Niall Horan For a Week

By savage_sage

258 22 46

Just read the blurb..... (And it's a sequel to Niall Horan for a Day btw) More

Niall Horan For a Week
Niall Horan for a Plane Ride
Niall Horan for a Frozen Wardrobe
Niall Horan for a Near-Death Experience
Niall Horan for a Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Niall Horan for a Reunion

31 3 2
By savage_sage


"Ollie!" Kennedy screamed from the hallway. "We're going on this damned trip for you, the least you could do is be ready on time!"

I let out a small giggle as I checked myself out in the mirror, one more time before grabbing ahold of the door handle. It had been four months since I had seen Niall and the boys in person. Four months of not knowing whether he still liked me or not, was beginning to drive me insane.

Of course I knew he still liked me, he was always the one to call me first, and he did so whenever he could find the time. However, I was worried that he didn't like me the way I liked him. Its funny how the roles seem to have turned isn't it? He was originally the one hoping that I would be with him, and now I'm desperately in love with him.

I hadn't told him that last part yet, but I'm pretty sure that Louis and Harry knew. Hah, Louis and Harry, they were my best guy friends (shh don't tell Liam or Zayn, their feelings would be hurt. I love them too, but everyone has their favorites). They also happened to be my personal spies when Lulu and Kennedy forced me to move back into the apartment because, and I quote, they were "driving each other insane!"
So I asked the boys to keep an eye on Niall and report back to me if he fell in love with another girl.

Yep, I was self-conscious about him falling for someone else, but come on; he has billions of girls that would have sex with him within seconds of him just saying the word, while I didn't believe in pre-marital sex.

I'm a bummer, aren't I?

Anyway, I was worried that Niall would leave me for someone prettier, smarter, funnier, sexier or whatever, because I'm just an awkward ball of shit.
"I haven't seen Niall in four months thanks to you two; you can wait an extra five minutes for me!" I yelled back, as I grabbed my bag that sat beside the door. I checked myself in the mirror one more time, before leaving the room.

My terms to moving back into the apartment with the girls were simple. One, I got the biggest room to myself, seeing as I was the only one of us that actually had a decent job (I was a free-lance nanny, and I got a minimum of $700 dollars a week. On very good weeks, my maximum pay was $5,000, because I charged a minimum of $100 every day. I wouldn't hire me, personally, because I'm so damn expensive, but I'm great with kids [especially kids with mental disorders, like down syndrome or autism], and even better with parents. I guess you could say I had a steady and decent paying job, while Kennedy worked at Starbucks, and Lulu was a part time librarian), and was practically paying for the whole place myself. Two, Kennedy bought me Starbucks and ice cream whenever I was sad, or on my period, or just randomly craving it. Three, Lulu had to clean my room, because she was organized, and I was a slob. And last but certainly not least, at the end of the tour, both Lu and Ken had to take a trip with me and the boys. Only one week long, and they weren't allowed to complain.

I guess they really were driving each other insane, because they agreed to all of my terms without even thinking twice about it.

They had been faithful to their side of the deal, until that week. They were going on the trip with me and the boys, but they did nothing but complain about it.

I guess I should have seen it coming, but they should have too! They knew I was planning revenge on them for the whole, "Niall Horan for a Day" thing. However, that one little contest to spend a day with Niall, allowed me to win the best year of my life. I spent months on tour with the boy I was in love with.

I know what you might be thinking. Actually, there are several things that you might be thinking and I might not even guess it, but I'll give two guesses. One, "Months on tour? How'd you manage that? Not even their families can come on tour with the boys, let alone a random girlfriend!" or possibly two, "You're in love with him? Aren't we all, sister?"

My response to the first thought is simple; I'm a professional baby sitter. Who's someone who has a young child that needs to be cared for? That's right; Lou Teasdale hired me to watch Lux while she prepared the boys for their concerts. Also, the difference between me and the boys' families is very easy to answer. They have actual lives that they needed to attend to. I didn't. I had Lulu and Kennedy, sure, but there was really nothing else in London keeping me tied there.

To answer the second thought, I need to get a little "Overly Attached Girlfriend," on your ass. Yes, I'm freaking in love with Niall Horan, is that really so terrible? I'm in love with him in a different way than most girls are. I loved him after his God awful haircut (TBH NIALL ALWAYS LOOKS ADORBS SO I DON'T AGREE WITH THE CHARACTER ON THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!). I loved him after he sat on my face and farted until I gave him my gummy bears. I loved him when he accidentally pushed me out of the moving tour bus for Christ's sake. If that isn't commitment, I don't know what is. AND WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? LOVING MY BOYFRIEND, LIKE OH HELL TO THE NAW.

And that's the end of "Overly Attached Girlfriend" phase, brought to you by Ollie.

I was brought back into reality, when I heard Lulu gasp when she saw me. I furrowed my eyebrows, and muttered, "I could go change, but it took me four hours just to look like this, you don't want to know how long it would take me to try to make it better."

Lulu's response to that was a simple face palm. What was her problem? Did I have something in my teeth? Did I forget Niall's Nando's upstairs? Well, no, I ate it. I kept checking off the list of things I bought for the boys and then ended up eating myself. Carrots for Louis, gummy bears for Harry, things you can only eat with a spoon for Liam, simple stuff like that. I ate it all. I was a horrible (and hungry) friend/girlfriend.

"No, you idiot, it's just that you aren't wearing sweats today or anything," Lulu muttered. "This is the prettiest I've seen you in a couple months, what with your refusing to wear make-up when Niall isn't around."

I rolled my eyes, and asked a bit offended, "Why do I need to wear makeup and a dress to be beautiful?"

"Girl, you're always beautiful! But I haven't seen you look this hot since your birthday last year," Kennedy said, actually deciding to stop and smell the roses, instead of rushing out of the damn door.

So both times I looked hot that year were for Niall. I really needed to stop dressing nicely for him. More sweats, perhaps?

I rolled my blue-gray eyes, and pulled my duffel bag over my shoulder, "Now that we've all agreed on my hotness," I started, hoping Niall would agree with them when he saw me. "Are you all ready? I told Harry that we were going to meet them at the airport." I grinned, remembering that Niall didn't know that we were meeting them there. He thought we were already in Hawaii.
That thought in itself scared me. We were going to Hawaii. Don't get me wrong, Hawaii seemed like a beautiful place, filled with friendly natives, and fun/expensive activities. However, my parents, whom I hadn't seen in six years, lived in Hawaii; the same parents that up and left when I was thirteen, and told me to basically mooch off of Lulu and her family until I was an adult. Those parents that told me that they couldn't afford to have me in their lives anymore, in a birthday card. How they managed to live in the expensive state of Hawaii was beyond me, but the state itself still gave me the spooks.

I knew it was a big island, and I knew that the odds of me actually seeing them after all of these years was slim, but I also knew that if I saw their faces one time, all of the walls that I spent years putting up would come crashing down.

You might be wondering why we were going to Hawaii in the first place if it scared me so much. Well, truth be told, the only people who knew about my dark past were Lulu (obviously, she was there), Kennedy, and Liam.
Why Liam? Well, my friend, the little snot rag squeezed it out of me and told me that I could trust him. I did trust him, I still do, and I'm glad for that.
Back to the topic at hand, Niall suggested that we go to Hawaii because he wanted to teach me how to surf (which I'm sure he was joking about, seeing as I can't even ice skate). Liam seemed worried, and kept trying to come up with pathetic excuses not to go there, but I knew I would have to face my past at some point.

Enough of that emotional shit, back to the present. ​

"Yep, I'm ready like SpongeBob!" Lulu shouted, standing up.

Sometimes that girl could be random, but for the most part she was cynical, sarcastic, and crabby (oh my!).

With that, we all walked out of the door, to my cheap ass car.

You've got to remember, even though I'm dating Niall Horan, doesn't mean that I have all of the things I desire. I would never ask Niall to buy me anything (aside from food, and occasionally a tampon when I'm out of cash), nor would I expect him to. Also, my only job is babysitting, and I'm still in Uni.

I threw my bag into the back seat, and carried my purse to the driver's side of the car. "Come on, Ollie, leave some space for little ole Kennedy in the back seat!" I heard her say from behind me, causing me to turn my head. She was pouting. Damn her and her damned pout.

I leaned back and lazily pushed my bag a few inches away from her seat, until I couldn't reach it from my position anymore. "That's as far as the Ollie Arm can reach, now get in the freaking car before I pull out of the lot with your butt hanging out of the door."

Kennedy's eyes widened, as she hopped quickly into the backseat. I glanced beside me at the passenger seat to see Lulu buckling up her seat belt with wide eyes.

Sometimes I swore that I wasn't the youngest in our group.

I was younger by a year, but I was still in their grade because I skipped kindergarten. I'm so smarticle. I'm trying to become a teacher, but for now I am a babysitter, no degree required.
I rolled my eyes, and put the keys into the ignition. I was pretty sure that the reason these girls were "driving each other insane" was because they didn't have any discipline between each other. Kennedy ignored every command Lulu ever spoke, and Lulu ignored Kennedy. Period.

I pulled out of our apartment parking lot, as I went over the checklist again in my head. I put on make-up. I wore a pretty dress that Niall bought me for the birthday that he spent with me. I ate his food, but that's okay because he wasn't expecting any. Kennedy and Lulu were in the car. Kennedy locked the door before we left. I was pretty sure that everything was prepared for our week in Hawaii.

I grabbed my phone, while at a stop sign, and plugged it into my auxiliary chord. Usually, when I missed Niall, I would listen to my favorite One Direction songs. Sometimes when I was sad I would listen to songs from the Make a Wish (my favorite fan fiction that is depressing as fuck) sound track, which also had One Direction songs. I usually listened to One Direction in order to hear his voice (or rather, all of their voices, because I missed them all).

I flipped to my One Direction play list, and hit shuffle. Of course, the first song that popped up was my jam.
I busted out into song, along with Kennedy and Lulu.


Then we paused, as we waited for Zayn to realize that he was supposed to be mother of Will Smith.


That was the song the boys used their buzzer for. (If you don't know what I mean, you should totally search it. It's awesome.)

We continued listening to random 1D songs that just made me miss Niall more (pathetic, huh?) until we arrived at the airport.

"Kennedy, I will give you twenty bucks if you carry my suitcase in!" I attempted to bribe. I wanted to see my man! She lived in my apartment! It seemed fair to me.

She rolled her eyes, and grabbed my bag, before nodding. "I swear I'll pay up later!" I announced, before running inside. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kennedy dump my bag on Lulu, followed by Lu falling over from the blow of the heavy duffel bag, and Kennedy on the ground laughing.
Why did I ever trust them to live alone together?

I ran through the airport, with my Vera Bradley purse hanging over my shoulder, only stopping occasionally to text Harry and ask where they were.

I groaned, as I noticed the long line for airport security. Well, damn.

I stood there impatiently, bare footed, as I waited for my turn. It wasn't like I had an actual bag that needed to be checked. Just me and my Vera Bradley!
The old guy in line before me farted, and I crinkled my nose. Are all old people gassy? Was that why Niall was gassy? He was old, older than me, anyway.

I stood there patiently, holding my breath so that I wouldn't smell (or taste) the awful old guy stench.
I glanced down at the dress I was wearing, and my eyes widened as I considered strangling myself. There were metal beads all over the damn dress. I finally took a frustrated breath, and instantly regretted it.

Oh my God, would the torture ever end? The old guy in front of me seemed to enjoy my discomfort, because every time I made a disgusted face, he would give me a cheeky grin. Damn bastard.
He leaned over to speak to me, when I heard a giant roar erupt from the other side of the gates.

We all know what that roar was, don't we? Say it with me now, it was...


Sometimes I liked Directioners, and sometimes I didn't. Most of them would spam my Twitter and Instagram with hate, but I was cool with it. After all, their idol was following me and not them. A few of them, though, were really sweet, and told me how pretty I was and all of that nice stuff that I wasn't used to (except from Niall, if you ask me he said it way more than necessary). The called themselves Ollie Oil, or something like that, and I like to think that I created a new fandom by dating Niall Horan.

People wrote fan fictions about me. Hell, I wrote fan fictions about me! Actually I wrote a lot of fan fictions (all about me and Niall), and read a lot too (all about Niall). My favorite one so far was written by some fifteen year old girl, by the name of Sage. It was called "Make a Wish" and the ending had me wanting to kill myself and Lulu and Kennedy for trying to console me in my state of mind.

"Sorry, for the interruption, sir, that's my boyfriend arriving at the airport," I told Mr. Fart Man, who just gave me a look that read, 'You're either really fucking stupid, or really fucking annoying.'

Well I could say the same thing to him, for farting in people's personal space.
I looked ahead of us in line, and waited for them to yell at me for wearing a beaded dress.

To say that I was antsy was an understatement. I was practically bouncing around as I waited for the line to move faster. I was gradually moving, but I just really missed Niall.
Is that really so awful? I missed my boyfriend. Did I already say that? Screw it.

Bouncing around and holding your breath at one time was exhausting. Yes, I was holding my breath again, and yes, it was because the old guy farted again.
I wanted to strangle myself to escape that misery, but I didn't, because then I would never see Niall again, or Lulu and Kennedy, or the boys, or Lux, or Lou. I wasn't sure whether or not they would miss me, or want to see me too, because there was a time in my life when I thought my parents cared about me, but look where I am now, terrified of even being in the same state of people who abandoned me instead of trying harder when things got tough.
I heaved a sigh, as the old man stepped into the metal detector thing. I was so glad that I was next. My ears were still ringing, and shouts could still be heard from the many adoring fans of One Direction.

As Mr. Farts-a-Lot left the metal detector, I didn't even wait for them to tell me that I could step in, before I stepped in. It didn't take longer than a few seconds for the machine to sense my metal beads. The head security guard of the area came up to me and said, "Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to go into that room over there and take your clothes off. Your dress is picking up signals, and we aren't allowed to let it slide, seeing as there are celebrities in the building, we are supposed to make extra precautions."

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. "But, sir, my boyfriend is Niall Horan, I wouldn't try to kill him or any of the boys, they're some of my best friends!"

"Do you know how many times I've heard that today? Please, ma'am, the room."

I let out a loud and frustrated sigh, before grabbing my purse, and walking to the small security room. Stupid One Direction making me take my favorite dress off.

Oh. That could have been taken one of two ways. Oops.

I threw my clothes out to the security guard, so that he could check them. It had already been an extremely long and annoying day, and I hadn't even seen Niall yet.

"Here, you go, ma'am, when you get your clothes back on, you can go to your flight, sorry for the inconvenience," the guard said through the door, as he threw my clothes over the door and back to me. I exploded right then, as I put all of my clothes back on. I stopped at the mirror to see if I still looked okay, but to be honest I didn't even care. I was seeing Niall, and that was more than enough. However, looking pretty wouldn't hurt.

I stepped out of the dressing room (I guess that's what you would call it), and grabbed my bag from the conveyor belt thing. From there I freaking ran (barefoot) until the crowd of girls got louder than my thoughts.

I stopped, knowing that at least a few of these Directioners would hear me when I yelled anything Niall related.

Hopefully Niall would hear me too. "WHEN I SAY NIALL YOU SAY HORAN!" I screamed, getting a lot of people's attention. "NIALL!"

"HORAN!" Yes! People actually responded.





Well damn, that fandom really is devout. If some random chick started telling me to scream someone's last name I might have wondered about her mental stability. But of course, we were yelling about Niall, so that made it okay.

"WHEN I SAY BEST SHIP, YOU SAY NIALLIE," I heard an Irish voice say from behind me. I knew that voice. After going to a countless number of their concerts, and listening to every single one of their interviews, and dating the boy that voice belonged to in specific for about a year, I knew that voice.

I turned around, to see Niall standing right behind me. To say that I tackled him to the ground would not be an exaggeration, neither would it be to say that I scraped my arm on the way down, but I couldn't care less.

"BEST SHIP?" he screamed in my ear.

"NIALLIE!" everyone yelled that, but I would like to think that I yelled it the loudest.

"Hi, there, love" Niall whispered, for only me to hear. "How are you?"

I looked at him, lying next to me on the ground. We had a bunch of fans surrounding us, but I didn't care. I couldn't care less. "Better now that you're here."

He looked me in the eyes and chuckled. "I thought we were past the super corny part of our relationship."

I laughed too; it felt fantastic to see him. "Yeah, I did too, but here I am, being all sappy."

Niall grinned more widely than I had ever seen him grin before. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Hawaii."

The fans around us pressed closer. Shit Niall, now they know about Hawaii. Ugh.

"Well I knew you liked surprises, and I just couldn't resist."

"Are the girls in Hawaii already?" Niall asked.


The girls.

"Heh, well about that-" I started.

"OLLIVETTE GARDENER! COME GET YOUR FUCKING BAGS!" I heard one of my best friends scream.

Oh look, I found them.

I turned to see Kennedy dragging my bags across the room.

Well, Ken, way to make yourself look bad in front of a bunch of blogging teenage girls, and expose my last name to them all in one sitting.


Welllllllll guys, I wrote this on my laptop, so this is probs the longest chapter I've ever written.

It probs sucks.

I suck.

OH and Ollie and Niall are a much better ship than Davis and Niall (from Make a Wish, if you haven't read that I suggest you read that first because there will be plenty of references to it in here. Just saying).


oh, I didn't? oh, well that's good, because I've never actually met him in person.

Sooooo jokes on me bruh.

I fail.


And Niall, I love Niall.

Mmkay, bai.


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