Taming The Serpent [Tom Riddl...

By ShawtsHood

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Hermione Jean Granger becomes the chosen one instead, as she finds herself travelling back in time to Tom Rid... More

Prologue: New Found Prophecy (Series Pt. I)
O1. The Williams
O2. Meeting The Serpent
O3. King of Snakes
O4. Secrets
O5. Moaning Myrtle
O6. Announcement
O8. Doubts
O9. Oculus Reparo
1O. The Warning
11. Tom's Secret Hide Room
12. A Sluggish Help
13. Swirling in Memories - Part 1
14. Swirling in Memories - Part 2
15. Expecto Patronum
16. A Mudblood's Confession
17. Holy Hogwarts & Christmas Duel
18. Mistletoe
19. False Protection
20. Unforgivable
21. The Other Side of Riddle
22. Awarded
23. Midnight Snack
24. Lost (Pt. I Finale)
O1. Time-Lapse (Series Pt II)
O2. Nurmengard
O3. Unexpected Meeting
O4. The Choice
O5. Penelope's Suspicions
O6. Dawn of Terror
O7. For the Greater Good
O8. Betrayal of the Youngster
O9. Haunted Olive & Bitter Tom
1O. Battle of Hogwarts, 1945 [Part 1]
11. Battle of Hogwarts, 1945 [Part 2]
12. The Elder Wand's New Owner
13. Sacrifice Of The Greatest
14. Tainted Soul
15. The William's Disappearance
O1. Hungry for Power (Series Pt. III)

O7. Aragog, a friend

12.4K 458 108
By ShawtsHood

Riddle, unknowingly, led Hermione toward the dungeons. The torches hadn't been lit, and when Riddle pushed the door almost closed, Hermione could only just see him, standing stock-still by the door, watching the passage outside. She remembered Harry telling her and Ron, that when the school was threatened with closing, a consequence highly undesired by Tom Riddle, the boy found out about Aragog – Hagrid's giant acromantula - and turned Hagrid in as the culprit; he even further slandered Hagrid with accusations of raising werewolf cubs under his bed and running off into the Forbidden Forest to wrestle trolls. But she was determined to change Hagrid's fate.

It had been at least an hour. All she could see was the figure of Riddle at the door, staring through the crack, waiting like a statue. She began to contemplate whether or not it would be wise to address Riddle, but ended up thinking that would be foolish. And she was correct. He would have hexed her in a heartbeat. And just when Hermione had started feeling tense and wished someone else could have taken this mission instead of her, she heard something move beyond the door. Someone was creeping along the passage. Riddle, quiet as a shadow, edged through the door and followed, Hermione tiptoeing behind him, careful not to be seen nor heard. 

For perhaps five minutes they followed the footsteps; she had a pretty good feeling it was Hagrid that Riddle was after. Then, he stopped suddenly, his head inclined in the direction of new noises. A door creaked open, and then someone speaking in a hoarse whisper. "C'mon... gotta get yeh outta here... C'mon now... in the box..." There was something familiar about that voice... Riddle suddenly jumped around the corner. Hermione stepped out behind him. She could see the dark outline of a huge boy who was crouching in front of an open door, a very large box next to it. 

"Evening, Rubeus," said Riddle sharply. Hermione quickly grabbed her wand and crouched down behind a statue.  "What yer doin'down here, Tom?" Riddle stepped closer. "It's all over," he said. "I'm going to have to turn you in, Rubeus. They're talking about closing Hogwarts if the attacks don't stop." 

Hermione aimed her wand at the spider and kept it there, waiting. "I don't think you meant to kill anyone. But monsters don't make good pets. I suppose you just let it out for exercise and--" 

"It never killed no one!" said the large boy, who Hermione knew very well as younger Hagrid, backing against the closed door.

"Come on, Rubeus," said Riddle, moving yet closer. "The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is make sure that the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered..."

"It wasn't him!" roared the boy, his voice echoing in the dark passage. "He wouldn'! He never!"

"Stand aside," said Riddle, drawing out his wand. His spell lit the corridor with a sudden flaming light. The door behind the large boy flew open with such force it knocked him into the wall opposite. And out of it came something that made Hermione let out a long gasp. A vast, low-slung, hairy body and a tangle of black legs; a gleam of many eyes and a pair of razor-sharp pincers – Aragog

Riddle raised his wand again, but he was too late. Hermione recited the teleportation spell. "Loci mutation. " This is a spell that vanishes objects which then appear elsewhere. Back in 1996, Albus Dumbledore used this to transport Harry Potter's school supplies, clothes, and owl to the Burrow, so that they could first journey to Budleigh Babberton to try and recruit Horace Slughorn unhindered... 

Where there once stood a huge arachnid, now was nothing. Riddle let out an angry groan and pointed his wand at Hagrid. "What did you do to it? Where is that thing, Rubeus? " Riddle snarled. Hagrid shook his head, backing away from the raging boy. "I don' know. Please, I don' know." The third year student kept pleading, much to Tom's fury.

"Enough, you filthy half-breed," Riddle spat. "It doesn't matter anyway. Who do you think the Headmaster will believe in? You? " he laughed. "They'll have your wand for this." 

Hermione watched in shock as Riddle threw one last twisted smirk at Hagrid and strolled out of the room. She walked out from behind the statue once his figure was gone from sight, and entered the dark, empty room. Hagrid was sobbing uncontrollably, his back facing her. Upon hearing footsteps, he thought it was Tom again; "Please, Riddle. I already told ya, Aragog is innocent he wouldn' hurt anyone. "  

Hermione awkwardly coughed to gain his attention. The giant boy turned to look at her astonished. "My name's Hermione. We don't have much time. Follow me quick, Hagrid. " The boy's eyes widened. "How do ya know my name? " She smiled slightly at the giant boy and grabbed his hand. "I already teleported Aragog - now you need to leave Hogwarts." The boy eyed her quizzically. " 'Twas ya who made Aragog disappear? " She nodded her head proudly. "Thank ya."  

Hermione and Rubeus Hagrid walked slowly inside the Forbidden Forest. The forest is a very old place that holds many secrets and houses many creatures, some dark and Dangerous, others friendly. The trees in the forest are considered ancient, they are dense and rough looking from years of exposure to the elements. "Thanks fo' yer help, Hermione." 

They took a sharp turn and infront of them stood two large trees; in the middle a giant dome web was being made by an enormous spider, that both recognized as Aragog.  "Oh Aragog", Hagrid cried happily. The acromantula aknowledge its owner and fled down, suspended by a large piece of web. It crawled toward them and Hermione gasped in horror, hidding behind Hagrid's giant figure. 

"Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets. He is innocent." it roared. Hermione's eyes widened slightly. It can speak. Hagrid took a few steps closer to the giant spider. "Aragog, Hermione's a friend. She helped ya and me." The spider eyed her with its numerous eyes for a moment before slowly bending down its legs, performing what looked like a bow. 

"Thank you. Your acts will not go unknown. From now on, no spider in this forest shall ever harm you."

For the last time this semester, all students shared a rather enjoyable meal at the Great Hall. The gloominess that surrounded everyone added to the grim atmosphere Hogwarts seemed to present the past few days. A Hall that once housed the cheers and loud conversations of all students, was now simply housing silent murmurs and cold looks. The Headmaster Armando Dippet, a nearly bald and a somewhat feeble man, rose from his podium and addressed the sad students.

"My heart has never felt so heavy like it does now, " he said, " I'm afraid we have no choice. Since the culprit was not found, the school will be closing." 

Angry groans and several whispers broke the once silent room; Dippet nodded his head sympathetically and raised his hands to calm his audience. "As you all know, I've contacted your families. The Ministry of Magic will be searching the school for the cause of recent...events. Until then, you all must return home."

Dippet's brown eyes searched the Slytherin table, landing on Tom Riddle's dark ones. "No exceptions." Riddle gulped and averted his gaze from the old wizard. 

With a clap of his frail hands, the Headmaster sat back down and watched as golden plates and goblets appeared magically in front of each student. Soon after, food appeared as well, followed by the delicious smell of Hogwarts' famous pudding. "Enjoy your meal." 

Halfway through her lunch, Hermione glanced up at the unmistakable sound of an owl hooting. An enormous and fat owl flew in circles above the Ravenclaw long table, hooting happily when spotting Hermione. It landed magnificently in the middle of hers and other Ravenclaw's plate and Hermione smiled, taking the small parchment attached to its tiny leg.

"Thank you, Argus." The owl hooted once again, before spreading its big brown wings and taking off. "Lovely owl", a girl with light blond hair and deep blue eyes said dreamily. "Thank you... Erm—a..."

"My name's Ursulla Lovegood." Hermione's eyes widened slightly before she nodded her head hastily. "Pleasure. I'm Hermione Lockhart." The blonde girl, Ursulla, smiled and retreated to her food. Staring back at her piece of parchment, Hermione recognized the smell of butterbeer, biscuits, baked potatoes and pork. It smelled of the Williams' house. With a huge grin, she unrolled the parchment and eagerly read it.

Dear Hermione,

Ravenclaw? How outstanding, so you must be a very wise witch!! Well, I wasn't counting with any less. We're pleased to know you're loving Hogwarts; told you it was an amazing school. However, it has come to our attention that some accidents happened over there? I have no idea how but the Headmaster knew of your whereabouts and that you had stayed with us, and he wrote to us informing of what's been going on... We hope you're alright, dear. And of course, if your relatives aren't back once you need to leave school, you're very welcome to come and stay with us Hermione dear.

Sincerely yours,

Demophilus and Bertha Williams.

P.S.- if we're not home when you arrive, all you have to do is tell the small gargoyle at the back window you wish to enter, and say the password: bubbles pox.

She folded it neatly, feeling grateful for the kind middle-aged couple. She was looking forward to be with them once again; both reminded her dearly of Molly and Arthur Weasley, they oddly felt like home. 

However, two tables ahead of Hermione, the tall dark haired boy wearing the Slytherin robes, with his Prefect badge gleaming proudly in his chest, was nowhere near happy to be going back to the Orphanage. Tom was going to blame the third year half giant, but he disappeared; He had searched throughout the school, every inch of it; every classroom, unused classroom, even secret passageways, but Rubeus was nowhere to be seen – and that wouldn't be hard, due to his height. The filthy half-breed had escaped and now Tom would have to go back to those nasty muggles.

Later that day, Riddle found himself making his way to the Library. Aileen Klaus, the current librarian at Hogwarts School, smiled enchantingly at Riddle – even though she had the age to be his mother, the middle aged woman with light brown curly hair and brown dull eyes, took a small fancy for the boy. Had she been way younger or him older, she'd definitely join the extensive line of Tom's romantically interested women.

"Good afternoon, Tom." He nodded politely at her, casting one of his faux smirks. "Afternoon Aileen, how's your day been?" She giggled unattractively "Tom, you charming boy. Does not matter how an old lady's day been. Boring, pretty boring." 

Riddle walked closer toward her desk. Piles and piles of books stood at the far corner, waiting to be put back on the correct shelves. Riddle reached for his bag and grabbed the book 'Secrets of the Darkest Arts' placing it with a small thud on the wooden desk.

The librarian looked up at him and carefully collected the book. "Did it help with your Defense against the Dark Arts project, my dear boy?" Riddle smirked and nodded his head. "Aileen, you have no idea how helpful you were." She smiled widely and joined the book to one of the piles. 

Riddle bade his good bye and entered the Library, walking toward a small desk by the bigger window. Sure having to go back to the orphanage was a bummer, but Tom had a plan. He was going to pay a well-deserved visit to the Gaunt family. His eyes searched the shelves for the book that contained information about the Gaunts and his eyes landed on the annoying mop of brown curly hair that belonged to the Lockhart girl. His eyes narrowed and his fists unconsciously bawled by his side. Why does she have to be everywhere he is? How dare she?

He strolled elegantly to her table and, like last time, took a seat across from the infuriating girl. She did not notice his presence for she was too engaged in her reading. His dark eyes darted to the cover and upon reading the title: 'Salazar Slytherin's Inheritors'; he quickly and aggressively fetched the book from her hands; it was the book he had been looking for.

Hermione let out a surprised gasp and her eyes widened considerably upon realizing who stood before her. "What business have you got with Slytherin's descendants?" he snarled. She did not respond. Frantic, Riddle glanced down at the open book at his hands.

'Merope Gaunt had lived in a shack near Little Hangleton with her father, Marvolo, and brother, Morfin. Generations of inbreeding left the Gaunts violent, mentally unstable, and poverty-stricken. Merope exhibited little magical talent in her early years, and as a result was mentally and physically abused by her father, who called her a "disgusting little Squib", among other things. However, this was actually a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Merope's magical abilities were suppressed largely because of her father's abuse. Based on this, as well as the family's poverty, it is unlikely that Merope attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, though she did have a wand. It also seems likely that she was taught magic at home as she was able perform magic wherein she was able to enslave her husband successfully which is said to not be an easy or simple task to perform, that is, she would have had to had some knowledge of the magical arts to accomplish this. Merope seemed to be in charge of cooking and cleaning in her family home; it is unknown what happened to her mother. However, Merope's magical ability flourished after her father and brother were incarcerated in Azkaban and she was free from their abuse; she showed herself capable of significant magic, enslaving Tom Riddle either with the Imperius Curse or a love potion---'

Tom closed the book with a loud thud and glared menacingly at Hermione. His eyes flashed a hint of red around his dark iris and the scowl on his face made him look less attractive, almost inhuman. "Give me the book Riddle," said Hermione, trembling slightly in her chair. "I was just curious, there's nothing wrong with a Ravenclaw wanting to know more about the other founders--"

"I don't believe you," spat Riddle. "You're planning something, aren't you? Tell the truth!" He spoke the last three words with a ringing force that was almost shocking. It was a command, and it sounded as though he had given it many times before. His eyes had widened and he was glaring at Hermione even more intensely now. "Who are you?" 

She broke eye contact quickly, remembering he was a master at the art of Legilimency. "What do you mean who I am? My name's Hermione Lockhart and I'm a transferred student. You know that. "

"Transferred student... " he repeated darkly. His eyes darted back to the book and he subconsciously rubbed the ink in the book spelling the name Merope. "You know who the Gaunt family is?" He didn't give time, however, for Hermione to respond, for he in an uncaring and harsh tone began to answer for her. "The pathetic little excuse for a witch, Merope Gaunt, was my mother. Yes, I know, shocking. Marvolo my grandfather and Morfin my uncle. ", he spat their names like they were unworthy of ever being spelled by him. "You have probably reached the conclusion that that filthy muggle who shares my name is my father." Hermione kept quiet in her seat, not daring to move or speak.

He put the book in his bag and stood up walking around her chair, like a shark around its prey before attacking. He withdraw his wand from his pocket and pointed it sharply against her neck. Her breathing accelerated and waves of fear rushed through her body. 

He lowered himself slowly and threateningly, and whispered by her ear. "I catch you one more time reading things about me or my ancestors and you'll regret it. I assure you." 

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