Finding My Soulmate

By 1DaddictedXOX

138K 5.1K 660

"For some people, "the point of no return" begins at the very moment their souls become aware of each others'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 3

4.3K 147 27
By 1DaddictedXOX

My morning started at six o'clock when Chloe decided that was when she was getting up for the day. By seven thirty, she was fed and washed up and changed into something simple. I will put her new dress on her before the party. After I showered and got ready it was nine and my mom would be here soon. Chloe was fussy so I fed her and she fell right to sleep so I laid her down for a nap. After turning on the baby monitor I went back out to the kitchen to wait for my mother and for Sidney to be ready.

My mom knocked at 9:28, the same time Sidney came out of her room. I let my mom in and hug her, thanking her for watching Chloe. I tell her we won't be long and we head out. I wasn't sure what to do with my hair, I liked it the way it was but Sidney convinced me to do the ombré look that seems to be popular these days. While we waited for our hair to be done we made some small talk.

"So, are you going to that One Direction thing that's going on in the mall next week?" Sidney asked me.

"I don't know, Sid, it would be pretty awesome to go and see them but maybe I'm to old to be all excited over a boy band." I give a small laugh, a small pathetic laugh because who was I kidding, I would always get excited for anything relating to One Direction and Sidney knew this, that's why she was giving me the 'uh huh, right' look.

"I'd bet you'd love to meet the oh so handsome Harry Styles," she winks, knowing I'm in love with him, have been ever since they were on the X-Factor.

"Um yeah, that would pretty awesome," I tell her, looking in the mirror at the hair as the lady blow dried it. Really wishing I could her tell that I've already met him.

"I'm so stoked for this party, I think you will have a great time too. You should know mostly everyone there. They've all been at the house at some point to see me. There's only a few people that I'll have to introduce you too, plus the guests if honor!" She squealed, jumping the hair stylist.

"I really wish you would tell me who it is. I don't really like surprises," I tell her.

"Oh believe me, you will love this surprise!"

I had to say, I liked how my hair came out. I guess a change wasn't so bad after all. After we paid we drove back home. I was getting a little nervous. I really didn't like surprises and with the way sidney has been the last couple days, I can only imagine what this surprise is going to be like. Sidney has been all excited and antsy but she was still able to stay calm and collected when it came to directing the caterer on where to set things up. She was going all out for party for twenty people, and I think that's what had me so nervous. She wouldn't be going all out for this party if it wasn't for someone worth impressing. Is this for one of her famous friends she doesn't tell me about?

After my mom leaves, I place Chloe in her jumper and help clean up a little before going to get ready. It was now two and everyone was going to be here at six so that left me plenty of time to clean and then get both Chloe and I ready. So I cranked up some One Direction on my iPod and got to cleaning and dancing silly to make Chloe laugh. Before I know it the living room, bathroom and breezeway are all cleaned and it's five o'clock. Cleaning always takes twice as long now that I have a baby, half the time I spend just dancing with her and making her laugh. I'd rather do that anyways.

I quickly touch up my make up and slide on the new dress Sidney got me and put on the black suede ankle boots she let me borrow. I put on some jewelry and made sure my hair looked alright and then went to get Chloe ready. I wash her up and then slip on her soft pink dress. I add a matching headband and white dress shoes. I must say I have the most adorable baby girl in the world!

"You are the cutest little thing!" I tell her, picking her up and holding her high above me before bringing her down to kiss her neck, which always makes her giggle.

"I know I am!" Sidney says, jumping me. "Guests are starting to arrive, not the guests of honor though, they always seem to run a little late." She tells me. She's wearing a simple, short black cocktail dress with red high heels.

"You look stunning as always Sid," I tell her, following her out to our open concept living room and dining room. There were a few people already here, Sidney's new friend and Sidney's boss Trevor. Trevor was nice, pretty handsom, but there was something that creeped me out about him, Sidney thought I was just being crazy. Trevor spotted me and made his way over while Sidney went to talk with her friend.

"Hey Hazel, you look great and so do you miss Chloe," he compliments me and when he starts talking to Chloe his voice became this high pitched sound that a lot of people do when talking to babies, but when he did it, it was extremely annoying. I had to keep myself from cringing.

"Thank you," I tell him, sounding a little standoffish, I really didn't want to talk with him but I also didn't want to be rude.

"So how have you been? Dating anyone?" He asks me, the same question he always asks me. Before I can answer him the door bell rings. Thank freaking god for that.

I make my way to the door and answer it, letting in quite a few of Sidney's friends, most I have met before. We all say our hellos and Chloe spots some kids and starts getting excited. I tell the kids there are plenty of toys in the corner of the living room and that they can play all they want. I place Chloe in her little fenced in play area with the other little girl around her age and they start playing with some toys.

I walk into the kitchen, needing a glass of wine. Trevor smiles at me as I walk by and I give him a small smile in return. A chill ran through my body. Man the guy creeps me out. I pour myself a glass of white wine and make my way back towards the living room, stopping and making small talk with some people I knew. We all kind of jumped when Sidney screamed.

"They are here! Finally!" She was practically skipping to the front door. The swung the door open and squealed. There were a few people standing behind her so I couldn't really see who was walking up the driveway. I saw her hug someone who had blond hair, that's about all I could really make out.

"I can't believe you guys are finally here! You have got to meet my bestfriend!" People started saying their hellos and moving out of the way to let everyone in. I was getting antsy, I was ready to meet who these mystery guests were. The last body moved out of the way, finally giving me view of our guests of honor.

I about dropped my wine glass.

One Direction. One freaking Direction was standing in my breezeway. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head! Why the hêll didn't Sidney tell me she was friends with them? I'm going to kill her. My heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like I'm on fire, which probably means I'm blushing like crazy. Looking like a tomato no less. I see Sidney looking around the room, trying to find me I suppose. I look at the boys, they are all dressed nice and looking better in person. My eyes stop at Harry. He was wearing a black, button up dress shirt, unbuttoned at the top, like pretty much every shirt he wears, with a black blazer over it. He was also wearing his signature tight black pants and black boots. His hair was the usual curly mess, slicked back a little, showing off the sharp angles of his jaw. He looked gorgeous.

"Where's Hazel?" Sidney asks, looking around once more. I notice Harry's eyebrows pull together, like he was confused. Did he remember my name? I try and back away, not sure if I was ready to meet them all just yet. "There she is!" Shît. Too late.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. As she make her way over, the boys following close behind her, she has the biggest freakin grin on her face. I hope my glare is proof enough that I'm pissed at her. She just smiles wider.

"Boys, this is my best friend and room mate, Hazel. Hazel I'm sure I don't need to make introductions." She giggles, I glare once more at her. She's enjoying this way to much.

I lock eyes with Harry first, who looks just as shocked seeing me as I am him, or them. Niall nudges his arm and whispers something in his ear and he nods, causing Niall to chuckle. Liam offers him hand first and I take it, smiling and saying it was nice meeting him. I do the same with Louis and Niall and when Harry steps in front of me and offers me his hand, I grab it with my hand, hoping he can't tell that I'm shaking. I feel that tingle again, like the first time our hands touched.

"Nice to see you again," he says and smirks.

"Yes, you too," I look down then back up and meet his eyes, suddenly feeling way more shy than I usually am.

"Again? You two have met already?" It was Sidney's turn to look shocked.

"She was the lovely nurse who stitched me up the other night." Harry explains, turning to smile at me, flashing that adorable dimple.

"What? You never mentioned that Hazel!" Sidney almost looked hurt, I may have cared if she didn't just dump the biggest surprise on me.

"I could really say anything Sid." Harry nods, backing me up.

"Geesh, no wonder you have been all smiles this past week," she laughs. I wanted to strangle her right there, I don't care who saw. I was already embarrassed enough, she didn't have to go as say that.

"Uh Sidney, could I talk to you for a second? Alone?" I ask, taking her arm and pulling her towards my bedroom. "It was really nice meeting all of you." I tell the four handsome boys as we walked by them.

Once we make it to my room I shut the door and whirl around to Sidney.

"What the hell Sidney! You should have told me you knew One Direction! I feel like an idiot. I could have composed myself better if I had some warning." I wasn't actually mad at her, just annoyed that she didn't warn me. "You have known me for almost five years and you never told me you knew them?"

"Well for one, I knew you would have been freaking all week and stressing out if I told you who was coming and second when I first met you and realized you were in love with them, I didn't want to tell you incase you just wanted to be my friend because I knew them." She tells me, defensively.

"What about after you knew me for years and we moved in together?" I ask, almost hurt that she didn't trust me enough to tell me.

"I don't know Hazel, I didn't want you to treat me different, I don't know."

"You should know me better than that, Sid. We've been best friends for a long time, you're practically my sister."

"I know, I'm sorry. Now give me a hug and tell me what a great surprise that was!" She laughs and opens up her arms.

"Even though I hate surprises, that was the best surprise of all time." I tell her, hugging her. We make our way back to our guest, walking with our arms linked.

"I can't believe you already met Harry!" Sidney exclaims, judging me with her elbow.

"God believe me, I was dying to tell you. The only person I could talk to was Chloe," we both laughed. I go and refill my glass of wine while Sidney goes and finds the boys. I am filling up my glass when a deep voice speaks right next to my ear. I turn and I'm met with pricing green eyes, alight with humor.

"Fancy meeting you here."

"Yeah, uh... Some coinsidence," I laugh, taking a sip of my wine.

"You look beautiful," he tells me.

"Thank you," I look down and play with my wine glass, feeling my face flush.

"I'm really glad I got to see you again. I was actually thinking of a way to get back to the hospital just to see you," he says, I look up at him, meeting his eyes. He's being sincere. He actually wanted to see me again?

"Really? Planning on another prank were you, hoping it would backfire?" I joke.

"That or tripping one of the guys and hoping the need to be sent to the hospital, where I would accompany them, you know, cause I'm a great friend." He laughs.

"You wouldn't!" I laugh, shaking my head. I knew he was joking around, there was humor in his eyes when he smiled at me.

"I wouldn't, but I'd still find a way to come see you." He tells me, stepping a little closer to me.

"You could just come to visit without having to hurt yourself." I tease, playfully nudging his arm. I can't believe I just touched him. It was unintentional, I just did it. I wasn't thinking. God, I'm flirting with him! He's probably so use to girls flirting and throwing themselves at them, I'm sure he's sick of it.

"I could. That would save me a lot of trouble and they guys wouldn't be so annoyed with me for talking about you so much," he laughs. What? There was no way he was being serious. I couldn't find any signs he was joking when I looked up at him, his green eyes looked into my brown ones with sincerity.

I could stay here and talk with him all night, listening too him laugh and watching his lips move when he speaks and the way he would run his tongue across his bottom lip every now and then. My daydream off kissing him was interrupted when Katy, a little girl throat was here, ran up to me.

"Miss Hazel! Chloe needs you." She tells me grabbing my hand, trying to pull me into the living room.

"Ok Katy," I said. To Harry I say, "I'll see you around," smiling at him before I turn and make my way into the living room. I was grateful there was a fourteen year old here that offered to watch the little kids while the adults mingled. I didn't expect her to change diapers or feed her. Just keeping an eye on her was more than enough. I pick up Chloe and head to her bedroom to change a vert stinky diaper.

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