Falling For My BadBoy Roommate

By SanC-Rylie

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Eric Lopez is the typical bad boy and notorious player. On top of all that the 21year old is also a cocky and... More

Chapter 1- Moving In
Chapter 2- Meeting my new roommate
Chapter 3- No respect or consideration for others
Chapter 4- Meeting up with an old and new friends part 1.
Chapter 5- Meeting up with an old and new friends part 2
Chapter 6- The hatred continued
Chapter 7-Hiding From Him
Chapter 8- Attending a party
Chapter 9- Getting closer with Dylan
Chapter 10- Ignoring Eric
Chapter 11- Expect the Unexpected part 1
Chapter 12- Expect the Unexpected part 2
Chapter 13-Being civil with each other
Chapter 14-Seeing the difference
Chapter 15- Going Home For The Christmas Break.
Chapter 16- Home with the family
Chapter 17-Our Second Make Out Session
Chapter 18-Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter 19-First Time Experience
Chapter 20- Once an asshole, Always an asshole part 1
Chapter 21-Once an asshole, Always an asshole part 2
Chapter 22-Will You Marry Me?
Author's Note
New story


14K 475 75
By SanC-Rylie

Four Years Later

Eric and I were finally married after graduating university. Eric took over his father's company and was now the CEO. I was also hired there where I was the vice president but I was on leaf now as you probably guessed it, I was pregnant.

I was eight and a half months pregnant and to say I was a typical moody, emotional and insecure woman would be an understatement.
I was extremely emotional, I got upset and cried over the simplest things. I was often moody as hell and would often times break things when I threw them at Eric for being insensitive or not heeding my wishes. Don't ask me why but I was sometimes that violent at him. I guess it was because of me being uncomfortable and all due to my current state of pregnancy and being so big. Simple things such as sitting down, sleeping, bathing myself and even walking was a bit difficult and uncomfortable, so I guessed I kinda blamed Eric for putting me in this uncomfortable position.


I had been sick with the flu for about a week now. But this morning I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. I was on my knees in front the toilet bowl as I started vomiting out all of last nights pasta.
I then felt my hair been held back and my back been rubbed gently.

"You ok baby?" Eric asked me.

"No. I feel like I'm gonna die soon. I feel horrible" I told him as he helped me up.

"You'll be fine soon" he said as I brushed my teeth.
"Come on let's get you some peppermint tea".

He led me downstairs to the kitchen where I sat down on one of the stools as he made me some tea. I drank my tea and was eating some salty crackers because that's I felt for, Eric decided to make himself some coffee.
The moment he poured his coffee in his mug and set it on the counter in front of me and the scent catches my nose, that's the moment I felt sick to my stomach again.

"Oh god" I groaned as I got up then rushed to the bathroom emptying my stomach.

"Hey" Eric said to me as he followed me to the bathroom.

"Eric, I feel horrible" I said to him as I got up then rises my mouth.

"Come on. Let's get you in bed. Get some rest and I'll go get you some medicine for your stomach OK" he said as he led me upstairs.

For the past two weeks I've been feeling sick and throwing up. I had to take time off from work as I was also feeling a bit dizzy at times. The flu was gone but I still seemed to have a stomach bug.

Eric was at work and I was going through my bedside table drawer when my eyes caught my calendar that I used to keep check of my monthly gift and that's when it occurred to me that I missed two months period. I then grabbed my keys and purse then drove to the nearest pharmacy which was just about 8minutes away from our house. I went in and purchased three different kinds of pregnancy tests.

As I got home I went straight to the bathroom, I pulled out two pregnancy tests from out their boxes. I peed on both of them then put it on top of the sink waiting for five minutes as I washed my hands. That was the longest five minutes of my life.
Finally I looked at the first test and sure enough there was a plus sign indicating positive, second test there was two double lines also indicating positive which meant that I was pregnant.

I was so excited I couldn't wait to tell someone, I wanted to surprised eric with the news so I decided to wait until he came home from work to tell him. I also wanted to break the news to him first so I had to resist the strong urge I had to call my friends and family to tell them. They were going to be so excited.

I cooked beef stew and potatoes for dinner that evening. As Eric reached home I went to him quickly and great him with a kiss.

"Wow. Someone missed me" Eric said as he hugged me laughing.

"I sure did" I said to him " I've made you dinner come on".

"You seem to be feeling a lot better now" he said to me as he sat down at the table and I shared him dinner.

"I am" I said to him as we started eating. When we were finished I got up and got the box with the positive pregnancy test which i had wrapped in gift paper.

"I have a gift for you" I said to him as I handed him the wrapped box.

"Wow a gift. What had I done to deserved this now?" He said as he took it and started opening it.
"What's this?" He asked as he spotted the pregnancy test box then looked at me.

"Open it" I said to him smiling.
He open the box then took out the two positive test.

"Oh my god" he said as he looked at me again. "Are you..." He started and I nodded my head smiling at him.

"Congratulations Mr.Lopez" I said to him.

"We're having a baby!?" He asked excited.

"Yes" I said laughing as he ran to me then picked me up twirling us around.

"I'm gonna be a dad" he said excitedly, "I love you Savannah".

"I love you too" I said smiling at him as he hugged me again kissing me.
End of flashback

I was also really insecure and self cautious about my body. For one I kept worrying that Eric wouldn't find me attractive enough and I would wear these huge ugly clothes just to cover up from him. He kept telling me that I was still beautiful and sexy as hell but I was still just feeling insecure about my appearance.
However now that I was close to me due date I seemed to be experiencing raging hormones overload.

Eric came into the room and laid beside me.
"You OK baby?" He asked me, " Do you want anything?"

"Yeah" I said to him as I went closer to him and kissed him.

"What can I get you?" He asked.

"You" I said as I climbed on him straddling his lap.

"Me?" He said amused while holding my thighs, "Babe you already have me".

"You know what I mean" I said to him as I wrapped my hands around his neck and started kissing him. He immediately responded to my kisses, but as I brought my hands to his chest trying to unbotton his shirt he grabbed my hands stopping me.

"What's wrong?" I asked against his lips

"We can't do that Savannah" he said to me.

I eased back to look at him, "Why not?" I asked him feeling a bit rejected.

"I don't want to hurt our baby" he said.

"Well that's never stopped you before" I said to him.

"Baby this time is different, you're clo..." He started to say but I cut him off.

" I get it" I said as I got off him. "You don't want me anymore because I'm fat and unattractive now".

"What!? No" he said to me. "Savannah you're the most beautiful and attractive woman I've ever seen".

"Don't!" I yelled at him as I started to cry, I was feeling really emotional right now and I had no idea how to control myself.

"Come on Savannah, stop it. You're dramatic right now" he said to me.

"I'm being dramatic!?" I yelled at him, " You're the one who got me pregnant and now you don't want me!".

"You know that's not true babe. I just don't want us to hurt our unborn child" he said while trying to touch me.

"Save it" I said to him as I laid down turnibg me back to him then pulling the blanket over me.

"Sav...." He began but I cut him off.

"Never mind I just wanna go to sleep. Goodnight Eric" I said to him.

I heard him sighed then said "Goodnight babe, I love you".

I was in the kitchen when I felt a sudden pain rushed through me. I clutched the kitchen counter hard until it passed.
Eric then came into the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you doing in here? I thought I told you to rest" he said to me.

"I'm not five Eric, I can take care of myself" I told him, only to feel another pain hit me. "Oww" I said as I put my hand on my swollen stomach then I felt water rushing down my legs.

"What's wrong?" Eric said as he rushed to where I was. I looked down my legs and he followed and seem to realized what the problem was.

"My water just broke. I think it's time" I said to him.

He instantly became alert. "Hold on baby I'll go get your bag" he said as he rushed to get my bag. He returned within seconds then led me to his car where we drove to the hospital.
The pain was getting more intense as my contractions were closer. When we reach the hospital Eric helped me out the car and instantly I was put in a wheelchair by hospital attendants.

I was in labour as I laid on the bed ready to bring our child into this world. I was sweating and panting as I tried to follow the doctor's instructions to push. Eric held my hand and kiss my head as he keep telling me everything will be fine soon.
After about an hour and half of pain and labour I finally heard the cry of my baby girl as she came into our world.
The nurse cleaned her off then hand her to me wrapped in her blankets.

"Mr. And Mrs. Lopez here's your beautiful daughter" she said as I took my baby from her.

"She's so beautiful" I whispered to Eric who was now beside me with a big smile.

"Just like you" he said as he kissed my head.

The next morning I had some surprised visitors. My parents, Eric's parents, Hayden, Janina and Kylie and my four year old nephew, Alexa, Kevin, Chelsea and Dominic came to visit my baby girl and I.
Eric's parents as well as my parents were extremely excited to meet their new granddaughter. Hayden and Janina was ecstatic to see their niece as well. Janina was so excited to hold her.

"So what's her name?" Janina asked as she gave her back to me.

I looked at Eric and smiled, then I kissed my baby girl on her head.

"Her name is Erica Saveena Lopez" I told them.

Eric and I were lucky to have fallen in love and now to be blessed with our beautiful little girl now surrounded by people we love. It was a great thing that I fell for my badboy roommate.

The End

Wow I've just finished my first book, yaay. :)

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