Just A Spark (Lucaya) (Joshay...

By ughitsangel

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Just A Spark <3 "The Love I have for him and the love he has for I is unintentional... I mean we were always... More

Chapter: Two
Chapter: Three
Chapter: Four
Chapter: Five
Chapter: Six

Chapter: One

436 27 12
By ughitsangel

Chapter: One

* Maya's P.O.V *

  The bell rang and as usual I took my seat in front of Ranger Rick.

"Good morning Ranger Rick!" I said cheerfully.

"Good morning shortie!" Lucas shot back.

  Oh how I hated when he called me short.

"Going to a Rodeo after school so you can ride a mechanical bull?" I asked with a snotty attitude.

"Yes Royal Shortness want to join?" Asked Lucas smiling.

I must admit he's getting better at this.

"Okay guys! Stop the name calling!" Said Riley innocently.

  Ever since she started dating Lucas it's like she doesn't let me have any fun with him anymore. The day seemed as if it lingered class after class. The bell rang indicating the school day is over. I walked over to my locker and got out my books... Just kidding! BOOKS?! HOMEWORK!? Hah! I don't do that! I grabbed out my phone and turned around. Walking out of Art Class was Riley and Lucas. They were holding hands. I stared at their intertwined hands. My eyes stayed... Even when I realized Lucas and Riley noticed what I was staring at my eyes still wouldn't budge! It was like my eyes were glued.

"Maya?" Asked Riley.

"Hey shortie!" Said Lucas as his fingertips touched my shoulder I immediately flinched his hand off. "Whoa!" He said shocked.

"Uhh I have to go!" I said walking out of the school doors.

  What did I just do!? What just happened?

I had made my way to Central Park and took a seat watching the little boys and little girls play.

  Why did it matter to me that my best friend and Lucas were holding hands? It was proably nothing. But it didn't feel like nothing. My heart was still beating fast as thousands of questions roamed through my head! It was around 5PM when I finally decided to walk home.

- The Next Day -

The next day I woke up early and shot Riley a text.
😃Smiley Riley🌻


Can't pick you up for school 😣 sorry.


It's not that I was avoiding Riley or was mad at her I just needed time to think. I don't know why it got me so mad when I saw Ranger Rick and Riley holding hands! I mean it's not like I "like" Ranger Roy! Ew!

I mean he is funny and caring! Oh and the way he's a jock but still cares about people like Farkle and Riley and well me. Riley is really lucky and I mean we did date once but that lasted like 8 seconds.... And anyway-


- At School -

I walked into History.

Okay Maya just say Hi. Do what you normally do! Pretend yesterday never happened.

"Hey Lucas." I said sweetly.

OH NO! I just called him Lucas and the tone in my voice was so sweet and pure! Ugh! What is happening. It's like I can't think straight when I'm near him now! Which is crazy! He's a animal! He's a... COWBOY!

"Maya did you just call me Lucas?" He asked in shock.

"What? I've always known your name... Your name is Lucas Friar... And that's Farkle Minkus and Corey Matthews... And where's Riley?" I asked.

"Sick." Said Farkle.

"Maybe you do care Maya." Said Lucas.

"Oh Lucas I've always cared about you." I said.

"What's up?" Asked Lucas.

"What?" I asked.

"Did someone brainwash you because your actually being sweet today." He said as a grin swept over his face.


"Oh like you would know Ranger Rick!" I said fiercely.

"And she's back!" Said Lucas with disappointment in his voice.

Since Riley wasn't here Lucas hung out with the jock's and I hate to say it but even Farkle left me, he went to hang out with the nerd's! Maybe I need to find new friends! Ugh it's all so confusing. But I know one thing that will never change! I LIKE.... NO LOVE JOSH! I LOVE JOSH AND NEVER EVER EVER WILL I LIKE LUCAS BECAUSE I DONT LIKE HIM THATS BONKERS! LUCAS AND I WILL NEVER HAPPEN. AND IT WOULDN'T EVEN BE POSSIBLE-

"Hey Maya we need to talk!" Said Lucas interrupting my thoughts.

"Lucas!" I said shockingly.

"What happened yesterday?" He asked.

"Yesterday?" I asked not wanting to remember.

"Yea." He said awkwardly.


- Chapter One DONE! Yay! ✌🏻️
I will update once this book reaches 20+ views! So tell your friends! This is a Lucaya and Joshaya fanfic, but there is in the first couple chapters some Rucas! And for those worried about Riley she will find someone else and get over Lucas! </3

- 20+ Views = Chapter: Two!!!

- What will happen next? Comment Below!

- Will Maya push away her feelings? Or realize Love is Love and there's no point in keeping them hidden! Comment Below!

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