Love at First Sight || d.w

By hauntedsinner

25.8K 1.1K 430

And the warmth of her lips against mine, makes me feel like maybe I'll get over my fears. More

Happy Cakes Bakery and More
Mr. Freakishly Tall
I still love you
He'll Be Fine
Dallon, Oh Dallon
Play The Notes Sing The Words
Morning Sunshine
I Left Her
After The Studio
Just Need to Believe
He's a Puzzle
Warmth of Your Lips
Doubt That I Am Loved
Fears and Truths
In Love Alone
The Night of No Sleeping
In Love Together
Cigarette Smoke
Twelve to Three
Love Destroys People
We'll Try Again
Perfectly Imperfect
Just Like Old Times
The City Lights
|| SEQUEL ||

Beautiful Sleeper

656 34 11
By hauntedsinner

Merideth's POV

When I wake up Dallon is still asleep. I've never seen someone who looks so beautiful all the time; even in their sleep.

"You always watch people during their sleep," Dallon questions without opening his eyes and breaking me from my thoughts.

"Only the people who look like angels in their sleep..."

He laughs and turns his head towards me, finally opening his eyes. They remind me of the ocean just outside the beach house where the party only a few weeks ago, the day I met Dallon. It feels like months ago. His blue and full of life, of happiness. I would love to wake up to this every morning. Fall asleep to this, wake up to this... I hope his eyes are full of life and happiness forever.



"I asked if you worked at the bakery today, I don't have to be in the studio today so if you didn't have stuff to do at the bakery I was gonna say we could go to the movies or something?"

"No, I don't have to be in the bakery today, but I've seen enough movies in the theatres recently. I'm sure there's something else we can find to do today."

"Okay..." He whispers. He smiles and pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Dallon! I need to stare at the-" Brendon yells as he enters the bedroom, "Oh, sorry. Dallon? A minute?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second," Dallon assures him. Brendon nods and closes the door.

"Do all your friend have a key to your apartment?"

"Just Brendon and Spencer. They probably made an extra copy for their wives though. Sorry about him, I'll be back in a few," he says and kisses my forehead. I watch as he walks out of the room. I pull my phone from my bag laying on the hardwood floor when I hear the familiar ring tone of Jenna.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in like forever! Let's go to that new bar on 4th street tonight?" Jenna rushes after I say hello.

"I actually have plans tonight, how about tomorrow?"

"Mer, you always have plans... Can't you cancel just this once?"

"Jenna... I'm sorry I just-"

"Your plans are with Dallon aren't they? You know ever since he came around Meadow and I never see you. We get it, new boyfriend whatever, but we've been friends since middle school you can't just drop us like that."

"It's not like we ever want to do the same things, you two always want to go to parties and clubs and I never want to. I'm just not interested in that stuff, I'm sorry."

"Whatever, have fun with whatever you have planned with Dallon. I'll see you when you decide you have time for your friends."

I begin to talk, but she hangs up. I'm not sure what I would have said. Something about how she always wanted me to be happy I'm sure, but I probably couldn't have brought myself to say anything.

"Hey, sorry. He just wanted to ask something about the record and such," Dallon says, grabbing pants and a t-shirt from his closet, "So what are we going to do today?" I stare at him for a few moments and he stares back.


"I think the only place that will serve us breakfast at noon is IHOP or Denny's. Or that very kitchen just outside this room, but I don't exactly have food in said kitchen. Or Brendon's place actually, Sarah whips up some great pancakes, and it could free up some time tonight if we go to breakfast instead of dinner. So you can take your pick."

"It's noon? How is it noon?" I sit up from my position on the bed and grab my phone. And it's noon. "Wow, okay... Brendon's it is I suppose."

"Do you want to stop by your apartment so you can change?" He stops before saying something else when my phone starts to ring.

"Sorry, this will probably just be a second...Hello?" At first all I hear is breathing, so I assume it's Meadow playing some game. "Hello?"

"Hey sorry someone was talking to me. I'm at that grill you said we could meet at, where are you?" Tyler asks.

"Oh...right, sorry, I'll be there in a few?"

"Yeah that's fine no worries, I don't have any other plans today."

"Okay, I'll see you soon, bye," I hang up and get up to change out of the shirt and pajama pants Dallon lent me, "I'm sorry, I made plans with my friend Tyler to go over some things about him opening his own business and I totally spaced. I'll meet you at Brendon and Sarah's tonight for dinner?" I zip up my boots and walk over to where he stands.

"Yeah that's fine, I'll text you the time to be there and the address?"

"Okay, I love you," I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. He returns my I love you and I'm out the door.


Hello there,
It's been a while and I apologise for my lack of updates. I just haven't had the motivation/inspiration to write and I still don't honestly like the chapter. I think the next chapter is going to be more like chapter 12. I'll try and have the next chapter up by Monday night but I have no promises.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it,
Maybe share with a friend, comment, vote, all that good stuff.

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