The Match Maker's Match

By wattisyourname

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At Belleford Academy, Olivia Amherst is the official matchmaker. Everyone goes to her for relationship advice... More

Prologue Olivia
Chapter 1 Tristan
Chapter 2 Olivia
Chapter 3 Tristan
Chapter 4 Olivia
Chapter 5 Tristan
Chapter 6 Olivia
Chapter 7 Tristan
Chapter 8 Olivia
Chapter 9 Tristan
Chapter 10 Olivia
Chapter 11 Tristan
chapter 12 Olivia
Chapter 13 Olivia
Chapter 15 Olivia

Chapter 14 Sean

81 4 0
By wattisyourname

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Niall Kramer (Olivia's dad) *squeals* finally!
Hey guys!
So this is a special chapter from Sean's POV that gets the climax of this story rolling. It's probably one of the last chapters in this book and I'm so sad! Can you see my tears on the page? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! VOTE AND COMMENT XOXO
"Adonis! Stop!" I said laughing. My sexy hunk was lying next to me. Shirtless. He was tickling me senseless.
"I am terribly sorry, αγάπη μου, agapi mou, my love, but that is not possible." I loved it when he called me that. I was trying to watch Project Runway reruns but this crazy man wouldn't let me. Who doesn't like Project Runway? Finally, I had had enough. I twisted myself around and kissed him hard on the lips. His eyes immediately filled with lust and he stopped. A proud smirk made its way to my lips.
"Γλυκιά μου, glykia mou, my sweet, you make it hard for me to breathe without thinking of you." His voice was husky. Yum. He looked me up and down and growled. I chuckled. Yep, this was definitely the Adonis I knew and loved. God, I loved him.
"Adonis," I said seriously. He looked up at me with those sexy light eyes of his.
"Yes?" A hint of impatience flitted in his expression.
"I love you," I said softly, playing with his soft hair. He looked up at me, eyes wide and mouth ajar.
"Σ' αγαπό πάρα πολύ, S' agapo para poly, I love you too," he said breathlessly. My heart stuttered and tears gushed to my eyes. "Δεν αγάπη μου, den agapi mou, no my love, do not cry," I shook my head.
"Adonis," I whispered and he held me in his arms for the rest of the night.
I woke up at seven to the sound of buzzing. I groaned and threw a pillow at the alarm clock. The sound didn't stop.
"SHUT THAT DAMN THING OFF! ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΘΕΟ! APO TO THEO! BY GOD!" Adonis yelled next to me. I forgot I was sleeping in his apartment last night.
"Adonis, I think it's your phone," I said. He got up and mumbled in Greek all the way to his phone. He had sweatpants on low on his hips and his v showed. His taut stomach and back flexed with every movement. It was quite a feast for the eyes. His hair was ruffled at the top, guess I did that. Whoops. He was talking very seriously to the other person on the line.
"Yes, and you say its going to happen today? Alright, I will leave immediately. Segley warehouse. Of course, sir. I will protect her at all costs, her life matters to me as much as it matters to you. Alright, thank you, goodbye." He turned around gravely and looked at the ground.
"Olivia," he choked out. What? Olivia? As in my Olivia? Liv? "Sean, Olivia is in grave danger, I have to help."
"What? What happened?"
"There are a lot of things I haven't told you about me," I raised my brows at him. At this point, my sleepiness had been erased. "I am an FBI agent. I have been tracking Olivia for a few years now..."
"I work..." He hesitated, "I work for Olivia's father." I choked.
"I know, I'm sorry I didn't tell you,"
"You realize she hates her father now, for leaving them,"
"It wasn't his fault, Sean, he had to,"
"And why's that," I challenged.
"He was posted somewhere else and had to go under cover on a mission. He kept an eye on them for a few years until he was really close to apprehending his target and he assigned me, his most trusted subordinate, to keep watch. He loves them more than anything Sean. He knows all about you, all about Tristan..."
"What?..." I asked, suspicious.
"Joseph Vanderbilt has made plans to kill Olivia and they will carry out today. Tristan and Olivia will receive an anonymous message leading them to the Segley Warehouse and there he will send Olivia as a sex slave and if she refuses she will die." Bile rose in my throat and I ran to the bathroom to puke my guts out. When I was done retching Adonis gave me a glass of water and wiped my face with a cool, moist towel. Tears and sweat mixed on my face. I leaned my head against the wall.
"Why my Liv? WHY DAMMIT WHY?" I yelled to no one in particular. The world swam in front of my eyes and I felt helpless.
"I'm sorry, Sean," Adonis whispered. He helped me up from the bathroom floor and led me to a couch in his palatial bedroom.
"I'm coming, too," I said quietly.
"What?" Adonis hissed. "No! You can't come. It's too dangerous. Many dangerous people are involved and if we take a wrong step Olivia might end up dead, Sean, dead!" I looked up at him, not affected by his beauty for the first time.
"You think I'm going to make a wrong step, Adonis?"
"No," his Greek accent was slipping away.
"Are you even Greek, Adonis? Is that even your real name?" Shame filled his handsome features.
"No," he answered both question with one answer. It crushed me. I stood up.
"I don't care who you are and what you think but if you even try to stop me from saving my Liv you will regret it. Do you understand?" He nodded silently and placed a heavy metal object in my hand. I looked down. Lord have mercy, it was a gun.
"You might need it," his accent had totally gone now. It was my turn to nod. We changed and left the apartment. A black BMW was waiting outside.
"We have to go to Segley Warehouse where Joseph will be meeting his dealers and suppliers, they're the people interested in Olivia. Joseph is just doing all of this to spite Tristan, you know. He doesn't care. Worst father ever."
Worse than Liv's? I think not.
"You're very quiet, Sean," Adonis or whoever said, looking at me.
"I have too many questions to word right now so I think I'll try quiet for a while."
"Why don't you just ask me?"
"I don't trust you."
"And why's that?"
"I don't know who the fuck you are and I slept with you, you bastard."
"Whoa there, look I know I didn't tell you a lot of things-"
"More like anything."
"Sorry, continue,"
"Like I was saying, I know I didn't tell you a lot of things but I assure you that none of the feelings I have for you are fake. I still love you, Sean. No matter how this ends, I think I always will." His words filled me with a tingling sensation that I had experienced too many times to recall with just this one man. But a single question irked me and nagged at my insides.
"What is your name?" The guy laughed and shook his head.
"Sorry, sugar lips, can't say,"
"Oh come on! For your love?" I batted my eyelashes jokingly.
"You're hard to resist, Weston."
"I know," I smirked, "now come on and spill already!"
"Alright, my name is John Smith," he said very seriously. I laughed. "What?" He looked bewildered and I sobered up.
"Wait, seriously?" He nodded slowly.
"Holy shit," and I laughed again. John Smith sighed and focused on the road.
"You can call me Adonis if you like,"
"Yeah, I think I like that better John Smith, but somehow I feel like you should be getting with Pocahontas instead of me,"
"You realize that's just the Disney movie right?"
"What? No way!"
"Yeah, in real life she married John Rolphe,"
"Well tie me down and fuck me senseless," he gave me a bland look.
"I'm pretty serious, bud," I said as he looked to the road again.
"You're different Adonis." I said out of nowhere a few minutes later.
"How so?"
"You're just, not the same..."
"Yeah, I think we got that, Sean,"
"Would you look at that, Sean and John," suddenly every conversation I had with John Smith seemed stupid. He was different. He wasn't the Adonis I loved. I had a sinking feeling in my gut.
"I told you to call me Ado-"
"You're not Adonis,"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't think you're the one I fell in love with anymore." The car jerked to a stop.
"What?" His voice was a hoarse whisper.
"I'm sorry,"
"No. No! No, dammit! You can't be leaving me! You're just going to tear out my heart and take everything along with it? How am I so different then who I was just a few damn hours ago, Sean! Why can't you understand that I love you, I love you to heaven, hell, and back. I can't go back and if you leave me I won't even be a person anymore. I'll just be an empty, lonely shell. Is that was you want for us, Sean?" Is words left me stunned and silent.
"Sean?" He whispered.
"No, it's not what I want, I love you Adonis, I'm sorry, I love you so much and I just feel-" he pulled me to him and he kissed me like never before. He was desperate and rough and I loved him for it. I felt needed and loved. He broke the kiss and brought his forehead to mine.
"Don't leave me, not ever. Do you promise?"
"I do, Adonis, I do,"
We finally got to Segley after half an hour but found no one there.
"That's odd," Adonis, John, said.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" He raised a brow.
"Are you trying to insult the FBI?" I held my hands up in defeat.
"Jeez, sorry," he took out a pair of binoculars and started scanning the scene.
"I see some activity over there... That is a... Bugatti Veyron ... Shit, Vanderbilt's car." He gave me the binoculars. Tristan's dad was getting out of the car with Tristan and Olivia gagged and tied up being dragged in by two oafs of men. Looks like the note did a little more than just lead them here. I tried to get out of the car but Adonis stopped me.
"Not yet, αγάπη μου, agapi mou, my love," I melted. We waited for a couple of minutes until the other party showed up. Two very sketchy men got out of a rusty van. Their hair was slicked back and they were smoking cigars and talking. They walked into the warehouse.
"Adonis," I whimpered, "we have to go."
"I know, I know, just get out of the car as quietly as you can." We silently got out of our car and stalked towards the warehouse.
"We have to wait, I'm pretty sure Niall is going to show up in a while but if anything happens between then and now we have to act."
"Who's Niall?"
"Olivia's father,"
"Shit," I said under my breath. Adonis quieted me and we listened into the conversation.
"Do you have the goods?" Hunter said.
"Yeah, we do. You have thee gorl?" The other guys had disgustingly sleazy Russian accents. The son of a bitch nodded. I felt all my blood travel to my face. That man was getting on my last nerve. Adonis put a hand on my back to calm me down. The Russian dude was now examining Liv. He lifted a piece of her hair and ran a finger along her jaw. Tristan was trying to wriggle out of his chair, his face red with effort. The Russian dude bent down and buried his nose in the crook of her neck. Tristan went ballistic.
"Gemompfomha! Gemommmm!!" He tried to speak around is gag. The second Russian dude laughed and kicked Tristan in the stomach. He went silent and limp. Tears streamed out of Liv's hazel eyes.
"Do you vant to come with us, gorl?" Liv frantically shook her head. The guy slapped her. I turned my head away.
"Come on, bitch. If you come with us then the guy doesn't get hurt and we have some fun." I looked back and the first thing I saw was the bulge in the Russian dude's pants. The bastard! At this point Tristan was stirring.
"Jepersompf! JEPERSOMPF!" I didn't get what he said but then it clicked. Jefferson! His body guard. I looked to Adonis.
"Can I take the Beamer for a sec?"
"Backup." He gave me a dubious look but nodded wearily.
"Come back soon. I'll keep watch." I nodded and quickly got into the car. Tristan's house was merely seven miles from the warehouse. I sped through the roads until I reached the gate and I drove through it. The dude could pay for it later. I was saving his ass. I sprinted up the walkway and furiously knocked on the door. A stunned butler opened it.
"Is Jefferson home?" I breathed. He nodded and called him down. The giant of a man came trotting down the hall.
"Well hello, what is it?"
"Tristan, Olivia, trouble!" I struggled to catch my breath. We stumbled into the car and sped back.
"He's going to sell Olivia and Tristan is going to die! This is an emergency but the FBI is on it so no ruckus, got it, big guy?"
"Yes, sir." We silently got out of the car and joined Adonis at the wall.
"Oh Jefferson, what's up?"
"Weren't you Greek just a few weeks ago?"
"Long story, now shh." We all looked through the window.
"Hello, men." A deep voice said from behind. Jefferson and I startled but Adonis smiled.
"Hey Niall,"
"John," I snickered and Niall looked at me.
"Sean," he said, "thank you so much for taking care of her for me."
"You're welcome, but we still have a long talk ahead of us mister,"
"You were always blunt," he said, smirking.
"Yes sir?"
"We're going to need your body mass today."
"Of course, sir." I laughed silently.
"Alright gentlemen, come on out now." A whole team of well built agents came out of nowhere. Niall fed us the plan.
"This is my daughter and her boyfriend we are talking about. I will have no slip ups what-so-ever. If I see even the slightest mistake, you all will be men no more. Is that understood?"
"Yes, sir!" The men said.
"Now let's get in there and stop this once and for all." We spread out, two people to each entrance, and waited for Niall's signal.
"One...two...three...GOGOGO!" We all charged through the doors and pointed out guns to the three criminals.
"Put your hands up!" Niall yelled. They reluctantly lifted their arms. My hand was shaking with the weight of the gun and the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Joseph reached behind him and suddenly pulled out a revolver. He shot and hit one of the men on the team. Just like that, guns went of shooting in random directions. I tried one shot and the kick almost landed me on my ass. Adonis smiled at me.
"You could have told me that you don't have to be shot by a bullet to be killed by a gun!"
"Sorry, babe, just hang in there." I shot again and lived through it, surprisingly. I spotted Niall leaning by Olivia and Tristan and untying them. They stood up and brushed off. I smiled in relief and kept shooting in random directions. I heard a loud "OOPF!" And looked up. Joseph was standing directly in front of my gun and a bullet was stuck in his heart. He collapsed, dead on the floor.  The Russian guys stood cowering in a corner. I stood in shock for a minute. I just killed someone. I shot someone and killed them. But he got what he deserved. And slowly the initial shock wore off. One by one the squad patted me on the back and Adonis kissed me. Finally, Niall walked up with Liv and Tristan trailing behind him.
"You've done a great thing, Sean." He said as he patted me on the back. "Thank you for saving my daughter's life."
"Welcome, Niall," Olivia looked confused at his comment.
"Dad?" Niall smiled and nodded. Tears flooded Liv's eyes and she hugged him. "Why did you leave us?" Niall was crying too.
"I don't know, sweetheart. All I know is that I never should have. I love you and your mom more than anything, okay. More than anything in the universe." They laughed tearily. Tristan smiled and held Olivia's waist.
"And you're him. Tristan Vanderbilt."
"Yes, sir." He smiled. Niall punched is arm and Tristan winced.
"You take good care of my Liv or that arm isn't going to be attached to your body anymore, you hear?" He nodded and laughed as Niall brought him in for a hug. Adonis was beside me and put a hand around my shoulder.
"The sweetness of a happy ending." He said.
"Yep," there was a mess of officers and agents cleaning up the warehouse. Joseph's body was thrown haphazardly on a stretcher.
"He got what he deserved." Tristan said, coming up behind me. "Good job Sean. I don't think I can ever repay you."
"Just take care of Liv for me, will ya?"
"Of course," he laughed and Olivia kissed my cheek.
"Love you, Weston."
"I know," and we all laughed together, draining all of the poison and adrenaline from our systems.

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