Where is Danny Phantom?

By chanbaekistic

39.5K 1.4K 481

What happens when Danny disappears or more likely kidnapped by the most dangerous people on the face of the g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note (please read)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

2.8K 105 33
By chanbaekistic

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Providence.

Danny groaned, his head throbbed and his side hurt. He slowly sat up, as he was in a laying position, and winced in pain.

He looked around and realized that he was back in the small room. He recalled what happened before he passed out. He was dragged out to some room and some guy mad a cut on his side....... someone made a cut on his side! He quickly pulled his shirt up and examined the cut.

Danny bit his lip, the cut was sewn and it formed a small bump. He gently touched it and winced in pain. He caressed the bump ignoring the pain. Tears blurred his vision and he was crying silently.

What did he do to deserve this? What did he do be kidnapped and brought here? What did he do be treated harshly and experimented on?

He wasn't a lab rat, and he wasn't going to be one, or was he? He slowly laid back down on the bed as he remembered the science fiction movies both he and Sam were forced to watch by Tucker in Sam's home theater.

Oh Sam and Tucker....... the thought of his friends made him cry harder.

Danny was crying furiously when the door to his room slid open. He quickly sat up, ignoring the pain, and looked at the man at his door. He was holding a tray with a cup of water and a plate of food, he also had what seemed like clothes too.

The man walked in, making Danny tense, and placed the food and clothes on the ground, near the bed.

He was on his way out when Danny decided to speak up.

"What are those for?"

The man didn't answer immediately, but once he was at the door, he stopped and turned around.

"Change to these clothes," the man said coldly.

He then closed the door and walked away.

Danny looked at the clothes and the food cautiously. He stood up slowly and took a step towards the things. He then knelt down and grabbed the neatly folded clothes. He unfolded them and laid them on his bed.

Danny stared at the clothes for a minute. There was a pair of white sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a pair of white socks. He then hesitantly took of his shoes and socks, followed by the rest of his clothes and changed into the white attire in front of him.

Danny's stomach rumbled, he remembered the food and he turned towards it to see what it consisted of. Danny frowned and wrinkled his nose, the food was mostly colorless and its ingredients disgusted him. The food was slimy and it reminded him of prisoners' food. His stomach rumbles again, he was really hungry and the last time he has eaten was over a day ago.

Danny sighed, he sat cross-legged in front of the tray and grabbed the spoon next to the plate. He poked his food and hesitantly spooned a bite and put it in his mouth. His face scrunched and he slowly swallowed his food.

"Eww, what kind of food is this," he muttered as he spat on the ground, trying to rid his mouth from the disgusting taste.


Danny laid against the bed thinking of ways to run away. He refused to stay in this place and given such disgusting and sickening food.

Leaving this place won't be easy, that's for sure, especially if he can't use his powers. He's pretty sure that at one point they will deactivate the collar, after all they want to test his powers, that would be his cue. He won't be able to escape from the first time. He has to observe the place he's in whenever he's allowed out of his prison. Help was sure out of the question, he was all on his own.

Danny was pulled out of his thoughts when the door to his prison was opened. Two men barged in like the last time, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him out of the room like he was a mere doll.

They walked down different hallways with a lot of twists and turns. Danny was finding a hard time to keep up, so much for observing his surroundings. He noted that they were taking him to a different place than the last time.

They finally came to a halt in front of  a door. The door slid open and he was thrown inside the room, his face hitting the cold floor.

Danny took his time to stand up as he heard the door behind him close. He looked around him and noticed that he was in huge room, there were a few weird things placed on the walls of the room, he wondered what they were for.

"This is going to be your first test, we want to see how fast and flexible you are. The collar has been deactivated so that you can use your powers, please don't hold back."

Danny jumped slightly at the sudden loud sound. He blinked as he processed what was said. Suddenly, a laser beam shot out of one of the things on the wall.

'So that's what they're for'  Danny thought as he took a defensive stance.

"Going ghost," Danny cried as two white rings appeared around his torso and travelled up and down his body.

His jet black her was now as white as snow and sapphire blue eyes were now an eerie green. He was now wearing a black jumpsuit with a white belt around his waist, white gloves, white boots and the famous logo of Danny Phantom on his chest.

More laser beams were shot out of the things on the wall and on instinct he jumped and dodged each and every one of them gracefully. He landed on the ground and couldn't help the smile on his face, he was kind of happy that he was in action and not locked up in that small room.

The smile was soon wiped of his face as one of the beams hit on his upper arm. He winced in pain as he looked at the now bleeding cut. Danny ignored the cut and just kept on flying and jumping avoiding the beams. He would have gone invisible but those were ectoplasmic beams, the number one enemy of all ghosts.

Danny soon realized that they were faster than what he could keep up with and he was being hit with the laser beams while dodging others.

Soon enough, Danny was on the the ground, on all fours, panting heavily. He had received a lot of cuts an was now bleeding profusely. His vision was blurry and he tried, but failed, to stand up. He was shaking as he looked at the beams that were still being shot everywhere. His eyes widened as he saw a beam coming straight at him, he mustered all the power he still had and pushed himself off the ground. He landed on the ground, on his back, wincing in pain. He transformed back to his human form.

Danny fought the darkness that started consuming his vision, but soon gave in. His body lay limp in the middle of the huge room that was now littered with Danny's blood.

The things on the wall stopped shooting beams and the door opened. A man came in and carried Danny away so that his cuts and injuries could be checked and treated.

Don't worry, Danny didn't die. Our stubborn hero can't be finished off that easily.

So sorry for the freaking late update. I kind of had a writer's block(but I was lazy too), but I started writing this chapter a month ago.

I was thinking about making an update schedule, you know like update once in a week or two, but I can't keep promises, I'm really busy with school and some family things, so for now you will have to keep up with my updates. In other words, I might update quickly or slowly, but I will always try and have long updates.

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