?" Jaime walks towards the horse, offering his arm to my aid. I answer, my words full of glee. "I would want nothing more." He helps me into the saddle, tightening the cloak around my shoulders.

Lord Stark brought another horse to Jaime, one that glittered gold in the sunlight. Jaime jumped onto its back. "Let's get going before your mother notices our absence." I nod eagerly, nudging the heels of my feet into Azura's haunches.

Both Jaime and I galloped into the forest, out of sight... out of mind.

Third Person POV

Cersei was impatiently awaiting her daughter's arrival back in the room. How long could it possibly take for Robert to give her a gift? Robert wasn't one for paternal gestures, so the gift couldn't have been that impressive. She heard footsteps from the hall, thinking it was Charlotte. "It's about time...." Her words went mute after she realized who was standing in front of her. King Robert.

"About time for what?"

She sighs deeply. "I thought you were Charlotte... Where is she by the way? I have something important to discuss with her."

"As of five minutes ago, riding into the forest alongside Jaime on her new horse. I thought she needed some time away from this insipid castle. Jaime volunteered to watch over her for the afternoon, or at least until the wagons pull away and we leave Winterfell for good."

Cersei began pacing the room. "I really do wish you would think things through before carrying them out."

"No harm will come to her. Besides.... my actions are not something I wish to discuss. There are other things at hand, issues that must be addressed immediately." Robert was taking slow breathes, dreading the upcoming conversation. He was already mentally preparing himself for Cersei's reaction.

After tonight he made be a dead man.

"What, Robert? What is so urgent that you must speak to me now about it?" There was nothing that could prepare her for his next words.

"There has already been mutliple offers for Charlotte's hand in marriage...."

Cersei stops dead, fear and anger mixing deep within her core. "Charlotte... My beloved daughter..." Her eyes narrow fiercely. "What in the Seven Hells have you done, Robert? Are you mad? It's barely been two weeks.." She ran towards Robert, beating against his chest. "She's only a child... Did you think I would just let you sell her away like a common whore?"

She fell to the ground in tears. "I will not let you take her away from me."

Robert attempts to catch her, but was unable too. "Cersei.... she's sixteen. Not a child for much longer. Charlotte was born for this, whether we approve of the circumstances or not."

"No... no... no.... " She was now standing, pinching the bridge of her nose with exasperation.

"Joffrey is betrothed to Sansa Stark, and you barely raised your voice in protest. How is this any different?" Robert took a step back, giving Cersei her space. "I had to live with losing Charlotte every single day of my life... I am not going through that again."

"I will burn cities to the ground for her. I will conquer the entire continent of Westeros for her. Try me, Robert. You will wish that I had married Rhaegar Targaryen after I'm finished with you." Cersei was speaking with a tone that Robert has never heard from her before. A tone that can only be described as an inner lioness protecting her treasured cub.

"The suitors were......." Robert attempts to speak, but was abruptly interrupted. "I will hear no more of this Robert. Leave the room, and forget every word you spoke to me."

Cersei began pacing around the small room, fire raging through her veins. Robert listened to her words, leaving the room precisely after the confrontation. He should have known that Cersei would transform into a lion at the mention of Charlotte's betrothal. Eventually they would have to re-discuss the conversation, but at a much later date.

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